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AM Aesthetic Debut Album “Future//Tense” Pre-Order Begins
BHi Music Group artist AM Aesthetic announces the digital release date of their debut album October 21, 2014. - October 08, 2014 - BHi Music Group
SwiftTech Solutions Offers HIPAA Risk Security Analysis Program for Medical Offices
Third party scans will prepare private practices for upcoming OCR audits. - October 08, 2014 - SwiftTech Solutions, Inc.
Panel of Award-Winning Film & Televsion Editors to Discuss the Business of Editing at the October Editors' Lounge
If you’ve been wondering what it takes to have a lucrative career as a professional editor in today's post-production world this informative discussion by a panel of award-winning editors, will offer new ways of approaching the business side of editing without losing the creative aspect of the craft. - October 08, 2014 - Alpha Dogs Post Production
Shine the Light on Domestic Violence Event
DVAM - domestic violence awareness month- is upon us and events are happening across the country to give recognition to victims of domestic violence and the families it impacts. Love Shouldnt Hurt.TV will be hosting an event at Howdy's Concert Venue Friday October 10th from 5-10pm. - October 08, 2014 - Love Shouldnt Hurt.TV
Siklu Takes Street Level Connectivity Beyond Small Cell Backhaul Into Wi-Fi, Security, Business and Residential Services
Moving beyond small cell backhaul, Siklu has enhanced its EtherHaul-600T system for a broad range of additional wireless connectivity, from Wi-Fi to security, business, and residential applications. - October 08, 2014 - Siklu Communication Ltd.
"Social Media Key to mPayments in Chile," Says Mobile Payments Experts Omlis
Chile is a mobile savvy nation with a population of 17.2 million. Although classified as a rapidly emerging economy, Chile scored 12.97 by the OECD Better Life Index which reflects the maximum social inequality gap between the rich and poor. However, the ever-increasing mobile phone penetration and Internet adoption through the mobile device is fast becoming the catalyst for improved social equality in Chile. - October 08, 2014 - Omlis
GS Group Announced Plans for Implementing Satellite-Broadcasting Project in Myanmar
On August 29, 2014, the GS Group international holding company unveiled its plans for the implementation of the satellite-broadcasting project in the Republic of the Union of Myanmar. The holding company representatives made a declaration at the first session of the Inter-governmental Russian-Myanmar Commission for trade and economic cooperation. - October 08, 2014 - GS Group
Eliminate Internet Censorship with the OpenTellus Code
The OpenTellus project is operated outside the reach of censorship authorities and allows people within these controlled areas to practice freedom of speech and to make up their own mind about what is right or wrong. - October 07, 2014 - OpenTellus
"Candlestick" to Make Irish Debut at IndieCork
Workbus Ltd. is delighted to announce that Candlestick, the second feature from emerging filmmaker Christopher Presswell, is to make its Irish debut at the IndieCork Film Festival. A stylish retro suspense thriller, Candlestick tells of a social gathering rocked to its core when host Jack accuses... - October 07, 2014 - Workbus Ltd.
