Horizon Textbook Publishing Releases Understanding Psychology (2nd edition)

Horizon Textbook Publishing announces the release of Understanding Psychology, second edition, by R.H. Ettinger. - February 08, 2007 - Horizon Textbook Publishing

Arbor Books Introduces Plagiarism Protection for Ghostwriting Clients

Arbor Books now offers plagiarism protection insurance for its ghostwriting clients. - February 08, 2007 - Arbor Books Inc.

Horizon Textbook Publishing Releases Understanding the Speechmaking Process (12th Edition)

Horizon Textbook Publishing announces the release of Understanding the Speechmaking Process, twelfth edition, by Ray S. Ross, Ph.D. - February 07, 2007 - Horizon Textbook Publishing

iUniverse Author Shares Life-Changing Tips in New Podcast

With 2007 well underway, many are struggling to keep New Year’s resolutions made only a few weeks ago. In a new and informative podcast, iUniverse author Dr. Marion Kramer Jacobs offers key advice to help you keep those resolutions and make permanent, positive life changes. In the podcast,... - February 07, 2007 - iUniverse

iUniverse Celebrates Launch of New Poetry Publishing Package with Special Promotion

Publisher iUniverse has announced the addition of a Poetry Package to its already impressive line-up of publishing products and services. The Poetry Package is a professional choice for poets looking to showcase their best work or who wish to establish themselves as published authors. Authors... - February 06, 2007 - iUniverse

Arbor Books Announces the Publication of New Book on Boomer Investing

Arbor Books today announces the publication of Baby Boomer Investing by Georges Yared, which is available on Amazon.com, at Barnes & Noble and at fine book stores everywhere. - February 02, 2007 - Arbor Books Inc.

Randall Radic Signs Book Deal with Ephemera Bound

Randall Radic's book, "The Sound of Meat," is to be published by Ephemera Bound. - February 01, 2007 - Ephemera Bound Publishing

Insightful Book Underlines Author's Spiritual Enlightenment through Yoga

Be the Lighthouse is released by author Steve Coffing. Taken from a tribute to yoga great Yogi Bhajan, author Steve Coffing was inspired by the message, “you are the lighthouse.” Roused by his efforts to dedicate his life to spreading the light through his yoga experiences, this book inspires the reader to let go and “be the lighthouse.” - February 01, 2007 - Dog Ear Publishing

For Any Company, People Are the Real Bottom Line

Outskirts Press is pleased to bring you In the Best Companies, People Are Everything by Lawrence Haines. This brilliant new book focuses on what seems to be a lost art in business: how to deal effectively with all the people in a company to ensure increasing growth and profit. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Poignant Story of One Woman’s Search for Love and a Child to Nurture

Life, as we are taught, is supposed to be textbook perfect—do well in school, make lots of friends, fall in love, plan a life. For some this is easily accomplished, for others the task is far more challenging, far more painful, and far more daunting. That Which Does Not Kill Us Makes Us Stronger follows the real-life story of one woman’s journey through marriage, motherhood, and the challenge to create a joyful life. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Bold New Book Offers Compelling Approach for Positive Life Change

In paper back from Outskirts Press arrives The Language of Fruit by Greg McNeil, a dynamic process for grasping our dreams deftly and without regard for interference, in a format that defies any ready classification. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A Spiritual Guide for our Time Offers the Keys to Health, Abundance, and Joyful Living

Godism: Releasing the Power to Live is a manual for healthy, sane living. Centered on what author S. Roystone Neverson calls the “Eight Springs of Life,” it intelligently guides readers through an examination of their inner and outer environments. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Captivating Stories of an Author's Exciting Spiritual Journey into Third World Development

Applying the "Public Health Model" to Nsanje District in southern-most Malawi, the author weaves the story-threads into an almost palpable fabric of exciting, successful interventions in Child Survival. She underpins the mission with her personal experiences on her spiritual journey from widowhood through senior-citizen romance to selfless adventure in Africa. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Spyjinks Abound in this Tale of Mistaken Identity and International Intrigue

