California: San Diego News

Free Wiki Wine Rating Site Let’s Visitors Find the Best Wines in Their Area

Free Wiki Wine Rating Site Let’s Visitors Find the Best Wines in Their Area

WineApe is a “Wiki” style site that collects wine ratings from around the world and summarizes that information into free, easy-to-read reports telling consumers and wineries exactly how people are rating a particular wine, where that wine can be purchased, and for what price. WineApe's innovative technologies give wine lovers around the world more of the information they need to find and enjoy great wines. - September 05, 2007 - WineApe, Inc.

Double FF - Would ya Rock wit Me - Official Release

Double FF - Would ya Rock wit Me - Official Release

With hit singles Why and Power in the rock genre and When I Get There in Rap and hip-hop, it was only a matter of time before Double FF knew the people were going to demand a finished product. - September 05, 2007 - Double FF

New OFCCP Regulations Place Renewed Emphasis on Recruiting Veterans

Companies Must be More Proactive in Considering and Hiring Former Military Personnel - September 04, 2007 -

Leading Online Custom Auto Accessories Firm Marks 10 Years on Internet

In 1997 a San Diego-based company specializing in selling custom auto accessories decided it was time to enter the fast lane on the information superhighway. Now AUTOMEGA® celebrates 10 years on Internet. - August 22, 2007 - Custom Auto Trim and Graphics Inc.

Misunderstanding Sexual Reasoning - Media Reports on Sexuality Study Mislead Public on Why We Have Sex

Television, radio and print media have widely reported on a recent University of Texas at Austin study titled "Why Humans Have Sex" with wide misunderstanding of conclusions reached by researchers. Sex Educator, Dr. Gary Schubach seeks to open a dialogue with mainstream media to extend the conversation beyond the sensationalized headlines to an open and honest discussion of the 287 listed reasons that people have sex. - August 10, 2007 -

Communications USA Donates Two Way Radios to the Jackie Robinson Family YMCA

Communications USA has donated four two way radios (walkie talkies) to the Jackie Robinson YMCA. The donation is in conjunction with the San Diego Building Owners and Managers Association's (BOMA) work party, where San Diego BOMA members teamed to renovate and improve the YMCA facility. The two way... - August 04, 2007 - Communications USA

Carlsbad Company Revolutionizes Sports Equipment Storage

TBONERACKS™, an innovator in sports-equipment storage, announces the availability of the original ceiling-mounted rack designed to store surfboards, longboards, kayaks, snowboards, skis, wake boards and more. “As sports enthusiasts ourselves, we needed a way to safely store our... - August 04, 2007 - TBONERACKS

ConferTel Redefines Operator-Assisted Conferencing with Its Proprietary Virtual Attendant @ Your Service

ConferTel, designed and developed Virtual Attendant, a revolutionary conferencing service for those seeking personalized and customized operator-assisted conferencing capabilities. - July 26, 2007 - ConferTel

SharkDiver.Com CEO Featured on 20th Anniversary of Shark Week

SharkDiver.Com CEO Featured on 20th Anniversary of Shark Week

Discovery Channel's 20th Anniversary of Shark Week features CEO of - July 25, 2007 - Shark Diver

Foreclosure Numbers for San Diego Zip Codes – June 2007

The rapidly growing real estate and foreclosure research company Default Research ( released San Diego County pre foreclosure numbers for June 2007. Listed below are the foreclosure numbers for the zip codes most affected by the national foreclosure problem. Rank ... Zip ... - July 25, 2007 - Default Research Inc

Chassis Plans Introduces the ATXP-965Q Long Life Industrial Motherboard with Intel Core 2 Duo Technology

Chassis Plans Introduces the ATXP-965Q Long Life Industrial Motherboard with Intel Core 2 Duo Technology

Chassis Plans announces the release of a new Core 2 Duo ATX industrial motherboard configured with high performance components on the Intel Embedded Roadmap. The guaranteed five to eight year production life cycle of the PCI Express ATXP-965Q solves the problem manufacturers face with COTS motherboards going end of life every six months. - July 10, 2007 - Chassis Plans

Nation’s 13th Largest Fleet, Salvation Army, Deploys SmartDrive™

SmartDrive Systems Inc™, a leader in driver risk management systems and services, is pleased to announce today that the Salvation Army - which features the 13th largest fleet of vehicles in the country - is deploying the SmartDrive system throughout its west coast fleet. Salvation Army has... - July 10, 2007 - Smartdrive

