Recent Headlines
Histria Books Announces the Release of "Macron Unveiled: The Prototype for a New Generation of World Leaders," by Alain Lefebvre
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "Macron Unveiled: The Prototype for a New Generation of World Leaders," by Former French diplomat Alain Lefebvre. The book is published by Gaudium Publishing, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works of non-fiction in a... - March 04, 2022 - Histria Books
The Lost Bali Stories - True Traveler’s Tales Pre-Mass Tourism
In 1990, Bali faced mass tourism and changed the island dramatically, as if overnight. "The Lost Bali Stories - Volume I" is a collection of true travelers' tales about Bali and what it was like before the islands tourist boom. - March 03, 2022 - Leslie Anne Franklin
New Book Release: From Changing Diapers to Changing the World
In her new book, From Changing Diapers to Changing the World: Why Moms Make Great Advocates and How to Get Started (Publish Your Purpose, 2022, ISBN 978-1955985338), author and activist Cynthia Changyit Levin shares her insights and encouragement for those seeking to become advocates themselves. - March 03, 2022 - Publish Your Purpose
Casting Director/Producer Sharon King Releases Her First Children's Book, "My Beautiful Brown Rainbow!"
Sharon King & Producing Partner Blake Roberts have collaborated on a children's picture/coloring book highlighting adoption, family DNA & establishing identity. - March 02, 2022 - Sharon King
TAGreene Publishing Presents a World Where Sci-Fi Fantasy Meets the Strong Black Family
TAGreene Publishing House presents a debut novel by Tracie Angela Greene, "Enisi, The Bleu Realm," copyright 2021. It’s speculative, adult fiction that leans into the science fantasy and family saga genres. The story mostly takes place in the Georgia Piedmont and centers on generations of an African American family and their lives with a superior forest being. - March 02, 2022 - TAGreene Publishing House
Author and Teacher Releases Debut Novel, "The Bottle House"
Driven to Bethany R&L Behavioral Healthcare Center, these wounded individuals seek healing. Can Chaplain Joseph Miller and his mysterious collection of bottles aide in their recovery and help them find what they need from the Great Physician? - March 01, 2022 - Susan Grant Author
Higher Ground Books & Media Releases "The People Upstairs," by Amy Ray
The People Upstairs: An Amy & Tara AT-Venture is now available for pre-order by Higher Ground Books & Media. Amy and Tara go to spend the day with Tara's grandparents in the nearby town of Sunflower Grove. On a mission to buy a detective kit, Amy talks Tara into walking to the downtown area... - February 25, 2022 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Dr. Sadiqa Stelzner, M.D., FACS is Honored by the Top 100 Registry as a Top 100 Doctor in the Field of Ophthalmology
Dr. Sadiqa Stelzner, M.D., FACS is due to be featured in the Top 100 Doctors Magazine, 2022 Q2 Edition, and is being honored by the Top 100 Registry as the 2022 Doctor of the Year in the State of California. - February 23, 2022 - Top100 Registry Inc.
Cultivating Compassion in Children's Website's Blogs Makes 10 Best Authentic Parenting Blogs (
The book Growing Compassionate Children: Grower's Guide, is composed of blogs that made the 10 Best Authentic Parenting Blogs and a first place book award. - February 19, 2022 - Cultivating Compassion in Children LLC
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "The Game," by Sarah Rogers
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Game," a new novel by Sarah Rogers. - February 17, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "The Serenity," by Ben Reed
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Serenity," a new novel by Ben Reed. - February 17, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Variegations: 105 Poems of Feeling & Fancy (with Musical accompaniments)," by William Keenan
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Variegations: 105 Poems of Feeling & Fancy (with musical accompaniments)," – poetry by William Keenan. - February 17, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "The Animal Games," by B J Guy
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Animal Games," – an illustrated children’s book by B J Guy. - February 17, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Way We Were" by V S Mani
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Way We Were," written by V S Mani. - February 16, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Nemesis Within" by S.A. Parker-Jeal
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Nemesis Within" by S.A. Parker-Jeal. - February 14, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Keeper’s Lodge" by Tracy Martin-Summers
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Keeper’s Lodge" – a thriller by Tracy Martin-Summers. - February 14, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Burning Soul Press Announces Launch of Sister Imprint, WakeFire Press
Publishing imprint puts publishing power back into the hands of authors. - February 12, 2022 - Burning Soul Collective
Women’s Advocate Helps Others Find Relief from COVID Stress
Award-winning lawyer turned meditation coach releases inaugural book focusing on female empowerment, mindfulness and finding peace. - February 11, 2022 - Nora Plesent
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Dirt We Hide" by Sophie Haworth
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Dirt We Hide" – Young Adult fiction by Sophie Haworth. - February 11, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Author Releases New Book, “America’s Last Fortress,” Sounding Warning Bell on China’s Growing Interest in Puerto Rico
New book explores what author Alexander Odishelidze believes is the important and unsettling connection between Puerto Rico’s sovereignty debate, China’s Caribbean “Belt and Road” Initiative, and America’s National Security - February 10, 2022 - Bublish
Neil M. Gingold is Honored by the Top 100 Lawyers as the 2022 Attorney of the Year in the State of New York
Neil M. Gingold is due to be featured in the Top 100 Lawyers Magazine, 2022 Q1 Edition, and is being honored by the Top 100 Lawyers as the 2022 Attorney of the Year in the State of New York. - February 10, 2022 - Top100 Registry Inc.
