KCM, Inc. Is Proud to Announce the Release of Iggy's Crush - the Movie

Iggy's Crush a new hit Comedy feature film created by Kcm, Inc. & starring Actor Keith Collins hits production and is set to be released in 2011. Iggy's Crush will be filmed in New Jersey & executive produced by Kcm, Inc. with many other production companies ready to sign on. Keith Collins... - March 05, 2009 - KCM, Inc.

Global Wood Fiber Prices in the 4Q/08 Experienced the Largest Drop in Over 20 Years, According to the Wood Resource Quarterly

The WRQ Global Average Wood Fiber Price Indices recorded their sharpest quarterly decline since their inception in 1988, as wood fiber consumption by struggling pulp and paper industries decreased worldwide in the 4Q/08. - March 04, 2009 - Wood Resources International LLC

Eye on Entertainment Films Show with Technology Expert and Ambassadorial Society of America Founder Venus Day

Eye on Entertainment Films Show with Technology Expert and Ambassadorial Society of America Founder Venus Day

2009 Ambassadors to the World Are Announced by the Board of Directors in Daytona Beach, Florida. - March 04, 2009 - Eye on Entertainment

Business Development Corporation of Provo Recognizes Renasis Success

Business Development Corporation of Provo Recognizes Renasis Success

Renasis founder, Ki Chun, thanks BDC board for mentoring and continued support. - March 04, 2009 - Renasis, LLC

Systemation Rolls Out Comprehensive New Package of Learning Improvement Solutions

Expanded offering includes large array of new training workshops in project management, business analysis and agile development; new virtual learning format provides enhanced flexibility, greater convenience to participants - March 04, 2009 - Systemation

VeloPress Publishes Bicycling for Women in Time for Spring

Bicycling for Women is an essential resource for women who want to learn more about cycling in time for the spring riding season. - March 04, 2009 - VeloPress

Trebeka on Her Way to Stardom

International nu-jazz singer Trebeka, start her 2009 world tour in Hanoi, Vietnam. - March 04, 2009 - Lotus Road Music

Bare Naked with Nora Klaver Welcomes Author and Journalist, Rivka Tadjer, as Guest

Tadjer will go “bare naked” and reveal her life’s mistakes and lessons. - March 04, 2009 - M. Nora Klaver Ltd.

PA&E Bonded Metals Division to Participate in American Physical Society’s March Exposition

Innovative explosive metal welding and explosive metal forming applications to be highlighted - March 04, 2009 - Pacific Aerospace & Electronics (PA&E)

Bills.com: Stimulus Plan Provides New Options for Laid-Off Americans

Ethan Ewing, president of free online consumer portal Bills.com, has nine suggestions for those who have been laid off to understand their best actions, as well as how the stimulus law aims to help. - March 04, 2009 - Bills.com, LLC

New Video Explores the Neurochemistry of Relapse and Recovery

The reasons that people give up their compulsive use of drugs vary, but they almost always include survival. The video explains the role of memory bumps, the brain’s stop and go switches using an allergy as an analogy to explain substance abuse. - March 04, 2009 - CNS Productions, Inc.

Appia, 7 Layer IT Solutions Expanding to Meet Service Demand in Southern California

Business IT and telecom partners adding new services and increasing staff in Los Angeles. - March 04, 2009 - Appia Communications

SpeechTrack Releases Online Call Recording Video Demonstrating Dictated Statement Recording

SpeechTrack.com releases a video detailing the steps it takes to record a dictated statement using SpeechTrack.com. The SpeechTrack service not only allows anyone to record inbound and outbound calls but use the service as a dictation machine as well, using any phone anywhere at... - March 04, 2009 - SpeechTrack

ThumbPeople Rolls Out Its Own “Family Bailout Plan”

ThumbPeople, Inc., a company committed to building up individuals and families through the use of positive and encouraging words is upping its efforts in light of today’s challenging economy and increasingly negative news media by rolling out its ThumbPeople Family Bailout Plan. The... - March 04, 2009 - ThumbPeople, Inc.

