Maryland: Baltimore News

Literary Award Number 10 for Give God the Glory! Book Series Author

Multiple-Award Winning Christian Author earns Tenth Literary Award at the 2006 Capital Book Fest Sponsored by The Washington Post - October 29, 2006 - Writing for the Lord Ministries

FSI Tax Settles Two Large Tax Debts for Less than Six Percent

The IRS accepts two OIC offers from Maryland-based tax relief company; both offers were accepted for less than six percent of the original tax debt. - October 23, 2006 - FSI Financial Literacy, Corp.

Free Chocolate Truffles

Travel Truffles recognizes that nearly half of all business travelers are women. has tips on safety, packing, eating, exercising and work-life issues on the go. Travel Truffles also provides information on the latest TSA restrictions and air travel concerns. Travel... - October 19, 2006 - Travel Truffles

Nurse Continuing Education Company Receives Accreditiations

CEU Professor, an internet-based nursing continuing education company, has received two major accreditations. The California Board of Registered Nursing and the Florida Board of Nursing have granted provider approval status to CEU Professor, allowing CEU Professor's courses to be accepted by the nursing boards of all 50 states. - October 14, 2006 - CEU Professor

Signs By Tomorrow is Set to Launch Online Ordering System

New Programs Underscore Signs by Tomorrow’s Dedication to Technology. - October 05, 2006 - Signs By Tomorrow

Debt Settlement Company Announces New President

Debt settlement company hires Six Sigma Black Belt and financial industry veteran as its new president. - October 04, 2006 - Debt Shield, Inc. Launched New Web 2.0 Jobsite for Small Businesses, IT Jobseekers and Independent Consultants has just launched an online portal where jobseekers, employers and recruiters can register free. The new site allows IT jobseekers to post their resumes and gigs at no cost. Employers can also post one free job every month. is the first job site to combine job and gig... - October 03, 2006 - jobCloud

Home Based Business Promoter to Introduce Yet Another Innovation with Release of “Fast Track” Program

Prosperity Automated System (PAS) unveils a new program known as “Fast Track” for their home based business online automated system. The new program went into effect Friday, September 22. - September 23, 2006 -

Taxpayer Protections as IRS Private Collections Begin

FSI Tax Corp informs taxpayers of safety tips, procedures and guidelines concerning the IRS initiative to outsource tax debt collections to third-party private debt collectors. - September 20, 2006 - FSI Financial Literacy, Corp.

Modern Home Based Business Company Introduces Team Concept to Automated System

Against the normal trends of home based busienss marketing, The Universal Dream Team, a group within Prosperity Automated System, has introdused a team concept including forums, video training and conference calls. - September 15, 2006 -

Homebuyers: How to Save Thousands of Dollars When You Buy

"When you analyze those successful homebuyers who have the experience to purchase the home they want for thousands of dollars below a seller’s asking price, some common denominators emerge." - September 08, 2006 - 1st Chesapeake Home Mortgage

How to Avoid the 7 Biggest Mistakes Refinance Shoppers Make

Everyday people turn to a mortgage lender to help them refinance a home loan, but because many of them don't know all of the important issues, they often make incorrect choices or no choice. Some people never refinance their home simply because the process scares them. Fear of the unknown. Or Fear of the already experienced. - September 03, 2006 - 1st Chesapeake Home Mortgage

GeBBS Launches Professional Services National Head Quarters in Baltimore

GeBBS opens a new facility at Baltimore, Maryland. This center will cater to National Professional Services and will be led by Paul Tuma, VP of the Technology Division. - August 29, 2006 - GeBBS Technology Services

Griefshare at Bel Air United Methodist Church in Maryland

Bel Air United Methodist Church will start their fall Griefshare session. - August 25, 2006 - Bel Air United Methodist Church

E.A.R.A. and S.H.M. Offer Luxury Suites to the Entertainment Industry

Easton Academy of Recorded Arts and Strictly Heavy Management offer free VIP guest accomodations to National and Up and Coming touring artists. - July 23, 2006 - Easton Academy of Recorded Arts

IRS Imposes New Offer in Compromise Requirements

Tax resolution company alerts taxpayers of new 20% down payment requirement for Offer in Compromise applications submitted to the IRS. - July 20, 2006 - FSI Financial Literacy, Corp.

Financial Literacy Company Launches Do-It-Yourself Debt Settlement Kit

Do-It-Yourself Debt Settlement kit teaches struggling consumers everything they need to know to successfully negotiate discount settlements with creditors. - June 21, 2006 - National Financial Awareness Network, Inc.

Financial Literacy Company Warns Students of Loan Rate Hikes

Interest rates for federally guaranteed student loans will increase on July 1, but students and graduates can save money by locking in the current low rate through student loan consolidation. - June 12, 2006 - National Financial Awareness Network, Inc.

Author Shares True Life Experience, Up Close and Personal with, Suicide

The Author of “Mama and Us” has written, yet another novel based upon a real life experience, in her new novel, Suicide, The Explosion Within. “A bullet through his head, pierced an arrow through my heart” Although hurt by an estranged wife and seemingly uncaring... - May 29, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

FSI Tax Celebrates One of Its Lowest Tax Debt Settlements

FSI Tax Corp’s Licensed Taxpayer Representative negotiated an Offer in Compromise with the IRS to settle a $31,000 tax debt for only $1,204. - April 29, 2006 - FSI Financial Literacy, Corp.

Tax Settlement Firm Suggests Taxpayers Heed IRS Warning

Tax scams and fraudulent tax protesting claims are circulating the internet. Taxpayers who fall prey to such claims end up in financial and often legal trouble. FSI Tax Corp is urging taxpayers to heed IRS warnings about these claims. - March 30, 2006 - FSI Financial Literacy, Corp. Interviews Marvel Comics Icon Stan Lee Interviews Marvel Comics Icon Stan Lee Senior Editor, Allison Kugel, interviews legendary comic book icon Stan Lee about his life, his career and his new company POW! Entertainment. - March 17, 2006 -

Debt Shield Cautions Taxpayers Against Charging Taxes

Credit card companies are offering incentives to taxpayers. However, charging taxes to your credit card can be an expensive payment method, especially when the IRS offers an installment plan, and often negates any benefits from credit card incentive programs. - March 08, 2006 - Debt Shield, Inc.

Financial Literacy Company Cautions Taxpayers Against Charging Taxes

Credit card companies are offering incentives to taxpayers. However, charging taxes to your credit card can be an expensive payment method, especially when the IRS offers an installment plan, and often negate any benefits from credit card incentive programs. - March 07, 2006 - National Financial Awareness Network, Inc.

Bears In The Forest Are Discovered To Be Aliens, in a New Book by Jill Divine

Read how with trust and belief you can achieve anything, even escaping and triumphing over aliens. - February 04, 2006 - Jill Divine

Maryland Amber Alert Issued for 5 Year Old Hispanic Male - Isaac Hernandez

Maryland Amber Alert Issued for 5 Year Old Hispanic Male - Isaac Hernandez

The Maryland Amber Alert has been canceled. The mother has admitted to fabricating the story to cover up an ongoing relationship with Carlos R. Delcid. The suspect will not be charged. - November 27, 2005 - Project Safekids

NiteLites - The Landscape Lighting Professionals- Welcomes Back Summer Intern Jessica Harris.

NiteLites an industry leader in the low voltage outdoor landscape lighting field specializing in both residential and commercial installations announces the return of Jessica Harris for her second year as a Summer Intern. - May 19, 2005 - NiteLites Outdoor Lighting

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