Recent Headlines
New Connection to the Internet Industry in Miami
WSI has opened a new Consulting office to serve the Miami-Broward counties. - July 19, 2006 - People & Enterprises LLC
Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Continues as Contributing Editor for Industry 2.0
Industry 2.0 is published monthly. With a controlled circulation base of 30,000, more than two hundred thousand monthly readers across India, have relied up this vital publication since 2002. Covering twenty industry sectors, Industry 2.0 reaches key decision-makers. 65% of the publications readers... - July 18, 2006 - TR Cutler, Inc.
Familia Unida Gets Set for Yet Another Wheelchair Wash
Annual event anticipates huge turnout for its Wheelchair Wash celebration. - July 18, 2006 - LogoBee Logo Design
Manufacturing Journalist TR Cutler Continues as Contributing Editor for
More than 6000 visitors each day and nearly 200,000 visitors each month view The site is for manufacturers and suppliers of industrial, factory and process automation, motion control, machine control, process control and instrumentation products and services. attracts... - July 17, 2006 - TR Cutler, Inc.
Major Market Portland Firm Takes on New Video Podcasting Approach
Podcast Media Services (a Division of America Web Works, LLC.) has recently added a video podcast version of their highly successful PodCast Radio Show featuring, America Web Works' Founder, Dr. Tony Marino. - July 16, 2006 - America Web Works
Partners Resource Network Unveils TEAM Project Branding Strategy
State-wide organization updates its image and branding with - July 15, 2006 - LogoBee Logo Design
VisionPoint Marketing Sponsors Greater Raleigh Chamber Of Commerce AM Network Social
Raleigh Internet Marketing Firm To Sponsor Morning Networking Event. - July 14, 2006 - VisionPoint Marketing
VisionPoint Marketing Named to Internet Marketing and Design Firm List by Triangle Business Journal
Raleigh Internet Marketing Firm In Top Ten On Business Journal List. - July 13, 2006 - VisionPoint Marketing
New Internet Marketing Consultancy Opens in Cambridge
There’s a new connection in Cambridge’s Internet Industry. WSI, “We Simply Internet Marketing,” is proud to announce the launch of a new Internet Marketing Consultant (IMC) office in Cambridge. Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, WSI’s latest office will be run by... - July 13, 2006 - WSI Internet
The Lady Chablis Says - It is After Midnight and it is Her Garden Now…
With a new look and outlook the indefinable and forever outspoken Lady Chablis says, “land the plane and dock the boat… It is after midnight and it is my garden now!” While she will never underestimate or belittle her good fortune as a result of the book and movie that has... - July 12, 2006 - Concepts In Success
The Features & Benefits of Outsourced Marketing Solutions
Securing branding and an image that is tailored to your target market can be a challenge in today's competitive marketplace. An outsourced marketing solution can be the answer for companies who are looking for a team of professionals to further their cause at a cost-effective price. QG... - July 11, 2006 - QG Partnership
Gasoline Doesn’t Fuel this Loyalty Program
Current shopper loyalty programs have recently been centered on the highly priced commodity of gasoline… until now. In the United States, close to 80% of adults 18+ years-old own a mobile phone, and now, they’ll be able to incorporate their mobile phone while grocery shopping and earn... - July 11, 2006 - BENSUR :: Creative Marketing Group
Joshua Estrin and Luis Perez- an Unlikely Duo Brings Simple, Safe, Success to the Health Conscious Business Community
At 5’5” and 6’0” respectively, some might argue they are a rather unlikely duo, but Luis Perez, fitness guru originally from Mexico and now the Health/Wellness expert for Despierta America, Univision’s Spanish language “Today Show,” and Joshua Estrin MS,... - July 10, 2006 - Concepts In Success
LRA Worldwide to Assist Washington Nationals with Customer Service Training
LRA Worldwide, Inc., and The Washington Nationals of Major League Baseball are partnering to enhance the Nationals’ fan experience with an intense customer service training program. The focus for the training will be all game day staff that interact with the fans at RFK Stadium. The training... - July 10, 2006 - LRA Worldwide, Inc.
