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Within Book Publishers
iUniverse to Exhibit at Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
iUniverse, the leading provider of supported self-publishing services, will be an exhibitor at the 12th Annual Los Angeles Times Festival of Books on Saturday, April 28 and Sunday, April 29, 2007. Over 130,000 people are expected to attend the massive event, which will take place outdoors on the... - April 28, 2007 - iUniverse
New SolidWorks Customizing Training Book
Customizing SolidWorks For Greater Productivity - April 27, 2007 - Sheet Metal Guy, LLC
iUniverse Titles Honored in 14th Annual Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Awards
Two iUniverse titles received first place honors and another book received honorable mention in the 14th Annual Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Awards. This awards program focuses on the outstanding achievements of independently published authors. This year’s... - April 25, 2007 - iUniverse
PublishAmerica Presents Evermore by Mary Elizabeth Hankins
PublishAmerica is proud to present Evermore by Mary Elizabeth Hankins of Cedar Bluff, Virginia. Evermore is the story of Tomas, who has been banished from his beloved Evermore Village by the Village Watchers. He must conquer the unconquerable mountain to be allowed to return to the village and to... - April 25, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Food Innovations by Sarah Bun
PublishAmerica is proud to present Food Innovations: An Approach to Eating on a Wheat, Dairy, and Yeast-Free Diet by Sarah Bun of Little Elm, Texas. Being on a diet that involves avoidance and elimination is no fun. But, who says that it has to be this way? Food isn’t only for eating anymore. - April 25, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Canada by John Santosuosso
PublishAmerica is proud to present Canada: An Introduction for Americans by John Santosuosso of Lakeland, Florida. America’s largest supplier of imported oil is Canada. Canada is also the only major supplier that is politically stable. Canada is America’s largest trading partner -... - April 25, 2007 - PublishAmerica
At an Age When Most People Retire, Chicago Resident Jan De Goede Picked Up Pen and Paintbrush and Began Mining a New Creative Vein
Chicago, IL resident Jan de Goede honored in national "Splendid Seniors Among Us" program recognizing people whose post-65 activities can inspire others at all life stages. - April 24, 2007 - Pearlsong Press
Earth Day Announcement: Wildlife Warriors Benefit from Sales of Koala-Themed Keepsakes
Koala Jo Publishing announces new title, new way to contribute - April 24, 2007 - Koala Jo Publishing
Never Fear Public Speaking Again – And Better Yet... Be Great
Everything you need to know to present the best speech possible, from planning and research to day-of checklist. - April 23, 2007 - Tallfellow Press
Author’s Reading at School Event Scores Big Points for Wildlife Preservation
New book about Aboriginal Lore and Australian Wildlife was a big hit with young students. - April 23, 2007 - Koala Jo Publishing
Workshop with Award-Winning Writer Karen Blomain Scheduled in Santa Fe
BelleCora Press & Workshops offers an early registration discount for its 2007 writing workshop in Santa Fe with award winning poet, novelist, and respected writing instructor Karen Blomain. The workshops titled Personal Writing: Poetry and Memoir is scheduled for October 6-13. Early... - April 22, 2007 - BelleCora Press & Workshops
Acquiring a Liver Leads to Understanding of Gifted Kids
It is essential for parents and teachers to understand the nature, quirks, and vulnerabilities of gifted kids--only then can gifted children truly thrive. - April 20, 2007 - Great Potential Press, Inc.
Two Titles Earn iUniverse Reader’s Choice Designation
Two more outstanding titles earned the coveted iUniverse Reader’s Choice designation during the week of April 8, 2007. Reader’s Choice recognizes books that have achieved editorial excellence and sales success. Titles reach the Reader's Choice level after receiving the Editor's Choice... - April 20, 2007 - iUniverse
iUniverse Offers Spring Specials Through April 30
iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, has announced a variety of money-saving Spring Specials. These offers are valid through midnight, Central Time, Monday, April 30, 2007. Authors can receive the following deals from iUniverse by entering the... - April 20, 2007 - iUniverse
PublishAmerica Presents A View from Iraq by Elmer L. Snow, III
PublishAmerica is proud to present A View from Iraq by Elmer L. Snow, III of Piegon Forge, Tennessee. A View from Iraq relates the untold stories of several members of the United States Armed Forces and civilian support personnel whose personal acts and bravery were not previously reported. In... - April 18, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents If Britain Surrenders by Douglas W. MacDougall
PublishAmerica is proud to present If Britain Surrenders by Douglas W. MacDougall of Massillon, Ohio. What if the Battle of Britain had never taken place, Winston Churchill had not been in charge during those dark days of 1941, and Charles Lindbergh had been elected instead of FDR? In this... - April 18, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Rollin’ with the Cav by Luis Pauli
PublishAmerica is proud to present Rollin’ with the Cav by Luis Pauli of Laguna Hills, California. In Pauli’s nonfiction book, readers will follow the 1st Squadron, 1st United States Cavalry into the heart of Iraq for a scorching 15-month deployment. During the opening stages of... - April 18, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Computer Books Help Remove the "Stress" of Learning Software
