New York: New York News

CKE Restaurants, Inc. Selects BoeFly to Assist Its Franchisees in Obtaining Bank Financing

Leading restaurant franchisor, parent company of Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. to offer BoeFly’s Concierge Team Services to its franchisees nationwide. - February 28, 2011 - BoeFly

CPX Interactive Debuts New 'Operating System' Messaging

CPX Interactive Debuts New 'Operating System' Messaging

Global Online Ad Network Leverages 'OS' Analogy to Describe Market Position - February 26, 2011 - CPXi

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Website Launched:

Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back Website Launched:

Get Her Back is excited to announce the launch of it's newest relationship repair website, designed to help men everywhere reverse an unwanted breakup. - February 26, 2011 - Get Her Back

9/11 Flipbook Unifies Diverse Personal Experiences and Creates Controversy

9/11 Flipbook Unifies Diverse Personal Experiences and Creates Controversy

Artist Scott Blake aims to perpetuate a continuing dialogue about the 9/11 experience with one controversial project. - February 25, 2011 - Barcode Art

IEEE GLOBECOM 2011 to Focus on “Energizing Global Communications” from December 5 – 9 in Houston, Texas

“Call for Papers” for Premier International Event Ends March 1, 2011 - February 25, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

International Conference April 6 on Deteriorating Condition of Men and Boys

Seeking Solutions to Problems of men and boys Academicians, Researchers and Ad Industry Leaders to focus on male problems at April 6 Conference The program will also be available via the internet to registered participants. Edward M. Stephens, M.D., FMS founder and chair, notes that the... - February 23, 2011 - Foundation for Male Studies

What You Don't Know Can Blind You - What You do Know Can Save Your Sight

What You Don't Know Can Blind You - What You do Know Can Save Your Sight

Comprehensive New Guide for Glaucoma Patients and Their Loved Ones In her new nonfiction, Glaucoma – Patient to Patient: A Guide for You and Your Family (published by iUniverse), accomplished author Edith Marks expounds on her widely read, acclaimed book, Coping With Glaucoma (1997 Avery... - February 22, 2011 - Edith S. Marks

CPX Interactive Transitions Advisors to Board Members

CPX Interactive Transitions Advisors to Board Members

Global Online Ad Network Names Three World Class Entrepreneurs to Newly Formed Board of Directors - February 22, 2011 - CPXi

U Ent and VIRTUAL CITY RADIO, INC Are Sponsoring the Virtual City Radio Mix Tape April 2011

U Ent and VIRTUAL CITY RADIO, INC Are Sponsoring the Virtual City Radio Mix Tape April 2011

Open Mic Performers will be judged and picked to participate on the Virtual City Radio Mix Tape April 2011 - February 20, 2011 - IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC dba 2 HOT 4 AIRWAVES

Antiquorum Important Modern & Vintage Timepieces Auction Hong Kong, February 26, 2011

Antiquorum Important Modern & Vintage Timepieces Auction Hong Kong, February 26, 2011

Antiquorum is delighted to present its upcoming “Important Modern and Vintage Timepieces” to be held on Saturday February 26 at the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong. More than 450 carefully selected timepieces will be offered during this first sale of the year. The preview will be held at... - February 19, 2011 - Antiquorum

New York City Foreclosure Listings in January 2011 Down 59% from January 2010 Levels

New York City Foreclosure Listings in January 2011 Down 59% from January 2010 Levels

The number of new scheduled New York City foreclosure auctions was down 59% in January 2011 compared to January 2010, and was down 4% from December 2010. - February 18, 2011 -

Online Retailer Longshot Apparel Rides Wave of Exploding E-Commerce Retail Sales

Online Retailer Longshot Apparel Rides Wave of Exploding E-Commerce Retail Sales

Longshot Apparel, a new online clothing retailer targeting the tall men’s market, launches its online store against a backdrop of booming ecommerce results. - February 17, 2011 - Longshot Apparel

Answers to Lupus in First of New Webinar Series Presented by New York City’s S.L.E. Lupus Foundation

Answers to Lupus in First of New Webinar Series Presented by New York City’s S.L.E. Lupus Foundation

