Higher Ground Books & Media Releases Brand New Children's Book by Arlene Nichting

Now Available for Pre-Order. The Adventures of Woody & Butch: Woody’s Boat Adventure by Arlene Nichting. In this installment of the Adventures of Woody & Butch, the duo takes an unexpected journey that turns into a wild adventure. As they find their way back home, they meet up with a... - August 01, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

"Waltzing a Two-Step: Reckoning Family, Faith, and Self" by Dan Juday is a Cautionary Tale That Resonates in 2021, an Unsettled Time Like the 60s and 70s; LGBTQ Memoir

"Waltzing a Two-Step: Reckoning Family, Faith, and Self" by Dan Juday is a Cautionary Tale That Resonates in 2021, an Unsettled Time Like the 60s and 70s; LGBTQ Memoir

Author Dan Juday grew up in the conservative, protestant Midwest, feeling like an outsider at school and home in Indiana. His journey of discovery involves his Catholic upbringing, understanding his disdain of machoism and love of peaceful relationships. Taking place during the 60s and 70s, with stories from his youth that echo many of today’s issues. His writing shows his compassion through tough and good times. Engaged to a French girl in college, breaking up began his acceptance of Self. - July 30, 2021 - M.P. Zarrella Books, Inc. DBA Calling Card Books and Z Girls Press

A New Book from Oaklea Press Compares Jesus’ Sayings to a New Cosmological Theory

Just released by The Oaklea Press, a new book by the bestselling author of “Life After Death, Powerful Evidence You Will Never Die” and “How Science Reveals God” offers a new look at Jesus’ teachings based on a new scientific creation theory. - July 30, 2021 - The Oaklea Press

Alverne Ball and Craig Gore to Release Crime Comic "Crook County" for Sacramentum Press

Accomplished graphic novelist/comic creator Alverne Ball and screenwriter Craig Gore have teamed up to pen “Crook County,” a multi-issue comic series to be published next month by Sacramentum Press. - July 29, 2021 - Sacramentum Press

New Book Release from Fireship Press - "Molly’s Song"

Amidst the turmoil of Civil War era New York, a young, immigrant woman seeks to escape a life of prostitution so that she may rescue a child from a terrible fate. - July 29, 2021 - Fireship Press

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Summer Days" by Judah Racham

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Summer Days," a children’s colour-illustrated story and activity book by Judah Racham. - July 27, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "God’s Daily Questions: 100 Days Devotion and Prayers" by Joseph Asuquo

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "God’s Daily Questions: 100 Days Devotion and Prayers" by Joseph Asuquo. - July 27, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Histria Books Concludes Exclusive Audiobook Deal with Beacon Audiobooks

Histria Books is pleased to announce the conclusion of an agreement with Beacon Audiobooks to produce and distribute audiobook versions of print titles from its catalog. Beacon Audiobooks is one of the largest narration and distribution audiobook companies in the industry. “Beacon works with... - July 21, 2021 - Histria Books

Lyrico Press Publishes "Days of Empty Travel" - a Poetic Exploration of Life During a Global Pandemic

Lyrico Press Publishes "Days of Empty Travel" - a Poetic Exploration of Life During a Global Pandemic

The struggle to connect with others has been all too familiar during the COVID-19 pandemic. "Days of Empty Travel," published by Lyrico Press is structured as 35 poetic entries into a weekly journal inspired by sparks of awakenings from news, remote interactions, soothing words of loved ones and remnants of engagement with like-minded thinkers. - July 16, 2021 - Lyrico Press

"Little Jenna Jafferty in Changes, Challenges, & Chuckles" by Terra Kern Now Available from Higher Ground Books & Media

Brand new from Higher Ground Books & Media, Little Jenna Jafferty in Changes, Challenges & Chuckles by Terra Kern. Pre-order the paperback at the Higher Ground Books & Media website or order the Kindle version today from Amazon. In Here Comes Little Jenna Jafferty, little Jenna didn't... - July 16, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

Domestic Thriller "Dirty Laundry" by Cori Nevruz Released Worldwide by 5310 Publishing

5310 Publishing is celebrating the worldwide release of the psychological thriller “Dirty Laundry” by author Cori Nevruz. The novel tells the story of Samantha, a mom who goes to extremes to keep her secrets private. The owner of 5310 Publishing, and Cori Nevruz celebrated the release with a livestream. The book is available in bookstores and online in more than 110 countries today. - July 16, 2021 - 5310 Publishing

Higher Ground Books & Media Releases "Zooverbs 2" by Will O'Toole

Now Available, Zooverbs 2 by Will O’Toole. This sequel to Zooverbs is both fun and educational; filled with a whole new set of quirky animal names that can also be used to describe actions. This book is a grammar lesson wrapped in an adventure. Will O’Toole is a beloved husband,... - July 15, 2021 - Higher Ground Books & Media

New Book: "Getting There by Being Here" by Angela Silva Mendes

New book release from Publish Your Purpose Press. - July 15, 2021 - Publish Your Purpose

Tarkan Bastiyali is Recognized as the 2021 Entrepreneur/Inventor of the Year by Top 100 Registry, Inc.

