Reader’s Digest Association Grants Exclusive License to The Reader’s Guild, LLC to Market Condensed Books as Classic Editions

The Reader’s Guild will release notable titles from celebrated authors under the name Reader’s Digest Classic Editions. - March 11, 2015 - The Reader's Guild

Grant Opportunity Announcement: Arbordale Publishing Offers Children’s eBook Grant

Arbordale Publishing will award three schools in each U.S. state a Fun eReader site license valued at $1,000. Fun eReader is comprised of 120 eBooks with English and Spanish text, read-aloud audio in both languages, an educational For Creative Minds section, and access to all of Arbordale's teaching resources. - March 07, 2015 - Arbordale Publishing

Thieme Delhi Now Publisher of "Indian Journal of Neurosurgery"

Thieme Publishers Delhi has taken over the publication of "Indian Journal of Neurosurgery" from the Medknow division of Wolters Kluwer Health, a large international open access publisher. "Indian Journal of Neurosurgery" joins a prestigious group of Thieme Open Access... - March 07, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Media Entrepreneur Fred B. Tarter Announces Formation of New Publishing Company, The Reader’s Guild

The Readers Guild will publish classic titles, new releases and exclusive anthologies in innovative formats. - March 06, 2015 - The Reader's Guild

Githiga Shares Secret to Successful Marriage in New Book

Dr. John Githiga reveals in his new book the building blocks of a successful marriage and the factors that could destroy it. The book contains a collection of short stories inspired by couple of different cultures and situations. It also draws reference from the author’s own faithful marriage and religious beliefs. - March 06, 2015 - Book Venture

Local Author & CSUN Grad Student Wins Young Adult Book of the Month

Southern California Author and California State University, Northridge Graduate Student Sofia Diana Gabel Won Long and Short Review’s February Young Adult Book of the Month for Her Science Fiction Novel, "Two Brothers: Origin, the First in the Ramtalan Trilogy" - March 06, 2015 - Escargot Books and Music

BookVenture Breaks Into Spring Fun with Its March Promo

The self-publishing company invites all authors worldwide to join the Spring break hype. - March 05, 2015 - Book Venture

Developmental Editor Talks to Writers About Book Distribution in Publishing World

Susan Mary Malone Says Distribution Plays Huge Role in Traditional Vs Self-Publishing. - March 01, 2015 - Malone Editorial Services

Nomadic Press of Oakland, CA Announces Series of Storytelling/Poetry Readings for March 2015

Nomadic Press of Oakland, CA recently announced a series of events open to the public in March 2015. Most of the writers and artists are from Oakland, as well. - Friday, 03/07 – Reading with Martin Hickel (a.k.a. Rusty Rebar) and music by Madeline Tasquin; Saturday, 03/14 – Reading with Marianne Apostolides (music by T.B.A.); Friday, 03/27 – Reading with Freddy Gutierrez (music by T.B.A.) - February 28, 2015 - Nomadic Press

New Publisher Helps Business People Bring Their Books to Market

Emerald Lake Books offers guidance, expertise to boost authors. - February 27, 2015 - Emerald Lake Books

Splendour Dynasty and Seye Oke Announces the Release of an Inspirational Fiction Book Titled "Barrow Boy"

Splendour Dynasty and Seye Oke are proud to offer the latest work from Seye Oke, "Barrow Boy," hitting bookstores everywhere on Thursday 26th February 2015. - February 27, 2015 - Splendour Dynasty

Amy Vaughan Announces Release of "Positively Sensory!"

Amy Vaughan Announces Release of "Positively Sensory!"

Amy Vaughan has released her first book, "Positively Sensory! A Guide to Help Your Child Develop Positive Approaches to Learning and Cope with Sensory Processing Difficulty," currently available online at and other booksellers. New guide for parents, professionals and teachers integrates Learning Strengths Profile assessment tool. - February 24, 2015 - Scribble Media, LLC

Author Writes Book of Proverbs to Guide Others Through Life's Challenges

Caribbean Author Lawrence Elliott says "you can apply certain Christian principals to your life to overcome any struggle and be successful." That’s why he wrote a book called, “Practical Proverbs for Everyday Living,” which was recently released by Halo Publishing... - February 24, 2015 - Halo Publishing International