Anti-Aging Guru Sandy DeRose Releases Her New Book
Anti-aging, Health and Beauty Expert shows you how to "anti-age" naturally - inside and out. Feel and look younger without surgery. Easy DIY tools to apply to your own life. - October 07, 2014 - Anti-Age Naturally
Brand New Website Released as Ebola Scare Begins
As Ebola scare begins, New-Paint Media, LLC releases brand new, photo blog restroom review website. - October 07, 2014 - New-Paint Media, LLC
Passenger Adds Two to Production Team
Passenger, a South Dakota-based filmmaking team, is proud to announce two new key hires. The hires will diversify Passenger's skill set and provide new opportunities for growth in a number of areas. - October 07, 2014 - Passenger
CIOReview Magazine Names TechnoGems Inc as One of the 100 Most Promising Oracle Solution Providers in 2014
CIOReview magazine Sep 2014 named TechnoGems Inc as one of the 100 Most Promising Oracle Solutions Providers 2014. The selection panel reviewed the capabilities of thousands of vendors in this space that have skills to tackle complex challenges. The companies featured have showcased an in-depth expertise in delivering integrated and innovative technologies to streamline operations across the Oracle landscape. - October 06, 2014 - TechnoGems
Fusion FM KKOP Launches New FFA Radio Show: the Living to Serve Network
Missouri FFA is releasing brand new radio show on The show is agriculture-based and will feature motivational bits, FFA information as well as agriculture issues. The show will be hosted by the Missouri FFA State Officers. - October 06, 2014 - Fusion FM KKOP
3-D Film Archive Restores Lost Korean War Film for 3-D Blu-ray Release
The first restored 3-D Blu-ray release from 3-D Film Archive. - October 06, 2014 - 3-D Film Archive
Cape Coral Man Wants Children to Read More – Publishes First Book
“Adventures of Nutty and Twittles, Oh Nuts! I Lost My Little Sister!” - October 06, 2014 - Halo Publishing International
You’ve Heard of the Super Store – Now Applaud Women LLC Creates the Super Magazine
Applaud Women magazine has always been a place where women readers can find information and inspiration. Now however Applaud Women LLC, in an endeavor to be on the cutting edge, has added a shopping mall experience within its pages. Founder and publisher Susan Caldwell is passionate about giving... - October 05, 2014 - Applaud Women LLC
Execulink Launches One of the Fastest Internet Speeds in Ontario
With the Grand Opening of Execulink Telecom’s Delhi Office, the telecommunications service provider announced the release of their 1 Gbps Internet service, giving the town of Delhi one of the fastest Internet speeds available in Ontario. This substantially faster speed tier is available over... - October 05, 2014 - Execulink Telecom
American Heart Association & Quadsimia LLC Working Together
The American Heart Association’s 10 of Hearts Drive Away Drawing Uses QuadCommerce. - October 05, 2014 - Quadsimia, LLC
Neoedge Urges Companies to Set Procurement Fraud as Top Organisational Priority
Neoedge, a leading events producer in Singapore, will hold the Global Procurement Fraud Master Class in Singapore on the 29th-31st October 2014. The international event will be happening in Hotel Novotel Singapore Clarke Quay. This professional development master class is Neoedge’s call for companies to set Procurement Fraud on top of its organisational priority. - October 05, 2014 - Neoedge Pte. Ltd
Craftline Productions to Complete "Desperate Measures Film" - Fans Anticipate Completion
Craftline Productions, founder of Anora Media plans to complete "Desperate Measures Film" as fans anticipate its completion. - October 04, 2014 - Anora Media
David Slavitt’s Absurdist Novel, "Walloomsac," Has Been Released with Anaphora
David R. Slavitt, a professor with a Columbia PhD, and author of more than 115 books, has had his new absurd “novel,” “Walloomsac,” released with Anaphora. - October 04, 2014 - Anaphora Literary Press
"Radical Agrarian Economics" by Anna Faktorovich is Now Available for Review
Galley copies of this controversial study of a dying radical field in agricultural, environmental and economic studies is available in electronic and printed versions for review to any members of the media that email a request for a copy. - October 04, 2014 - Anaphora Literary Press
"Book Production Guide: 4th Edition": Free Smashwords Edition Has Been Released
Grab a free Smashwords copy ( of the newly released fourth edition of the "Book Production Guide," a great source of information for anybody interested in self-publishing or otherwise producing a book. - October 04, 2014 - Anaphora Literary Press
