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Within Book Publishers
Book Five in "The Reality Master Series" Now Available as an eBook
PM Pillon, author of the Reality Master Young Adult sci-fi/fantasy series, announces the release "The Reality Master And The Return Home" for both Kindle and Epub ereaders. - July 24, 2013 - Loose Cannon Enterprises
Signalman Publishing Announces Release of "Without Warning: My Personal Journal of Struggling with Grief"
New book journals the personal struggle of one woman upon the sudden death of her spouse. - July 23, 2013 - Signalman Publishing
New Book: "ESCORT - The True Story of an Orange County Call Girl"
Sacha and Max Publications Announces the Release of an ADULT-Themed Book: "ESCORT - The True Story of an Orange County Call Girl." - July 23, 2013 - Sacha & Max Publications
A Contemporary Guide on Articular Cartilage Injury of the Knee
"Articular Cartilage Injury of the Knee," recently published by Thieme, is a comprehensive reference that combines the basic scientific knowledge of articular cartilage with patient-focused diagnosis and treatment options. Articular cartilage injuries of the knee are quite common,... - July 22, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Steve Caplan’s Latest Novel is a Thrilling Tale of a Former Israeli Soldier’s Struggle with PTSD
Anaphora Literary Press is pleased to promote the publication of Steve Caplan’s novel, “Welcome Home, Sir.” - July 22, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
California Poet’s Collection Reflects on Life "Outside" Los Angeles
Poet John Brantingham looks at suburban Los Angeles in his collection of poetry, which has been published. - July 22, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
The Ultimate Anatomy Text for Classroom and USMLE Success
"Anatomy – An Essential Textbook," recently published by Thieme, is a review-style gross anatomy textbook designed to accompany Thieme’s award winning “Atlas of Anatomy, Second Edition”. It presents the clinical context students need in a concise high yield format... - July 20, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Overcoming Fear Simply a Matter of "Faith"
Author Elizabeth Kail Arnita says everyone has fears to face and her newest book "Be Brave Bettina" offers a lesson in how to overcome them. Her character, Bettina, is a caterpillar afraid to become a butterfly. The transformation is a long and seemingly impossible... - July 19, 2013 - Halo Publishing International
International Charity Anthology "Twist of Fate" Now Available in Paperback and E-Formats. All Proceeds Donated to Charity.
Representing the Indies In Action group, 60 authors and poets have combined to contribute 78 different writings in a charity anthology called "Twist of Fate," to help tornado victims in Oklahoma. The authors represent people from all around the globe. Nine countries are represented. It is a grassroots, group effort to help those who need it the most. All proceeds from the sales of the book will be donated to the May Tornadoes Relief Fund, administered by the United Way. - July 19, 2013 - Indies In Action
Barking Rain Press Acquires Western Novel “The Treasure of Peta Nocona" from New Mexico Author Lee Pierce
Barking Rain Press, a non-profit fiction publisher, announced the acquisition of the worldwide print and electronic publishing rights for the Western novel “The Treasure of Peta Nocona” from Dos Caballos, New Mexico author Lee Pierce. Mr. Pierce’s other novels include the Westerns... - July 18, 2013 - Barking Rain Press
Dr. Anna Faktorovich Examines the Rebellion Novels of Britain’s Best-Loved Authors
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Dr. Faktorovich’s first literary reference text, Rebellion as Genre in the Novels of Scott, Dickens and Stevenson. - July 18, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Book Production Guide is an Essential Tool for Self-Publishers and Industry Professionals Alike
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote the Third Edition of its Book Production Guide. - July 18, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
M. V. Montgomery’s Latest Publication Integrates Poetry and Experimental Fiction
Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote this much-lauded poet’s most recent collection, The Island of Charles Foster Kane. - July 17, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
"How To Save Your Relationship...From Yourself" Now Available in eBook & Paperback Editions
Melissa Smith Baker, author of "How To Save Your Relationship...From Yourself: A Myth-Busting Guide To Successful Love," and Loose Cannon Enterprises announce the release of both her Kindle and trade paperback book. - July 17, 2013 - Loose Cannon Enterprises
"Is There a Jewish Way to Write Science Fiction Movies and Books?" Asks Yonatan Gordon, Founder of Kabbalah Site
As Jewish educators seek to interest today’s youth, they are awakening to the need to reach kids with topics they are already interested in. With the success of Jewish takes on the cinema, from’s Jewlarious section, to’s “Cinema: The Jewish... - July 17, 2013 - Community of Readers