April is National Stress Awareness month and Tolana Publishing has a way to reduce the stress of learning new software. - April 14, 2007 - Tolana Publishing
PublishAmerica Presents God’s In My Corner by “Tiger” Ted Lowry
PublishAmerica is proud to present God’s in My Corner: A Portrait of an American Boxer: The Autobiography of “Tiger” Ted Lowry (A Man Who “Owned” a Piece of the “Rock”), an autobiography by “Tiger” Ted Lowry With an Introduction by Sharon... - April 14, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Twelve New Titles Earn iUniverse Publisher’s Choice Designation
Twelve outstanding titles recently earned the coveted iUniverse Publisher’s Choice designation. Publisher’s Choice titles written by American authors are displayed in the author’s local Barnes & Noble bookstore for a minimum of eight weeks. Titles written by Canadian authors... - April 11, 2007 - iUniverse
Big Women Live Happily Ever After in At Long Last, Love, A Collection of Romantic Short Stories by Canadian Author Judy Bagshaw
Canadian author Judy Bagshaw has a mission to write tales in which large women live rich, fulfilling lives. - April 10, 2007 - Pearlsong Press
This Summer, Let ‘em Read a Movie
When children are bored this summer, parents can encourage them to turn off the TV, video games, or computer, and read a movie. - April 09, 2007 - Max Books
iUniverse Title Acquired by Chinese Publisher
A Chinese publisher has acquired the rights to the iUniverse book Vlad Dracula: The Dragon Prince. According to author Michael Augustyn, publisher Shanghai 99 Reader’s Culture became interested in his book after speaking with publishing veteran Judy Klein of Kleinworks Agency in Missoula,... - April 07, 2007 - iUniverse
What Happened to the Black Kids?
There are almost no children's and young adult fantasy adventure books with Black characters in them and we need more. - April 06, 2007 - Woza Books
iUniverse Offers $99 Specials Through April 16
iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, has announced a variety of $99 specials. These specials are valid through midnight, Central Time, Monday, April 16, 2007. Authors will receive the following deals from iUniverse by entering the appropriate... - April 05, 2007 - iUniverse
PublishAmerica Presents The Bible and Human Sexuality by John R. Desmaretz
PublishAmerica is proud to present The Bible and Human Sexuality: What the Old Testament Says About Sexual Relationships and Human Sexuality by John R. Desmaretz of Crown Point, Indiana. John Desmaretz grew up in the seventies. He was raised in a middle-class environment in a middle-class family... - April 04, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Persian Ghost by Warren Gray
PublishAmerica is proud to present Persian Ghost by Warren Gray of Knoxville, Maryland. In Gray’s military fiction, Air Force special operations officer Jack Wolfe must covertly plan and execute the total destruction of Iran’s nuclear facility at Bushehr before the Israelis strike it... - April 04, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Adoption Romanian Style by Janet Winkel
PublishAmerica is proud to present Adoption Romanian Style by Janet Winkel of Chandler, Arizona. In August of 1990, while watching 20/20, Winkel learned of the horrible conditions and poor care that Romanian orphans endure. She and her husband felt the Lord wanted them to do something about the... - April 04, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Dandelion Digs Up the Truth in Two Blockbuster Books about the Jesus Conspiracy
Jesus’ Bones Found in Jerusalem, Confirming the Jesus Myth in Dandelion’s It’s All about Control: The God, Jesus and ET Coverup Conspiracies and Adam & Evil Adam & Evil: The God Who Hates Sex, Women & Human Bodies - April 02, 2007 - Dandelion Books, LLC
Inanimate Alice Links with Nancy Drew Fans at Her Interactive
Bradfield Collaborates With Her Interactive To Market Inanimate Alice To Her Interactive Fans - March 31, 2007 - The BradField Company
Stonehedge Publishing Brings Tomorrow’s Industry Revolution Today
Stonehedge Publishing has taken a new approach to publishing – letting the reader decide the value of a book. - March 31, 2007 - Stonehedge Publishing
PublishAmerica Presents Squelching the Sesesh by Andy Reddick
PublishAmerica is proud to present Squelching the Sesesh: Iowa’s Role in the Civil War by Andy Reddick of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. With 80,000 volunteers from a total population of only 600,000, Iowa supplied more men per capita in the Civil War than any other Union state. Iowans fought... - March 31, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Our Hispanic Roots by Carlos B. Vega
PublishAmerica is proud to present Our Hispanic Roots: What History Failed to Tell Us by Carlos B. Vega of North Bergen, New Jersey. The Hispanic contribution to the making of the United States has been blatantly glossed over by most historians for the past three hundred years, despite the... - March 31, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Secret Kitchen: An Argentine Cooking Book
PublishAmerica is proud to present Secret Kitchen: An Argentine Cooking Book by Tammy Creo. The recipes contained in this book include typical home-style dishes, as well as some of the most exquisite recipes found at the finest restaurants in Buenos Aires. While Argentina’s meat dishes are... - March 31, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Outskirts Press Announces a Candid Story by Geo Gosling, a Man Who Suffers from a Tramautic Brain Injury - TBI Hell
