Create a Lifestyle Change with Emotional Fitness Coaching

Emotional Fitness Coaching removes the emotional obstacles that prevent people from achieving their fitness and nutrition goals. Make attainable and sustainable changes in habits and attitudes for long-term weight loss and a healthy lifestyle.

Annapolis, MD, June 08, 2006 --( Passion for Life Coaching, a personal life coaching practice, offers Emotional Fitness Coaching to help individuals overcome the emotional roadblocks that interfere with achieving fitness and nutrition goals. This new approach increases self-awareness of eating habits and how food is used as an emotional support. Resolving these issues promotes long-term success and lifestyle change.

In our society, food surrounds most life events. Birthdays, weddings, bar mitzvahs, holidays, even funerals involve food. We learn to celebrate life’s victories with food. We also learn to medicate life’s stressors and tragedies with food. Food becomes an emotional support –a way to soothe, comfort, treat, and reward ourselves.

Emotional Fitness Coaching addresses the underlying struggles experienced in losing weight and creates a lifestyle change instead of producing a temporary fix with a fad diet. Clients examine the reasons why they eat, why they experience cravings and how food plays a role in self-care.

People often lose weight by following a meal or exercise plan. Once they achieve their goal, they stop following the plan only to regain the lost weight and then some. Why? Most people adopt a diet or exercise plan as a means to an end and not as a lifestyle change. They are capable of following the plan to achieve their goal, but have not learned how to cope with emotions, stressors and “unapproved” foods that can inhibit lasting changes.

“Many of my clients know they eat for emotional reason but do not know how to change those behaviors and responses. I coach then to increase their awareness and teach them how to break the dieting cycle,” says life coach, Suzette Langley, MSW.

When food no longer occupies the role of self-soother and de-stresser, maintaining healthy eating habits becomes less of a struggle. Langley encourages clients to make small, attainable and sustainable changes in diet and exercise. When clients achieve those goals, they feel capable, successful and motivated to set their next goal. As an added benefit, they improve self-esteem and develop new habits that will last a lifetime.

To find out more about Emotional Fitness Coaching and how a life coach can help you achieve your goals, or for details on workshops, lectures and individual sessions, contact Suzette Langley at 410-757-7326.

Passion for Life Coaching
Suzette Langley