Book Release Announcement by Canadian Publisher

BC-based Canadian publisher, Privilege Solutions Integrated is pleased to announce that its recently published book “You are Privileged, 12 Success Principles to Uncover Your Innermost Potential” by Canadian author Sheila Atienza, is now available in select bookstores worldwide. The... - April 11, 2009 - Privilege Solutions Integrated

Premier Data Solutions Provider Acquirelists Introduced Their New Online Data Capture and Cleansing Solution

Premier data solutions provider Acquirelists known for their online data cleansing and processing introduced their new Data Capture and Cleansing Solution. - April 11, 2009 - ACQUIRELists

Editors Only April 2009 Issue Now Available

Announcing the release of the April 2009 issue of Editors Only, a monthly newsletter for editors that shares valuable insider tips from prominent editors in the industry. - April 11, 2009 - Editors Only

Red Lion Studio Announces the Publication of the Second Volume of the Chesapeake Gazetteer

Red Lion Studio announces the publication of the Chesapeake Gazetteer, Volume Two, Lanterns, Brigands and Tea, a full color 75 page illustrated history of legends of the Chesapeake Bay region. - April 11, 2009 - Red Lion Press

Author Releases Literary Odyssey, from an Otherwise Comfortable Room

Where does one find a comfortable place from which to view the world? This is the question posed by a newly released novel, From an Otherwise Comfortable Room, written by Outskirts Press author Roger Sakowski—and for Sakowski’s main character, that comfortable place is as a hero and... - April 11, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

MLO Media Inc. Presents twiHaiku – Twitter Poetry Portal

A way of publishing your poetry to large numbers of people, to the audience that cares, this is the fundamental promise of twiHaiku, new online Twitter publishing application that leverage the core virtues of Internet and social networking. - April 11, 2009 - Make Literature Online Media Inc.

Teaching American Youth Conservation and Care for Their World… April 12-18 Marks National Environmental Education Week

In a world dominated by video games, cellular phones, and iPods, who has the time to think about the environment? It’s easy to look away when environmental education is waning. After all, how can you fix something if you don’t know what broke it in the first place? - April 10, 2009 - Arbordale Publishing

Worldwide Market for Drug-Eluting, Bare and Other Coronary Stents, New Report, 2008-2017 (MedMarket Diligence)

Coronary artery disease is addressed by a range alternative treatment methodologies; percutaneous intervention with or without stenting, coronary artery bypass grafting alternatives and other options, but stents represent the fastest growing option. MedMarket Diligence is publishing its 2009 report, "Worldwide Market for Drug-Eluting, Bare, Bioresorbable and Other Coronary Stents, 2008-2017." - April 10, 2009 - MedMarket Diligence, LLC

Outskirts Press Announces Gluten Free By Design from Pendleton, SC Authors Wendy Longo, Kitty Neckerman, Susan Wagener, Debbie Zungoli and Pat Zungoli

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Gluten Free By Design: Easy, Elegant Recipes for Everyone by Wendy Longo, Kitty Neckerman, Susan Wagener, Debbie Zungoli and Pat Zungoli. The 7.5 x 9.25 Paperback in the Cooking category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes... - April 10, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Book Author Explores the Growth of Christian Faith Through Suffering

Self-published author explains the implications of the current economic woes for strengthening and deepening a Christian’s faith and call to follow the path Christ demonstrated in Calvary in ‘Crossroads of Agony’. - April 10, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

UFC Fighter Gabriel "Napao" Gonzaga Launches New Web Site Focused on Streaming Live Fights. This Saturday, April 11th: EFI Strikes Back - Log Into www.fight-Stream will show live fights from throughout New England …these fights will include MMA, Boxing, Grappling tournaments, etc… These fights will originate throughout the East Coast, and be streamed over the internet straight to the home. Most fights will cost fewer than Ten Dollars, and can be purchased right on the site. - April 10, 2009 - Fight Stream

Leading Self-Publishing Company Introduces Suite of Book Marketing Services Under $100 Each

