Myinternetbusiness Formally Introduces Business Center 2.0 by has completed phase two of five, and long behold, it was worth the wait. With their new and unique outlook on how people communicate through marketing, Myinternetbusiness have discovered a new way to build relationships through their strategies and techniques. Now, just for... - November 26, 2008 -

My Internet Business Entrepreneur Introduces God on Website by, an internet business website, has created a new marketing strategy to implement Faith while marketing My Internet Business. An unusual internet marketing concept, but he believes that God will bless him. - November 25, 2008 -

How Synegys Helps Companies - Growing by Cutting Costs

Saving Money, Increasing Sales and Exploring Opportunities - November 25, 2008 - Synegys Releases November 2008 List of the Top Free Press Release Distribution Sites

As world economy contracts, businesses use press releases as an alternative to costly advertising, driving up popularity of news release distribution services. - November 24, 2008 -

Learn How to Write Web Copy and Develop an Online Marketing Strategy with American Writers & Artists Inc.’s “Wealthy Web Writer”

Receive free weekly tips and special report “7 Ways to Optimize Your Homepage.” - November 23, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc. is Launching a New Direct Mail Service That Places Customer Relation Management Tools Directly in the Hands of Small Business Owners for Free is offering free CRM and Marketing services that have never been offered for free before. This is huge for the small business community. - November 22, 2008 -

Hollister Creative Logo Design Wins Davey Award for Exelon’s Kennett Square Environmental Council

Hollister Creative, the Philadelphia area graphic design and editorial services firm, has won a 2008 International Davey Award for logo design. The winning logo was created for Exelon Power Team’s Kennett Square Environmental Council, an organization formed by Exelon employees on the... - November 20, 2008 - Hollister Creative

Michael Romanies Appointed Business Solutions Blogger for

Michael Romanies has recently been selected to be a business solution Blogger for the leading small business information portal. - November 19, 2008 - FUEL Marketing and Sales

LegaliMarketing: How Law Firms Can Survive Market Turbulence

London based iMarketing Advantage introduces a pioneering online club: LegaliMarketing. This internet marketing portal for legal professionals such as lawyers would help them increase client base and revenues. - November 18, 2008 - iMarketing Advantage Ltd

Hollister Kids Works with Education Foundation on Year-Long Literacy Project for City Schools

Hollister Kids, the educational division of Hollister Creative, was chosen this fall to work with Michigan’s Skillman Foundation to create a weekly magazine to promote literacy and reading among elementary students in Detroit schools. The program is a partnership between The Skillman... - November 16, 2008 - Hollister Creative

LegaliMarketing Assists Aspiring Law Students in Their Endeavours

London based iMarketing Advantage introduces a pioneering online club: LegaliMarketing. This internet marketing portal for legal professionals such as lawyers would help them increase client base and revenues. - November 15, 2008 - iMarketing Advantage Ltd

Business Social Networking Profiles Built on Linkedin, Naymz and AboutUs by Michigan-Based Ingenex Digital Marketing

Ingenex, a Michigan-based digital marketing firm, recently launched a new business social network – The Social Harbor team is building professional online profiles for businesses – including Linkedin profiles. Social Harbor is Business Social Networking. Optimized. - November 14, 2008 - Ingenex Digital Marketing

Cydcor Employees Donate to Pre-Holiday Food Drive

Team members of leading global provider of outsourced, face-to-face sales teams give groceries and hygiene products during economy slump. - November 12, 2008 - Cydcor

New Direct Mail Website Allows Users to Create, Deliver, and Track Their Next Campaign from Their Desktop

In Under 10 Minutes, Businesses Can Now Create, Deliver, and Track Their Direct Mail from Their Desktop with Postcard Marketing Group's New Interactive Website. - November 10, 2008 - Postcard Marketing Group Announces the Release of Their New Podcast "Boost Your Knowledge On the Direct Marketing Industry"

Postcard Marketing Group who manages the website and helps small businesses and realtors take control of their direct marketing campaigns have just announced the release of their podcast. The podcast can be listened through Itunes later this month and through most major... - November 10, 2008 - Postcard Marketing Group

CNI College Partners with WebMetro to Deploy New Website and Conversion-Driven Video Content

Leading Internet marketing agency WebMetro redesigns and develops CNI College's new website with interactive video content. - November 08, 2008 - WebMetro

Rebecca Matter Named Co-Managing Partner of American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI)

Experienced marketer helps entrepreneurs learn profitable skills to work from home and enjoy financial independence. - November 08, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc.