“Tools for Managing Your Lupus” is February 23rd. - February 17, 2011 - S.L.E. Lupus Foundation Partners with Top Crossword Writer to Develop a New Concept in Content Delivery for Websites Partners with Top Crossword Writer to Develop a New Concept in Content Delivery for Websites

Myles Mellor, one of the world’s top crossword writers, has developed a novel concept for generating traffic to websites and adding to time on site. In partnership with Myles Mellor is now testing the concept with a crossword filled with terminology relating to computer... - February 16, 2011 -

S.L.E. Lupus Foundation: "It's Time for Answers on Lupus in New York City"

S.L.E. Lupus Foundation: "It's Time for Answers on Lupus in New York City"

Foundation Urges New Yorkers with Lupus to Ask Their Doctor About the Just-Launched Manhattan Lupus Surveillance Program. - February 15, 2011 - S.L.E. Lupus Foundation

Open Mic & Artist Showcase Sponsored by U Ent. and Virtual City Radio

Open Mic & Artist Showcase Sponsored by U Ent. and Virtual City Radio

Open Mic at Panache Supper Club is designed to offer lots of publicity to showcase various types of talent. - February 14, 2011 - IN THE VIRTUAL CITY INC dba 2 HOT 4 AIRWAVES

2011 IEEE Online Conference on Green Communications to be Held September 26 – 29, 2011

IEEE ComSoc Emphasizes Need to Reduce Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Hosting Three-Day Event on Energy-efficient Communications & Green Technologies Totally Online - February 11, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

Cell2Get Brings Windows Mobile 7 to Market

Cell2Get Brings Windows Mobile 7 to Market

Cell2Get is offering Windows Mobile 7 handsets this Valentine's Day. - February 10, 2011 - cell2get

A Final Valentine for a Famed Collection on View at Carlton Hobbs Antiques New York Through February 18

A Final Valentine for a Famed Collection on View at Carlton Hobbs Antiques New York Through February 18

For over three decades, museums and moguls alike have sought out Philip Hewat-Jaboor’s discerning eye. When billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg wanted only the finest antiques for his New York mansion, it was to Hewat-Jaboor he turned. While he has helped his very private clients build... - February 10, 2011 - Carlton Hobbs LLC

IEEE WCET® Certification Program Examination to be Held 20 March to 16 April 2011

IEEE ComSoc Launches New Virtual and In-Person Training Programs to Help Professionals Advance Their Knowledge of Wireless Communications. - February 09, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

Smarty Paws Dog Training - Positive Dog Training in New Hyde Park by Helen Del Bove

Smarty Paws Dog Training - Positive Dog Training in New Hyde Park by Helen Del Bove

Specializing in clicker training, Smarty Paws brings positive dog training to the forefront in New Hyde Park and Nassau County with group and private lessons. - February 06, 2011 - Smarty Paws Dog Training

First Demo “Shooting Blocks” from

First Demo “Shooting Blocks” from

AdoreStudio Ltd has published a Demo version of “Shooting Blocks” which can be downloaded from the company's website - February 05, 2011 - AdoreStudio Ltd.

Rockville Creative Produces “Sunkisses” Film for Rebecca Taylor

Film Debuts on Today. - February 05, 2011 - Rockville Pictures Inc.

IEEE CCNC 2011 Highlights Latest Advances in Anytime, Anywhere Consumer Communications & Networking Technologies

Hundreds of International Experts Explore Next Generation of On-Demand Entertainment & Information Systems at 8th Annual Event Held in Conjunction with 2011 CES in Las Vegas. - February 04, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

IEEE GLOBECOM 2010 Explores Latest Advancements in Mobile Interactivity

More than 2,500 Attendees and Record-Setting Number of Presentations Combine to Make the Premier International Meeting the Most Successful in Conference History. - February 04, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

TFI Envision, Inc. Creates Newsletters with a Mission

TFI Envision, Inc. Creates Newsletters with a Mission

After just one year of publication, the Guiding Eyes for the Blind Insights and Special Gifts newsletters have become important tools in their fundraising arsenal. TFI Envision understood that each newsletter’s target audience is different – institutional vs. individual donors – and incorporated Guiding Eyes branding into two distinctly different designs. Both have also helped to increase donations, or simply hold onto donations – retention is a huge challenge for fundraisers everywhere. - February 04, 2011 - TFI Envision, Inc.

