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Market for Nanocoatings Poised to Show Dramatic Growth Exceeding $6.5 billion in 4 Years
The nanocoatings market is currently worth approximately US$814 in 2007. "One way" coating systems based on nanomaterials make up the bulk of this market, for example in anti-bacterial; protective and conductive coatings. However, under developments are "two way" systems such as shape-memory materials, hydrophobic/hydrophilic switching and thermochromic pigmented coatings that will come onto the market in the next 4-5 years. - March 11, 2009 - Publications
Film Executive to Teach Internet Film Marketing and Distribution Class in NYC, March 19, 2009
On March 19, 2009, President of Passion River Films, Allen Chou, will be teaching a workshop to filmmakers about film marketing and distribution on the internet without spending a dime. From 5:40pm-9:00pm all filmmakers, directors, writers and producers are welcome to join Allen Chou at RalphieBoy... - March 11, 2009 - Passion River Films
Kinky Noir: Author Breaking Out with BDSM Erotica Series for African Americans
African-American author Shakir Rashaan breaks into the literary world with his debut novel which encompasses the eroticism of BDSM and publishing it on, the online marketplace for digital content. Mr. Rashaan took the opportunity to write his 250-plus page erotica novel “Chronicles... - March 11, 2009 - Kemi-Ka Publishing, LLC
Chris Nite Presents the Radio 81X BBQ Jam 2009
Graveyard BBQ, Ashmore, SiK & Hillbilly Orchestra. Friday March 13th at 7pm Skillman St.Pub Dallas, Texas. - March 11, 2009 - Radio 81X
Outskirts Press Announces Growing Up in Church - My P.K. Years, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction/ Humor Book from Beaumont, TX Author Dutchess Hall
Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Growing Up In Church - My P.K. Years by Dutchess Hall, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback cream in the Fiction/ Humor category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a... - March 11, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Unified Cycle Theory Presents Compelling Evidence That Shows How Physical Cycles Influence Both the Universe and Mankind
Mathematician & Statistician Stephen J. Puetz, a leading expert on physical cycles and their effect on mankind, presents a dynamic fresh theory in his newly released book, The Unified Cycle Theory, published by Outskirts Press. Puetz classifies major cycles documented by scientists in academic... - March 11, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Let Freedom Sing, Their Voices Changed History; Can Their Story be Set to Music?
It all started as a postcard collection. Years ago, 83-year-old author Vivian B. Kline began collecting picture postcards of black Americans, but one day a particular photo caught her attention—she bought it and was instantly intrigued. After countless hours of research, the concept for Let... - March 11, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
NYCE Music Group Announces Production Deal with Sunset Urban
First Release to be the Highly Anticipated Lil Dynomite Album. - March 11, 2009 - Sunset Corporation of America
Children's Book Author, Howard Shapiro, Joins "Big Hockey Hair Talk Show (Pittsburgh Edition)" March 15th, Sunday at 2 pm (ET)
Pittsburgh own children's book author, Howard Shapiro will appear on BlogTalkRadio's show Big Hair Hockey Talk Show (Pittsburgh Edition) The exclusive interview will highlight Mr. Shapiro's love for the game of hockey and his passion for writing. His new book Hockey Player for Life was released October 2008. Callers can join by dialing on air 347-324-3009. - March 11, 2009 - Big Hockey Hair Talk Show
Sunset Jazz Expands Its Roster by Signing New Artists This Week
Sunset Jazz Recording Company announces two more signings this week adding Alex Bershadsky and Rick Hale to its roster, which will both be releasing full length CD in April. (Alex) Bershadsky will be releasing his highly acclaimed international success story, "Junk and (Rick) Hale bursts onto... - March 11, 2009 - Sunset Corporation of America
Publisher Lets Customers Pay What They Want for Books
Technology allows for greater freedom and marketing ideas in the publishing world. - March 11, 2009 - Code Publishing
Centralemail by WBS Group : a Free Change of Address Service to Keep in Touch with Your Internet Contacts