Tarkan Bastiyali is Recognized as the 2021 Entrepreneur/Inventor of the Year by Top 100 Registry, Inc.

Tarkan Bastiyali is due to be featured in the Top 100 Registry Magazine, 2021 Q3 Edition, and is being honored by the Top 100 Registry as the 2021 Entrepreneur/Inventor of the Year. - July 10, 2021 - Top100 Registry Inc.

John A. Daniels is Honored by the Top 100 Registry as the 2021 Attorney of the Year in the State of New Jersey

John A. Daniels is due to be featured in the Top 100 Lawyers Magazine, 2021 Q3 Edition, and is being honored by the Top 100 Registry as the 2021 Attorney of the Year in the State of New Jersey. - July 10, 2021 - Top100 Registry Inc.

The Bionic Kid, Second Issue Released

The Bionic Kid, Second Issue Released

Limbitless Solutions Releases Second Installment of The Bionic Kid Comic Book. Written by 12 year old Zachary, Christo, and Niko Pamboukas, this inspirational story is meant to show that heroes can be born with a limb difference. In an effort to raise funds for more myoelectric bionic prosthetics, all comic revenue will be donated to Limbitless-Solutions. - July 09, 2021 - Bionic Kids, LLC

A Holistic View of the New Age Movement - Is There Such a Thing as "New Age Thought?" Where Did It Come from?

A Holistic View of the New Age Movement - Is There Such a Thing as "New Age Thought?" Where Did It Come from?

In a seminal work that provides a holistic view of the New Age movement, author Ruta Sevo created a compendium from the theories of spiritualists, energy healers, yogis, and quantum physicists--400 pages drawing on 80 books, that follow the early days of the New Age movement up to the science of... - July 08, 2021 - Momox

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Joe Junior and the Dream Team" by Carol Day

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Joe Junior and the Dream Team" – a children’s footballing adventure story written by Carol Day and illustrated by Braden Hallett. - July 08, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

A Little Donnerwetter Books: "School is More Than a Building" - A Timely Picture Book Which Celebrates the Importance of Schools for Children’s Health and Well-Being

An uplifting story for children of primary school age, "School is More Than a Building" paints a much needed positive picture of all of the wonderful things that schools can be: A great school is so much more than a building… it is a place where children feel accepted for who they are. It is a place where kindness and empathy are commonplace. It is a place where children know and feel that people are there for them and that they are safe and loved. - July 05, 2021 - A Little Donnerwetter Books

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Why Not Me?" by Bette-Anne Pinnock

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Why Not Me?" – poems by Bette-Anne Pinnock. - July 05, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Velocity Press to Publish Book on UK Electronic Music Pioneers

Tape Leaders: A Compendium Of Early British Electronic Music Composers is a richly illustrated A-Z compendium featuring over 100 composers active with tape and electronics in the analogue era. Containing information never previously uncovered, it shines a fresh light on many sound experimenters... - July 03, 2021 - Velocity Press

Histria Books Announces the Release of "Olympia: The Birth of the Games"

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of Olympia: The Birth of the Games by John A. Martino and Michael P. O’Kane. The book is published by Addison & Highsmith Publishers, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to outstanding original works of fiction. In ancient Greece and... - July 01, 2021 - Histria Books

Legacy Book Press LLC Releases Memoir in Verse About Surviving Depression

Legacy Book Press LLC has released its latest personal story, a memoir in verse by Mari-Carmen Marín titled, "Swimming, Not Drowning." - July 01, 2021 - Legacy Book Press LLC

Histria Books Announces the Release of "Romanian Gymnastics"

Histria Books is pleased to announce the release of the softbound edition of Romanian Gymnastics. The book is published by the Center for Romanian Studies, an imprint of Histria Books dedicated to scholarly works on the history and culture of Romania and is issued in a special softbound edition to... - June 30, 2021 - Histria Books

