Magic of Domestic Mischief-Makers Told: The Sneaky Leprechaun Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Sneaky Leprechaun by Tracy Artz. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the humor and anecdotes category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $10.95. - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Bees Know More than Beekeepers: Getting The Best From Your Bees, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Getting The Best From Your Bees by David MacFawn and Chris Slade. The authors’ most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the crafts and hobbies reference category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Ways for Coping Shown in The Life and Times of a Schizophrenic, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Life and Times of a Schizophrenic by T. Clarey. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the biography and personal memoirs category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Individual Growth Workbook, Looking In from The Outside, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Looking In from The Outside: Creating Your Own Window by Troy H. Seidl, Ph.D. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the industrial and organizational psychology category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

“Suicide Seth” Dares Others to Do It: Tom and the Troubled Teens, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Tom and the Troubled Teens: Suicide Seth by Gary Turcotte. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the fictional family life category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Theories of Personality Explored: Robots: How Human Are We? Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Robots: How Human Are We? 2nd Edition by Verdree B. Stanley. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the social science and sociology category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Daddy Drinks, Author Theresa Helen Channell

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Daddy Drinks by Theresa Helen Channell, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the Juvenile Fiction / Religious / Christian / Emotions & Feelings category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Release by Frank Alessandra Brings High School Buddies’ Stories to Life; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

The Six, published by Dog Ear Publishing, offers an up-close and personal glimpse into the world of male buddies, featuring both hilarious stories of raucous parties and antics, and heartbreaking anecdotes of regrets and rough times in the 1980s. Relive the days of high school hi jinx, young love and heart-thumping adventures, as seen through Frank’s eyes. - January 25, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Outskirts Press Announces UNSOLVED, by Author John E. Bartlett

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published UNSOLVED: Rape, Murder, Mutilation and Bullying by John E. Bartlett, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 paperback in the Fiction / General category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble... - January 25, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Non-Fiction Release Explores Author’s Global Experiences in Spiritual Growth and Self-Healing; Book by Robert R. Maldonado, Ph.D.; Released by Dog Ear Publishing

Robert R. Maldonado spent his childhood traveling the world with his family. He entered the Marine Corps and later embarked on a full career of flying helicopters with the elite Air Commandos of the Air Force Special Operations Command. In 1999, he retired from the military and sought a new career. He chose to become a public school teacher to fulfill his call to help others. In 2005, he felt led to take a leave of absence to pursue his spiritual growth. That decision changed his life. - January 25, 2011 - Dog Ear Publishing

Intelligent Entertainment on Freed Up! with Dr. Jennifer Freed, on International Internet Radio

Intelligent Entertainment on Freed Up! with Dr. Jennifer Freed, on International Internet Radio

A captivating radio series featuring top producers,writers, and directors commenting on what's intelligent and truly entertaining in TV and Film. - January 24, 2011 - FREED UP!

Bean Media Wins Two Major Publishing Awards for "Australia's Best" Business Magazines

Bean Media Wins Two Major Publishing Awards for "Australia's Best" Business Magazines

Sydney-based magazine publisher, Bean Media Group, have collected two big awards from Publishers Australia in the B2B Magazine Of The Year category. - January 24, 2011 - Bean Media Group

Moon Fiji Launched by South Pacific Organizer

Moon Fiji by David Stanley is the original travel guidebook to the Fiji Islands. The ninth edition has just been published by Avalon Travel of Berkeley, California. - January 24, 2011 - South Pacific Organizer and Galatia Films Come Together to Produce Unique Online Experience with 'Hobbit in 5'

All the news of condensed into 5 minute video segments available on all platforms. - January 24, 2011 - The One Ring Inc.

Vibrant New Poems Seek Social Change in Poetry for the Dead, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Poetry for the Dead: How to Care for People, Angels and The Human Soul by GD Granger. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the inspirational and religious poetry category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon... - January 24, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Thomas T Fields Spoke to the Bernice Business Group About His Two Recently Published Books, "I Called Him Grand Dad" and "Desert Burning"

Thomas T Fields Jr spoke to the Bernice Business Group about his two recently published books. The most attention was paid to his book on Louisiana Politics, "I Called Him Grand Dad, The Lost Political Papers of Harvey G. Fields" This book was also a subject of a story in the highly respected online news outlet, Digital Journal. - January 24, 2011 - Thomas T Fields

First Rule of Tennis is Have Fun: Tennis With Tony -- and Friends, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Tennis With Tony -- and Friends by Tony Severino with illustrations by Charlotte Severino. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the sports and recreation tennis category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as... - January 24, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

School Library Journal and Capstone Partner to Offer Special Promotion to Subscribers

Capstone is partnering with School Library Journal to offer new or renewing SLJ subscribers 10,000 Capstone Rewards Bonus Points. - January 23, 2011 - Capstone

Creative Flavor Launches Using Kentico CMS

Creative Flavor launched a new web site for using .NET-based Kentico CMS. - January 23, 2011 - Creative Flavor Inc.