S. Thomas Summers Releases the Second Title in His Civil War Series
Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to once again work with poet S. Thomas Summers on his latest publication, “The Journals of Lt. Kendall Everly: A Story of the American Civil War.” - July 17, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
2012 Pushcart Prize Nominee Captures an Integral Moment in American History
Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote Dr. Anna Faktorovich’s latest collection of poetry. - July 17, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Sexy Legal Tale Blurs the Line Between Truth and Fiction
Every writer knows that there is a little bit of truth in every piece of fiction. And author Parker Paige is no different in her attempt to carve out a fictitious tale with sprinkles of truth interspersed throughout. The author's new book, "Whitley & Austin" takes place in the... - July 16, 2013 - Pluto Books
New Children's Book Project, "The Fable of the Flying Friends" Has Launched on Kickstarter
This unique children's picture book features a companion activity guide featuring fun, age-appropriate educational activities. Backers have the opportunity to have their child's face illustrated and printed in the actual book. - July 16, 2013 - The Fable of the Flying Friends
Newly Founded Brooklyn Apache Press Releases First Novel
Carlton Kenneth Holder, an African American Hollywood screenwriter and founder of Brooklyn Apache Press, the publishing division of his entertainment company, plans on creating novels that cater to a niche audience interested in horror, sci-fi, action and adventure. "While watching studio project after studio project become homogenized for a young White male audience, I noticed that there were major demographics interested in genre fare who were and are being largely ignored," stated Carlton. - July 15, 2013 - Brooklyn Apache Press
Rocks Full of Sky Explores the Natural and Human Spirit in Verse
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Stephen Lefebure’s most recent collection of poetry. - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Award-Winning Poet Brings Postmodern Style to Life in Mathematics of Love
Mathematics of Love: Poems by John Edwin Cowen is poetry in the vein of E.E. Cummings and Jose Garcia Villa. - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
West Virginia Author’s Latest Novel is a Unique Entry in the Law-Drama Genre
In author Lynn Clarke’s “Evidence and Judgment” a young attorney’s biggest obstacles come from outside the courtroom. - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Adventures in Long Island and Abroad is a Study in Irony and Sardonic Wit
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Bruce D. Johnson’s first book of short stories. - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
2012 Pushcart Prize Nominee Examines Womanhood in Changing Times
Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote Janet Ruth Heller’s latest poetry collection, Folk Concert: Changing Times. - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
100 Years of the Federal Reserve: The Central Banking System in the United States of America Targets Young Readers
Marie Bussing-Burks’s textbook celebrates the 100th anniversary of the American Federal Reserve system. - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Susan Mary Malone to Speak at Lexicon Writers Conference
Developmental Editor Susan Mary Malone to Speak on "Viewpoint" in Writing at Writers Conference in Dallas - July 13, 2013 - Malone Editorial Services
Swedish-Canadian Poet’s Collection Meditates on Time and Aging
Anaphora Literary Press is pleased to promote its publication of T. Anders Carson’s book of poetry, “Death is Not the Worst Thing.” - July 13, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Now in Print & eBook: Fantasy Novel “The Unremarkable Squire” by Indiana Author Nick Hayden
Barking Rain Press announced the paperback and eBook release of the Fantasy novel “The Unremarkable Squire” by Kendallville, Indiana, author Nick Hayden. - July 13, 2013 - Barking Rain Press
A Practical User’s Manual on CT Colonography
"CT Colonography: A Guide for Clinical Practice," recently published by Thieme, is a concise, step-by-step guidebook written by specialists who run training courses in CT colonography. It provides a wealth of information for everyday practice, including topics that range from examination... - July 12, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Experienced Legal Administrator Retires to Write Fiction
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Mary Ann Hutchinson’s latest thriller, “Rain, Rain, Go Away…” - July 12, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Journalist Michelle Chen Breaks Into the Poetic Genre
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Michelle Chen’s first poetry collection, "Baby Pepper." - July 12, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
A New Star is Born
