Editor Susan Mary Malone Sees Another Client Author Published

Developmental Editor Helps Author to Successful Publication in Romantic Suspense Genre - January 01, 2014 - Malone Editorial Services

New Book "Making the China Connection" Debunks Myths About Doing Business in China

Manufacturing and import-export guru Tom Galey describes how resentment toward Chinese for stealing jobs, creating pollution is misplaced. - January 01, 2014 - Sinomedia International Group

VetNetwork Announces Google+ Veterinary Resource Launch

Marketing Firm for Veterinary Hospitals Launches Google Plus Page with Free Resources for Veterinarians. - January 01, 2014 - VetNetwork

Computer Troubleshooters Opens New Office in East Hanover, NJ

Willard Kent joins Computer Troubleshooters' international network of franchise owners who provide onsite computer services and IT solutions to small and medium-sized businesses and residential users. - January 01, 2014 - Computer Troubleshooters

North Wind Publishing Has Published NOAA's 2014 Tide Tables and Tidal Current Tables

The 2014 NOAA Tide Tables and Tidal Current Tables have been published by North Wind Publishing and are now available. Mariners use NOAA's Tables for navigation and are recommended for all navigators - January 01, 2014 - North Wind Publishing

Amazon and Google Play Say Hello to Dream: Hidden Adventure by Renatus

Renatus Media, LLC spreads its eye-filling hidden object title to new mobile platforms. Dream: Hidden Adventure takes players to an ethereal world with picturesque dreams, now playable on Android and Amazon devices. - January 01, 2014 - Renatus

ABIBA's Two Products Featured in the Frost & Sullivan-NASSCOM Product Excellence Matrix for Analytics, 2013

ABIBA Systems, a leader in Telecom Analytics space, today announced that two of its leading BI and Analytics products, CampPro and TeleView, have been featured in the NASSCOM Product Excellence Matrix. CampPro was recognized as a "Dark Horse" for its high strategic excellence whereas TeleViewTM, a telecom focused Business Intelligence tool, was placed in the "Established Player" category. - January 01, 2014 - ABIBA Systems

New Organization Seeks to Improve DC’s Digital Literacy

Digital District to host monthly educational panels, training programs, and partner with local universities. - January 01, 2014 - Digital District

JJlist.com is Connecting Business and Consumers Like Never Before

JJlist.com is Connecting Business and Consumers Like Never Before

Small and mid-sized businesses cannot afford to miss being included in the JJList.com directory, no matter what a business offers or consumer they cater to, they will benefit from the unique approach to creating a hyper-local buzz and a steady flow of clients. - December 31, 2013 - JJlist.com

Women's Travel Fest Aims to Get Women Traveling

First-ever Women's Travel Fest held in NYC on March 8, 2014, takes the "scary" out of solo travel. - December 31, 2013 - Go! Girl Guides

USA Mohel Launches Interactive Website for Improved Knowledge

Rabbi Nechemia Markovits, M.B. Certified Mohel, utilizes a website to improve knowledge of Bris (Brit) Milah - Ritual Circumcision. - December 31, 2013 - USA Mohel

Paw Talk, a Call-in Dog Training and Behavioral Issues Show Launched in Dallas

Paw Talk is a radio show that provides advice and recommendation to listeners on how to resolve any issues with their dogs. - December 30, 2013 - Paw Talk

Reiki Healing Techniques DVD by Aesthetic VideoSource is Awarded a Bronze Telly Statuette in the the 34th Annual Telly Awards for Its Quality in Video Production

Reiki Healing Techniques DVD by Aesthetic VideoSource is Awarded a Bronze Telly Statuette in the the 34th Annual Telly Awards for Its Quality in Video Production

Aesthetic VideoSource received a Bronze Telly Award for Reiki Healing Techniques in the 34th annual Telly Awards. The Telly Awards has a mission to honor the very best in film and video. In this Reiki DVD and online training video, Laiya Moniak, renowned Usui Reiki master and teacher demonstrates self-healing and meditation, a complete client session to re-balance mind and body, an attunement and long-distance healing. Anyone can now easily learn Reiki from this award-winning Reiki DVD. - December 30, 2013 - Aesthetic VideoSource