That’s Great PR Expands Product Offerings to Better Serve Customers

That’s Great PR, an innovative press release writing and distribution service, announces new package pricing, giving companies exposure to over 100,000 news outlets at one low price. - November 07, 2008 - That's Great PR

LegaliMarketing Welcomes New Generation of Law Students

London based iMarketing Advantage introduces a pioneering online club: LegaliMarketing. This internet marketing portal for legal professionals such as lawyers would help them increase client base and revenues. - November 06, 2008 - iMarketing Advantage Ltd

American Writers & Artists, Inc. (AWAI) Expose Their Top 5 Recession-Proof Careers to Start Now

Popular home-study programs publisher lists in-demand jobs during tough economy. - November 05, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc.

Integrated Marketing - Getting Past the Competitive Clutter; Dallas/Ft. Worth American Marketing Association

From brainstorming to execution, integrating all aspects of your marketing campaigns is key to increasing your sales. Enter B2B expert Julia Pitlik, Senior Director Marketing Communications at Fujitsu, who will share her successes in getting past the clutter at the D/FW American Marketing Association’s Executive Luncheon, held Wednesday, Nov. 19th, 2008. - November 03, 2008 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

Dan Moody Revamps the Dan Moody School of Business and Adds Employment Opportunities to Their Venue

The Dan Moody School of Business helps Business owners connect the dots between starting a business venture, incorporating, seizing the tax breaks and becoming proficient in online marketing. - November 03, 2008 - The Moody Group, LLC

Hollister Kids Completes 8-Month Education Project for National Constitution Center in Philadelphia

Hollister Kids ( has completed an eight-month education project exploring politics and the U.S. Constitution for the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia. The project, created with the News In Education program of The Philadelphia Inquirer, included two education... - November 02, 2008 - Hollister Creative

Madison Company Solves Last Minute Marketing Crisis

Madison-based Junior’s Promotions today launched The website specializes in 24 hour turnaround for promotional products. Companies now have a place to turn for promotional products - and in short order. - November 02, 2008 - Junior's Promotions

Teague Marketing to Rebrand the Laser Industry’s Premier International Conference

Laser Institute of America (LIA), the international society for Laser Applications and Safety, has selected Teague Marketing to rebrand the organization’s largest worldwide conference. The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) brings together the... - October 31, 2008 - Teague Marketing

iWorld Media Unveils New Search Engine Ranking Optimization Package

In the face of a downtrodden economy, many small business owners are turning to the Internet as a way to stay competitive. iWorld Media recently unveiled a new package aimed helping small business compete in the global information market. - October 31, 2008 - Iworld Media

Steven H Creative Launches New Website Stressing Their Rethink. Create. Impact That Produces the Results, Approach.

Redefining Steven H Creative and its creative design & internet marketing services with the launch of its new website that provides straight-to-the-point insight about their services and a stunning visual communication curiosity fulfillment with the presentation of their portfolio of works. - October 29, 2008 - Steven H Creative

Discover Skilled Freelance Copywriters at AWAI Job Fair 11/14/08, Delray Beach Marriott Hotel

American Writers & Artists, Inc. helps business owners hire freelancers to save time, money and hassle. - October 29, 2008 - American Writers & Artists, Inc.

iContact Chooses Dancing Elephants for Sales Training

iContact chooses Dancing Elephants Achievement Group for training of their sales team. Dancing Elephants was chosen based on their focus on ethics and sound sales fundamentals. - October 29, 2008 - Dancing Elephants Achievement Group

New Search Tool for the Fashion Industry Unveiled: is the leading search engine for the international fashion industry. combines world-class search technology with one-of-a-kind search tools to help people get what they are looking for faster. Formed in 1996, the company has experienced steady growth and currently has 215,000 unique users a month and over 75,000 opt in newsletter subscribers. - October 26, 2008 - infomat

Messamigos Launches Christmas card MMS

Messamigos' new concept is an environmentally friendly and easy way to reach your customers with Christmas cards in Sweden. - October 26, 2008 - Messamigos

Strategic Marketing Portal in Testing Phase

A Strategic Marketing Portal is being developed and tested by Winn Technology Group. - October 24, 2008 - Winn Technology Group

CPX Interactive COO Adds “President” to His Title

CPX Interactive COO Adds “President” to His Title

Global online ad network, CPX Interactive, announces Rob Rasko as new President, as well as other senior management team developments. - October 22, 2008 - CPXi

New International Press Release Pages Added to a press release syndication directory online announced today the launch of country specific pages dedicated to serving local based news online. - October 22, 2008 - Adcidia™