Food for Your Soul Press Book Release: a Novel for Making Sense of the Chaos of Our Times from a Biblical Perspective

Book release: D. Richard Ferguson’s conclusion to the Walk with the Wind series releases June 29. "At War with the Wind" is the sequel to the Amazon #1 Christian Fantasy bestseller "Escape from Paradise." - June 30, 2021 - Food For Your Soul Ministries

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Sassy Springbok & Glimpy Gazelle" by Cheaya

About Sassy Springbok & Glimpy Gazelle: Set in the Serengeti, this is a story of kindness, understanding and faith, giving each other a leg up when we are down and recognising that we are all one family on Earth. At the end of the book, children can colour in the characters creating yet... - June 29, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Conan and His Hero Friends" by Pamela Blake-Wilson

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of Conan and His Hero Friends – a colour-illustrated children’s book written and illustrated by Pamela Blake-Wilson. - June 29, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announces the Release of "Erebamba: The Butterfly Collection" by Emeka Obiandu

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Erebamba: The Butterfly Collection" – poems by Emeka Obiandu. - June 29, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

LaTribuna Christian Publishing Announces, “From Junky to Jesus”

Chaplain Paul Vescio was quoted saying, “From Junky to Jesus is a collection of poems, stories, and writings written by Pastor Shon Karna in 2001 while he was an inmate in an Oregon state prison. Pastor Shon who is now in his 50s is a dear Brother in Christ whom I highly respect and is... - June 27, 2021 - LaTribuna Christian Publishing

Cape Cod Author Announces New Book

A new work of fiction in the paranormal genre is now available as an e-book and in print. - June 26, 2021 - Waquoit Wordsmith Press

5310 Publishing Releases Dystopian Fantasy "Honey Beaumont" by Sara Bushway Worldwide Today

Honey Beaumont, released today, is available wherever books are sold, in bookstores, online, and on the publisher’s website. The novel tells the story of Honey, a cowboy in a dystopian future who embarks on a journey of a lifetime. - June 25, 2021 - 5310 Publishing

Labrador Publishing’s John Layne Wins Top Honors for Two Western Fiction Novels at the 12th Annual American Book Fest International Book Awards

Labrador Publishing is proud to announce that author John Layne won two of the three top spots in the American Book Fest 2021 International Book Awards (IBA) Fiction: Western Category. - June 24, 2021 - Labrador Publishing

PJ Books Presents a New New Diverse Children’s Book "Together With Dad!" Promoting Family and Helping Others

“Together With Dad! Andy’s Adventure-Filled Week!” by P.J. Bass is a new diverse children’s book that creates a playful learning environment for kids. Great news for parents looking for something fun yet educational for their little ones. Rising children’s book... - June 24, 2021 - PJ Books LLC

Apache Creek Publishing Author Awarded the Firebird Book Award

Apache Creek Publishing author, Diedra Drake, was awarded the Firebird Book Award for her book, "Cursed by Furies." The San Antonio, Texas author was recognized in the Mythology category, and was one of eighty-four winners of the prize. - June 22, 2021 - Apache Creek Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Fred the Dancing Frog" by Miranda Sunu

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Fred the Dancing Frog" – a colour-illustrated children’s book written by Miranda Sunu and illustrated by Chris Bryan. - June 22, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

A New Book from Oaklea Purports to Explain the Origins of the Universe and Life

A New Book from Oaklea Purports to Explain the Origins of the Universe and Life

Fifty years ago, a group in England met biweekly at a medium’s home to listen to extraterrestrials speak through him. Over a three-year period, the entities explained how our universe came to be, who and what we humans are, and the probable future of humanity. James King was in that group, recorded the sessions, and transcribed and edited them for clarity. He believes the world is now ready for what was said and shares it in a new book entitled, “The Story of Us.” - June 21, 2021 - The Oaklea Press

High School Valedictorian Paxton Smith Signs Collaborative Book Deal Focused on Reproductive Rights

High School Valedictorian Paxton Smith Signs Collaborative Book Deal Focused on Reproductive Rights

Di Angelo Publications is proud to announce the forthcoming book, "A War on My Body; A War on My Rights" - a profoundly personal and collaborative book led by Texas high school Valedictorian Paxton Smith, with contributions from numerous reproductive rights activists and public personalities, including renowned women's rights attorney Gloria Allred, reproductive and immigrant justice warrior Sadie Hernandez, and New York Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney. - June 17, 2021 - Di Angelo Publications

Leadstart's New Addition - Tharki Written by Kunal Marathe is Now a Web Series; Indori Ishq on Mx Player