Bookateer Publishing Releases "Full Moon Shining Bright" by Russ Salk, a Connecticut Man's Endeavor Into Japanese Poetry

Russ Salk of Windsor Locks, Connecticut has released a book of Haiku on a variety of classic and contemporary topics. - December 29, 2013 - Bookateer Publishing

Model 9250 Features Two DB25 Switches in One Rackmount Configuration

Electro Standards Laboratories designed the Model 9250 switching system to provide the functionality of both an AB and an ABC switch into one space-saving rackmount configuration. - December 29, 2013 - Electro Standards Laboratories

Punch TV Adds Live Performance with Miki Howard to the New Year's Eve Live Broadcast

Punch TV Studios continues forging new ground as NYE Event Producers announce the addition of Miki Howard to an already star studded live broadcast. - December 28, 2013 - Punch TV Studios

Free Review Finds Life Insurance Claims Being Underpaid by Insurers

A free review of life insurance claim payments is offered by the Center for Life Insurance Disputes. This review has found that insurers owe claimants more money than they are paying. - December 26, 2013 - The Center for Life Insurance Disputes

Mon Amie Films Announces Pay What You Want eBooks!

Mon Amie Films brings pay what you want eBooks from Clay Spicer. - December 26, 2013 - Mon Amie Films, Inc.

Hotte Pointe Goes Into Production During January

A new Mon Amie Films movie goes into production. Principal photography will take place during the month of January. - December 26, 2013 - Mon Amie Films, Inc.

LeonidesArts Gallery NY and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center Present: "SUBJECT TO CHANGE" a Group Celebration of Art and Man

SUBJECT TO CHANGE" is a new group art exhibit presented by the LeonidesArts Gallery and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center featuring recent work of artists AKA999, Uta Bekaia, Ricardo Osmondo Francis, Levan Mindiashivili, Zilka Rosa Molinar, Timothy Sullivan Wearne, and Mark Vinsun. Exhibit is currated by Ricardo Osmondo Francis (Gallery Director/LeonidesArts Gallery NY). The LeonidesArts Gallery and the Brooklyn Community Pride Center are partnering together to present cutting edge artists. - December 26, 2013 - LeonidesArts New York Gallery

Cleveland Kidnapping Hero Charles Ramsey Signs Book Deal

Charles Ramsey, the man credited with rescuing three kidnapped women in Cleveland, has signed a deal to write a book of memoirs about his life before, during and after the famous rescue. Ramsey made international headlines on May 6, 2013, when he helped free Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, Michelle... - December 25, 2013 - Gray and Company, Publishers

MNOs' Big Data Advantage a Big Push for Market Leadership in Digital Services

What will be the Big Data Strategy for Mobile Operators and how does their foray into the Digital Services segment necessitate them to evaluate their Big Data advantage? PCCMB’s newly released Strategy Paper entitled "Mobile Operators and Digital Services: How Big Data Perfects the... - December 24, 2013 - PCC Mobile Broadband

"HOPE" One Man, One Show

"HOPE" One Man, One Show

Jerry Ford's one man stage play "HOPE" returns to Detroit, MI after being invited to the world famous Lincoln Center and a very successful three week run at The Producer's Club in New York City. - December 23, 2013 - Fueled By Life Media Group LLC

Ace Blogging Platform Shares How-to Guide on Enhanced BuzzScore

Film Annex, a major blogging platform has arrived with a blog BuzzScore enhancer guide expert tips on a pulling bio, choosing topics and formatting and sharing contents for a high revenue earning blog. - December 23, 2013 - Film Annex

Still Time to Order "Dear God, Got A Minute?" by Claireifications and Get a 20 Percent Rebate

As the 2014 congressional elections approach, there is no doubt that far right religious extremists will once again make religion, sin and moral values a major part of their platform, according to Claire Morris Dobie, author of “Dear God, Got A Minute?” This is a book that every member of congress should read to understand how Americans truly feel about America's religious views. - December 22, 2013 - claireifications

2Vancouver.com Launches Matchmaking Platform for Immigrants

Travel and immigration website 2Vancouver.com has launched a matchmaking service to enhance the online support it provides to newcomers to the city. - December 22, 2013 - 2Vancouver.com