32nd Anniversary of Nude Recreation Week Taking Off at Clothing Optional Resorts

32nd Anniversary of Nude Recreation Week Taking Off at Clothing Optional Resorts

Every year, Nude Recreation Week reminds people that you can escape the hum drum of boring chain hotel vacations. There are many fascinating and fun nude travel destinations around the world. Pack light and say goodbye to tan lines forever. - July 08, 2007 - The Terra Cotta Inn Clothing Optional Resort and Spa

Local Hypnotist James Kellogg Jr. Performs at Sycuan Casino

A Comedy Hypnosis Show Saturday nights July 2007. This show is rated "H" for Hilarious. - June 30, 2007 - James Kellogg Jr. Amazing Hypnotist

Global Resorts Netwok, An Alternative to Summer School and Timeshares

Global Resorts Netwok, An Alternative to Summer School and Timeshares

College professor and businessman finds a much better alternative to summer than either teaching summer school or visiting timeshares. This smart business both puts money in your pocket as well as helps to keep the money in your pocket. - June 27, 2007 - Global Resorts Network, Clifton Quinn

ElleJet Makes Private Aircraft Travel More Accessible Than Ever

ElleJet Makes Private Aircraft Travel More Accessible Than Ever

Times Are Changing and ElleJet is Leading the Charge - June 06, 2007 - ElleJet Aviation Services

ElleJet Launches Affordable Private Jet Travel

ElleJet Launches Affordable Private Jet Travel

ElleJet Aviation Services began offering one-way pricing on private jets starting Monday, June 4, 2007. “Due to our usage of empty leg flights we are able to provide incredibly reasonable pricing for private jet travel” – said Jason Wilson Assistant Vice President. ElleJet began... - June 05, 2007 - ElleJet Aviation Services

Cams 3.0 Web Single Sign-on and Access Management Solution Ships

Cams 3.0 Web Single Sign-on and Access Management Solution Ships

Cafesoft is now shipping the 3.0 release of the Cafesoft Access Management System (Cams™). This new release of Cams enables web single sign-on and centralized access management across web and application servers such as Apache, IIS, Sun ONE, BEA WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Oracle and Tomcat. - June 05, 2007 - Cafesoft

Fashionable T-Shirt Line Designed by 7 Year Old Girl Which Also Benefits Children’s Charity

Fashionable T-Shirt Line Designed by 7 Year Old Girl Which Also Benefits Children’s Charity

While most 7 year old girls are just learning to put on their own t-shirts, one special girl is busy creating them. Haley Schmidt at just 7 years old might be the youngest t-shirt designer in the country with her new line of fashionable children’s t-shirts titled HaleyBopTees. For certain... - May 25, 2007 - HaleyBop Creates the “Jenna Jameson Endorses Hillary Clinton” Story with Its Groundbreaking Jenna Jameson Interview Creates the “Jenna Jameson Endorses Hillary Clinton” Story with Its Groundbreaking Jenna Jameson Interview’s interview with Jenna Jameson creates nationwide headlines and late-night television material. - May 21, 2007 -

RJ’s Word Processing Services Announces the Addition of Real Estate Virtual Assistant (REVA) Services

RJ’s Word Processing Services is now offering Virtual Assistant Services to Real Estate Professionals. - May 21, 2007 - RJ's Word Processing Services

Top 10 Extreme Vacations 2007 – SharkDiver.Com Awarded with Honor

Top 10 Extreme Vacations 2007 – SharkDiver.Com Awarded with Honor

Shark Diver Picked by as Top 10 Extreme Vacation Provider - May 04, 2007 - Shark Diver

Unique Eyelid Tonometer – Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometry is Featured at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium and Congress ASCRS by BiCOM Inc.

Unique Eyelid Tonometer – Diaton Transpalpebral Tonometry is Featured at American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium and Congress ASCRS by BiCOM Inc.

