Beginners Walk/Run First 5K, 10K Half Marathon Training Schedule with Christian-Fitness Program

Training for a 5K, 10K or half marathon is a great way to lose weight, Bonnie Mechelle lost 20 pounds during the training for her first half marathon. BPI is a unique coaching system that is perfect for New Year resolutions, and for people who want a positive change.

Atlanta, GA, November 19, 2011 --( Identity Coach, Becky Harmon and Christian Wellness Coach, Bonnie Mechelle has published a new faith-based coaching system called Bold Physical Identity (BPI) to teach people how to run their first 5K, 10K and Half Marathon. BPI is an e-book comprised of written chapters and accompanying videos to take readers step-by-step through a spiritual, mental and physical training process.

Becky Harmon is the President of Success NOT Sabotage and she coaches Christians on how to have a bold identity in business, ministry and personal life. She’s overcome depression, self-sabotage and identity theft for over one million dollars. One of the ways that Becky attained success in her life was to set a physical goal for herself. A friend challenged her to train for a half marathon, and she’s been running races ever since.

Bonnie Mechelle is the Executive Producer of 860 AM Healthtopia Radio™ and the creator of the Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Coaching Program for Women. Bonnie has overcome her own battles with compulsive eating, depression and 100+ pounds with prayer and faith in God. She had recently given birth to her second child and was working to lose her postpartum pounds when she met Becky Harmon.

Becky challenged Bonnie to do a half marathon, and they both have committed to make running 5K, 10K and half marathon races a lifestyle. The creation of Bold Physical Identity is their way of paying it forward and blessing others with an opportunity to be challenged to run.

In this BPI system, Becky shares her personal experiences of growing up in an alcoholic home and how it affected her ability to believe in herself. She goes into great detail of how to spiritually grow out of self-limiting beliefs and blast past the self sabotaging behaviors that cause repeated failure and feelings of incompetence.

Each chapter ends with coaching questions for journaling and a powerful prayer to increase the reader’s faith. Bold Physical Identity also covers:

What to eat before running
How to prevent injury
What to do if you get sick (or injured)
Tips to give you better rest at night
How to build mental toughness
How to be consistent and not give up
How to channel stress and make if work for you
How to be consistent
How to run a half marathon for charity
How to run a half marathon to build a business

Training for a 5K, 10K or half marathon is a great way to lose weight, co-author, Bonnie Mechelle lost 20 pounds during the training for her first half marathon. BPI is a unique coaching system that is perfect for New Year resolutions, and for people who want a positive change in their lives. “This has had a positive impact on every area of my life! Running the half-marathon has made me feel like a Rock Star Super Women! I actually ran 13 miles…” said Cassandra Seymour who used the Bold Physical Identity program.

Read more testimonials and learn more about the Bold Physical Identity program. It is available for immediate download at ( Becky Harmon and Bonnie Mechelle are available for TV and radio interviews, please send request to or call 888.509.8450 Ext 1.

Victory Steps Christian Weight Loss Coaching
Bonnie Mechelle