The Editors' Lounge Returns with a Bountiful Season of Time Saving Features from Avid, EditShare & AlterMedia
The evening kicked off with dinner, networking and classroom style seminars being taught throughout the evening. Two lucky raffle winners walked away with a copy of Media Composer 8 licenses courtesy of Avid and a Lightworks version 12 license courtesy of EditShare. - October 04, 2014 - Alpha Dogs Post Production
Avalonne Releases "Green," Apple-Made Single: “The Pressure (On the Run)”
Independent songwriter and producer, Avalonne, is set to release new single, "The Pressure (On the Run)", on October 24, 2014. Recorded and produced on a Mac Mini, using a low-energy microphone, Apple's Logic software, and Apple Loops, Avalonne proves that making music can be easy on the wallet and the environment. - October 04, 2014 - Avalonne Music
Fairview Unveils Complete Family of Low, Medium and High Power Attenuators
25, 50 and 100 Watt Attenuators Ranging from DC to 18 GHz Announced by Fairview Microwave - October 04, 2014 - Fairview Microwave
HAGA Seed Experts to Research Optimum Survival Seeds Packs
A spokesman for Home and Garden America revealed, today, that the company is doing research into the needs of Doomsday Preppers to see what assortment of survival seeds would be the most beneficial to a person who has survived a disaster and is now reliant on growing the bulk of their own food. The... - October 04, 2014 - Home and Garden America
Home and Garden America to Launch New Survival Seeds Product Later This Year
Home and Garden America will add a new survival seeds pack to their gardening lineup later this year a source close to the Company recently stated. The Company currently offers a 50 Varieties Heirloom Organic Survival Seeds Packet which contains all the vegetables that would be necessary for... - October 04, 2014 - Home and Garden America
Expert Offers 3 Hot Tips to Cold Weather Gardening
A gardening expert at Home and Garden America recently offered 3 tips for gardeners who want to grow fall or winter gardens using survival seeds non hybrid. These tips are useful for growing ones favorite winter vegetables and can carry over into other gardening efforts as well. Tip #1 - Use a... - October 04, 2014 - Home and Garden America
HAGA Releases Results of Adding Image to Product Description Page on
Home and Garden America recently added an image to their existing text product description. This now better depicts the survival seed kit for a potential customer. Most product descriptions on are strictly made up of text, so the Company added an image to their product description of the... - October 04, 2014 - Home and Garden America
Omlis CTO to Speak on Security Panel at 2014 Mobile Payment Conference
Omlis Chief Technology Officer Matt Banham will participate on the security panel at the 2014 Mobile Payment Conference in Chicago, IL. He will discuss Omlis’ secure mobile payment solution that offers user convenience while ensuring immense security through a unique development process to accelerate adoption of mobile payments in the U.S. and worldwide. - October 04, 2014 - Omlis
Expert Warns Preppers; Questionable Claims of Sellers of Survival Seeds Non GMO
The founder and CEO of Home and Garden America today issued a warning to Survival Preppers about the questionable practices of some seed companies who advertise their seeds as covering a full acre. The practice of advertising in nebulous terms such as this can lead to possible life threatening... - October 04, 2014 - Home and Garden America
Singledom Web Series Nominated for 3 Film and Web Awards
Focused Studios & Melbadelphia Entertainment proudly announce Singledom Web Series nominations for 3 film and web awards. - October 04, 2014 - Melbadelphia Entertainment
Popular American Technology Author & Blogger Heads Down Under
Karl Palachuk, internationally recognized technology author, blogger, and managed services business consultant is heading to Australia and New Zealand on a four-city tour. - October 04, 2014 - Small Biz Thoughts
Datalicious Announces Sponsorship of .conf2014, Will Launch OptimaHub Advanced Marketing Analytics Platform
Datalicious to launch its marketing technology platform the OptimaHub and its partner program at The Fifth Annual Splunk Worldwide Users’ Conference. - October 03, 2014 - Datalicious
Stony Brook University Selects TruEdit
MEI’s Cloud-Based Workflow to power university magazine. - October 03, 2014 - Managing Editor Inc
High Speed Low Drag Has Started Filming "The Devil Walks Among Us" in Nashville, Tenn.