New Children’s Picture Book Celebrates Armenian Easter Traditions

New Children’s Picture Book Celebrates Armenian Easter Traditions

As the world reflects on the Armenian tragedy of 1915, Pomegranate Publishing has released a new children’s picture book, Mariam’s Easter Parade, which celebrates the traditions of the Armenian culture. Written by Marianne Markarian and illustrated by Margaret Markarian Wasielewski, Mariam’s Easter Parade is a light-hearted story of young girl who might be too small to help with the Easter preparations, but she is clever enough to celebrate with her own special parade! - February 23, 2015 - Pomegranate Publishing

Local Author Launches Publishing Company with Debut Novel - EMP Publishing Blasts Off with SciFi/Superhero Trilogy Series "The Society" by Jennifer Word

Local Author Launches Publishing Company with Debut Novel - EMP Publishing Blasts Off with SciFi/Superhero Trilogy Series "The Society" by Jennifer Word

New imprint EMP Publishing marks its debut alongside author Jennifer Word's novel, "The Society-Book One: Genesis." Jennifer Word launched her career two-fold this week with EMP and her science fiction adventure trilogy. Featuring superheroes, aliens, an evil government secret facility, an intergalactic war, and a cosmic mystery, there's no other series like it. When asked to describe her trilogy, Word said, "It's utterly unique and compelling entertainment." - February 19, 2015 - EMP Publishing

Now in Print & eBook: Damaged Goods: "A Detective Inspector White Caper" by Jack Everett & David Coles

Barking Rain Press today released the paperback and eBook versions of “Damaged Goods: A Detective Inspector White Caper,” the first book in the "D.I. White Mysteries" series from the UK-based writing team of Jack Everett and David Coles. - February 19, 2015 - Barking Rain Press

Jennifer Geist Named Publisher/Managing Editor of Pen & Publish, Inc.

On January 1, 2015, Jennifer Geist was named publisher and managing editor of Pen & Publish, Inc., and its two traditional-hybrid imprints, Open Books Press and Transformation Media Books. - February 18, 2015 - Pen & Publish

The Definitive MRI Guide for Musculoskeletal Abnormalities

"Differential Diagnosis in Musculoskeletal MRI," recently published by Thieme, is a unique desk reference offering extensive descriptions of MRI findings that enable radiologists to more easily diagnose a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions. “Drs. Hollenberg, Weinberg, and... - February 18, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Now in Print & eBook: "To Suffer a Witch" by California Author Christopher Treagus

Barking Rain Press announced the paperback and eBook release of "To Suffer a Witch," the first book in the paranormal dark fantasy trilogy "The Blackthorne Chronicles," by Santa Rosa, California, author Christopher Treagus. - February 17, 2015 - Barking Rain Press

Floyd & Mikki 2: Zombie Slayers Released on Valentine's Day

Floyd and Mikki continue their adventures from Book 1 in this hilarious, action-packed sequel. The zombies get badder, the weapons get bigger, and Floyd and Mikki get better. More laughs and nonstop thrills as the two heroes rely on each other and try to find a home in a dystopian world. - February 16, 2015 - Munched Kitty Publications Launches Newspaper Reviews Column for Small Press Books are delighted to announce that their first newspaper review column has gone live. By arrangement with the Caterham and District Independent Bookangel will be providing reviews of small press and indie books for the February, March and April issues. is an ebook... - February 15, 2015 - Bookangel (for Ragged Angel Ltd)

A Focused Guide from the World’s Experts on Cervical Degenerative Conditions

This third volume in the AOSpine Masters Series, recently published by Thieme, covers the most common operative techniques for treating cervical degenerative conditions. The book provides expert guidance to help clinicians make the right treatment decisions and provide the best care for their... - February 13, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Brownstone Poets Presents Amy Barone, Maria Lisella, and Sweta Srivastava Vikram Saturday, March 7 at 2:30 P.M. at Park Plaza Restaurant in Historic Brooklyn Heights

Brownstone Poets presents Amy Barone, Maria Lisella, and Sweta Srivastava Vikram Saturday, March 7 at 2:30 p.m. at Park Plaza Restaurant in historic Brooklyn Heights. Enjoy the varied menu at this affordable family-run diner while listening to great poetry. Poetry grows in Brooklyn Heights and there's an open mic as well. - February 12, 2015 - The Brownstone Poets

New Book of Interviews with Poet Gregory Corso Sheds Light on His Life, Works, and the Beat Generation