Non-Stop Action with Dangers and Fun: The Ironical-Geographical Mystery is about a man who devoured spy novels as a kid, then switched to detective novels, and along the way decided that he wanted to become a private detective. Life instead handed him a job as a magazine reporter for a cheap rag in... - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

No Child Should Ever Feel He or She is Facing a Challenge Alone No Matter How Big or Small that Challenge May Be

We are all unique and different in our own way. Being different has its own rewards. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Maybe You Can’t Go Home Again, But You Can Start Over

Outskirts Press is pleased to announce the publication of Nomad’s Land, the highly anticipated first novel by Susan Kathleen. An experienced ghostwriter and comedy writer, Kathleen has turned her talents toward fiction to tell the tale of Catrin Moran, a young woman whose wandering existence has brought her back to Chicago, and to the people she once considered friends. - January 27, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

PublishAmerica Presents Backyard Burial by Janet McGuire Hendershot

PublishAmerica is proud to present Backyard Burial by Janet McGuire Hendershot of Old Town, Florida. - January 27, 2007 - PublishAmerica

Letting Go of Guilt: New Book Heralds Good News for Catholics

"Catholicism without the Guilt" is a practical approach to the Catholic faith. It is highly recommended for young adults. It is a book that will challenge its readers to think and cause them to laugh through an atmosphere that leads to wisdom. - January 26, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Distinguished Educator Shows How to Learn to Speak in Filipino

Dr. Victoria Rey, an active leader in the Philippine community and an educator with an extensive experience in teaching Conversational Filipino and language arts, offers engaging activities in her book, Speak, Read and Write in Filipino. Through interacting with the lessons and activities in this book, non-Tagalog speakers will be able to communicate in Filipino that is composed mostly of Tagalog words. - January 26, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Budget is Not a Four Letter Word

Widowed, broke, mother of three…several years ago, this would have described author, Staci Nauman. Not any more. Today she is financially stable and teaching others how they, too, can take back control of their personal finances and live within their means no matter what their paycheck reads. - January 26, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Fast and Easy Strategies for Retirement Planning

Secrets to Basic Retirement Planning is a straightforward guidebook that offers valuable information for those seeking to understand how to set up, implement and choose a retirement plan. With a three-step approach, author and licensed consultant Chris Rodgers has compiled fast, easy, and simple... - January 26, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Blind Spot ~ A Novel of Scientific Espionage. A Dangerous Technological Advance that Could be Frighteningly Close

In this book the writer develops a Personal Tactical High Energy Laser – PTHEL – which blinds the enemy. It is a weapon that we believe does not now exist. We are certain however, that it has been researched. Laser weapons the size of a large military vehicle have been developed. But, no such weapon has been developed that is lightweight or accurate enough for use by one or two men that the author is aware of. - January 26, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

It’s a Dangerous World Out There—Learn the Ass-Kicking Techniques that Can Save Your Life

No one is immune from violence. Even the most safety-minded of us may one day find ourselves doing the unthinkable—fighting for our very lives against an attacker who wants to rob, rape, or even murder us. What would you do in such a situation? - January 26, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Burlesque Legend Satan's Angel Signs with Ephemera Bound

CeCe Walker, aka burlesque dancer Satan's Angel, signs book deal with Ephemera Bound. With the return to burlesque, peek-a-boo performance and the neo-burlesque movement, there is more interest than ever in stories from legends like Walker. - January 26, 2007 - Ephemera Bound Publishing

Author Exposes Controversies in Catholic Church

Detroit author and school teacher announces the release of her autobiographical novel, Confessions of a Catholic Schoolgirl. Zeroing in on the Catholic Church controversy, author Michelle Kane reveals the kind of secrets the Catholic Church has been sweeping under the rug for years. - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Real Food for Real College Students

