Kim and Robert Kiyosaki to Discuss Financial Education for Today’s College Students 11/8/11

Join an expected 38,000 people from over 400 colleges worldwide for this private event via livestream at - November 05, 2011 - The Rich Dad Company

Announcing FTNS – the World’s 1st Fitness Radio

FTNS LLC. World’s 1st Fitness Radio, broadcasts a fitness talk radio on the Internet to a potential audience of 70 million. It can be listened to online via http://FTNS.CO on computers, and mobile devices or via the FTNS iPhone app. - November 05, 2011 - FTNS LLC

California Author Selected as "50 Great Writers" to be Read

Long time Ridgecrest, California resident Lucinda Sue Crosby has been selected for inclusion in “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading,” 2011 edition. - November 05, 2011 - LuckyCinda

Romance Author Jaye Frances Launches New Novel with Clothing Optional Book Signing

Romance Author Jaye Frances Launches New Novel with Clothing Optional Book Signing

Jaye Frances, author of the just released paranormal romance novel, “The Kure,” has just returned from the Bare Necessities Tour & Travel Fantasy Fest Cruise, a clothing optional cruise that departed Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, on October 25, 2011. Jaye autographed her novel while at... - November 04, 2011 -

Pittsburgh Author Larry Ivkovich to Attend the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention on November 18 - 20

Pittsburgh Author Larry Ivkovich to Attend the Philadelphia Science Fiction Convention on November 18 - 20

Larry Ivkovich, author of the urban fantasy, The Sixth Precept, will be selling copies of his novel in the dealer's room at Philcon, 2011, held in Cherry Hill, NJ from Friday, November 18 to Sunday, November 21. - November 04, 2011 - Larry Ivkovich

Georgina Lewis to Speak at Top Golf Instructor Conference

Founder and CEO of the Tour Resource Group to speak at the Golf Magazine Top 100 Teachers Summit in November 2011 - November 04, 2011 - The Golf Resource Group

Maryville, TN Gift Basket Designer Wins Design Competition

Michelle Peruski, owner of Classy Gift Creations, in Maryville, TN, won the Color Your Life Happy Gift Basket Contest with her entry, "Fill Your World with Color," on Nov1 2011. - November 04, 2011 - Flora Brown Associates

New Word City LLC Announces the Publication of An American Feast by New York Times Bestselling Historian and Novelist Thomas Fleming

Here is the story of six memorable Thanksgivings - from the first with the Pilgrims in Plymouth, Massachusetts, to the sixth, celebrated in England’s Westminster Abbey. About The Author New York Times bestselling author Thomas Fleming is one of the most distinguished and productive... - November 04, 2011 - New Word City

RSS Ground by Paytory Inc. Announces an Important Update of Its RSS Feeds Generators

Using the most up-to-date update of RSS feeds Generators RSS Ground users can produce not only keyword-based RSS feeds but additionally best RSS feeds of key categories from well-liked content providers. - November 04, 2011 - Paytory Inc.

Kim and Robert Kiyosaki to Reveal Financial Education Secrets Live in Orlando 11/10/11

Join the Rich Dad Advisors in person or via live streaming at - November 04, 2011 - The Rich Dad Company

USA Book News Names Fifo “50 States” as Finalist, Twice, in THE USA “BEST BOOKS 2011” AWARDS

Fifo “50 States” does it again, twice. This time Fifo “50 States” is an Award-Winning Finalist in the Children's Educational, and Children's Picture Book: Soft cover Non-Fiction categories of THE USA “BEST BOOKS 2011” AWARDS, sponsored by USA Book... - November 04, 2011 - Inkwell Productions

Daily Show West L.A. 2Day Partners with Celebrity HotSpots

Online video program will feature 2012 Celebrity HotSpots Los Angeles Restaurant Guide: Where Your Fave Celebs Dine. Through the partnership, the entertainment show will reveal the top 5 restaurants in west Los Angeles where celebrities have been most spotted. - November 04, 2011 - My Local Buzz TV

