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Within Publishing
"Restoring Faith, Family & Freedom, LLC" Releases First Book in 2012 by Elise Whitworth, "Fruit Loons: The Rise and Fall of American Socialism
Restoring Faith, Family & Freedom, LLC has released its first publication, "Fruit Loons: The Rise and Fall of American Socialism: by Dr. Elise Whitworth, as of August 2012, available at "Fruit Loons" is a refreshing mix of humor, facts and resource tools... - August 17, 2012 - Restoring Faith, Family & Freedom, LLC Expands Online Press Release Distribution Network via WDM Group continues to increase its online news distribution with the addition of fast growing digital media company, WDM Group. - August 16, 2012 -
Platinum Studios Inc Newly Appoints Chris Beall as President and Director
Change in executives and directors. Appointment of Chris Beall as President and Director of Platinum Studios Inc. - August 16, 2012 - Platinum Studios, Inc.
Outskirts Press Reveals Top 10 Best Selling Book Marketing Options in Self-Publishing for July 2012
Outskirts Press, the fastest-growing full-service self-publishing and book marketing company today announced its top ten book marketing options for July. - August 16, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Read Hear and Learn: Sylvan Dell Publishing is Now on Book Buddy Go Reader
Sylvan Dell Publishing has teamed up with Book Buddy to offer 70 nature themed titles on the Go Reader audio device. - August 15, 2012 - Arbordale Publishing
Hms Renews Its Microsoft Partner Certification for an 8th Consecutive Year
Publishers of TimeControl extend the relationship with Microsoft that started in 1995. - August 15, 2012 - HMS Software
What Business To Start, LLC, Offers Free QuickStart Guide
Find Entrepreneurship Ideas That Are a Good Fit for You - August 15, 2012 - What Business To Start
Monica Smiley Receives 2012 Women In Business Award from Triangle Business Journal
Publisher and CEO of Enterprising Women Magazine to be Honored at Aug. 23 Luncheon - August 15, 2012 - Enterprising Women
The Lordan Group Announces Distribution Partnership with Its Two Top News Sites
The Lordan Group, a California based corporation that specializes in niche online media publications, has announced that two of their top sites, Live Insurance and QR Code, have joined forces with Together, the two companies aim to better deliver relevant and interesting... - August 14, 2012 - Live Insurance News
Signalman Publishing Announces Release of "Hanged in Shame, Standing in Glory: Life Lessons from the Thief on the Cross"
New study released by Jeffrey Valerioti focuses on the interaction between Jesus and the penitent thief on that day at Calvary. The study contains 12 lessons that each one of us can apply to our own growth and understanding of Jesus. - August 14, 2012 - Signalman Publishing
Book Parade! with Richard, a New Television Show to Help Book Authors Sell More Books, Get More Visibility and Recognition
Attention all book authors, experts and business professionals! from Executive Coach Richard Wills comes an inventive, new television talk show where you can tell a book by its cover. Book authors get an unprecedented opportunity to promote themselves as well as their book and tell why their book really matters when it comes to providing solutions to everyday challenges. - August 14, 2012 - Book Parade TV
Conflict Resolution Book Reaches Amazon Top Five
Fighting for Peace: Combating Conflict Through Character reached the Amazon Best Seller list this weekend. This Christian perspective on conflict resolution from Dr. Dennis D. Morgan reached the top five for Kindle books about Family and Relationships. - August 14, 2012 - Watertree Press LLC
Escaping the Nation of Yahweh: No Crying for Elena Published by Outskirts Press
Author and ex-cult member N. Meridian’s eye opening memoir reveals the distorted reality of growing up in the Nation of Yahweh and her struggles afterward to create a normal life in the real world. - August 14, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Caught Up in an Obsessive Love: The Puppet’s Secret Published by Outskirts Press
Novelist Alex Samms takes readers to the edge of reality as a middle aged woman seeks a love she can never have, but she’ll have to face the price she must pay for the choices that she has made. - August 13, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Like Father, Like Daughter: Three Forbidden Sons Published by Outskirts Press
Outskirts Press announces the latest highly anticipated suspense fiction from Matewan, WV, author Marsha Blackburn. - August 12, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Sources of Creativity: The Worship of Kiln Gods: From the Temples of China to the Studios of Western Potters Published by Outskirts Press
Ceramist and author Dr. Martie Geiger-Ho introduces her readers to the mythic world of kiln lore and guides them from the origins of the Chinese Kiln Gods to their new iconic place in the American ceramic community. - August 12, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Financial Education Expert Robert Kiyosaki Says Goodbye to Expensive Recording Studios
“The Rich Dad Radio Show” will now be recorded from Scottsdale office via high tech, VocalBooth™. - August 12, 2012 - The Rich Dad Company
Bellena Magazine Acts the Absolute Resource for Fashion & Style Updates
Bellena Magazine has come up as the one-stop resource for all latest updates about fashion and style zone. The British magazine is also providing effective tips on health, food, beauty and travel. - August 12, 2012 - Bellena Fashion Magazine
In Dangerous Times, There Are Dangerous Truths…
Outskirts Press Announces the Latest Release by Author Ronnie Lee, Philosophy: Poetic Discovery. - August 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Creature from Yellowstone’s Depths: Faithful Shadow Published by Outskirts Press
Debut novelist Kevin J. Howard takes readers beyond the surface splendor of Yellowstone to the hellish terror that lurks underneath as Ranger Joe Rand tries to hunt down the escaped subterranean creature he finally realizes is actually hunting him. - August 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Elle Viane Sonnet Launches New Web Show Called “Chicly Geek” That Focuses on Geek Pop Culture in Movies, Video Games, Conventions, Technology and More
Elle Viane Sonnet goes deep into the world of “Geek Pop Culture” and reports on these events from the eyes of a young woman. - August 11, 2012 - Sonnet Realm Films
"BULLY NO MORE" Peaceful Conflict Resolution City Wide Campaign to Launch in Chicago, Illinois September 8th, 2012 at George’s Ice Cream and Sweets
Coinciding with the release of children’s book Baxter The Bully written by L. D. Etherly, Inkspill Publishing House is launching a city wide campaign in Chicago, focused on teaching youth peaceful conflict resolution. BULLY NO MORE! Peaceful Conflict Resolution campaign is set to launch Saturday September 8th, 2012 at 2pm at George’s Ice Cream and Sweets 5306 N. Clark Street. This is family friendly event, admission is free. - August 11, 2012 - Inkspill Publishing House
New Michelle Rhee/Yellow Journalism Exposé Published by Research Unlimited, Inc.