A collection of rare and out-of-print interviews with Gregory Corso, one of the founders of the Beat movement in American literature - February 11, 2015 - Tough Poets Press

A Study Guide Focusing on Plastic Surgery Exam Preparation

"Plastic Surgery Review," recently published by Thieme, covers all topics that appear on the exams that lead to initial certification and recertification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Plastic surgery residents train for six years after completing medical school to hone their... - February 11, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Author Publishes PG Edition of Popular Book “His PhD is in Hypocrisy and Other Poems about My Crappy Ex-Boyfriend”

Author, Tayo Oredein, releases a “PG” version of her book “His PhD is in Hypocrisy…And Other Poems about My Crappy Ex-Boyfriend” to reach younger audiences. - February 08, 2015 - Gynarchy

Two Thieme Clinical Reference Books Honored at 2015 PROSE Awards

Thieme is proud to announce that "Neurosurgery Tricks of the Trade: Cranial," by Remi Nader, et al., received First Prize and "Seven AVMs: Tenets and Techniques for Resection," by Michael T. Lawton, received Honorable Mention in the Clinical Medicine category at the 2015 PROSE... - February 08, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Chicago Author Combines Shakespeare, Dante, and History in New Novel

Chicago Author Combines Shakespeare, Dante, and History in New Novel

Sordelet Ink releases David Blixt's seventh novel of historical fiction, "The Prince's Doom," exploring the origins of the famous feud in Shakespeare's classic "Romeo & Juliet." - February 07, 2015 - Sordelet Ink

Entrepreneur and Award Winning Author Charles G Irion to Assist with Hundreds of Free Cataract Surgeries in the Philippines

Charles G. Irion, a Director of the Phil-Am Lions Club, along with members of the club, will be performing approximately 300 cataract surgeries. - February 06, 2015 - Irion Books LLC

Award Winning Author, Entrepreneur and Adventurer Headed to San Pablo City, Philippines for Medical Mission

Charles Irion as a Director of The 3000 Club will be Assisting Doctors and Nurses during a Cervical Cancer Treatment and Education Mission. - February 06, 2015 - Irion Books LLC

Developmental Editor Speaks to Authors on Pacing

Editor Susan Mary Malone Writes New Article for Fiction Writers. - February 05, 2015 - Malone Editorial Services

Bookarma Creator to Speak at PubSense Summit

Nancy L. Baumann Joins All-Star Faculty at Premiere Publishing Conference in Charleston, SC. - February 05, 2015 - Bookarma

Answers to Bleeding and Coagulation Issues in Neurosurgery

"Handbook of Bleeding and Coagulation for Neurosurgery,” recently published by Thieme, is a practical handbook that addresses specific neurosurgical problems with bleeding and coagulation, answering such questions as: “What are the risks of anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents in... - February 04, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Bradley’s "Salivary Gland Disorders and Diseases" Wins Prestigious Prize

Thieme is proud to announce that "Salivary Gland Disorders and Diseases: Diagnosis and Management," by Patrick J. Bradley and Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, published in 2011, has been awarded the George Davey Howells Prize by the University of London. This prize is awarded every five years to... - January 30, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Local Authors and Illustrator Garner Awards for "Building Better Humans"

The new parenting book, "Building Better Humans" by David and Lisa Davoust, receives accolades and awards. - January 30, 2015 - Robis Publishing, Inc.

ASD Announces Release of Literary Novel Exploring Science, Religion and Family

ASD Announces Release of Literary Novel Exploring Science, Religion and Family

ASD Publishing is proud to announce the release of Stephen Kitsakos's debut novel, "The Accidental Pilgrim" that explores the intersection of science, religion, and the unexplainable while crossing several decades. - January 28, 2015 - ASD Publishing

"Love Factually" First Science-Based Book for Finding and Keeping Love

Relationship science publisher LoveScience Media announces launch of "Love Factually: 10 Proven Steps from I Wish to I Do," by Duana C. Welch, Ph.D. - January 28, 2015 - LoveScience Media

A Classic Phonetics Guide and Workbook Now in One Book

"Calvert’s Descriptive Phonetics," recently published by Thieme, combines Calvert’s descriptive phonetics text and Calvert’s workbook into one updated, user-friendly guide to phonetics and transcription. The book contains a wealth of phonetics exercises as well as online... - January 28, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

A Comprehensive Overview of Techniques for Cast, Splint, and Support Bandage Applications