People change their email address each 2 to 3 years. To keep in touch with your business contacts or friends when you change your email, register your new email in Centralemail change of address service. - March 11, 2009 - WBS Group
New Children's Book from Capstone Productions Teaches That God is Not so Distant When a Child Needs Help
A touching new storybook helps children understand how to reach and communicate with God. - March 10, 2009 - Capstone Productions LLC
New Chiropractic Directory Helps Patients and Generates Leads for Chiropractors
Chiropractors Are Invited to Contribute Their Health and Pain Treatment Articles within a Chiropractic Library Designed to Meet the Growing Demand for Consumer Health Search. - March 10, 2009 - HAB Technologies LLC
Legendary Bluesman Willie Dixon's Legacy is Alive and Well in His Grandson, Alex Dixon
Alex Dixon teamed up with musical greats for his newest CD release titled "Rising From The Bushes" due out April 28th 2009 on iTunes and other digital download sites. The CD features Marcella Detroit (power vocalist in UK pop group Shakespeare's Sister), drummer James Gadson (Bill Withers, Marvin Gaye, Ray Charles and countless others), bassist Gerald Johnson (Steve Miller Band, Crosby Stills & Nash), to name a few. This CD is packed something for everyone...blues, rock and R&B. - March 10, 2009 - Dixon Landing Music, LLC
Shotgun Life Introduces the “In-the-Room Live Connexion” for Firearms Auctions
The new Shotgun Life “In-the-Room Live Connexion”© is a service available to auction houses as a means of expanding their reach to bidders everywhere in the world who have a high-speed Internet connection. - March 10, 2009 - SGL Media
Domain Market Store Offers Extended Validation Certificates Announces Support for Latest SSL Product
New Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificates are available for sale and ready to install. - March 10, 2009 - Domain Cart
National Association of Pet Rescue Professionals Offers Free Helping Paw Membership to Animal Rescue and Humane Groups
The National Association of Pet Rescue Professionals is offering a new free level of membership to help animal shelters and humane groups. The free membership offers access to expert teleseminars and a weekly newsletter designed to help cash-strapped humane groups get the word out about their organizations, raise more money, and increase adoptions. - March 10, 2009 - Logical Expressions, Inc.
Coupon Website Prepares for National Launch June 1, 2009 is set to launch a new, national coupon website that connects local businesses with local buyers. The site, packed with incredible features is free to sign up as a user. Business owners can expect to save 90% off of typical direct mail costs associated with printing and postage. - March 10, 2009 -
New Free Need4 .flv Player is Launched by today launches a new free Need4flv Player to watch videos in .flv format stored on video sharing sites and PC hard drive. - March 10, 2009 - Need4Video Ltd.
William Roudebush Dishes Out Legendary Mistakes Actors Make on Camera in Self Published Book
Self-published book Acting by Mistake is a how-to guide on acting for actors who are new in the business. - March 10, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher
Equitrekking’s Darley Newman Wins First Prize and Merit Award in NATJA Awards Competition
Darley Newman, host of the PBS series Equitrekking, has been selected as the First Place Prize Winner for the Best Travel Broadcast for the Equitrekking Costa Rica episode for the 2008 North American Travel Journalist Awards Competition, and the Equitrekking Travel Adventures on Horseback book that Newman authored has won the Merit Award for Best Travel Book. Darley Newman is travel expert, published author and adventurer, who searches the globe for the best in equestrian travel. - March 10, 2009 - Equitrekking
New Book on Zora Hurston's Work
Gadfly Publishing announces publication of Zora Hurston And The Strange Case of Ruby McCollum. (Reviewed by Booklist) In 1952, Zora Neale Hurston, famous writer and cultural anthropologist, worked on assignment for the Pittsburgh Courier to cover the murder trial of Ruby McCollum, a wealthy "colored" woman who shot and killed her white lover who had stolen her money and forced her to have his children. - March 09, 2009 - Gadfly Publishing, LLC