White Digital Media Appoints Allie Schratz New Editor of Business Review Australia

The leading digital news source for executives and professionals - November 03, 2011 - WDM Group

Damnation Books LLC Announces Closure of Realms of Fantasy Magazine

A spokesperson for Realms of Fantasy, Kim Richards Gilchrist, says, "We are saddened about the decision to close Realms of Fantasy Magazine. It's been thrilling to publish the issues we have in 2011. Despite the magazine looking better than ever, the addition of new content/revision of former columns, and extensive marketing efforts, the magazine simply costs more to print than it brings in. Our back up capital has been depleted and so it was time for the magazine to carry its own..." - November 03, 2011 - Caliburn Press LLC

Mass UFO Contact in Los Angeles by OOBE Research Center

Many were contacted by “aliens” and “UFO” during an experiment conducted by the OOBE Research Center. It was the first experiment to ever prove that close encounters with UFOs and extraterrestrials are a product of the human mind. - November 03, 2011 - OOBE Research Center

Two Free Marketing Services for Self-Publishing Authors Offered by Outskirts Press in November

This month self-publishing authors can receive two of the most popular book marketing services – Amazon Search Inside and Barnes and Noble See Inside submission services – free with their publishing package. - November 03, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Book from Dunrobin Publishing Brings 2,500 Year Old Story Into Today

“The Oracle of Malachi,” Pastor Jerry Marshall’s new book and the latest release from Dunrobin Publishing, takes the book of Malachi from the Bible and brings it into the present age with relevant, practical applications of biblical truth. - November 03, 2011 - Dunrobin Publishing

A Death in Ueno, a New Mystery eBook by Novelist Mike Cooper

Japan’s last decade has left thousands of people homeless, scraping by in parks and cardboard boxes throughout Tokyo. When one of these forgotten men is murdered, writes Cooper, his brother hires a private investigator. To find the killer, he must confront police indifference, yakuza hostility, and the closed silence of the down-and-out themselves. - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

The Real Pirates of the Caribbean - by Colin Woodard

New Word City Llc announces the publication of The Real Pirates of the Caribbean, an eBook by award-winning journalist and author Colin Woodard. Here’s the true story of the British Royal Navy’s struggle with the greatest pirate gang of all time. Drawing on archives in Great Britain... - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

What You Can Learn From Pepsi - by the Editors of New Word City

New Word City Llc announces the publication of What You Can Learn From Pepsi, a new eBook by the editors of New Word City. With U.S. soda sales flagging, Coca-Cola resurgent, and the world in recession, PepsiCo’s CEO Indra Nooyi has found ways to cope with each challenge. She has also moved... - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

The Joy of Steam - by Tony Perrottet

New Word City Llc announces the publication of The Joy of Steam, a new eBook by the bestselling author and award-winning travel writer and frequent New York Times contributor Tony Perrottet. The historic bathhouses of Istanbul were built on the sites of the great thermae of the ancient Romans,... - November 02, 2011 - New Word City

1026 Enterprises, Inc. Announces the Publication of 1st Edition Colombia-Travel-Magazine

The inauguration of the world's most vibrant & colorful Colombia magazine. - November 02, 2011 - 1026 Enterprises, Inc.

Create a Winter Wonderland at Home with Prime Publishing's 8 Unique Christmas Decorations to Make eBook

Tis the season to create fun crafts and decorate your space. From ornaments to tabletop trees, there are so many ways to get in the holiday spirit. This eBook is available to download for free at - November 02, 2011 - Prime Publishing

White Digital Media Appoints Carin Hall New Editor of Energy Digital

The leading news source for energy industry executives has a fresh new voice. - November 01, 2011 - WDM Group

90 Day Program by Mom Entrepreneur Donna Marie Johnson Helps Mompreneurs Discover Their Social Media Marketing Sweet Spot and Expand Their Businesses/Ministries Online