Moving Journey of Mutual Discovery and Growth in Masquerade, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Masquerade: The Other Side of Reality by Ronnie Austin. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the self-help, personal growth and self-esteem category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes &... - January 23, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Learn About Green Multi-Family Housing Developments in the January Issue of Construction Digital

Construction Digital, the top digital media source for global construction news and information investigates two multi-family housing projects in Southern California, Casa Dominguez in Los Angeles and Ten Fifty B in San Diego. Though many feel that green building is for the wealthy, these... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

Canadian Billionaires and the Conglomerates They Lead in Business Review Canada

The cover story of Business Review Canada’s January issue profiles the five richest Canadian billionaires and the companies they control. Not surprisingly, the unfathomably wealthy billionaires influence Canadians’ everyday lives, from the foods people eat to the news people read and... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

‘Year in Review’ Turns to ‘Year in Preview’ with Business Review Canada’s 2011 Economic Barometer

2011 has officially begun and it’s time to close the book on all the ‘year in review’ and ‘best of’ lists. Executives, if they haven’t already, should be looking at forecasts, predictions and current conditions as strategies for the upcoming year... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

Why Consumers Are Willing to Spend the Extra Cash on a MacBook, Rather Than the Ordinary PC in January’s Issue of Business Review USA

Business Review USA, the top digital media source for American business news, takes a look at the latest MacBook Air as a status symbol and a testament to the Apple customer culture. What’s so special about MacBooks that Apple can get away with charging upwards of $1400 while PCs go for... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

An Exclusive Interview with Actress Glenn Close About Her Work with Bring Change 2 Mind in Business Review USA

Business Review USA, the top digital media source for American business news, gets an exclusive interview with actress Glenn Close and speaks about how she got involved with and helped to create Bring Change 2 Mind, a not-for-profit organization that helps fight against the stigma associated with... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

Porsche 918 Sypder Hybrid Premieres

This month, Energy Digital explores all the latest and greatest hybrids that are emerging on the market. But these aren’t just average hybrid vehicles; they’re the most luxurious, high-class cars out there. The Porsche 918 Spyder is all anyone can talk about – while it’s... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

The Latest Technological Advances in Cosmetic Medicine and Social Media Marketing Strategies in January’s Latino Business Review

Read and Journey through the world of beauty and eternal youth with Sergio Rada, a well recognized Colombian medic who has conquered the market in Latin America. - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

Discover the Trends Shaping the World’s Cities in the January Issue of Construction Digital

Construction Digital, the top digital media source for global construction news and information speaks with urban and community planners from around the world about the trends that are shaping the cities of the future. Trends such as infill and mixed-use development are common around the globe as... - January 22, 2011 - WDM Group

Making a Movie and Seeking a Soul Mate: The Otter Diaries Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Otter Diaries by The Otter. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback adventurers and explorers autobiography category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Eccentric and Cantankerous Animate Life on Grayson Island, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Life on Grayson Island: Turtles, Snakes, Dogs and Flakes. Seven Years in the Land of Oz by E. R. Champion. The author's most recent book to date is a 5.5 x 8.5 paperback in the humorous anecdotes category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such... - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Guardian Angel or Devil in Disguise? A Lesson Before Graduating Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published A Lesson Before Graduating by George Shetuni. The author's most recent book to date is a 5 x 8 paperback in the coming of age fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Poems Share Mysteries Unique to Love: The Seeker Is The Sought Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Seeker Is The Sought: Poems 1970 - 2010 by Marvin Richard Montney. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the poetry category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at www. - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Single Father Struggles, Succeeds in Raising Megan...aka Ouch, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Raising Megan...aka Ouch by Uncle Dano. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the family and relationships category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at... - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Travelogue and Historical Study: Search for the Camino Real, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Search for the Camino Real: A History of San Blas and the Road to Get There by Robert Richter. The author's most recent book to date is a 7 x 10 paperback in the Latin American and Mexican history category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such... - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Tale of Heroic Mission to Save Powerful Lightning Gems Told: Iôn, Published by Outskirts Press

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Iôn by Mark Martin. The author's most recent book to date is a 6 x 9 paperback in the action and adventure fiction category and is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble. The webpage at - January 22, 2011 - Outskirts Press, Inc. Publications: A Reoprt on Global Demand for Electronic Chemicals and Materials