The Mastering Room Announces It's Grand Opening in Las Vegas, NV
A brand new world class CD Mastering Studio has officially opened its doors in Las Vegas, NV. The Mastering Room was designed and implemented by President/Chief Engineer Greg Forsberg. - March 09, 2009 - The Mastering Room
8fish is the Producer of Maverik’s Successful Kick Start TV Show
Sandy, Utah-based creative agency produces adventure reality show to cleverly promote large convenience store chain. - March 09, 2009 - 8fish
Go-Kustom Films Model of Film Distribution Makes Good Money in Hard Times
Go-Kustom Films reported brisk sales of it's new release, "Hot Rod Girls Save The World," for the first two months of 2009. Attributes CreateSpace and Amazon with sales success. - March 09, 2009 - Go-Kustom Rekords & Films
Go-Kustom Films Begins Pre-Production on "Rat Rod Rockers"
Seattle's Go-Kustom Films (sister company to Go-Kustom Rekords) held pre-production meetings last week for it's new film "Rat Rod Rockers." - March 09, 2009 - Go-Kustom Rekords & Films
New Research Journal in Chiropractic Announced
The Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic (JPMFH) has been launched to provide a venue and support for the increasing amount of chiropractic research being produced. - March 09, 2009 - J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health - Chiropractic
RFID Reader for Inventory: Simplify Inventory Management Process
DAILY RFID has recently unveiled HF RFID Reader DL5510 with a long read range of up to 60cm, specially designed for inventory management. With this 13.56MHz rfid reader integrated into RFID inventory system, there is no need to make an inventory by individual scanning while keeping accurate counts... - March 09, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Increase in Demand for Wood Pellets Pushed Prices Upward in Europe in the 4Q/08, Reports WRQ
Wood pellet prices in Europe has trended upward the past six years reaching record levels in the 4Q/08 as demand stays strong, reports Wood Resource Quarterly. - March 08, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC
Key to Immortality––Commentary on Gospel of Thomas by Stanislaw Kapuscinski
Original translation of Gnostic text of 114 sayings of Jesus. Author offers his explanation to the secret knowledge, providing the reader with the Key to Immortality promised in the first logion. - March 08, 2009 - inhousepress
TELES Announces Integrated Class 4 Solution in 1U Chassis
Fully scalable, complete TELES solution containing Softswitch, Media Gateway, and Signaling Gateway contained in a single, convenient package. - March 08, 2009 - TELES
Monitis Announces Open API and Open Sources Browser Plug-in
Monitis, a leading provider of affordable, easy-to-use performance monitoring and management software announces open API and open sources browser plug-in. Demonstrations will be available during CeBIT exhibition, Hall 6, Stand B16. - March 08, 2009 - Monitis GFI
Is Now the Time to Refinance?, suggests homeowners consider the pros and cons of refinancing in their situation before they sign up for a new deal on their home loan. - March 08, 2009 -, LLC
Fab Investment Activity During the Downturn - Key Investments in MPU Sector Publications, the electronics industry market research and knowledge network, announces the availability of a new report entitled "SEMI World Fab Forecast". Investment levels are the lowest in over a decade. Spending on fab construction projects in 2009 is expected to be... - March 08, 2009 - Publications
Sports Radio 620 The Bull Listener Prepared for Consequences of Bet with On-Air Host Bomani Jones
Duke fan ready to dye his hair Tar Heel Blue and stand on Raleigh street corner. - March 08, 2009 - 620 The Buzz
Turner Tops Publishers Weekly List of Fast-Growing Publishing Companies
Publishers Weekly has named Turner Publishing Company as the top-ranked publisher on their list of fast-growing companies. - March 08, 2009 - Turner Publishing Company
ThumbPeople Ready to Inspire Educators at the Minnesota Early Childhood Educator’s Conference
Early Childhood Educator, Kelly Olson, will represent ThumbPeople and its goal to encourage the development of self worth within children at the 7th Annual Minnesota Early Childhood Educator’s Conference to be held March 13-14 at Concordia University, Saint Paul, Minnesota. The goal of the... - March 08, 2009 - ThumbPeople, Inc.