DarkBrain Celebrates 1st Birthday with New Products

One year ago, launched an innovative and edgy new website. Since that launch, publisher Andrew Zar and dozens of artists have worked very hard to produce and publish online over 400 pages of serialized graphic novels featuring voice over narration from some of the most renowned adult... - February 04, 2011 - DarkBrain, LLC

Education Online Services Corporation (EOServe Corp.) Announces Educational Partnership with Kentucky State University

Education Online Services Corporation (EOServe Corp.) Announces Educational Partnership with Kentucky State University

Education Online Services Corporation and Kentucky State University announce educational partnership to implement multiple online degree programs. - February 03, 2011 - Education Online Services Corp

Storm Wreaks Havoc for Pets

Storm Wreaks Havoc for Pets

120 million-plus pets deal with the snow, ice and bone chilling weather. Growing number of concerned pet owners, pet advocates and veterinarians are urging people to lay off the salt and try something that is friendlier to dogs to melt ice and snow. - February 03, 2011 - Gaia Enterprises

Tiret Timepieces for New York

Tiret Timepieces for New York

Tiret “Second Chance” Model: A signature tribute to the greatest city in the world. The Chrysler Building is one of the finest buildings in New York as well as the most recognizable building worldwide. Tiret created a limited edition of its “Second Chance” collection... - February 02, 2011 - Tiret New York Reported About Thousands of Free Dental Care Events for Low-Income Patients Reported About Thousands of Free Dental Care Events for Low-Income Patients

Online Dental Health Magazine regularly reports about thousands free dental care events for more than 1.2 million yearly readers. - February 02, 2011 - Dental Health Magazine Launches eBay Search Tools to Identify Last-Minute Bargains and Popular Auction Items Launches eBay Search Tools to Identify Last-Minute Bargains and Popular Auction Items

Award Winning Third-Party Developer Offers Clever New Methods for Identifying Overlooked, or Especially Popular, eBay Listings - February 01, 2011 -

Voicebrook Featured in CAP TODAY Article

Voicebrook Featured in CAP TODAY Article

Article affirms Voicebrook’s leadership in the Pathology speech recognition arena. - January 29, 2011 - Voicebrook, Inc.

IEEE SmartGridComm 2011 Announces April 4, 2011 “Call for Papers” Deadline

2nd Annual Conference Dedicated to the Advance of Global Smart Grid Communications to be held October 17 – 20, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium - January 29, 2011 - IEEE Communications Society

Long Island Country Recording Artist Lisa Matassa Featured on

Long Island Country Recording Artist Lisa Matassa Featured on

Lisa Matassa, pioneer of the Long Island Country sound, is featured in a highly trafficked video segment. - January 28, 2011 - LMA Productions, Inc.

ScanBizCards Announces Version 3.0, Becomes the Most Accurate, Feature-Rich and with the Most Languages Support

ScanBizCards Announces Version 3.0, Becomes the Most Accurate, Feature-Rich and with the Most Languages Support

ScanBiz Mobile Solutions has just released Version 3.0 of its popular productivity app for the iPhone. ScanBizcards is unlike any other business card reader with features usually reserved for full-blown, expensive enterprise CRM applications. Built specifically for the networked web, ScanBizCards 3. - January 27, 2011 - ScanBiz Mobile Solutions L.P.

The Landhauser Group Features Unique Mix of Digital Tools for Sophisticated NY Real Estate Market Retaining Solveris Marketing + Communications as Agency

Manhattan real estate buyers and sellers are the most sophisticated in the world. They are demanding digital initiatives to keep them educated about the ever changing New York City real estate market. - January 27, 2011 - Solveris Marketing and Communications

SocialBooks Software Integrates eBooks and User Generated Content

SocialBooks Software Integrates eBooks and User Generated Content

SocialBooks software brings together eBooks, user generated content, and social media to create a new way to experience books. Zondervan, a division of HarperCollins SocialBooks enabled application in development for iPad and iPhone. - January 25, 2011 - RethinkBooks

Dental Lab Products™ Welcomes Thomas R. Zaleske as New Benchtop Editor

Dental Lab Products™ Welcomes Thomas R. Zaleske as New Benchtop Editor

Advanstar Dental Media is pleased to announce Thomas R. Zaleske as an integral addition to Dental Lab Products’ editorial team as its Benchtop Editor, charged with maintaining a high quality, highly artistic approach to their coverage of the handcrafted tradition still prized in the dental... - January 25, 2011 - Advanstar Communications, Inc.