Announcing the Deck of Possibilities, a Way to Fix Underdeveloped Exploration Systems in TTRPG, from Tesseray Games and Velvet Fang
The Deck of Possibilities, a supplemental card system for traversal and exploration in Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs), is coming soon from a partnership between Tesseray Games and Velvet Fang. - February 10, 2022 - Tesseray Games
Sea Crow Press Releases New Poetry Book: "Shaking The Persimmon Tree" by Marc Woodward
Searching, songful poems. "Shaking The Persimmon Tree," which contains several prize-winning poems, promises to take you drinking Sambuca with Vincent Van Gogh, fly fishing on the Ganges, and rolling naked in the elephant grass. Following the release in February 2022, the book is already enjoying great reviews from readers and reviewers. - February 09, 2022 - Sea Crow Press
"Percy St.-John and the Chronicle of Secrets," Now Available in Paperback from Histria Books
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of Percy St.-John and the Chronicle of Secrets, by E.A. Allen. Kirkus Reviews call it “A fast-paced and engaging historical mystery.” The book is published by Histria Kids, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding works for... - February 09, 2022 - Histria Books
Burning Soul Press Announces Launch of Sister Imprint, DreamSpark Press
New imprint publishes children's stories that empower and inspire future generations. - February 04, 2022 - Burning Soul Collective
Fantasy Writer and Scholar Debuts “The Winding,” First in a Trilogy of Time Traveling Sci-Fi Novels Exploring Race, Class, Politics, and the Nature of Love
Time Travel and foreshadowing, love and sacrifice. Those are just some of the fantastical topics that clash against human emotion in Dr. Avi Datta’s mind-bending and thought-provoking science fiction love story, “The Winding.” Vincent Abajian is a scientific genius haunted by the loss of his childhood best friend. Could the love of his life, Emika Amari, be trapped with Vincent’s lost childhood friend inside of her? Vincent will have to risk everything to solve the mystery. - February 03, 2022 - Bublish
Histria Books Announces the Release of the Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of the paperback edition of The Formation of the Albanian National Consciousness by A.K. Brackob. The book is published by Vita Histria, an academic imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding scholarly works in a variety of fields. As the... - February 02, 2022 - Histria Books
"The Last Rights" Latest Novel from UK Author Geoff Cook is Published
She witnessed the greatest robbery and criminal conspiracy of all time. Now, seventy years later, she has to be silenced before the truth can be exposed. - February 01, 2022 - Rotercracker Copyrights
Front Edge Publishing Releases "Thirty Days With America’s High School Coaches"
High school coaches shape millions of lives. "30 Days with America's High School Coaches" by Martin Davis shares 30 stories which show the diversity of approaches by coaches in building athletes' hearts, minds and bodies to form successful teams and future leaders. - January 29, 2022 - Front Edge Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "A Dog’s Adventure to... Australia!" by Ebru Isikgun
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "A Dog’s Adventure to... Australia!" – a children’s storybook written by Ebru Isikgun and illustrated by Murat Isikgun. - January 27, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "The Ferryman’s Daughter" by Terence James
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Ferryman’s Daughter" – a mystical drama by Terence James. - January 27, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of the "Cabinet of Curiosities: Book One" by Guy Smith
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Cabinet of Curiosities: Book One a young adult adventure-mystery" by Guy Smith. - January 27, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
"Romanians and Hungarians" by C. Sassu, Now Available from Histria Books
"Romanians and Hungarians: Historical Premises" provides valuable insight for anyone seeking to understand the historical background of Romanian-Hungarian relations. The book includes illustrations, numerous maps, and a helpful index that helps readers understand the issues presented. - January 27, 2022 - Histria Books
Dismas House Celebrates Outstanding Volunteers with Volunteer Appreciation Week
Dismas House, one of the largest reentry programs in Tennessee, recently unveiled the names of its outstanding volunteers and residents in celebration of their volunteer work over the last year. Volunteer Appreciation Week, to be celebrated February 21-25, 2022, will recognize the contributions and... - January 27, 2022 - Dismas House of Nashville
The Beanstalk: Jamal & the Beanstalk is Available for Pre-Order
Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order. The Beanstalk: Jamal & the Beanstalk is being released by Higher Ground Books & Media in both novel and graphic novel form. Both versions are available for Kindle and for pre-order in the HGBM Shop. You can also purchase the two versions... - January 26, 2022 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Life, Death and After: A Self-Help Guide for Loss, Bereavement and Grief" by Tony Bhaur