July is a month historically linked to space discoveries such as the Apollo 11 mission to the Moon and the founding of NASA. Another discovery can now be added to the calendar, as astronomers observed the birth of a new massive star in the Milky Way Galaxy. Sylvan Dell has five titles and various activities that are great learning tools for kids about space. What a perfect pastime for the family over the remaining summer months. - July 12, 2013 - Arbordale Publishing
"Blood Laws" Thrills and Intrigues
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote Miguel Parga’s first novel. - July 12, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Ancient Egyptian Prophecy Places Curse on L.A. Teens
Drayton Press is pleased to announce the launch of "The Year of the Great Seventh," the debut novel of author Teresa Orts. - July 12, 2013 - Drayton Press
John F. Buckley’s Sky Sandwiches is a Veritable Feast of Surrealism
2012 Pushcart Prize Nominated poetry collection fuses the unremarkable with the exceptional. - July 11, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
The First Comprehensive Monograph on Muscle Injuries in Sports
"Muscle Injuries in Sports," recently published by Thieme, is a comprehensive volume that provides full coverage of muscle anatomy, physiology, diagnosis, imaging, treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention. It includes a new terminology and classification system based on the... - July 10, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Now in Print & eBook: “Postponing Armageddon” by UK Author Adele Abbot
Barking Rain Press announced the paperback and eBook release of the medieval apocalyptic Fantasy novel "Postponing Armageddon" by Yorkshire, United Kingdom, author Adele Abbott. - July 10, 2013 - Barking Rain Press
Five to Fifteen is the True Story of Adversity and Triumph in an Arizona Women’s Prison
Anaphora Literary Press is thrilled to promote Denise Sassoon’s much-anticipated Five to Fifteen, a raw, powerful look at the reality of prison, addiction, and recovery. - July 10, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Book Takes a Fresh Look at Time Management and Personal and Workplace Productivity
In their book, Jeffrey Atwood and Charles Calio discuss Time Leadership, their unique approach to increasing one’s productivity. - July 08, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Private Hercules McGraw Features Poems on the American Civil War
S. Thomas Summers’s published collection provides readers an intimate perspective of the civil war straight from the battlefield. - July 08, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Emerging Poet’s Latest Collection is Silence--Imbibed
Anaphora Literary Press is proud to promote Jennifer Gutiérrez’s collection of poetry, Silence Imbibed. - July 08, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Award-Winning Author‘s Latest Novel Visits the Golden Age of Hollywood
Prolific author Marilyn Jaye Lewis’s novel, Twilight of the Immortal, has been published. - July 05, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Eloquent Tattoo is Latest Entry in Academic Murder-Mystery Series
Anaphora Literary press is pleased to promote Audrey Lavin’s novel, Eloquent Tattoo: A Murder Mystery. - July 05, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Crevices of Beautiful Minds, Crevasses of Beautiful Souls Takes Readers Into the Human Spirit
Anaphora Literary Press is pleased to promote the publication of V.B. Kai-Rogers’s collection of poetry, Crevices of Beautiful Minds, Crevasses of Beautiful Souls. - July 05, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press
Another Susan Mary Malone Author Client to be Published
Randy Mitchell's New Book "Sons in the Clouds" Set for Publication - July 04, 2013 - Malone Editorial Services
A Clinical Guide on the SMART Approach
"SMART Approach to Spine Clinical Research," recently published by Thieme and the AO Foundation, is a must-have guide for spine care professionals seeking to make a meaningful contribution to the scientific literature and advance their careers by publishing high-quality clinical research. - July 03, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
Hope for America. Summerland Publishing Releases "The Relevance of Reason" by Mack W. Borgen
Summerland Publishing Releases First Title under Brody & Schmitt Publishers Imprint, "The Relevance of Reason: The Hard Facts and Real Data About the State of Current America - Business and Politics" by Mack W. Borgen. A companion book by Mack W. Borgen, "The Relevance of Reason: The Hard Facts and Real Data About the State of Current America – Society and Culture" will be released later this year. - July 03, 2013 - Summerland Publishing
A Case-Based Approach to FRCR 2B Viva Exam Prep
"FRCR 2B Viva: A Case-based Approach," recently published by Thieme, is a focused, case-based guide that gives candidates taking the Final FRCR 2B Viva examination the exact information they need to handle the questions confidently, impress the examiners, and maximize their chances of... - July 02, 2013 - Thieme Publishers
S. K. Kelen’s Newest Book Adds a "Dash of Venom" to Domestic Norms
Anaphora Literary Press is excited to promote S. K. Kelen’s most recent publication. - June 29, 2013 - Anaphora Literary Press