As the industry consolidates and authors are left with fewer independent choices, the fastest-growing full-service self-publishing company, Outskirts Press, continues to support its authors before, during, and after publication. - April 10, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Stone Arch Books Publishes Graphic Novels for Beginning Readers

Stone Arch Books, children’s book publisher of fiction graphic novels and chapter books, has published a new graphic novel series for the earliest elementary grade level called My 1st Graphic Novel. The series introduces students in grades K-2 to the graphic novel format and features sports... - April 10, 2009 - Capstone

Chiropractic Economics Launches Electronic Health Records Resource Center, Sponsored by Future Health

Chiropractic Economics is pleased to announce the launch of the Electronic Records resource center, sponsored by Future Health. - April 10, 2009 - The Doyle Group

Priceless Legacy Company Announces Innovative Association Partnership Program

The Priceless Legacy Company announced the establishment of a program to help community non-profit organization spread the word about the importance of life story preservation. - April 10, 2009 - Priceless Legacy Company

Boston Tax Day Tea Party Protest to be Held at MA State House

Boston Tax Day Tea Party Protest to be Held at MA State House

On Wednesday, April 15th, concerned citizens will gather on the steps of the Massachusetts State House in Boston to protest government policies of reckless spending and punitive taxation. - April 09, 2009 - GOPMOM.COM

Virtual Motivation: New Inspirational Podcast Your Blooming Helps Others Reach Their Goals and Fulfill Their Dreams

Your Blooming is an inspirational podcast that hopes to connect people from all walks of life, from survivors seeking to share their inspirational stories with the world to people who could use a little motivation to reach their own goals. - April 09, 2009 - Your Blooming podcast

Outskirts Press Announces Standby, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction Book from Miami, FL Author Kenneth S. Spiegelman

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Standby by Kenneth S. Spiegelman, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Fiction category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $17.95. The... - April 09, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Western Bowling Group Presents Verve Energy Bowling Challenge at Silver Nugget Casino on TV4U.Com April 26

The Verve Energy Challenge will be the third in a series of top bowling TV tournaments presented by TV4U.Com using the New Tek Tricaster 'Studio in a Box.' Four top qualifiers will vie for the title at the Silver Nugget Casino Sunday, April 26th. TV4U.Com will present the show on both TVS Sports.Com and KSHO TV.Com as well as a local TV station in Las Vegas. - April 09, 2009 - TV4U, LLC

Outskirts Press Announces The Poetry, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Poetry Book from Houston, TX Author Steverson McHenry

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published The Poetry From a Flawed Heart by Steverson McHenry, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 5.5 x 8.5 Paperback cream in the Poetry category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail... - April 09, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Timidity, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Mystery Book from Wrightsville, GA Author Joe Wesley Rowland

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Timidity by Joe Wesley Rowland, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Mystery category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $16.95. The... - April 09, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Low Motives in High Places, the Self Help/Personal Growth Book from Florissant, MO Author David L. Lane, Ph.D. & Thomas Jackson, Ph.D.

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Low Motives in High Places: A Survival Strategy for Wounded Healers by David L. Lane, Ph.D. & Thomas Jackson, Ph.D., which is the author's most recent book to date. The 7 x 10 Paperback in the Self Help/Personal Growth category is available worldwide on book... - April 09, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Outskirts Press Announces Huntsville, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Fiction Book from Kingwood, TX Author Glynn Rogers

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published Huntsville: A Novel of Post Civil War Texas by Glynn Rogers, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Fiction category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested... - April 09, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Crossing the Narrows New Book Offers a Poet’s Observations in Three Acts

As a poet and a teacher, Robert Garson has devoted much of his life to educational and literary pursuits. Now retired, Garson is the author of a brand-new collection of poems, just released by Outskirts Press, called Crossing the Narrows. But it’s no ordinary collection of midnight musings;... - April 09, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

eMarket Assistant, Inc. Launches the REquest Property Information Hotline - the Next Generation of Real Estate Marketing

eMarket Assistant launches the REquest Property Information Hotline. REquest is the next generation of real estate marketing - enabling consumers to hear information by phone, receive information by text, and view photos and property information from their web enabled cell phone. Drop by the... - April 09, 2009 - eMarket Assistant, Inc.