Baker’s Breakfast Cookies Team Up with Go Dairy Free Author for a Healthy Food Giveaway

During the first week in March, the websites www.GoDairyFree.org and www.OneFrugalFoodie.com will host a giveaway sponsored by Erin Baker’s Wholesome Baked Goods. Entries to the giveaway will be open from March 1, 2009 through March 6, 2009. To enter, viewers are simply asked to comment on... - March 04, 2009 - Go Dairy Free

NBS Introduces Latest Version of VoICE Manager Web Portal Tool Set

Valuable Management Reporting Tools for Hosted Inbound Call Center clients introduced at Spring Channel Partners Show - March 04, 2009 - NBS

Syntellect PhoneLink for Siebel Released

Syntellect, Inc., a leading provider of contact center management solutions, announced today the release of Syntellect PhoneLink for Siebel. This release is a CTI application that increases the efficiency of Customer Service Representatives (CSRs, Agents) by enabling features like Screen Pop and... - March 04, 2009 - Syntellect Inc.

Juliette Brindak, Pete Cashmore, Michael Davis, Nathaniel Stevens: Young, Hot and Successful Web Millionaires Talk to Exec Digital in Its March Issue

ExecDigital.com, mixing business and luxury living for even the most discerning executive, announces 99 percent increase in visitors in one month as it gets ready to release the March issue of its flagship product, Exec Digital Magazine - March 04, 2009 - Exec Digital

Indie Developers Get Public Exposure & Cash Prizes with Launch of 2BeeGames.com

2BeeGames Announces Publishing Contest to Get the Buzz Out on Independent Game Developers. Zoo Games, Inc. announces an exciting new partnership that highlights the innovative new video games being created by independent developers worldwide, and gives their amazing concepts the visibility to... - March 03, 2009 - Zoo Games, Inc.

Fighting for Peace Helps Christians Confront Conflict with Character

Dr. Dennis D. Morgan encourages readers to see conflict as an invitation from God to strengthen relational closeness in Fighting for Peace, the new book being released in April from Watertree Press. - March 03, 2009 - Watertree Press LLC

Net Connections Offers Website Redesign at Discount Price for Limited Time

Net Connections offers Website Redesign at discount price for limited time. Is your current website incapable of fulfilling all your online marketing objectives? Are you looking for added functionality, updated content, or a more sophisticated, elegant look? It is important to periodically update... - March 03, 2009 - Net Connections

vtarc Companion to Offer RACE CE Credit

vveterinary technicians and assistants resource center. vtarc Companion receives RACE approval. The Phoenix V.T. Group, LLC, publisher of the vtarc Companion, a quarterly publication for veterinary technicians and assistants, recently received approval from the American Association of Veterinary... - March 03, 2009 - veterinary technicians and assistants resource

Trade-Show-Advisor.com Partners with VendorSeek.com to Provide Free Quotes from Trade Show Suppliers

Trade-Show-Advisor.com, an on-line trade show success guide, has launched a new service that provides site visitors with free, no-obligation price quotes from independent suppliers of trade show exhibit displays and promotional items. - March 03, 2009 - Trade-Show-Advisor.com

YogaFit® and Take5Moment™ Deliver Yoga to the Desk Worker to Relieve Workplace Stress

Partnership unites Yoga and Technology to bring movement, meditation and balance to stressed-out employees in just five minutes. Beth Shaw and top YogaFit instructors deliver short Take5Yoga™ videos by Take5Moment that focus on releasing tension and energizing workers in order to increase productivity and improve the health of the deskbound. - March 03, 2009 - Take5Moment

John Lyndon Green Analyzes Jesus’ Statements in His Self Published Book

How Jesus made the gates of Heaven available to everyone is analyzed in the self-published book, Entering Into Heaven. - March 03, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

Fiber Optic Tool Supply Publishes Explanation of the Fiber Optic Fusion Splicing Process

Fiber Optic Tool Supply, a leading online retailer of fiber optic diagnostic and repair equipment, recently added a guide to their site which explains the process of fusing fiber optic cables. - March 03, 2009 - Fiber Optic Tool Supply

Is a Messiah in America's Future?