Outskirts Press, Inc. is pleased to bring you The Real College Cookbook by G. P. McDonald. Unlike many of the so-called “starving student” cookbooks on the market, this book highlights realistic food and beverage recipes that any college student can successfully survive on—the... - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Oregon Author Crafts Innovative Western Novel

Jim Kennison of Newport, Oregon, reflecting on his experience and childhood memories, has written a western novel that departs from the tradition of the genre. - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Even in the Days of the Old West, it was Politics as Usual

A Simpler Time, which is subtitled A Lie Accepted As Truth Is More Powerful than the Truth Can Ever Be, takes readers down a not-so-familiar historical road and into the politics of the 19th Century in this fact-filled novel about a lonely 40-year-old native New Englander, who is also a Secret... - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

The Heroine and Hero Die, Yet this Action-romance Futuristic Story has a Happy Ending

In a few centuries, man’s continuing quest for ever-more prosperity, longevity, and conquest of territory culminates in a drastic scientific breakthrough. It’s something terrifying. And it’s terrible. Yet nothing else will do it all. The governments quietly promote it. But to be widely accepted, first it has to overcome many hurdles. This is a Prospective Fiction story of some of these showdowns that occur at the dawn of the 26th century on Mars... - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

A Successful Insurgence in America? New Book Shows It’s Possible

In Beyond the Failure Club, author James I. McGovern offers a compelling vision of the ultimate reaction to politics and government that have failed society.  The insurgence here is not in some small or backward region of the world, but within greater North America, the United States and... - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Al-Qaida & South American Drug Cartel in Northern California? “Diamond Saloon” is a Must Read.

Robert Cogburn writing under pen-name Robert Conners has written an international thriller entitled “Diamond Saloon.” Terrorists in Northern California…citizens beware. - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

New Anthology Looks at the World of a Poet Up Close and Personal

The Life and Times of Angela Wilson is a self-portrait. It is a woman’s journey through life, a collage of personal experiences and observations that expose and question, and are at times painfully revealing. - January 25, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Real Emails from Unreal Males Focus of New Humor Book on Internet Dating

When Bari Auerbach decided to change her life after fifteen years of marriage, she tentatively ventured into the singles’ scene by subscribing to Internet dating sites in the hopes of finding her perfect match. Unexpectedly, the bulk of the emails she received were so outrageous that it spurred her to compile the real-life, unedited messages to create her book, You’ve Got Male. This book reveals what women encounter when faced with the opposite sex’s outrageous attempts at communication. - January 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Imagine a World without Religious Dogma and Fanaticism, a World Where Everyone Lives the Golden Rule… with or without God

Healigion – a religion without God – by author Jim Lightwala offers a powerful examination of the consequences of religion throughout mankind’s history. It looks at the origins & aspects of religious teachings & practices. It asks readers to open theirs minds to a belief system where it is not important if there is a god or not. - January 24, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Reincarnation Takes on Catholism in New Fiction Work

In the new age fiction tale, "The Road Back to Heaven" author Linda Lewis weaves an adventure story about a secret scroll found hidden in the Vatican. The spiritual message it reveals has the potential to shake the foundations of organized religion, by proving the existence of reincarnation. - January 23, 2007 - Baycrest Books

World of Warcraft Burning Crusade Strategy Guide Now Available from Killer Guides

Killer Guides Ltda releases a strategy guide for the World of Warcraft expansion "The Burning Crusade". - January 23, 2007 - Killer Guides Ltda

New Greeting Card Line Benefits Children in Crisis

100% of profits go to charity. - January 19, 2007 - Art with Heart

Book Release: The Milk Ain't 4 Free

New Christian Book for Women: "The Milk Ain't 4 Free!" This is a witty, poignant book with over 100 reasons and devotionals to encourage women to "save the milk" and "wait for God's Best." - January 18, 2007 - 1st Love Creations Publishing Co