Filming has begun for "Devil Walks Among Us" -- a documentary about Nashville's Kustom Kulture. The filmmakers showcase a candid look into low brow art, style, fashion, custom cars, rat rods, choppers, music and more. - October 03, 2014 - High Speed Low Drag
Jon and The Jones Embark on “Stay Jonesin’ Tour”
Jon and The Jones take to the Northeast in support of their forthcoming album “City of Gold.” - October 03, 2014 - BHi Music Group
Northeast Children’s Dentistry Wins Four Consecutive Talk of the Town Customer Satisfaction Awards
Dr. William Coppola, the associate dentists and staff of Northeast Children’s Dentistry earn top marks from patients, winning a fourth consecutive Talk of the Town Award for excellent customer service. - October 03, 2014 - Celebration Media U.S.
Cat5e A/B Rotary Switch Has Cabled RJ45 Connectors for Custom Enclosures
Electro Standards Laboratories (ESL) adds Model 8084 RJ45 Cat5e A/B Rotary Switch to their line of RJ45 Network Switches. This single channel, manual switch allows the sharing of two devices on ports A and B, via one device connected to the Common port, featuring cabled RJ45’s for... - October 03, 2014 - Electro Standards Laboratories
Catster Recognized for Excellence in Writing and Content by Cat Writers’ Association
The Popular Online Cat Magazine is Honored with 18 Certificate of Excellence Awards for 2014 and Will Vie for the Prestigious Muse Medallion at the Upcoming Annual Conference - October 03, 2014 - I-5 Publishing
In Her Latest Interview, Author and Domestic Violence Survivor, Rebecca Leo, Discusses Her Memoir-Based Novel, "The Flaws That Bind"
As part of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM), author and domestic violence survivor, Rebecca Leo, sits down for an interview with Chloé McFeters, director and producer of the domestic violence documentary You Look a Lot Like Me ( to discuss her latest book, a memoir-based novel titled "The Flaws That Bind." - October 03, 2014 - Tortoise and Finch Productions, LLC
Local Company to Develop a New Innovative Online Broadcasting Platform
W.A.S.T.E TV is now expanding its brand to the community with their new website is the newest innovation in multiplatform broadcasting. It seeks to revolutionize the broadcasting industry through its new technological foundations. - October 03, 2014 - W.a.s.t.e Entertainment
IST Research to Deploy Pulse in Response to Concerns Over African Militants, Human Trafficking and the Ebola Outbreak
IST Research poised to bring technical innovations to the challenges posed by violent militant groups and human traffickers, as well as the immediate dangers posed by Ebola in African nations. - October 03, 2014 - IST Research
HIN Survey to Track Embedded Case Management Along Care Continuum
A new Healthcare Intelligence Network survey will examine the impact of placing case managers within primary care, hospitals, long-term care and other points of care through October 31, 2014. - October 02, 2014 - Healthcare Intelligence Network
GS Group Launches GS Invests at IBC2014
On September 15, 2014 GS Group introduced GS Invests, a new investment arm of the international holding company, at IBC2014. The new business unit will focus on helping young innovative technology companies, startups and also mature operators and services companies within the Pay-TV and technology industry to raise funds. - October 02, 2014 - GS Group
Soundview to Host Interactive Webinar with Jeffrey Krames
Soundview Executive Book Summaries will host an interactive webinar on October 7th with business publisher and author Jeffrey Krames, to discuss the concepts in his most recent book, "Lead with Humility." - October 02, 2014 - Soundview
AlphaDigits Top Rated Apps September 2014
AlphaDigits names five top class mobile apps every month based on the reviews published in the website during the particular month. This website has now released the names of top rated mobile apps for the month of September. - October 02, 2014 - AlphaDigits
Ecosmob Will Showcase CosmoBS During GITEX Technology Week at Dubai
With an exciting spectrum of IT solutions and products, Ecosmob will showcase yet another compelling voice and message broadcasting system – CosmoBS which has been designed to meet with all business needs. During GITEX Technology Week 2014, CosmoBS will be showcased by the representatives of Ecosmob. - October 02, 2014 - Ecosmob