The release announces the release of American Messiah, a novel with the power to expand horizons. - March 03, 2009 - North Star Publications

BlogTalkRadio Host Keith D. Miller on His “AmericaFirst” February 27, 2009, Segment Calls for March 26 to be "D-Day"

Talk Show host issues call for "D-Day" (Demand Day) rallies to be held at America's state capitals March 26, 2009. - March 03, 2009 - AmericaFirst

Thrill Street Stresses "Show and Sell" DRTV Focus

Thrill Street Entertainment, Inc. (www.ThrillStreet.com) a full service advertising, entertainment, production, and marketing company continues to stress the importance of video and incorporating a DRTV "Show and Sell" focus into any successful marketing campaign whether it includes... - March 03, 2009 - Thrill Street Entertainment, Inc.

HostDomainZone.com Adds Two New Currency Options

HostDomainZone.com has two new currency options available - Mexican Pesos (MXN) and Indian Rupees (INR). Users can choose the display currency by clicking on the currency code or flag in the top bar of HostDomainZone.com site next to the login (defaults to USD). Once a shopper selects a currency,... - March 03, 2009 - HostDomainZone.com

Stunning New Music Video from Niva

R&B HipHop Soul Indie artist Niva releases New song and video. 'Pretty Butterfly.' - March 03, 2009 - New Black Music.net

The Original 24-Track Analog Master Recording of Johnny Cash's Live Performance at The Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park, NJ USA on July 28, 1990

The Original 24-Track Analog Master Recording of Johnny Cash's Live Performance at The Paramount Theatre, Asbury Park, NJ USA on July 28, 1990

These are the Original 24-track Master Tape Recording's of Johnny Cash Live on the night of July 28, 1990 at the Paramount Theatre in Asbury Park, NY USA. Part of these tapes were released by Universal/Mercury Polygram "The Great Lost Performance." - March 02, 2009 - Navybob, LLC

ClaroConnect Performs Custom Searches to Help Individuals Find a Financial Advisor

ClaroConnect.com, which matches individuals to financial advisors, announced a new feature to help people find financial advice. If someone doesn't find their desired financial advisor criteria (such as geography and qualifications) on the website, the company's team of analysts will perform a custom search to contact financial advisors who are the right match for someone's financial goals. - March 02, 2009 - ClaroConnect Solutions, LLC

Michael Chanley Joins BlogTalkRadio Host Michelle Uhri on “Seeds Family Worship Radio” March 5, 2009, at Noon Eastern

Children’s minister and founder of 3 online communities discusses the role of the church in family worship. - March 02, 2009 - Seeds Family Worship

Seeds Family Worship Releases Newly Re-Packaged Albums

Seeds Family Worship announces the release of their newly re-packaged albums – Seeds of Courage, Seeds of Faith, Seeds of Praise and Seeds of Purpose. The four albums include two identical full length cds, one to keep and one to give away. All four albums take inspiration from God’s... - March 02, 2009 - Seeds Family Worship

FastVision Launches Unique Free Reseller Network

Independent web hosting providers FastVision launch their FastVision Network - a free reseller hosting network with customisable control panel and website integration. - March 02, 2009 - FastVision Ltd

Swedish Carrier Quicknet AB Selects TELES C5 IP Centrex Solution

Quicknet adds TELES IP Centrex to portfolio to bring advanced softclient, zero touch auto-configuration benefits to customers. - March 02, 2009 - TELES

"Natural Water Source Enhancement" New Spring Development Manual. A Step by Step Guide to Cleaner and More Abundant Water.

