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Free Celebrity Personal Number Plates Magazine is Out Now
The latest issue of ' The World of Personal Number Plates', the great free magazine from leading car registrations specialist, has just been released. - April 04, 2007 - Registration Transfers Ltd Names Best Hot Dog in the Triangle, a local blog offering practical and straightforward information for people who are moving or planning to move to the Triangle, has named Cloo’s Coney Island Hot Dogs the Best Place in the Triangle for a Hot Dog. readers selected Cloo’s Coney... - April 04, 2007 - Relocate Triangle
PublishAmerica Presents The Bible and Human Sexuality by John R. Desmaretz
PublishAmerica is proud to present The Bible and Human Sexuality: What the Old Testament Says About Sexual Relationships and Human Sexuality by John R. Desmaretz of Crown Point, Indiana. John Desmaretz grew up in the seventies. He was raised in a middle-class environment in a middle-class family... - April 04, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Adoption Romanian Style by Janet Winkel
PublishAmerica is proud to present Adoption Romanian Style by Janet Winkel of Chandler, Arizona. In August of 1990, while watching 20/20, Winkel learned of the horrible conditions and poor care that Romanian orphans endure. She and her husband felt the Lord wanted them to do something about the... - April 04, 2007 - PublishAmerica
From Zero to Hero, How to Master the Art of Selling Cars
Jeffrey F. Knott has recently released a Publishers Choice award winning book - From Zero to Hero, How to Master the Art of Selling Cars, for automotive sales professionals nationwide. Because it specifically focuses on the process of automotive sales and addresses issues that automobile... - April 04, 2007 -
PublishAmerica Presents Persian Ghost by Warren Gray
PublishAmerica is proud to present Persian Ghost by Warren Gray of Knoxville, Maryland. In Gray’s military fiction, Air Force special operations officer Jack Wolfe must covertly plan and execute the total destruction of Iran’s nuclear facility at Bushehr before the Israelis strike it... - April 04, 2007 - PublishAmerica
The Renewable Energy Centre Helps to Combat Fuel Poverty - Practical Tips for Households on Any Budget
The Renewable Energy Centre fights the fuel poverty crisis and proves that home owners need not invest a lot of money to improve the energy efficiency of their home and cut utility bills. - April 04, 2007 - The Renewable Energy Centre
Search More Than 9 Million NARA World War II Army Enlistment Records Online at
More than 9 million World War II army enlistment records are now searchable online at through a shipment provided by National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), one of the largest archives in the US. “The National Archives and Records Administration in... - April 04, 2007 - World Vital Records, Inc.
AccuWeather and UCView Media to Distribute the Latest in Digital Signage
AccuWeather, Inc. announced today that UCView Media, Inc. has licensed AccuWeather’s news, sports and weather content for redistribution on digital signage networks across the United States and Canada. The AccuWeather content functions as a powerful tool to draw viewers and reduce perceived... - April 04, 2007 - AccuWeather, Inc.
Talent for Dubbing and Sound Effect Recordings Now Featured at
Professional voice over talent and voice producers offer fully produced dubbings and loopings through the largest online voice over marketplace. - April 04, 2007 -
Launch of Soccer Derby Text-Message Campaign on GolTV
Integrity Media launches a TV promotion on GolTV for Derby Weekend encouraging viewers to vote for their favorite team during three European derby soccer games. - April 04, 2007 - mVentix
Voice Talent Seekers' Benefits Increased with the Upcoming New Voice123
The new version of the Voice123 website will provide enhanced benefits to project owners, directors, executives, companies, and individuals in search of voice over talent. - April 04, 2007 -
U.S. Voice & Data Awarded ResCare and Sam Swope – Lexus Infrastructure Projects
U.S. Voice & Data, a Louisville, KY based technology company, was recently awarded the infrastructure contracts for ResCare’s and Sam Swope – Lexus’ upcoming relocation projects. - April 04, 2007 -
Universe Isn’t Pointless, Says Physicist Dr. Jean Burns
In-depth interview with physicist and researcher Dr. Jean Burns explores her research into psi phenomena and the path forward for consciousness research. - April 03, 2007 - Skeptiko
Phyllis Bergman Wins 2007 Enterprising Women of the Year Award
Monica Smiley, publisher and CEO of Enterprising Women Magazine, has announced that Phyllis Bergman, president of Mercury Ring Corporation, is a 2007 Enterprising Women of the Year Award Winner. An active member of her community, Bergman has served on the board of directors of the prestigious Plumb... - April 03, 2007 - Enterprising Women
TV4U.Com Launches Fashion, Women, Food, News, Health, and World Channels
TV4U.Com, the free internet television broadband network, has added a Fashion, Food, Women, News, Health, and World Channel to its program channel offerings' giving TV4U a 28 channel TV network. All are advertising supported and will ofer DVD and download versions of the shows. - April 03, 2007 - TV4U, LLC
Diana Mera & Frankie Alvarado Fan Clubs Open in Puerto Rico and U.S.A.