"Up, Up and Away They Flew into the Starry Night." Taken from White Holly - a New, Innovative Christmas Tale by LadyGray

Author LadyGray creates an innovative Christmas tale with the standards and craftsmanship of such classics as Gift of the Magi or a Christmas Carol.  A unique Yuletide tale that enters into unexplored areas of the Christmas tradition while retaining its old fashioned values. Picking up where... - January 18, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

Andrea Cagan's Book on Prem Rawat Now #9 on Amazon.com

"Peace is Possible," the biography of Prem Rawat- also known as Maharaji, by best selling author Andrea Cagan, has reached #9 on Amazon in only one day after it was released. - January 17, 2007 - Mighty River Press

Personal Experiences with God are Related in New Non-fiction Collection

This is a book about God — a collection of stories, compiled by an engineer, written by people who have met Him and found that it changed their lives. The accounts are gentle, positive, joyful, comforting, and full of lovingkindness. They show us that God is truly our divine parent who loves us and cares for us. - January 17, 2007 - Outskirts Press, Inc.

iUniverse Author to Appear on Joan Hamburg Show

Leslie Lipton, author of Unwell, can be heard today on The Joan Hamburg Show (WOR AM). Lipton, who was also recently featured in The New York Post, is herself a recovering anorexic who tells the story of a teen led astray by the allure of thinness, beauty, and the potential power of those qualities... - January 17, 2007 - iUniverse

Laughing Out Loud -- The Laugh-Friendly Company Honors Bonefish Grill with Inaugural Customer Service Award

What businesses have the best customer service? The founders of the laugh-friendly companyTM, ee publishing and productions, have created the Laugh-Friendly Awards (LFAs) to find out. What does it mean to be “laugh-friendly”? The creators of ee, sisters Elizabeth Sills and Elena... - January 13, 2007 - ee publishing and productions

iUniverse Reader’s Choice Designation Recognizes Excellence in Quality and Sales

Editorial quality is important, but so are book sales. The iUniverse Reader's Choice designation recognizes titles that display both editorial excellence and sales success. iUniverse books achieve the Reader's Choice designation after receiving the Editor's Choice designation and selling 250 copies. - January 13, 2007 - iUniverse

Editor’s Choice Program Welcomes Three More Titles

No matter how small or large the audience an author wants to reach, the editorial quality of his or her book matters. iUniverse chooses only those titles that meet the high editorial standards of a professionally published book to be part of its Editor's Choice program. To become eligible for... - January 13, 2007 - iUniverse

Choose Your Own Adventure® Launches iPod Download

Beware; Choose Your Own Adventure #1 - The Abominable Snowman is no ordinary audiobook. - January 11, 2007 - Choose Your Own Adventure

Editor’s Choice Program Welcomes Two More Titles

No matter how small or large the audience an author wants to reach, the editorial quality of his or her book matters. iUniverse chooses only those titles that meet the high editorial standards of a professionally published book to be part of its Editor's Choice program. To become eligible for... - January 10, 2007 - iUniverse

Chooseco Welcomes Jason Geller as National Sales Director

Choose Your Own Adventure® publisher outlines plans for 2007. - January 08, 2007 - Choose Your Own Adventure

Booksmith Bookstore Holding Alphar Publishing's New Releases: Readings Jan 5.

Alphar Publishing hosts "Meet the Author" at famous Persian "Aub Zam Zam" cafe & bar across street from Booksmith who hold Alphar's new novels at 1644 Haight, San Francisco, Friday, Jan 5, 5PM. - January 04, 2007 - Alphar Publishing

Celebrate a New Year by Publishing a Book with iUniverse

iUniverse, the leading provider of print-on-demand supported self-publishing services, is helping those authors whose New Year’s resolution is to publish a book. Authors can save up to $150 and receive 10 free paperback books if they publish before Jan. 16. “So many authors dream of... - January 04, 2007 - iUniverse

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