Aztec Publishers is pleased to announce the recent publication and release of “Natural Water Source Enhancement” Spring Development. This manual covers in great detail how any natural water source can be enhanced to produce abundantly more water. Details include finding water sources... - March 02, 2009 - Aztec Publishers

VoxDomains.com Registrar Translates User Suggestions Into Tangible Customer Benefits

Why do people looking to establish or enhance their Web presence use VoxDomains.com Registrar? One reason may be the way this company continuously improves its products and services based on input from many customers who call for help, or to suggest product improvements. - March 02, 2009 - VoxDomains.com Registrar

The Hygienic RFID Tag for Livestock Tracking on Large Animal

A recent report on RFID-enabled livestock tracking released by the U.S. Department of Agriculture emphasized the importance of preventing infection when tracking systems using ear tags are deployed. Thus, DAILY RFID has recently unveiled a series of hygienic RFID Tags for prevention of any form of infection to livestock being tagged. - March 02, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited

RFID in Healthcare: Improve Safety and Operational Efficiency

As the significant impact of RFID technology on healthcare industry, more and more healthcare organizations are using RFID for daily healthcare to improve safety and efficiency. DAILY RFID has launched RFID Wristband designed for hospital healthcare system, specially suitable for patient management. - March 02, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited

Get Ready for a New Season: Le Shack – a Very Special Fishing Place

Get Ready for a New Season: Le Shack – a Very Special Fishing Place

When Le Shack was founded almost 50 years ago, the original members observed a morning ritual. With drink in hand and in various stages of dress, they lined up outside, faced east and observed the morning toast as one of the founders bellowed Sol er oppe, a Norwegian fish poem. Then they headed back into the shack for a hefty breakfast and sharing last night’s fishing results. Things are a little different today, but the fundamental spirit and camaraderie still support Le Shack. - March 01, 2009 - AnglingMatters

Editors Only March 2009 Issue Now Available

Announcing the release of the March 2009 issue of Editors Only, a monthly newsletter for editors that shares valuable insider tips from prominent editors in the industry. - March 01, 2009 - Editors Only

Plush Real Estate Media Creates One-of-a-Kind HD Marketing Tool for Commercial Developer

Captivating audio/video experience enhances Blume headquarters in Seattle following an innovative collaboration with Plush Real Estate Media in Los Angeles. - March 01, 2009 - Plush Real Estate Media

Radical 3d Announces Hire of Richard Payne

Radical 3D, a respected leader in visual effects, announced the hire of Richard “Dickie” Payne as its Lead Character Modeler for a new series it’s producing called “Animal Armageddon.” Payne will be in charge of modeling and texturing characters for the eight part... - March 01, 2009 - Radical 3D

Aboundi Inc. and Yiomau Electric Works Deliver PLC Solution to Factories

Aboundi Electric Connect® with Factory Flexible Wiring System Provides High Speed and Reliable Ethernet Network Solution for the Field’s Complex Environment. - March 01, 2009 - Aboundi.Inc.

RFID in the Hospital : Reduces Patient Management Errors

As RFID will play an important role in the hospital, it benefits the hospital in some aspect, including asset, patient and medicine management. DAILY RFID has recently developed a Gen 2 RFID wristband specially for hospital to reduce patient management errors. This One-time using RFID wristband is... - February 28, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited

Knockout Magazine Announces Phil Hellmuth to Play in Knockout Poker Tour Hosted by Vegas Hard Rock Hotel & Casino

KNOCKOUT® Magazine and The Vegas Hard Rock Hotel & Casino announced today poker legend Phil Hellmuth, known as the “Poker Brat,” has agreed to play in the upcoming Texas hold’em Knockout Poker Tournament. - February 28, 2009 - Knockout Magazine

Sound Authors Radio Show Releases Interview with Dr. Allan Hamilton on blogtalkradio.com/soundauthors

Blog Talk Radio network broadcasting Sound Authors, a live interview talk radio show, features award winning Dr. Allan Hamilton. - February 28, 2009 - Sound Authors

UHF Applications:RFID Development Kit Released by DAILY RFID

DAILY RFID, a Chinese leading producer of RFID tags and RFID readers, has recently announced a variety of different RFID kits for both end users and developers. The kits are designed as low-cost and easy-to-use development tools in a variety of RFID applications. The Development Kits include... - February 28, 2009 - DAILY RFID CO., Limited

Press Releases 49,451 - 49,500 of 59,715