This week two fan clubs opened for singers Diana Mera and Frankie Alvarado. The USA fan club is dedicated to songwriter and actress Diana Mera and the first fan club in Puerto Rico was funded for Diana Mera and Frankie Alvarado. “I feel that the universe is aligning for me to get closer to... - April 03, 2007 - O11CE Management
Dandelion Digs Up the Truth in Two Blockbuster Books about the Jesus Conspiracy
Jesus’ Bones Found in Jerusalem, Confirming the Jesus Myth in Dandelion’s It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup Conspiracies and Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies - April 02, 2007 - Dandelion Books, LLC
ATCOM Receives Business Leader Magazine’s 2007 Business Champions Award
David Finch, president and CEO of ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions, a communications solutions provider, has announced that the company has been awarded Business Leader magazine’s 2007 Business Champions Award. ATCOM was recognized for its recent contributions to the Triangle workforce... - April 02, 2007 - ATCOM Business Telecom Solutions
JAMPRO Environmental Corporation to be Featured in Story on Improving Air Quality on the Profiles Series
JAMPRO Environmental Corporation announced today that the company is to be profiled in a story about improving air quality in the public and private sector. A leading Environmental and Engineering firm, Jampro Environmental strives to be a leader in environmental engineering. “We primarily... - April 01, 2007 - Profiles Production LLC
Inanimate Alice Links with Nancy Drew Fans at Her Interactive
Bradfield Collaborates With Her Interactive To Market Inanimate Alice To Her Interactive Fans - March 31, 2007 - The BradField Company
PublishAmerica Presents Our Hispanic Roots by Carlos B. Vega
PublishAmerica is proud to present Our Hispanic Roots: What History Failed to Tell Us by Carlos B. Vega of North Bergen, New Jersey. The Hispanic contribution to the making of the United States has been blatantly glossed over by most historians for the past three hundred years, despite the... - March 31, 2007 - PublishAmerica
African American Business Summit 2007 - 10th Anniversary Multi-Event Highlights
The landmark 10th Anniversary of the African American Business Summit - newly partnered with multi-cultural Turning Point URBAN and the TPC Foundation, Inc. - will present an array of events from June 20th to June 23rd, 2007 in Los Angeles, California. - March 31, 2007 - Turning Point Communications
New Voiceover Talent for Television Ads at
The Voice123 voice talent database grows and showcases the talent of new voice actors for television ads and commercials. - March 31, 2007 -
The Official Voice123 Blog Now Includes Newsletters
The Official Voice123 Blog now publishes the company's newsletters for voice over talents and voice talent seekers. - March 31, 2007 -
Stonehedge Publishing Brings Tomorrow’s Industry Revolution Today
Stonehedge Publishing has taken a new approach to publishing – letting the reader decide the value of a book. - March 31, 2007 - Stonehedge Publishing
PublishAmerica Presents Secret Kitchen: An Argentine Cooking Book
PublishAmerica is proud to present Secret Kitchen: An Argentine Cooking Book by Tammy Creo. The recipes contained in this book include typical home-style dishes, as well as some of the most exquisite recipes found at the finest restaurants in Buenos Aires. While Argentina’s meat dishes are... - March 31, 2007 - PublishAmerica
New Directory of Websites Dedicated for Free Services
More and more services on line are being provided free for users and build their business plans over the revenue from advertising. set up a special directory engines just for this specific purpose, to allow users to browse or add free services, software, information websites. - March 31, 2007 - VideoWebGate
PublishAmerica Presents Squelching the Sesesh by Andy Reddick
PublishAmerica is proud to present Squelching the Sesesh: Iowa’s Role in the Civil War by Andy Reddick of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. With 80,000 volunteers from a total population of only 600,000, Iowa supplied more men per capita in the Civil War than any other Union state. Iowans fought... - March 31, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Outskirts Press Announces a Candid Story by Geo Gosling, a Man Who Suffers from a Tramautic Brain Injury - TBI Hell
Always wear a bicycle helmet and use a light at dusk. - March 31, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc. Delivers Indie Films for Apple TV, an online distributor of independent film and video downloads, is now offering content for Apple TV. HungryFlix is the first video download site to provide a complete distribution model that allows film fans to enjoy great downloaded content in the family room. - March 30, 2007 - HungryFlix
Newest Online Resource for MultiMedia Professionals Poised for Growth
MediaFreeks WorldWide - An online resource catering to the film, video, recording, broadcasting and graphics industries. Features include syndicated industry news, product reviews, photo classifieds and a monthly media spotlight highlighting independent artists. - March 30, 2007 - MediaFreeks WorldWide
Skin Care Professionals: the Importance of Skincare and Seeing a Dermatologist