Veteran author Dr. Roland Rier analyzes Michelle Rhee’s firing of 266 D.C. teachers in 2010 and the media’s attempts to change and control our educational system through their coverage of her. - August 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Primer of Educational Wisdom: Six Bees for Children Published by Outskirts Press
Author and career educator Dorothy Sweet Calhoun offers a primer of “life wisdoms” and guiding principles to help children make right decisions, be responsible, and make and achieve their goals for success in life. - August 11, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
The Third BBC Good Food ME Awards 2012
The BBC Good Food Middle East Awards 2012, known for celebrating the best foodie experiences now enters its third year. - August 11, 2012 - CPI
Dream of Things Releases Paperback Edition of "Leaving the Hall Light On: A Mother's Memoir of Living With Her Son's Bipolar Disorder and Surviving His Suicide"
"Leaving the Hall Light On" by Madeline Sharples is now available in a trade paperback edition from Dream of Things. Previously available only in hard cover, this moving memoir focuses on tragedy, trying to prevent it, and coping with life after every family's worst nightmare. - August 10, 2012 - Dream of Things
iPadinTouch Updated the Review of 2012 Best Blu-Ray to iPad Converters
The updated review enriches the more clear and better Blu-ray ripping solutions for iPad users. - August 10, 2012 - iPadinTouch
Tulix Systems Offers a Feature Rich Turnkey Content Platform for the Online, Mobile and OTT Market
Tulix TV is all you need to start your monetizing your content. - August 10, 2012 - Tulix Systems
New YA Fantasy Novel "The Celibate Succubus" by Barton Paul Levenson to be Published in 2013
Barking Rain Press has acquired the worldwide print and electronic publishing rights for the YA Fantasy novel "The Celibate Succubus" from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, author Barton Paul Levenson. - August 09, 2012 - Barking Rain Press
Independent Book Publisher, TSPG, Releases New Hip Hop Fantasy-Fiction Literary Series to Address Teen Illiteracy
Literary series has already amassed a following of several thousand Facebook fans… - August 09, 2012 - Turner Scribe Publishing Group
Summerland Publishing Releases "The Lunar Roving Vehicle 1G Trainer" by William F. Probert as NASA Lands New Rover on Mars
As the world celebrates the successful landing of the new "Curiosity" roving vehicle on Mars this week, a new book by one of the engineers that worked on the Lunar Roving Vehicle Trainer releases a book documenting its design and construction. Three Lunar Roving Vehicles were left parked... - August 08, 2012 - Summerland Publishing
Creole Family Saga: Blues in the Wind – ReVisited, Published by Outskirts Press
Whitney J. LeBlanc has re-created the first book of his Blues Trilogy in this expanded introduction to the three novels Saga by the beautiful Creole matriarch, Martha Broussard, who tells of her family’s trials in Estilette, Louisiana, from 1934 through 1955. - August 08, 2012 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
China Imported 15 Percent Less Sawlogs in the First Half of 2012 Than in 1H/2011; in Addition, Prices for Domestic and Imported Softwood Logs Were Lower Than Last Year
The slowing economy in China has reduced the importation of logs from New Zealand, Russia and the US by about 15 percent during the first six months of 2012. Prices for imported and domestic softwood logs in China have fallen this year by 14 percent and 10 percent, respectively as reported in the Wood Resource Quarterly. - August 07, 2012 - Wood Resources International LLC
Vacation Business Services Confirms Exhibitor Participation for GNEX 2013 Timeshare and Fractional Expo
Vacation Business Services will be a corporate participant in Perspective Magazine’s annual timeshare and fractional industry networking and awards event. - August 07, 2012 - Perspective Magazine
Maricela Cornejo Wins the Boxing Illustrated Novice Middleweight Championship in Atlanta
TV4U covers the historic professional debut of the model / actress / boxer at the Cobb Center in Georgia, as Maricels Cornejo earns a four round decision. - August 07, 2012 - TV4U, LLC
New eBook by Larry Ivkovich Published by IFWG Publishing
"A Concerned Citizen," by Larry Ivkovich (author of The Sixth Precept) is the sixth in IFWG Publishing's e-chapbook series and is now available on, and "A Concerned Citizen" is the first of The Sixth Precept's protagonist Kim... - August 06, 2012 - Larry Ivkovich
Simply Stylist Announces First Ever New York Fashion Week Panel
Simply Stylist, the LA based brand consultant and special events company, announces today their New York Fashion Week event complete with networking luncheon, style expert fashion panel and designer shopping event. In addition, School of Style will be hosting a 30 minute breakout session for all... - August 06, 2012 - Simply Inc.