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Life, Death and After: A Self-Help Guide for Loss, Bereavement and Grief" by Tony Bhaur. - January 24, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
The Mom’s Choice Awards Names Molly – A Love Story Among the Best in Family-Friendly Products
Histria Books is honored to announce that Molly – A Love Story by Dana Brackob has earned the prestigious Mom’s Choice Award®. Having been rigorously evaluated by a panel of MCA evaluators, Molly – A Love Story is deemed to be among the best products for families. - January 24, 2022 - Histria Books
Children’s Dysgraphia Book Free for 2022 National Handwriting Day
Writing Right: A Story About Dysgraphia, an illustrated children’s book from Watertree Press, is being given away in digital form for free on Sunday, January 23, 2022 in honor of National Handwriting Day. Writing Right provides an empathetic look at Noah, a third-grade boy with dysgraphia, a... - January 20, 2022 - Watertree Press LLC
Author Ilan Sheinfeld is the Recipient of the 2021 Brenner Prize for Literature
Author Ilan Sheinfeld is the recipient of the 2021 Brenner Prize for Literature for his book The Jewish Monk, published by Kinneret Zmora, edited by Noa Menhaim. The announcement was made today by the Hebrew Writers Association in Israel, which is charged with awarding the prize, one of the most... - January 11, 2022 - Ilan Sheinfeld Public Relations and Shufra for Fine Literature publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "In The Waiting Room" by Constanée Malik
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "In The Waiting Room a collection of short stories," written by Constanée Malik and illustrated by Thu Ha Küng. - January 11, 2022 - Michael Terence Publishing
Histria Books Announces the Release of "Living Dangerously" by Donald Tate
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of Living Dangerously by Donald Tate. This exciting Vietnam-era tale is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding original works of fiction. Living Dangerously: In Sweet Delusions And... - January 06, 2022 - Histria Books
American Lawyer, Twelve Attorneys Who Have Transformed the United States
American Lawyer features twelve attorneys who transformed American legal history. They include Abraham Lincoln, Gardiner Greene Hubbard, Robert Jackson, Russell Baker, Thurgood Marshall, Joseph Flom, Joe Jamail, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Johnny Cochran, Larry Sonsini, Catharine MacKinnon and David McCraw. - January 05, 2022 - Twelve Tables Press
Histria Books Announces the Release of "Between a Rock and a Hard Place," by Johanna Van Zanten
Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of "Between a Rock and a Hard Place," by Canadian author, Johanna van Zanten. This World War II thriller is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding original works of... - January 04, 2022 - Histria Books
"Bits & Pieces" by Rebecca Whited is Available for Pre-Order from Higher Ground Books & Media
Now Available on Kindle and for Paperback Pre-Order. Bits & Pieces is an accumulation of experiences, lessons and visions that God has given the author over the past three years. The book is a raw insight into her life, for all to see, in order to grow stronger in her relationship with Christ. - December 31, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media
Dismas House Receives $12.5k Grant from Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee
Dismas House announced it has received a $12,500 discretionary grant from The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee (CFMT). - December 24, 2021 - Dismas House of Nashville
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Breakthrough – The First 42" by S R Chapman
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Breakthrough – The First 42" – short stories and poems by S R Chapman. - December 23, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Own It: Because That’s Where It Starts," by Vilma Smith-Yates and Carol Hoyle
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Own It: Because That’s Where It Starts," by Vilma Smith-Yates and Carol Hoyle and illustrated by Mathew Hammond. - December 22, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Execution Tales," by Alexis Tecounte
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Execution Tales," by Alexis Tecounte. - December 22, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Quest of the Magic Wells - Síonna," by Malcolm James Griffin
Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Quest of the Magic Wells - Síonna – an Irish fantasy," by Malcolm James Griffin. - December 21, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing
Journalist Returns to His Homeland for Two Days to Experience the Spiritual Transformations at World Youth Day
Just 48 hours. That’s all Armando Machado had to capture the spirit, the stories and the spiritual journeys of those attending World Youth Day Panama 2019. It had been decades since Machado had stepped foot in his home country. In “Two Days in Panama,” he tells the story of the pilgrims who traveled there to find sacred inspiration in the presence of Pope Francis. - December 18, 2021 - Bublish