Prenatal Dance Fitness DVD

Prenatal Dance Fitness is a transformational wellness program safe for pregnancy, combining breath work, visualization, yoga, labor prep, mindful movement, graceful dance, energy work, baby bonding and relaxation. The DVD is easy to follow for those who are beginners and supportive and refreshing for those who are fitness enthusiasts, moms-to-be will feel balanced, beautiful and graceful as their belly grows and prepare for labor when the big day arrives.

Prenatal Dance Fitness DVD
Los Angeles, CA, May 08, 2009 --( “Women have danced to prepare for labor and celebrate birth for centuries.”

Prenatal Dance Fitness DVD

Jennifer Jimenez, certified prenatal fitness specialist, professional dancer and experienced Mother of three, has created one of the most dynamic prenatal fitness DVD’s in years. You will be inspired by Jennifer’s Story of how she overcame a 50 hour Traumatic Labor with her first baby, to accomplish the labor and delivery of her dreams.

Prenatal Dance Fitness is a transformational total wellness program for pregnancy.

The answers to these common pregnancy questions revealed …

- How to have the birth of your dreams.
- How to bond with my baby in the womb.
- How to minimize weight gain during pregnancy.
- How to relax while in pain.
- What is the most important ingredient for an easier labor?
- What’s missing from today’s deliveries?
- How to feel beautiful and awaken your inner Goddess while pregnant.
- How to use energy to heal.
- How to love your body.

With her first baby, Jennifer Jimenez was convinced as a professional dancer and fitness expert that she was going to have a very easy labor. She was shocked when despite her studies and professional training, she suffered a traumatic labor lasting two and half days. As she looked around her at her generation’s starter moms, she noticed; an escalating C section rate, more women turning to epidurals, and a general disconnect with women her age giving birth.

Jennifer realized she needed to find the tools that could lead her and other women to an easier pregnancy and the beautiful birth of their dreams. Her personal quest led her to Dance Therapy and the Healing Movement Arts. This is where she learned to love and trust her body on a whole new level. Learning these techniques enabled her to accomplish the birth of her dreams. Her second labor lasted 2 Hours and her third only 90 Minutes, with fast and easy recoveries.

The release of “Prenatal Dance Fitness” is really the launch of a new mindset for pregnancy and birth. Jennifer empowers women in this DVD to follow their body’s inner wisdom, which is different from conventional fitness. Jennifer says, “The more women can feel how their body wants to move from the inside out, the better they will be at dealing with the challenges of labor.

“Prenatal Dance fitness” is a total wellness program for pregnant women using a fusion fitness approach combining; Breath Work, Visualization, Yoga, Labor Prep, Graceful Dance, Energy Work, Baby Bonding and Relaxation.

About Jennifer Jimenez:
Certified Prenatal Fitness Instructor, Dancing Thru Pregnancy®, Inc, with Founder/Director: Ann Cowlin, Yale University Athletic Department and professional dancer and experienced mother of three. Jennifer teaches “Dance as a Healing Art” to people of all ages and physical abilities internationally. She currently teaches Prenatal Dance Fitness at Yo Mama Yoga Studio in Santa Monica, CA.

Prenatal Dance Fitness:
By Jennifer Jimenez
On Sale Now / $19.95 / DVD

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PR Consultant
Susan Gordon
Prenatal Dance Fitness DVD

Prenatal Dance Fitness DVD

Prenatal Dance Fitness is a transformational wellness program safe for pregnancy, combining breath work, visualization, yoga, labor prep, mindful movement, graceful dance, energy work, baby bonding and relaxation.