Donna Marie Johnson is an experienced Social Marketing Strategist whose goal is to continue using her 15 years of marketing, technical, business writing and other business skills to support creative, wealth-minded, empowered mom entrepreneurs, so that they can continue blessing others with their creative gifting while building their family’s wealth and still maintaining life balance and sanity. - November 01, 2011 - Donna Marie Johnson Consulting

Popular Profit Confidential Financial e-Letter Predicts Huge Bearish Sentiment Will Propel Stock Market Rally

Profit Confidential, the popular stock market and economic e-letter, predicts today that the huge amount of bearish sentiment among stock advisors will propel stock prices higher. - November 01, 2011 - Profit Confidential

Wingspan Press Announces the Release of a New Book "Animal Teachings: From Hayley's Angels Methods"

An intuitive and compassionate approach to both self and animal companion care. - November 01, 2011 - WingSpan Publishing Inc

Attention Talk Radio Presents "ADD Rx Rules: Paying Attention to Meds for Paying Attention," with Dr. Charles Parker on November 9, 2011

Host Jeff Copper interviews Dr. Charles Parker, author of “ADHD Medication Rules: Paying Attention to the Meds for Paying Attention,” in an open discussion designed to inform and arm patients to have a conversation with the mental health professional to tune into the right drug in the right dose using the right delivery system. - November 01, 2011 - Attention Talk Radio

The Artists' Orchard's Author SBR Martin Finds a New Life in Writing Her Debut Book, "In Wake Of Water"

After losing her only sibling and both parents, SBR Martin deals with grief and loss and finds a new life through her adult fiction writing. - October 31, 2011 - The Artists' Orchard, LLC

Perspective Magazine Awards Program is Open for Nominations to Choose Timeshare and Fractional Industry Elite

The Second Annual Perspective Magazine Awards Program, sponsored by Holiday Systems International, will be held in conjunction with the GNEX 2012 Global Networking Expo. - October 31, 2011 - Perspective Magazine

NOAA's 2012 Tide Tables and Tidal Current Tables Are Now Available from North Wind Publishing

North Wind Publishing has published 6 volumes of NOAA’s 2012 Tide Tables and Tidal Current Tables. NOAA's Tide Tables and Tidal Current tables are used by professional and recreational mariners for navigation. For professional mariner’s, these books meet U.S. Coast Guard requirements for use aboard commercial vessels navigating in US waters. The U.S. Coast Guard recommends these for all navigators. - October 31, 2011 - North Wind Publishing

Mi Suk Ahn at Seattle's BOKA Kitchen + Bar Earns IFWTWA Beverage Excellence Award

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's prestigious award recognizes the best of the best in wines, brews, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages around the world. - October 31, 2011 - Explorer Media & Marketing

The insideEdge with SAP’s Chakib Bouhdary

In this executive address, Bouhdary discusses the implications of these changes, as well as the opportunities they present for businesses. “For companies that are willing to embrace the change, the sky is limit,” says Bouhdary. - October 30, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services

CVL Wireless Announces the Release of CollisionCare, the iPhone App

CollisionCare is the app that eases the stress of an auto accident, helping drivers gather data, protect their rights and their driving records. Available for download from iTunes today. - October 30, 2011 - CVL Wireless LLC

Molecular Connections Ranked Number 24 Fastest Growing Technology Company on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India 2011

Molecular Connections today announced that it ranked Number 24 on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 India 2011, a ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in India. Rankings are based on percentage revenue growth over three years. Molecular Connections grew in triple digits during this... - October 30, 2011 - Molecular Connections Pvt. Ltd.