Mystery of Biblical Symbolism Unveiled, eBook by Stanislaw Kapuscinski
For thousands of years, more than 3300 words in the Bible remained untranslated. Find out what Moses, Jesus and the prophets really said to the people of their time. - March 08, 2009 - inhousepress
The Georgia Festivals and Events Association (GFEA) and Atlanta-Based company, Top US Events, Announce Their Partnership in Forming the GFEA Video Network
The Georgia Festivals and Events Association (GFEA) and Atlanta-based company, Top US Events, a subsidiary of R2R Media, Inc. announce their partnership in forming, the GFEA Video Network. Within this exciting concept are plans that will significantly impact special event marketing and promotion across the state of Georgia and the entire Southeast. - March 08, 2009 - Top US Events
Hot Rod Girls Save the World - World Premiere in Philly, Midnight, March 6th
March 6th, 2009 is the world premiere of Go-Kustom Films first feature length release, Hot Rod Girls Save The World on the big screen. It played a midnight showing at the acclaimed Seventh Annual Backseat Film Festival in Philadelphia, PA. - March 08, 2009 - Go-Kustom Rekords & Films
Luxury Credit Card (Black Card) News and Information Site Launched
The Black Card ( site has been launched as a special interest community surrounding luxury credit cards, including news, rumours, lifestyle, celebrities, and more. - March 07, 2009 -
Nightengale Press Announces Book Launch for FourEver Friends, a Novel by Erica Miner
Studio City Book Launch for this coming of age novel which transcends time to satisfy the Boomers’ yearning for the Sixties and curiosity of Generations X, Generation Jones, and Generation Y about how growing up really was back in the good old days. - March 07, 2009 - Nightengale Press, A Nightengale Media LLC Company
4M Wireless Named Top Innovator at the GSMA’s 2009 Mobile Innovation Global Award Competition
LTE protocol stack vendor selected from 450 companies for prestigious award for technology excellence in the mobile telecommunications industry during GSMA Mobile World Congress 2009. - March 07, 2009 - 4M Wireless Ltd.
Domain Market Store Adds .IN to Domain Offerings
Now Offering Catchy Domain Extension Hoping your Web site will become the next “in” thing on the Internet? Domain Market Store may be able to help. Domain Market Store is adding .IN to its long list of domain offerings. The .IN extension is actually the official country code top... - March 07, 2009 - Domain Cart
Outskirts Press Author’s New Thriller Examines America’s Secret Nuclear Past
Nuclear secrets, a government cover-up and an environmental activist’s mysterious death await readers in Betrayal, an intriguing thriller with a high-tech twist from Outskirts Press author Norman Chance. Carrie Graham is an environmental activist investigating a high rate of cancer in a... - March 07, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
HF RFID Labels: A Smart Choice for RFID Library Management
Compared with UHF, HF Library System is currently the most mature and popular solution for Library due to its high identification rate and less influence by environment. And DAILY RFID has recently unveils high-performance, low-cost HF labels for library management. This HF RFID labels is ideal... - March 07, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
The Latest RFID Access Reader for Gated Communities
DAILY RFID, a leading producer of RFID tags and RFID readers, has recently released UHF RFID access control reader DL910, with long read range of up to 15 m. This reader is designed for vehicle or personal access application, especially in gated communities and parking access control. This UHF... - March 07, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited
Aboundi Inc. Debuts Its VersatileWire™ Solution for the Ethernet Over Long Distance Twisted Pair Wiring Connectivity Applications
Innovative VersatileWire™ essential facility deployment device allows quick and reliable Ethernet connectivity over extended twisted pair wiring distance with the ease of plug and play. - March 07, 2009 - Aboundi.Inc.
Project Reporter Digest 2009 Launched
ASAPP Media Pvt Ltd announces the launch of Project Reporter Digest 2009, a special edition providing 1200 project information from India. - March 07, 2009 - Asapp Media Pvt Ltd