BiCOM is showcasing its unique Transpalpebral (through the Eyelid) Tonometer Diaton to the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Symposium and Congress, hosted by the city of San Diego. Diaton tonometer is the only device on the market that can be used shortly after LASIK or PRK surgeries. Three speakers with presentations on the advantages of through the Eyelid tonometery will present at the ASCRS. - April 28, 2007 - DevelopAll Inc

Unprecedented Shark Encounters-Tiger Beach Shark Diving 2007

Unprecedented Shark Encounters-Tiger Beach Shark Diving 2007 answers the question-how many sharks are too many sharks? - April 27, 2007 - Shark Diver Announces New Press Release Distribution Enhancements Including Yahoo News Announces New Press Release Distribution Enhancements Including Yahoo News continues to provide the highest level of service and press release distribution enhancements with these new features: distribution to Yahoo News; File Attachments; PDF Version of the Press Release; enhanced distribution by Industry Distribution Channels and Regional Distribution Channels; Social Bookmarking; and more. - April 16, 2007 -

ThinkFree Releases Plug-in for Viewing Microsoft Office Documents in WordPress without the Need Office

ThinkFree Releases Plug-in for Viewing Microsoft Office Documents in WordPress without the Need Office

WordPress Adds ThinkFree Viewer to Plugin Directory - April 06, 2007 - ThinkFree, Corp.

OPT Announces the New Meade mySKY Personal Sky Navigator

OPT Announces the New Meade mySKY Personal Sky Navigator

The new Meade mySKY is an innovative new astrononomy product from Meade Instruments. This interactive, multi-media, hand-held guide to the universe automatically locates and identifies celestial objects in the night sky using the latest in electronic technology. Featuring a full-color LCD screen and the added ability to control a Meade computerized telescope, the Meade mySKY is clearly unlike anything else on the market. - April 05, 2007 - OPT Telescopes

Core Systems Announces its RAPTOR-R4361 Integrated 14 Slot 4U Enclosure that Meets MIL-STD-167-1 and MIL-S-901D

Core Systems announces today that it now offers 14 Slot 4U integrated enclosure that meets MIL-STD-167-1 and MIL-S-901D - March 17, 2007 - Core Systems

Core Systems Announces Its MCR1519 15" LCD with MIL-STD-167-1 and MIL-S-901D

Core Systems announces today that it now offers a rugged 1U 15” display and keyboard that meets MIL-STD-167-1 and MIL-S-901D requirements. The Core Systems MCR1519 1U 15”display LCD Product meets The Shock and Vibration Tests performed on 9N206-1 cabinets, compliance with... - March 17, 2007 - Core Systems

Mexico Passes Shark Finning Ban, New Protections for Great White, Whale and Basking Sharks, Manta Rays

Mexico Passes Shark Finning Ban, New Protections for Great White, Whale and Basking Sharks, Manta Rays

Broad Shark Protections Enacted In Mexico - Standard Rule NOM-029-PESC-2006 - March 05, 2007 - Shark Diver

Core Systems Now Offers a 16 Slot PICMG 1.3 PCIe Backplane

Core Systems Now Offers a 16 Slot PICMG 1.3 PCIe Backplane

Core Systems now offers a new 16 Slot PICMG 1.3 PICe Backplane. First to market with six x8 PCI Express slots, eight x4 PCI Express slots, and two PCI-X slots. ROHS compliant. - March 01, 2007 - Core Systems

Core Systems Inc. Announced Today it Now Offers the Long Life Raptor-L4342 4U Rack-mount with Long-life Motherboards to Deliver High Processing Power

Core Systems is a premier provider of complete integrated systems for the Industrial, Embedded, Military and Communications marketplaces. Core Systems currently design, manufacture and customize open system platforms to meet the demanding requirements of their customers' programs, using both standard and enhanced Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technology. - February 27, 2007 - Core Systems

Home Invasion Robberies: Kidnapping and Hostage Taking in America

Home invasion robberies, families being kidnapped and held hostage for ransom, are becoming more common and no one, even a southern California billionaire, is exempt. - February 09, 2007 - Michelle Renee

KESDEE Launches E-learning Course on Mutual Funds

KESDEE recently developed a comprehensive e-learning course library on Mutual Funds with 10 courses. The course provides an overall understanding of how equity & bond fund portfolios are managed. The courses are targeted at entry-level analysts, institutional salespersons, traders, portfolio managers and individual investors. - February 07, 2007 - KESDEE Inc.

JAJAH and Pageflakes Launch Widget to Make VoIP Easier Than Ever Before

Users can now start free web-activated phone calls without leaving their browser startpage. - February 06, 2007 - JAJAH Inc.