The latest MX Original; Indori Ishq released on 10th June 2021, has been getting amazing reviews and love by the audience. The web-series is based on the book Tharki, written by Kunal Marathe and re-published by Leadstart. The story revolves around a boy called Kunal who is about to leave Indore... - June 17, 2021 - Leadstart

SMC Writers Club Celebrates 20th Anniversary with Dreams Come True International Writing Competition

The honorable Santa Monica College Writers Club is excited to announce a wonderful Dreams Come True platform for all students to participate and believe in their dreams. Let's celebrate our humanity peacefully and diversely through arts and culture. - June 16, 2021 - Diamonds Mirror

Professional Organizer, Discover Organizer Owner Jill Yesko Releases Debut Title "I’m Right Here: 10 Ways to Get Help for Hoarding and Chronic Disorganization"

Professional organizer, speaker and Discover Organizing Inc. founder Jill Yesko has released her debut book, titled, "I’m Right Here: 10 Ways to Get Help for Hoarding and Chronic Disorganization." An eighteen-year veteran of the professional organizing industry, Jill Yesko, a... - June 15, 2021 - Discover Organizing

New Report Gives Biden Key to Successful Putin Summit; Omnicom Press Published Book with Important Background

New report provides perspective from summit host country Switzerland. - June 13, 2021 - Omnicom Press

5310 Publishing Author Cori Nevruz Gets Interviewed by CSMS Magazine About Her Upcoming Thriller, "Dirty Laundry"

CSMS Magazine interviewed author Cori Nevruz about her upcoming novel, Dirty Laundry. The interview is available to watch on Youtube. The book is coming in July by 5310 Publishing. - June 12, 2021 - 5310 Publishing

West Elm Dadeland Celebrates Pride Month with Pop-Up Art Shop by Local Photographer/Artist Jonathan Brooks

South Florida-based Photographer/Visual Artist Jonathan Brooks announces second pop-up art shop at West Elm at Downtown Dadeland. - June 10, 2021 - Jonathan Brooks

Contemporary Romance by Darren Finney Released Today by 5310 Publishing

5310 Publishing announced that readers can start reading “Faithfully Addicted” today, exclusively on Kindle and on Kindle Unlimited. The paperback is coming in September. Darren builds a story that can entertain, inspire, and offer hope. His latest release is about a man who... - June 10, 2021 - 5310 Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "The Mental Nurse - Registered Not Certified" by Lisa Lewis

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "The Mental Nurse - Registered Not Certified" by Lisa Lewis. - June 09, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Michael Terence Publishing Announce the Release of "Care Sharing & Care Homes for Our Loved Ones" by David Geraghty

Michael Terence Publishing is excited to announce the release of "Care Sharing & Care Homes for Our Loved Ones" – the story of successful rehab stroke patient David Geraghty and his guide to care and care homes. - June 09, 2021 - Michael Terence Publishing

Archaeologist Uncovers the Hidden History of the Scottish Wars of Independence

Extremis Publishing releases new full-colour guide to the Battles of Bannockburn and Stirling Bridge. - June 09, 2021 - Extremis Publishing Ltd.

Nearing the 102nd Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, Lawyer/Historian Releases First History Retrospective Detailing the Three Leaders Behind WWI’s Ill-Fated Deal

Nearing the 102nd Anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, Lawyer/Historian Releases First History Retrospective Detailing the Three Leaders Behind WWI’s Ill-Fated Deal

June 28 marks the 102nd anniversary of the Treaty of Versailles, the treaty that officially ended WWI and set in motion conditions that author Robert F. Klueger argues, led to the rise of the Nazi party and WWII. The task to determine the terms of peace came down to three men. In his latest book, best-selling author and historian Klueger looks to find a deeper understanding of who each of these men were and how they attempted to repair a broken world after the “war to end all wars” ended. - June 08, 2021 - Bublish

Legacy Book Press LLC Releases Young Author’s Memoir in Verse

Legacy Book Press LLC has released its latest personal story, a memoir in verse by Kelsey Villeret. - June 05, 2021 - Legacy Book Press LLC

New Book "Undercover" Now Available at UnderWorldStories.com

"Undercover" is a vivid first-hand account of the harrowing journeys of covert operators in the United States and Canada who ventured into a dark underworld to infiltrate the most dangerous criminals lurking within. Their death defying experiences will give the reader a front row seat to stories rarely shared by those involved in one of the most volatile occupations. - June 05, 2021 - UnderWorldStories.com

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