Skincare News explains to readers the role a dermatologist can play in skin care. - March 30, 2007 -
PublishAmerica Presents Orioles Rise from the Ashes by Frank Lynch
PublishAmerica is proud to present Orioles Rise from the Ashes: Baltimore's Journey to the Majors by Frank Lynch of Bel Air, Maryland. Frank Lynch saw his first professional baseball game as a seven-year-old in 1946, and what a game it was. The hometown club, the Baltimore Orioles, was hosting the... - March 30, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Outskirts Press Anounces a Unique New Diet Book by California Psychiatrist Dr. Harvey Widroe - Eat and Cheat. ‘The Smart Dieter’s Cheating Guide’
This eye-opening book examines a psychiatrist's belief on dieting and explores a shift in focus from failed diets to a weight losing mindset. - March 30, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press is Pleased to Bring You Blessed and Highly Favored Today: Your Miracle, an Enlightening and Thought-Provoking New Work by Author Larry Wayne
There are those who feel that God no longer interacts with man on a personal level—not true! God still performs miracles, still heals the sick, and yes, still answers prayers each and every day. He does this for average people who know the Biblical formula. In his new work, Blessed and Highly... - March 30, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
For the Wrought Iron Fans
Wrought iron info site is delivering detailed information about iron made home furniture and art to the internet shopping community. - March 30, 2007 -
DIDX Sponsors Cluecon07 Open Source Telephony User and Developer Conference TDM & VoIP proudly sponsors Cluecon07, the gathering of the most brilliant minds on open source internet telephony, is scheduled June 26-28, 2007 in Chicago, Illinois. Be a part. Sign up. Get ready to rollout your new VoIP business plan. - March 30, 2007 - Super Technologies, Inc. DIDX
Take Power of Attorney, Will and Lease Agreement into your hands:
The website you want to know about since even lawyers use it. This might be hard to believe, but this little website offering legal forms and templates can save you thousands of dollars. Need to draft a lease agreement? A living will? A promissory note? Or a last minute Power of Attorney? It is now at your fingertips. - March 30, 2007 - Mercier Films Inc.
New Star on the Horizon
ComStar Media, LLC set to shine in both gaming and publishing industry. - March 30, 2007 - ComStar Media, LLC
CouryGraph Productions Walks Off with a Telly Award for the News Video "Grand Avenue Underpass Dedication"
Ed Sharpe and CouryGraph Productions was the proud recipient of a Bronze Telly for a 20-minute video produced for KKAT-TV/ Glendale Daily Planet. The Telly Awards are the industry's premier competition for peer recognition of outstanding video and film productions for cable and emerging media. - March 30, 2007 - Glendale Daily Planet
When You Are Not Smarter than a 5th Grader...
Raising gifted children is often quite challenging for parents, leaving many parents frustrated and searching for answers. Four gifted experts have joined together to provide those answers, and demonstrate numerous techniques for successfully raising a gifted child. - March 30, 2007 - Great Potential Press, Inc.
PublishAmerica Presents An Object of Great Importance by Christopher W. DiPasquale
PublishAmerica is proud to present An Object of Great Importance: The Hudson River During the American War for Independence by Christopher W. DiPasquale of Carmel, New York. During the American Revolution the Hudson River was not just a waterway. It was a lifeline, a vital artery on which the... - March 30, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Reflections on the Lusitania by John Protasio
PublishAmerica is proud to present Reflections on the Lusitania: Insights into Naval, Diplomatic, and other Aspects of the Disaster by John Protasio of Stow, Ohio. Without question or doubt the most controversial sinking during World War I is that of the Lusitania. Over 1,000 people were lost... - March 30, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Podcasting Company Provides Live Event Support
Roxx Productions provides support to the Charlotte Chamber of Commerce for the 2007 Work/Life Awards. - March 30, 2007 - Roxx Productions
Fully Produced Podcasting Voiceovers Now Available at
Voice over talents now offer complete voiceover recording, production, and post-production services for podcasting. - March 30, 2007 -
Introductory Trainings for New Voice Talent Refined
Voice123 revamped its introductory online training sessions for newly registered voice over talents and voice producers. - March 30, 2007 -
Build Your Own Website: The New E-Trend
It used to be too big and too technical for business owners to tackle. So they hired professional website designers. But that's changing. - March 30, 2007 - Website - Do It Yourself
MASSAGE Magazine Launches for New Massage Therapists
New Web Site Provides Resources and Encouragement for Startup Success - March 30, 2007 - The Doyle Group
$2.5 Million Dollar Technology Recognized by the Mortgage Industry
The 24/7 Call Capture system begins with a proprietary toll-free, wireless telephone number that can be placed on all advertising, for-sale yard signs, and print collateral. - March 30, 2007 - 24/7 Call Capture