Recent Headlines
Desert Speed School Announces New Training Program
High-Powered Strength Training Programs Offered at Desert Sports and Fitness - December 29, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Grow Your Tyson Sports Franchise into a 1 Million Dollar Business
Grand Master Lyons, former 5 Time World Martial Arts Champion, will be franchising Tyson Sports Martial Arts & After School Program World Wide. Learn how to grow your Tyson Sports Franchise into a 1-million dollar a year business. Master Lyons also ownes a Sports, Trophy/Medal & Martial... - December 27, 2006 - Tyson Sports
Desert Speed School Announces New Training Program
Pure Speed Training Programs Offered at Desert Sports and Fitness - December 18, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Desert Speed School Named Official Strength and Conditioning Specialists of Arizona Heat
Professional Softball Team Trains in Tucson - October 31, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Michigan Overtakes Ohio State in the Ultimate Sports Network's College Football Rankings
This release is intended to announce the results of the weekly USN College Football Rankings. It will list the top ten teams in college football as well as list the college conference rankings. It also gives information on how the rankings were computed as well as contact information for Ultimate Sports Enterprises. - October 24, 2006 - Ultimate Sports Network
Desert Speed School Names Athletic Performance Director
Murray Hicks to Oversee Training - October 16, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Desert Speed School Now Open
Athletic Performance Training Available for Athletes of All Skill Levels - October 06, 2006 - Desert Speed School
Yoga Studio Owners: Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Growth
Al Lipper, Owner and Founder of 'Destiny: Success', a yoga studio business coaching company based in San Luis Obispo, CA, announces the new program release Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Business Growth for October 2006. The focus of the workshop session is how to expand your studio business and live... - September 27, 2006 - Destiny: Success
Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Growth: Business Strategies for Studios
Al Lipper, Owner and Founder of 'Destiny: Success', a yoga studio business coaching company based in San Luis Obispo, CA, announces the new program release Accelerate Your Yoga Studio Business Growth for September 2006. The focus of the workshop session is how to expand your studio business and... - September 11, 2006 - Destiny: Success
Fast Weight Loss - How Can I Lose Weight Fast?
Is fast weight loss possible? Http:// owners Tony & Molli Rathstone say, probably not at the rate that everyone would wish. Fast weight loss means losing weight at any cost. At most 1-2 pounds a week of Fat loss is optiminal for the human body. Tony & Molli... - August 08, 2006 - Inland Empire Adventure Boot Camp
Bushikai Martial Arts Encourages all Families to Burglar Proof their Homes this Summer
Following simple tips can protect your home from burglars while you are away on vacation this summer. - June 09, 2006 - Bushikai Martial Arts
Local Martial Arts School Honors Mothers With Mother’s Day Pledge
Judo Students at Bushikai Martial Arts in Frederick, Maryland honor their mothers by reading and signing a pledge to keep up their schoolwork and help keep their homes neat and clean. - May 13, 2006 - Bushikai Martial Arts
Make a Party out of Belly Dancing with Magnificent Art of Belly Dance for Extra-Ordinary Women
Northern Virginia's most unique personal fitness studio is launching a new business venture - Belly dance parties, workshops, and performances. - May 03, 2006 - Social Media Maxima, Inc.
Atlanta Skydiving Center Supports the Community, Offering Young People Healthy Lifestyle Choices to Promote Positive Youth Development
Located near Atlanta, GA, Atlanta Skydiving Center, one of the nation’s premier skydiving centers, supports the community by offering young people healthy activity options to promote positive development. - March 01, 2006 - Atlanta Skydiving Center
Ultimate Sports Enterprises Announces the $100,000 Ultimate Tailgate Competition
The Ultimate Tailgate Competition will be held in Las Vegas, NV on Saturday July 22nd. There will be a grand prize of $100,000 and several minor prizes as well as a drawing for a 2006 Fleetwood Southwind. - February 23, 2006 - Ultimate Sports Network
Indian Gurus and Unsafe Yoga Camp
While a noble effort by Indian gurus to revive the whole concept of yoga is praiseworthy, however the yoga sessions for health related problems for 30000 people in a camp and through TV without checking their medical conditions and without supervision are not safe. - January 30, 2006 - Indian Foundation for Scientific Yoga and Stress Management Announces New Internet Marketing Partner Self Defense-Protection-Safety Seminars has hired a new internet marketing partner - November 22, 2005 - I Can Karate
Bringing Their Passion Online
Bringing their passion online! Already known as a reputable fitness center in Sittingbourne, Peak Physique is now boasting of a website that is deemed to be a one-stop fitness and health supplements website with more than 3,000 health and fitness products online before the year is over. - October 28, 2005 - Peak Physique Fitness Center
Father of American Judo to Teach Weekend Seminar in Frederick, Maryland
Phillip Porter, 81 year old Martial Arts expert and 10th degree Black Belt in Judo, will lead a weekend seminar at the Bushikai Bugei Dojo in Frederick, Maryland. October 8th and 9th, O-Sensei Porter will show the students at Bushikai Martial Arts why he is called the father of American Judo. - August 15, 2005 - Bushikai Martial Arts
Personal Safety Information Sites Available at announces Free Access directory of the most visited Personal Safety Sites. - August 01, 2005 - I Can Karate
Sleep Like Napoleon
In Scientific sleep, you sleep but you are still aware. It is a systematic method of entering into physical, mental and emotional relaxation. Amid all the stress (the second largest cause of sickness in the UK) of London's 24-hour city, the emphasis of Scientific sleep is to relax in Scientific Way, an approach developed by Subodh Gupta (Corporate Yoga Trainer) over the years. - July 07, 2005 - Indian Foundation for Scientific Yoga and Stress Management
Bushikai Martial Arts Moves to Downtown Frederick, MD
The Bushikai Bugei Dojo, long recognized as a leader in the Classical Martial Arts of Japan, has relocated to 1209-H N. East Street in Frederick. - June 01, 2004 - Bushikai Martial Arts