"Casts, Splints, and Support Bandages: Nonoperative Treatment and Perioperative Protection," recently published by Thieme and the AO Foundation, provides an extensive overview of the history, principles, methods, and techniques for applying a modern plaster or synthetic cast. “The... - January 25, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Author of Award Winning Military Children's Books Grows Up

Moving from a child's view to a more mature audience focusing on military spouse survival, struggles with mental health, and working in corporate America as a military spouse - January 23, 2015 - Mahoney Publishing

Practice-Oriented Knowledge and Skills for Pediatric Imaging

"Neuroradiology," recently published by Thieme, is a core clinical resource that clearly illustrates and describes MR and CT images of the brain, head and neck, and spine. The text distills the essential aspects of neuroradiology and contains in-depth discussions of imaging findings. - January 23, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Rosslyn Johnson, a Writer, Signs First Book Deal with Publisher Shan Presents (SP). Her First Release Will Debut on March 30, 2015.

The title of her debut is still hush-hush. Local author, Rosslyn Johnson submitted an untitled manuscript for African American Literature: Urban Fiction. On January 20, 2015 the signing of Rosslyn Johnson went public. The First Lady of SBR Publications, currently known as and is the face of Shan... - January 23, 2015 - Shan Presents

Wes Husted's Newly Published Book, "The Seven Things You Should Know About Being a Leader," Offers a Fresh Take on Successful Business Leadership

Wes Husted's Newly Published Book, "The Seven Things You Should Know About Being a Leader," Offers a Fresh Take on Successful Business Leadership

Published by IndieGo Publishing, "The Seven Things You Should Know About Being a Leader" by Wes Husted, an experienced C-suite CEO, presents an effective, innovative approach to successful leadership that inspires, motivates, and works. - January 21, 2015 - INDIEGO Publishing

Negative Social Impacts of Development Projects Highlighted in New Book

Amakella Publishing announced today the publication of "Social Safeguards: Avoiding the Unintended Impacts of Development," a new book authored by Rodolfo Tello, scheduled for release on April 1, 2015 (ISBN 978-1-63387-011-6, hardcover, 8.5 x 5.5 inches, 134 pages, distributed by Ingram). - January 21, 2015 - Amakella Publishing

Cynthia Lynn's Newest Book is Motivational with a Unique Self-Help "Action Plan" for Managing Income and Learning Self-Worth

Are You Empowered???-the Basics by Cynthia Lynn offers a unique self-help, motivational approach of "small victories" against predator business and service providers that leads toward the improved management of your income for lifestyle changes + a chance to kick back to enjoy life, and... - January 21, 2015 - Daccord Press

Brownstone Poets Presents Patricia Carragon at the NY Poetry Forum, Saturday, February 14

Brownstone Poets presents Patricia Carragon, the curator and editor-in-chief of Brooklyn's Brownstone Poets for an afternoon of poetry, fun and of course, love at the NY Poetry Forum, Saturday, February 14 from 2 to 5:30ish p.m. Saturday, February 14 from 2 to 5:30ish p.m. Patricia Carragon with... - January 20, 2015 - The Brownstone Poets

Unique Chapter Book Series Teaches Kids Logic

If you’re a parent or educator seeking more mental stimulation for the young readers in your life, a new chapter book series by author Paige Peterson may be just what you’re looking for. "Logic Lotty: The Fortune Teller’s Spoon," available January 2015, is the first in a... - January 17, 2015 - Hollingale Books

A Highly Sophisticated 3D Atlas Showcasing Localization of Brain Disorders

"3D Atlas of Neurologic Disorders," recently published by Thieme, facilitates the understanding of neurological deficits that can result from brain damage. Hundreds of neurologic lesions are beautifully illustrated in their full anatomic context with captions highlighting their related... - January 16, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

Hasslein Books Announces New Doctor Who Essay Anthology

The company's second unauthorized Doctor Who book, written by Brian J. Robb and Paul Simpson, with an introduction by Nicholas Briggs, is now available for order. - January 16, 2015 - Hasslein Books

A Contemporary Reference on Pain Surgery

"Surgical Management of Pain, Second Edition," recently published by Thieme, is a completely updated state-of-the-art reference on neurosurgical pain management. This revised edition is in full color and includes the following sections: Anatomic and Physiologic Foundations for Nociceptive... - January 16, 2015 - Thieme Publishers

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