Open Game Table: The RPG Blog Anthology Available Now

Open Game Table is a grass roots anthology of the best in RPG gaming blogs. After 6 months of work by over 50 volunteers, the book is finally available for gamers to enjoy everywhere. - April 09, 2009 - Open Game Table

Size 2 Authors Apologize for Their Sexy Little "f"

Fitness book cover causes unexpected stir. - April 09, 2009 - Stance Publications

iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of The Short Book on Happiness by David Cane

Transform Your Life in 10 Days - April 09, 2009 - iUniverse

Property Market Experts Say Now is the Time to Buy in France

Archant Life France, the market leading publisher within the Francophile market in the UK, is organising its annual French property exhibition in Harrogate. - April 09, 2009 - Archant Life France

Motion Controls Market Feels the Brunt of the Global Economic Downturn

According to a market research report available at Publications, all regions and industry segments exhibited strong growth during the year. The research report estimates that total worldwide revenues for the motion control products market were $9.9 billion. - April 09, 2009 - Publications

The Green Dictionary Premiere Pre-Release - in Time for Earth Day

The Green Dictionary is the premiere resource for helping you to “learn to speak green.” From A to Z, The Green Dictionary defines the many concepts and terms of the green movement and the growing green economy in quick and accessible language. With over 150 must know “green words,” The Green Dictionary is an invaluable addition to your library. - April 08, 2009 - EcoKnowledge

Outskirts Press Announces B is for Ben, the Latest Highly-Anticipated Children's Book from Savannah, GA Author Barbara Cavender

Outskirts Press, Inc. has published B is for Ben by Barbara Cavender, which is the author's most recent book to date. The 6.14 x 9.21 Paperback in the Children's category is available worldwide on book retailer websites such as Amazon and Barnes & Noble for a suggested retail price of $12.95. - April 08, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

iUniverse Would Like to Announce the Release of Depth of Revenge by Richard Golden

“War does not determine who is right–only who is left.” — Bertrand Russell Depth of Revenge by Richard Golden. Israel and Iran faceoff as Britain, France, Russia, and the United States anxiously wait along the sidelines. Iran has not been persuaded to abandon its nuclear... - April 08, 2009 - iUniverse

Six Significant Filipinas Honored in Illustrado Women of Substance Event in Dubai

Dubai-based Filipino lifestyle-community magazine Illustrado has honored six significant Filipinas from different walks of life in a dazzling ceremony attended by some 250 guests, at The Montgomerie Golf Club on Saturday, the 4th April 2009. - April 08, 2009 - Illustrado Communications FZ-LLC

RealTime Publishing Author, Shirley Roe, is Nominated for Both the IPPY and Indie Excellence Awards for Her Latest Novel “The Whittaker Family Reunion”

RealTime Publishing author, Shirley A. Roe, is nominated for both The IPPY Award and the 2009 Indie Excellence Awards. - April 08, 2009 - Ebooks Inc

Xlibris Release Advocates Love for Reading in 100 Ways I Love To Read

Whether you are a kid or an adult, self-published author Amy Klees shows the exciting ways on how to read books. - April 08, 2009 - Xlibris Publisher

The Voice Magazine Seeks Citizen Journalists for TEA Party Coverage

International Christian magazine looks for patriots to offer reports, photos and videos from rallies across the nation as part of its coverage of this historic event. - April 07, 2009 - The Voice Magazine® Uses Social Media to Help Launch “Ready2Move?” Nationwide Video Contest

Video contest and Facebook application launched April 1 - April 06, 2009 - For Rent Media Solutions

New Book for Home Based Businesses

The Successful Home Business Guide is a comprehensive book for anyone running or considering running a business from their home. - April 06, 2009 - Doubleware Publications

VegFamily Announces New Vegan Weight Loss Site

Cynthia Mosher, owner and chief editor of the informational website, has announced the coming launch of the first weight loss site devoted to vegan and vegetarians. - April 06, 2009 - VegFamily