New Bloggers Directory is Re-Launched with a New Look Submission Features -

Martin Lemieux, owner of the Adcidia Network, has just announced the re-launch of his personal bloggers directory online, which was recently updated to include many new syndication features. - October 22, 2008 - Adcidia™ Small Business Blog is Re-Launched with Web 2.0 Syndication Features

Martin Lemieux, owner of the Adcidia Network, has just announced the re-launch of his newly designed and completely updated blog syndication web site - - October 22, 2008 - Adcidia™ Launches Its Local United States Press Release Market

( - a press release syndication directory has just announced the launch of its online local press release directory for the United States which helps to break down all company news by country, state, and some major cities. - October 21, 2008 - Adcidia™

Fitting the World Into a Box: Branding "Collaboration" to Enable First-of-Its-Kind Global Alliance. The Creative Minds at Jungle [8] Aim to Change the World

jungle [8] provided (gratis) brand development services to The Global Summit, creating their brand platform, brand messaging, and identity. In keeping with the guiding principles of the company, jungle [8] founder and principal, Lainie Liberti, annually welcomes pro bono work for non-profits that feature unique social and environmental consciousness. - October 18, 2008 - Jungle 8

Christopher Carroll Joins Anthem Marketing Solutions as Partner and Chief Operating Officer

Marketing executive brings over 15 years of experience to growing marketing strategy and solutions firm. - October 17, 2008 - Anthem Marketing Solutions

NovaLoca Becomes Home to Street Level View, First UK Implementation

The latest development in web based mapping, Street Level View which allows the user to ‘walk’ around London from their PC is soon to be implemented for the first time in the UK in commercial property search engine - October 16, 2008 - NovaLoca

Global Online Ad Network, CPX Interactive, Names New CFO with Significant International Agency Experience

Global Online Ad Network, CPX Interactive, Names New CFO with Significant International Agency Experience

Online ad network, CPX Interactive, names former Ogilvy Senior Partner and CFO, Nicholas Rey, as their new Chief Financial Officer - keeping in line with their global footprint expansion plan. - October 15, 2008 - CPXi

Dancing Elephants and Ascent Adventure Consultants, LLC Announce Open Enrollment

Dancing Elephants Achievement Group and Ascent Adventure Consultants, LLC announce that their Ultimate Sales Training sessions are now offered as open enrollment courses beginning with Ultimate Time Management on Oct. 17, 2008. - October 15, 2008 - Dancing Elephants Achievement Group

Hollister Kids Chosen to Create Education Program for Detroit Lions

Hollister Kids was chosen to create a classroom program teaching the benefits of volunteering in partnership with the Detroit Lions football team and Detroit Newspapers in Education. - October 13, 2008 - Hollister Creative

Kompass Broadens Its International and North American Scope of Operations in the B-2-B Information Market

By reinforcing its network of distributors and implementing a commercial partnership strategy, Kompass continues to increase market share in North America and solidify its presence globally. - October 10, 2008 - Kompass USA

Marketing Survey Reveals 70% of B2B Tech Companies Missing Out on Influencing Buyers Online

Lack of RSS inhibiting valuable direct communication with key purchase decision makers. - October 09, 2008 - MarCom Ink, LLC

WebMetro Digital Marketing Experts to Show Powerful Strategies for Raising the ROI Bar at DMA08

Leading digital marketing agency WebMetro will show proven ROI boosting strategies at the upcoming Direct Marketing Association (DMA) Conference and Exhibition in Las Vegas. - October 04, 2008 - WebMetro

SEO Search Engine Ranking Solutions for Small Business

As the Internet provides more and more opportunities for strategic business marketing, the need for expert advice on Search Engine Ranking has become increasingly evident. In order to address the void of results driven practices, iWorld Media has recently launched a new website - October 03, 2008 - Iworld Media

Advantage Sales and Marketing Co-Sponsors Will Golf 4 Kids

Advantage Sales and Marketing recently teamed up with Wal-Mart and Mars, Inc. to co-sponsor the 15th annual Will Golf 4 Kids charity golf tournament to benefit Arkansas Children’s Hospital (ACH). This year’s Will Golf 4 Kids event included a two-day golf tournament at the Kingsdale Golf... - October 03, 2008 - Advantage Sales and Marketing

Upstart Local Media Firm Expands Into the West Metro

West Metro merchants and restaurants gain “new way” to quickly, inexpensively and effectively market their businesses locally using the Internet. - October 03, 2008 - West Metro SuddenValues Introduces New Pricing Model for Personal URL (PURL) Software

Discover new pricing model for Personalize URL Software to dramatically increase response rates on direct mail and email marketing. - October 01, 2008 - Small Biz College

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