SproutVideo to iTunes is Now Available to Perfectly Convert Video Files
Software Transfers Most Video Files to Perfectly Fit on iPhones, iPods, iPads and other Apple Devices - August 05, 2012 - GearSprout LLC
AutoBio Comics Amplifies Marketing for Companies Via Comic Books
Another great idea as companies get more creative in their efforts to market their products and services. It does seem that consumers do enjoy the visual presentation of comic books. - August 05, 2012 - AutoBio Comics
New Job Board Debuts on CareersInfoSecurity
Information Security Media Group, publisher of CareersInfoSecurity and several other global media sites, announces the launch of its new Job Board, the world's largest online resource dedicated to information security job listings. At a time when the information security profession is enjoying... - August 05, 2012 - Information Security Media Group
Donnie Goth Web Comic Abandons Exclusive Facebook Distribution Model and Launches New Website
The Donnie Goth Webcomic, the first web comic to use Facebook as an exclusive distribution platform, has abandoned the distribution model and launched a new website to expose the comic strip to a wider audience. - August 04, 2012 - The Donnie Goth Webcomic
Kultur Announces the DVD Availability of Three Programs About the Legendary Entertainer; Why Elvis?, Heartbreak Hotel, and Elvis: The Birth of Rock ‘n' Roll
Remembering Elvis Presley on DVD On the eve of the 35th Anniversary of the loss of Elvis Presley on August 16, 1977, Kultur announces the DVD availability of three programs about the legendary entertainer; Why Elvis?, Heartbreak Hotel, and Elvis: The Birth Of Rock ‘n' Roll. These three... - August 04, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Bibliotastic Users Prefer Carrot Over Stick to Combat Ebook Piracy
The majority of bibliotastic users think making it easier and more affordable to purchase digital content legally is the best way to curtail piracy rather than blocking websites or strengthening DRM encryption. - August 03, 2012 - bibliotastic
Monica Smiley Attends Women Impacting Public Policy Leadership Conference in Washington, D.C.
Publisher of Enterprising Women Magazine Serves as a Delegate to Conference Focused on Entrepreneurial Growth Strategies - August 03, 2012 - Enterprising Women
Kultur is Proud to Announce Two New Releases in the in the Footsteps Series Available on DVD on August 28, 2012
Two New Titles in the Footsteps Series: Berlioz and Puccini Available on DVD August 28th Kultur is proud to announce two new releases in the In the Footsteps series, Berlioz and Puccini available on DVD on August 28, 2012. Berlioz In his music and his life, Hector Berlioz was a passionate... - August 03, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd
TV4U to Telecast The Nick Bonsanto Show from Score in the Luxor Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas
The Nick Bonsanto Show can be heard live daily from 6-9 pm EDT weekdays on the Sports Byline Radio Network. - August 03, 2012 - TV4U, LLC
Simple Web TV Adds HTML5 Support
The professional and affordable WebTV/Video Portal solution now supports HTML5, through an optional extension. - August 03, 2012 - WebTV Solutions
Kultur is Proud to Announce the DVD Release of Lhasa and the Spirit of Tibet: Available August 28, 2012
New from the Sites of the World’s Cultures Series: Lhasa and the Spirit of Tibet Debuts on DVD August 28th Kultur is proud to announce the DVD release of Lhasa and the Spirit of Tibet: available August 28, 2012. Nowadays the Tibetans have to fear for the preservation of their culture since... - August 03, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Kultur is Proud to Announce the Blu-Ray & DVD Release of the Festival Internacional De Música Castell De Peralada Production of Orfeo Ed Euridice Available August 28
Orfeo ed Euridice Debuts on Blu-ray and DVD August 28th Kultur is proud to announce the Blu-ray and DVD release of the Festival Internacional de Música Castell de Peralada production of Orfeo ed Euridice available August 28, 2012. To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the small but... - August 03, 2012 - Kultur International Films Ltd
Harvard Lawyer Solves Mystery in New Book — The Secret Gospel of Ireland
Harvard lawyer James Behan solves ancient mystery in new book The Secret Gospel of Ireland: The Untold Story of How Science and Democracy Descended from a Remarkable Form of Christianity That Developed in Ancient Ireland. - August 03, 2012 - Skywest Publishing