Always wear a bicycle helmet and use a light at dusk. - March 31, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
PublishAmerica Presents Orioles Rise from the Ashes by Frank Lynch
PublishAmerica is proud to present Orioles Rise from the Ashes: Baltimore's Journey to the Majors by Frank Lynch of Bel Air, Maryland. Frank Lynch saw his first professional baseball game as a seven-year-old in 1946, and what a game it was. The hometown club, the Baltimore Orioles, was hosting the... - March 30, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Outskirts Press Anounces a Unique New Diet Book by California Psychiatrist Dr. Harvey Widroe - Eat and Cheat. ‘The Smart Dieter’s Cheating Guide’
This eye-opening book examines a psychiatrist's belief on dieting and explores a shift in focus from failed diets to a weight losing mindset. - March 30, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Outskirts Press is Pleased to Bring You Blessed and Highly Favored Today: Your Miracle, an Enlightening and Thought-Provoking New Work by Author Larry Wayne
There are those who feel that God no longer interacts with man on a personal level—not true! God still performs miracles, still heals the sick, and yes, still answers prayers each and every day. He does this for average people who know the Biblical formula. In his new work, Blessed and Highly... - March 30, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
New Star on the Horizon
ComStar Media, LLC set to shine in both gaming and publishing industry. - March 30, 2007 - ComStar Media, LLC
PublishAmerica Presents An Object of Great Importance by Christopher W. DiPasquale
PublishAmerica is proud to present An Object of Great Importance: The Hudson River During the American War for Independence by Christopher W. DiPasquale of Carmel, New York. During the American Revolution the Hudson River was not just a waterway. It was a lifeline, a vital artery on which the... - March 30, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents Reflections on the Lusitania by John Protasio
PublishAmerica is proud to present Reflections on the Lusitania: Insights into Naval, Diplomatic, and other Aspects of the Disaster by John Protasio of Stow, Ohio. Without question or doubt the most controversial sinking during World War I is that of the Lusitania. Over 1,000 people were lost... - March 30, 2007 - PublishAmerica
When You Are Not Smarter than a 5th Grader...
Raising gifted children is often quite challenging for parents, leaving many parents frustrated and searching for answers. Four gifted experts have joined together to provide those answers, and demonstrate numerous techniques for successfully raising a gifted child. - March 30, 2007 - Great Potential Press, Inc.
Choose Your Own Adventure® Owners Sue DaimlerChrysler and BBDO for Trademark Infringement
Injunction filed to protect Choose Your Own Adventure® Trademark - March 29, 2007 - Choose Your Own Adventure
New Picture Book Gets Kids Talking
Lobster Press, Montreal's award-winning publisher for children, releases a new picture book for kids ages 3-6 that will help shy children find the courage to start talking. Featuring colourful illustrations and playful writing, Pamela Edward's debut children's book "Oliver Has Something to Say!" will encourage self-expression even in the quietest of children. - March 29, 2007 - Lobster Press
Unique ‘Speaking Up in Poetry & Prose’ Book Deals with Major Issues Facing America Today by Former Award-Winning Columnist and Writer Jack Joseph Prather
Former award-winning columnist and writer Jack Joseph Prather was fretting about America’s gathering storm of problems in the spring of 2006 and searching for the right outlet to express his opinions, views and analyses. During his ritual walk at Carl Sandburg’s beloved estate in Flat... - March 29, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents OHS by Terrence E. Gaylor
PublishAmerica is proud to present OHS: The Ohio River Fever: No Cure, Few Answers, and Only Hope: One Man’s Battle with the Incurable Disease by Terrence E. Gaylor of Aurora, North Carolina. OHS, ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, has no cure, very few answers, and only hope. Dubbed the... - March 29, 2007 - PublishAmerica
PublishAmerica Presents "The Voices of Ecstasy" by Minister Wendy Y. Butts
PublishAmerica is proud to present The Voices of Ecstasy: Drug-Induced Schizophrenia and the Death of a College Student by Minister Wendy Y. Butts of Jonesboro, Georiga. For three days, Gia Arrington lay dead in her dorm room. The official cause of death was listed as “suicide by asphyxia. - March 29, 2007 - PublishAmerica
Outskirts Press is Pleased to Bring You Peace with North Korea: Opportunity Squandered, Opportunity Renewable?, a Brave and Thought-Provoking New Work
Outskirts Press is pleased to bring you Peace with North Korea: Opportunity Squandered, Opportunity Renewable?, a brave and thought-provoking new work by ex-military officer and peace advocate Randall Cuthbert. His book examines the idea of peace and makes you wonder ~ After Five Decades of Mutual Distrust, Is Peace Possible? - March 29, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.
Book Explores Bush Re-election to Find Unheard Effects of Iraq War
A new book has revealed chilling facts about the impacts of Iraq war on unknown parts of the world through the lenses of world press. - March 28, 2007 -
Outskirts Press Announces a New Book - Rendevous at the Windmill by Mack McDonald
From Nazi Occupied Holland, the Haunting Story of an Unconventional Relationship Between a German Soldier and a Dutch farmer - March 28, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.