Aonix Shatters Ada Price Barrier for Linux

Eclipse-based ObjectAda for Linux Available with No-Cost Licensing - February 01, 2007 - Aonix

Scuba Travel - Explosive Growth - California Great White Sharks

San Diego shark diving fleet faces unprecedented growth in White Shark Eco-Tourism. - January 26, 2007 - Shark Diver

More Success for Aspiring Authors at Southern California Writers’ Conference

Founded and run by professional authors devoted to addressing the needs of writers of every level, the Southern California Writers’ Conference has facilitated over $3 million worth of first-time book and screen over the past 21 years.  Renowned for its unique mix of read & critique... - January 26, 2007 - Southern California Writers' Conference

Chassis Plans Introduces the ATXP-945G Long Life Industrial Motherboard with Intel Duo-Core Technology

Chassis Plans releases a state of the art dual core ATX industrial motherboard designed with components on the Intel Embedded Roadmap. The guaranteed five to eight year production life cycle of the PCI Express ATXP-945G solves the problem manufacturers face with COTS motherboards going end of life every six months. - January 24, 2007 - Chassis Plans

U.S. Financial Management Donates to the San Diego Food Bank

U.S. Financial Management, a well-known debt settlement company, contributes food and money to the San Diego Food Bank during the holiday season. - January 18, 2007 - U.S. Financial Management, Inc.

Create and Sell Your Energy Drinks

Learn how to develop, bottle, market, sell and distribute your Energy Drink Beverage. - January 17, 2007 - Liquid Brands Management, Inc.

CVS/ Pharmacy Charitable Trust and KIT Open Doors to Children with Disabilities

Kids Included Together (KIT) Receives $30,825 Grant from CVS/pharmacy Charitable Trust. The new partnership will increase access to out-of-school time programs for children with disabilities in North County San Diego. - January 11, 2007 - Kids Included Together

eGain Named Product of the Year Award Winner for Fifth Year in a Row by Customer Interaction Solutions Magazine

eGain Service 7.6 recognized for delivering quality, excellence, and ROI to customers - January 10, 2007 - eGain Corporation

Arte De La Calle Costa Rica

Vegitation Will Spread Its Roots To Costa Rica. - January 09, 2007 - vegitation

Richard Villasana, Good Samaritan and Accident Victim, to be Honored at the San Diego Public Library’s 41st Annual Local Authors Exhibit

Richard Villasana, President of Marketing To Mexico, will be an honoree at the 41st Annual Local Authors Exhibit Jan. 27, 2007. The exhibit will recognize local authors who published a book in 2006. An International Speaker and Expert on Mexico Business Practices, Richard was involved in a terrible auto accident in February 2006 while helping two women stranded along the I-805 near Mission Valley. As he learned to walk again, he wrote his new book, "Insiders Guide to Doing Business in Mexico". - January 08, 2007 - Marketing To Mexico

CTI Launches Improved Website

CTI is pleased to announce the launch of its redesigned website ( ). The new website features improved navigability and easier access to information on new CTI products and services. They are excited to share this new look and functionality with their customers and will be... - January 05, 2007 - Corrugated Technologies Inc.

Securigy Launches New Web Site

Securigy, a global provider of network security and management solutions, today announced launch of its full eCommerce web site. Among the products offered at discount prices are all-in-one leading security suites from the industry brand names such as eEye Digital Security, Panda Software and McAfee. The offerings target both Small and Medium-Size Businesses and Enterprises. - January 03, 2007 - Securigy

21 CFR Consulting Adds Compliance Products to Their Offering, a First in the Regulatory Compliance Consulting Industry

21 CFR Consulting, the leading provider of software compliance services for the life science industry, announced today release of their new ASK, HIRE, and DOCUMENT compliance product line. With these “do it yourself” compliance tools, it is expected that new and existing 21 CFR... - January 01, 2007 - 21 CFR Consulting, LLC

Energy Independence is Within America’s Grasp – Could a Ruthless Executive Prevent This from Happening?

A Romanov Returns is a fast paced novel dealing with the current energy needs of America and the political realities of global markets. - December 20, 2006 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Nobel Voted “Best Prepaid Phone Card” by Kiplinger’s Magazine

Nobel was voted the “Best Prepaid Phone Card” by the members of “Kiplinger’s” Magazine in their first “Best List” report. - December 20, 2006 - Nobel Ltd

Press Releases 2,301 - 2,350 of 2,462