Smart Ass Kitchen Looks to Educate on How to Eat Healthily and Deliciously by Crushing Your Processed Lifestyle

Indiegogo Campaign Now Live to Fund Food & Lifestyle Blog and Affordable Personal Catering/Delivery Service Geared Towards Healthy Living. - December 22, 2013 - Smart Ass Kitchen

Paul Reiser Guests on Animal Radio®

Stand-up Comedian, Actor, Writer, Musician Paul Reiser will be guest hosting Animal Radio®. - December 22, 2013 - Animal Radio Network™ LLC

Telco Management Takes New Government Anti-Bullying Laws Seriously with Immediate Compliance

Telco Management has proudly embraced the new anti-bullying laws recently put into place throughout British Columbia. - December 22, 2013 - Telco Management

ISMG Announces Launch of 2014 Targeted Attacks Study

Information Security Media Group (ISMG) announces the launch of the 2014 Targeted Attacks Study. This survey, sponsored by Proofpoint, aims to determine the extent of damage caused by targeted attacks, where organizations are most and least prepared to mitigate advanced threats, and the top technology investments for 2014. - December 22, 2013 - Information Security Media Group

DevGAMM Kiev 2013: No.1 Conference for Game Developers in Eastern Europe - Report by Renatus Media, LLC

The DevGAMM 2013 conference dedicated to mobile, social and online games was held in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, on December 7-8. - December 22, 2013 - Renatus

Prostate Cancer Roundtable Endorses Prostate Health Education Network's Statement on PSA Testing and Early Detection of Prostate Cancer in Men at High Risk

Following a group discussion at its meeting in Washington, DC, on December 9, the Prostate Cancer Roundtable has agreed to endorse a statement developed by the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN), a founding member of the Prostate Cancer Roundtable, on the role of PSA testing in the early... - December 22, 2013 - Men's Health Network

Information Security Media Group Releases 2014 Media Kit, Editorial Calendars

Information Security Media Group (ISMG) announces the release of its Media Kit and Editorial Calendars for 2014. The year 2013 brought unprecedented levels of growth across ISMG, publisher of BankInfoSecurity, CUInfoSecurity, GovInfoSecurity, HealthcareInfoSecurity, DataBreachToday, InfoRiskToday... - December 22, 2013 - Information Security Media Group

Page-Turning Biography "Rama Gaze in My Direction" Debuts on Amazon.com

Page-Turning Biography "Rama Gaze in My Direction" Debuts on Amazon.com

"Rama Gaze in My Direction," a new book from Epiphany Press, describes real-life magic, miracles and perseverance in the life of Rama - Dr. Frederick Lenz (1950- 1998) as he embarks on a lifelong teaching career prophesized to help millions of people. Author Liz Lewinson spent 15 years interviewing over 100 people and assembling materials for this biography, based on Dr. Lenz's request three months prior to his death -- that she be his biographer. - December 21, 2013 - Epiphany Press

NYC Audio Video Post Receives 2013 Best of Manhattan Award

NYC Audio Video Post has been selected for the 2013 Best of Manhattan Award in the Video Production & Taping Service category by the Manhattan Award Program. Each year, the Manhattan Award Program identifies companies that they believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local... - December 21, 2013 - NYC Audio Video Post

Lanika Announces Reactis V2013.2 by Reactive Systems

The release includes support for MATLAB® R2013b, Stateflow® charts containing Simulink® functions, support for an extended subset of Embedded MATLAB, other enhancements, and bug fixes. - December 21, 2013 - Lanika Solutions Private Limited

Sonardyne Sentinel Chosen to Protect Middle East Offshore Platform

Maritime security company Sonardyne International Ltd. has successfully completed the installation of a Sentinel Intruder Detection System (IDS) onboard a drilling rig operating in an undisclosed offshore oil field in the Middle East. The system has been deployed to protect the platform against the... - December 21, 2013 - Sonardyne

Alan Blake Earns CWNE®, One of the Top 10 Most Difficult Designations in the IT Industry

Blake Becomes the 129th Wireless Professional to Join the Rank of Certified Wireless Network Experts, the Prestigious Last Step in the CWNP Program. - December 21, 2013 - Certified Wireless Network Professionals