Electronic chemicals and materials are solid, liquid, and gaseous substances used in the fabrication of semiconductors and printed circuit boards (PCBs). Global demand for electronic chemicals and materials, particularly in developed countries, is projected to increase at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.6% through 2015. - January 22, 2011 - Publications

Announcing the Government Information Security Today Survey

Information Security Media Group (ISMG), publisher of, announces the launch of its inaugural Government Information Security Today survey gauging top trends, threats and priorities for federal, state and local government agencies. This web-based research study, created by ISMG... - January 22, 2011 - Information Security Media Group

Top Producing Industries Featured in This Month’s Latino Business Review

In this edition of Latino Business Review, find out which industries registered the most participation in the region and have driven the Latin American economy into the big leagues. In this important article, discover how the greater global demand for food has favored Latin American countries. In... - January 21, 2011 - WDM Group

CEO of Puro Marketing, Andrés Toledo Shares His Insight with Latino Business Review

Latino Business Review’s January issue features an interview with Andrés Toledo, CEO of Puro Marketing, who created an excellent Web site on Marketing 2.0. Toledo talks about the significance of marketing in social media and the importance of this service as a channel or tool for... - January 21, 2011 - WDM Group

Why is Latin America Worth Investing in? This Month in Latino Business Review

The January issue of Latino Business Review presents an article featuring those countries with a positive peak in the real estate market. Constant growth in the last few years has established them as the new investment alternative for global investors. Find out why Peru, despite not being thought... - January 21, 2011 - WDM Group

Silverquick Ltd. Publisher of the Newquay Guide Launches iPhone App

The Newquay Guide - Newquay's longest established on-line guide launches an iPhone App. Users of the App can browse special offers and listings from accommodation providers. Silverquick Ltd continues to innovate in providing its service to visitors and accommodation providers alike. - January 21, 2011 - Silverquick Ltd

Damnation Books and Eternal Press Proudly Announce Another Title by Kathryn Meyer Griffith

The Nameless One by Kathryn Meyer Griffith is being released through Damnation Books on 1 February, 2011. Sometimes revenge can only be achieved with magic. Kathryn Meyer Griffith has been writing for over 39 years; has published fourteen novels and seven short stories since 1984. She writes... - January 21, 2011 - Caliburn Press LLC

Blue Yonder Webcomic Gives Away Superhero Death Knell

In a comic book landscape where both Batman and Captain America have died and come back to life, the creators of the webcomic “Blue Yonder” have created an interesting twist on the superhero death - by letting fans make their own. - January 21, 2011 - Blue Yonder Comics

Despite Tough Times Salespeople Remain Optimistic

A poll conducted by shows a sky-high ninety-three percent of salespeople expect an increase in their sales in 2011. Their optimism is apparently fueled by an increase in lead generation efforts. According to the poll, seventy-one percent of respondents say their companies have... - January 21, 2011 -

The World’s Top Rated Restaurants Are Discussed in the January Issue of Food and Drink Digital

Food and Drink Digital announces the launch of its newly developed Front of Book story featuring The World’s Top Rated Restaurants. - January 20, 2011 - WDM Group

The Top Grocery Chains Around the World Are Discussed in the January Issue of Food and Drink Digital

Food and Drink Digital announces the launch of its newly developed Front of Book story featuring the top rated grocery chains around the world - January 20, 2011 - WDM Group

Buying vs. Leasing Commercial Property: the Pros and Cons Discussed in January’s Issue of Business Review Australia

In the January issue of Business Review Australia, Sophie Arkelidis, Managing Director, Mocha Marketing outline the pros and cons of buying versus leasing commercial property. She explains that while the pros of leasing include a variety of properties, freed working capital and faster business... - January 20, 2011 - WDM Group

Ten Hot Tips for Utilizing Facebook and Twitter to Boost Company Images on the Web in Business Review Australia

In the January issue of Business Review Australia, Nicole Smith of Blue Fish Social Media offers ten tips on how to make the most of the cheapest, fastest and most effective advertising available—social media. While concentrating on Facebook and Twitter, Smith says it’s imperative to... - January 20, 2011 - WDM Group

Goodman Beck Publishing Releases Award-Winning Author Dr. Alan Gettis's Highly Anticipated Follow-Up to The Happiness Solution

Goodman Beck Publishing Releases Award-Winning Author Dr. Alan Gettis's Highly Anticipated Follow-Up to The Happiness Solution

Newest Offering Continues Dr. Gettis's Groundbreaking Healing via the Power of Storytelling. - January 20, 2011 - Goodman Beck Publishing

The Top Late Night Kings, the Best Vodkas and Los Angeles Profiled in Exec Digital’s First Issue of 2011

Check out Exec Digital's list of the world’s favorite vodkas, valued for their taste rather than their price point. - January 20, 2011 - WDM Group

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