Bambola Beauty Wins Beauty Award, Shecky’s Names Volcanic Mineral Scrub Best Exfoliant 2010

With over 200 product submissions, Shecky's editors award Bambola Beauty's Volcanic Mineral Scrub as top 2010 exfoliant. - January 25, 2011 - Bambola Beauty

Couples Therapy Program Launched

Nationally recognized, Social Psychologist, Dr. Joan D. Atwood, launches a state of the art Couples Therapy Program. Based on the latest research, this state of the art couples therapy program offers couples methods for resolving issues and enhancing their relationship. - January 24, 2011 - Marriage and Family Therapists of New York

Social Psychologist Launches Anger Management Program

Dr. Joan D. Atwood, President and CEO of Marriage and Family Therapists of New York, launches another ten week state of the art Anger Management Program. In ten weeks, individuals will explore their trigger buttons, and learn the underlying causes of their anger. This program is designed to assist individuals in understanding and resolving their anger issues. A Certificate of Completion is awarded after the ten sessions are completed. - January 24, 2011 - Marriage and Family Therapists of New York

The Secret of Music's New Buzz Kings; Tito Deville Band

The Secret of Music's New Buzz Kings; Tito Deville Band

MTV stars Tito Deville Band have come together to party rock music lovers all across the nation with innovative live performance shows and DJ sets never seen before. - January 22, 2011 - Tito Deville Band

WHCR Radio Personality Ricky Young Hosts Speaker & Author JoAnn Corley for a Special Events Weekend Honoring Dr. King

WHCR Radio Personality Ricky Young Hosts Speaker & Author JoAnn Corley for a Special Events Weekend Honoring Dr. King

In honor of the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King and his speech “I Have a Dream,” Ricky Young, host of the popular WHCR City Colleges of New York radio show “What’s in Your Hand” and JoAnn Corley, Atlanta based motivational speaker & author of the book The 1% Edge... - January 20, 2011 - JoAnn Corley Companies, Inc.

Goodman Beck Publishing Releases Award-Winning Author Dr. Alan Gettis's Highly Anticipated Follow-Up to The Happiness Solution

Goodman Beck Publishing Releases Award-Winning Author Dr. Alan Gettis's Highly Anticipated Follow-Up to The Happiness Solution

Newest Offering Continues Dr. Gettis's Groundbreaking Healing via the Power of Storytelling. - January 20, 2011 - Goodman Beck Publishing

Wershing and Littlechild to Present Webinar "Generating Referrals Perpetually"

Stephen Wershing, president of The Client Driven Practice, and Julie Littlechild, president of Advisor Impact, will be presenting a webinar "Generating Referrals Perpetually" through the investment advisor web community this Friday, January 21, 2011, at 4:00 PM. The... - January 20, 2011 - The Client Driven Practice

MMX Technologies Announces Launch of New Website

MMX Technologies announces the recent launch of, a new social media site dedicated to fitness. - January 20, 2011 - MMX Technologies, LLC

Entertaining First Novel Depicts the Ups and Downs of Life on Craigslist

Entertaining First Novel Depicts the Ups and Downs of Life on Craigslist

My Life on Craigslist by Alexandra Ares sketches a grippingly entertaining satire of today’s mores as reflected on the fifth most popular website in the US and the most uninhibited. A book about survival in dog-eat-dog New York City in a unique blend of angst and humor. - January 19, 2011 - Alexandra Ares

New York City Foreclosure Listings in Q4 2010 Down 32% from 2009 Levels

New York City Foreclosure Listings in Q4 2010 Down 32% from 2009 Levels

The number of new scheduled NYC foreclosure auctions (487) was down 26% in Q4 2010 compared to Q3 2010, and was down 32% from Q4 2009 (712). - January 19, 2011 -

Jersey Shore Writers Boost New Novelist

Guerrilla marketing tactic exploits Jersey Shore's media profile. - January 18, 2011 - Richard Buzzell

Press Releases 7,951 - 8,000 of 10,406