Your Time Publishing's Author to Sign Her Book "If You Change the Words You Change the Meaning" at the New Orleans East Friends Fest

Author, Ellen Allen will sign her debut book at the 1st annual New Orleans East Friend Fest. - October 30, 2011 - Your Time Publishing, LLC

Another Malone Editorial Services Book Sold to a Traditional Publisher

Author Annabelle Charbit Bergenfeld Prepares for Publication in 2012 - October 30, 2011 - Malone Editorial Services

No “Retire” in Her Retirement: Watch Where You Step Published by Outskirts Press

In this rich, humorous, well crafted memoir, Jenepher Field takes up her husband’s mantra “You have to retire to something, not retire from something” as the two of them learn to expect the unexpected when, retiring, they open a pet boarding kennel. - October 30, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

"Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer" Worldwide Television Show is Coming to DEMA Nov. 2nd to Nov. 5th. ASOB is Offering a Discount of $25,000 to Travel Partners

"Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer" Worldwide Television Show is Coming to DEMA Nov. 2nd to Nov. 5th. ASOB is Offering a Discount of $25,000 to Travel Partners

Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer, a highly successful worldwide television program will be represented at DEMA, the Dive Equipment Manufacturing Associations annual convention in Orlando, Florida by their sales force. They will be offering hugely discounted Travel Partner Sponsorships to destinations. Product Sponsorships will be offered to outstanding companies in the Dive related field for their second year of production. Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer is broadcast worldwide. - October 29, 2011 - Wright Productions, LLC

Marshall Cavendish Business Bookshop Publishes "Make Your Website Sell"

Jed Wylie, one of the UK's top internet marketing experts, releases his new book. - October 29, 2011 - Business Bookshop

Paragon Software Asks Users to Name One Item Worthy of Saving Forever, Offers 50% Discount Code

Highlighting the need to archive and preserve legacies for future generations through personal data loss prevention, unique experimental project invites social users to submit and vote on 10 items to preserve in the Paragon Backup Capsule. - October 29, 2011 - Paragon Software Group

Color Media Group Announces Fourth Annual All Inclusive Awards Featuring Russell Simmons

The unique live Q&A with the hip hop ground breaker is sure to be one of the highlights of the evening. - October 29, 2011 - Color Magazine USA

IFWTWA Announces 2011 Scholarship Award Winners

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's annual Scholarship Award competition recognizes non-member food, wine and travel writers who demonstrate exceptional writing talent; IFWTWA awards winners a one-year paid membership in the organization and much more. - October 29, 2011 - Explorer Media & Marketing

Find Spine-Tingling Tales of the Supernatural on

Find Spine-Tingling Tales of the Supernatural on

This Halloween season, those hungry for real ghost stories and other terrifying tales can find a tasty selection of paranormal goodies on the website. - October 28, 2011 - Odd Encounters

Don’t Change - Accept Yourself Right Now

You don’t need to look for greener grass. According to Self-Esteem expert and author, Susan Vernicek, the path to self-esteem is right beneath your feet. - October 28, 2011 - Identity Magazine

Kultur Celebrates National Opera Week Which is Being Recognized Worldwide This Year from October 28th to November 6th

Kultur Celebrates National Opera Week October 28th to November 6th Kultur celebrates National Opera Week which is being recognized worldwide this year from October 28th to November 6th. The earliest composition considered an opera was Dafne, written in 1597 by the composer Jacopo Peri. Over the... - October 28, 2011 - Kultur International Films Ltd

2012 Urban Vehicles of the Year Announced

Hyundai Veloster, Range Rover Evoque & Toyota Prius Plug-in. - October 27, 2011 - Decisive Magazine

Savant Records Announces Release of R. Page Kaufman's Newest CD, "Tropic of California"

Savant Records, Honolulu, Hawaii, a branch of Savant Books and Publications LLC announces the release of R. Page Kaufmans' contemporary trombone jazz CD, "Tropic of California." - October 27, 2011 - Savant Books and Publications LLC

Egypt Business Directory Attends PaperME to Promote the Local Packaging Sector

The Paper Middle East exhibition aims at increasing paper export from 10% to 50% by adding a new sector to its event: Paper Packaging. - October 27, 2011 - Egypt Business Directory

Dunning Vineyards Earns the IFWTWA Beverage Excellence Award

The International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association's prestigious award recognizes the best of the best in wines, brews, spirits and non-alcoholic beverages around the world. - October 27, 2011 - Explorer Media & Marketing

Press Releases 21,051 - 21,100 of 31,609