USA Mohel Launches Interactive Website for Improved Knowledge

Rabbi Nechemia Markovits, M.B. Certified Mohel, utilizes a website to improve knowledge of Bris (Brit) Milah - Ritual Circumcision. - December 21, 2013 - USA Mohel

eBossWatch Publishes 2013 List of America’s Worst Bosses

eBossWatch, the leading career resource that enables people to anonymously rate their bosses and evaluate potential employers, today published the fifth annual list of America’s Worst Bosses. Each year, a panel of workplace experts selects and ranks the nation's worst bosses from those who... - December 21, 2013 - eBossWatch

Blue Dome Press to Publish New Title "Incredible Ottoman Projects"

Blue Dome Press is pleased to announce the publication of "Incredible Ottoman Projects," by Turan Sahin. - December 21, 2013 - Blue Dome Press

HamletHub Adding Rye, NY to Roster of Hyperlocal News Sites

HamletHub Adding Rye, NY to Roster of Hyperlocal News Sites

HamletHub.com, a pioneering network of 'hyperlocal' websites providing locally originated news and information to communities, will be launching its newest hyperlocal site for the Rye area, the company announced today. With a full roster of sites covering most of Connecticut, HamletHub has begun... - December 20, 2013 - HamletHub

Hurix Systems Launches New Version of KITABOO eBook Reader to the App Store

Hurix Systems Launches New Version of KITABOO eBook Reader to the App Store

Hurix Systems has launched the latest version of KITABOO eBook Reader App optimized for iOS7. The update is a key component of KITABOO's SaaS based offering for conversion, enrichment, distribution and delivery of content. - December 20, 2013 - Hurix Systems Private Limited

Soundview to Publish Summary of Springboard by G. Richard Shell

Soundview Executive Book Summaries has released its book summary of Springboard by best-selling author G. Richard Shell. Soundview summaries can be read and listened to on any computer, tablet, smartphone or e-reader. - December 20, 2013 - Soundview

INTUITION Adds CustomerCount℠ Surveys to Brand Marketing Service

Perspective Group, the leading independent PR & Multimedia company globally for the timeshare and vacation ownership industry has announced the inclusion of CustomerCount℠ online surveys to its INTUITION Brand Marketing Service. While INTUITION provides clients with data about online... - December 20, 2013 - Perspective Magazine

Exhilarating Novel "Family of Fortune" eBook from Seventeen Year Old Author Presented on Amazon

The eBook is a noteworthy pirate adventure by young author Caleb Lee who has won several writing contests with his early works. The book can be found at www.familyoffortune.com - December 20, 2013 - Family Of Fortune

Congratulations to the Winners of the 2013 Winter Film Awards 48-Hour Film Challenge

Winter Film Awards is pleased to announce the winners of our 2nd Annual 48-Hour Film Challenge. What would you do if you were randomly assigned a film genre, a tagline from Ghostbusters and a Grayline NY Sightseeing Bus? Could you make an awesome short film in just 48 hours? - December 20, 2013 - Winter Film Festival

Becky Thatcher Designs Now Selling Jewelry at ShopMyNorth.com

MyNorth Media partners with Becky Thatcher Designs to sell jewelry at ShopMyNorth.com - December 20, 2013 - MyNorth Media

Advocate Announces New Vice President of Cloud & Connectivity Solutions

Advocate, a leading IT Consulting and Managed Services firm has hired Gregory Davis as the Vice President of Cloud & Connectivity Solutions. To better serve the needs of their enterprise clients – including those who will be rolling out their cloud strategy, they have formed a new Cloud and Connectivity Solutions Business Unit. Greg will lead the growth of our legacy Network Services business by developing the cloud brokerage business. - December 20, 2013 - Advocate Consulting

Scope Unveils Enhanced Content Enrichment Capabilities with ConSCIse™ Version 1.4

Scope e-Knowledge Center (Scope), a leading provider of content enhancement and knowledge services, is pleased to announce the release of its ConSCIseTM 1.4, the latest version of the company’s abstracting and metadata enrichment platform. In line with current content enrichment trends, the... - December 20, 2013 - SPi Global

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