"Hair Today Gone Tomorrow" Join 2008 Miss Virginia, Tara Wheeler as She Attempts to Go Bald for Charity Presented by Babes and Ballers and Pointed Magazine

"Hair Today Gone Tomorrow" Join 2008 Miss Virginia, Tara Wheeler as She Attempts to Go Bald for Charity Presented by Babes and Ballers and Pointed Magazine

Join Local and National Media, Local Celebrities and members of the Sports Community for an benefit evening helping Miss Virginia in her goal of raising $500,000 by April 11th when she will shave her head for charity. - April 05, 2009 - Pointed Magazine

March Books Changes Its Release Date for The Little Insanity

March Books has changed the release date for their upcoming adult title 'The Little Insanity.’ Originally, this title was scheduled for publication in April 2009. That deadline has been moved to August 2009 to accommodate the review and printing schedule. - April 05, 2009 - march books

March Books Changes Its Release Date for Nightsweats in Bigelow Hollow

March Books has changed the release date for their upcoming YA title 'Nightsweats in Bigelow Hollow.' Originally, this title was scheduled for publication in April 2009. That deadline has been moved to August 2009 to accommodate the review and printing schedule. - April 05, 2009 - march books

Inteli Brands Award-Winning Television Series W, the Women’s Show Devotes Half-Hour Segment to Women & Migraines

W the women’s show, produced by Deerfield Beach based Quorum Productions, announced completion of their special half-hour television episode focused on helping women with migraines gain control of their lives. The show is titled, “Women & Migraines” and features renowned... - April 05, 2009 - Intelibrandsgroup

Inteli Brands Group Presents, W, the women’s show, Becoming a Chocolate Connoisseur

An upcoming episode of W the women’s show will feature Joan Steuer of Chocolatier Magazine to educate and empower women by illuminating the renaissance taking place in the world of chocolate. In epicurean circles, chocolate is the new wine. No longer distinguished as simply milk or dark,... - April 05, 2009 - Intelibrandsgroup

Inteli Brands Group Presents, W, the Women’s Show, Exploring Methods to Help Babies Develop Healthy, Active Feeding Habits

Whether a mother opts for breast, bottle or both to feed her baby, there are certain methods of feeding that can support the child in developing healthy, active feeding habits. To help inform viewers on this topic W, the women’s show invited Dr. Jennifer Trachtenberg to share her expertise in... - April 04, 2009 - Intelibrandsgroup

Eurostars Hotels Invites You to Discover Barcelona with a Virtual Tourist Guide

Eight of the hotels belonging to the hotel chain Eurostars, in Barcelona, are offering “Walking Tours,” comprising latest generation MP3 devices from the Tourism Radio Company. This allows visitors to discover all that the city has to offer in a pleasantly entertaining manner. - April 04, 2009 - Tourism Radio

Former Bad Boy Recording Artist, Mark Curry on "The Dedan Tolbert Show"

Tune into The Dedan Tolbert Show Thursday April 2nd with former Bad Boy recording artist, Mark Curry. Curry, now an author, has mentored and worked with Hip-Hop mogul Sean Combs for over ten years. Readers definitely get to know what everybody wants to know about “Diddy”. His book... - April 04, 2009 - The Dedan Tolbert Show

Outskirts Press Easing Economic Pains on Self-Publishing Authors by Stretching Tax Return Dollars with Additional $500 Value

With tax returns rolling in, leading self-publisher Outskirts Press offers $500 in free upgrades and savings to provide authors large advantage on front-end self-publishing prices. Today Outskirts Press, Inc. announced $500 worth of free options and discounts with their Diamond level publishing... - April 04, 2009 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Asean Leadership Forum 2009 Headed to Bangkok

Asean Affairs, the Voice of Southeast Asia based in Bangkok and distributed worldwide (34 Countries, 4 Continents) announced the 6th Annual Asean Leadership Forum in Bangkok. - April 04, 2009 - AseanAffairs

Press Releases 27,051 - 27,100 of 31,672