Joshua Estrin Says “Move Over Dr. Phil” in His New Multi-Media Explosion, Shut Up and Listen to Yourself
Business Consultant and Celebrity Success Coach, Joshua Estrin has hit the ground running and says, "you are not broken and you do not need to be fixed." Dubbed the "Anti Expert/Anti Dr. Phil," Business Development guru Estrin has taken on the self help genre with... - July 10, 2006 - Concepts In Success
Midas Consulting Launches the Most Complete List of Competitive Intelligence Sources in Latin America, Spain and Portugal
Over 1,300 competitive intelligence sources on Latin America, Spain & Portugal, sorted by country and type of source. - July 08, 2006 - Midas Consulting
Technology Leaders Team Up to Help Glens Falls Businesses Benefit from Technology and the Internet
WSI, the world’s largest Internet Consulting Group, forms a strategic alliance with GF Technology Group LLC to provide full range of services to businesses. - July 08, 2006 - WSI Internet
VisionPoint Marketing Announces New Vice President Of Creative Strategies
Anthony Poillucci Joins VisionPoint Marketing. - July 07, 2006 - VisionPoint Marketing
Barry Sharp Business Consulting Suggests Looking at Your Business from Your Customer's Perspective
Most business people have only one perspective on their business. Their own perspective. By looking at their business from their customers' point of view, they can really increase their sales and increase their profits. - July 06, 2006 - Barry Sharp Business Consulting
Frigidaire Chills Out with New Summer Sweepstakes
Frigidaire Canada is chillin’ out with a new “Cool Summer” Sweepstakes designed to help Canadians beat the heat this summer. With promotional partners Loblaws and Cuisinart, Frigidaire has created “Cool Summer” Prize Packs. Consumers can enter to win one of three... - July 06, 2006 - scratch
e-Business Profits Now Available to Businesses in Greater Bangor Area
World’s Largest Internet Consultants Open Office in Maine. - July 06, 2006 - WSI Internet
Announcing the Establishment of Gary Hubbell Consulting
Author and speaker Gary Hubbell announces the launch of a consulting firm whose primary function is to assist nonprofit/social sector organizations to chart their future direction and to generate the resources necessary to fuel their growth. - July 05, 2006 - Gary Hubbell Consulting
The Frat Movie is Holding One of Its Last Casting Calls Before Filming Begins
Westley James Freeman Kershaw is CEO of CRFreeman, Inc. and creator of a the feature film called The Frat. CRFreeman is looking for Investors and Sponsors for their feature film, soundtrack, merchandise, promotion, release parties and their multi city college tour. The size of a person's... - July 03, 2006 - CRFreeman, Inc
MMI Associates, Inc. President Named to Women Against MS Luncheon Steering Committee
Patty Briguglio Joins Multiple Sclerosis Committee. - July 03, 2006 - MMI
Jeanine Recckio Presents ICMAD CITY Awards Recognizing Cosmetic Innovation
Beauty & Lifestyle Futurologist, Jeanine Recckio, participates as guest presenter in ICMAD CITY Awards for Cosmetic Innovators of The Year - July 02, 2006 - Mirror Mirror Imagination Group
Vivaldi Partners Düsseldorf Office Opens July 1st Headed by Dr. Mark Esser
Vivaldi Partners has opened a new office in Düsseldorf, Germany this summer. The office is headed by Dr. Mark Esser, member of their Global Executive Committee and Managing Director- Pan-European Financial Services Practice. Dr. Esser joins Vivaldi Partners from BBDO Consulting where he... - July 01, 2006 - Vivaldi Partners
Vertically Challenged? Raising Your Profile in a Vertical Market
Having worked extensively on trade press campaigns on behalf of professional services firms, NB! Public Relations knows that raising your firm’s profile within vertical markets can be challenging. So they have compiled a short list of pointers which you may find useful. 1. Be strategic. - June 30, 2006 - NB! Public Relations
Global FranTech and GIDBank Sign New Distribution Agreement for a Structured Product
Glacier International Depository Banks signed a Distribution Agreement with Franklin Forbes and Global FranTech Group. The first of its kind GIDBanks Hub will take a scientific approach to Marketing Franklin Forbes Fund worldwide. Louis Roman, GIDBanks, Chief Executive Officer commented:... - June 30, 2006 - FranTech Asia
Frigidaire Celebrates Canada
Just in time for Canada Day, Frigidaire Canada is celebrating 60 years of manufacturing quality cooking appliances in L’Assomption, Quebec with the launch of a new “See the Country Sweepstakes.” Starting on June 22, the promotion will give Canadians a chance to see their country... - June 30, 2006 - scratch
N2growth Announces Relationship with Small Business Review
N2growth’s Managing Director and Chief Strategy Officer becomes a contributing editor for Small Business Review. - June 29, 2006 - N2growth
Liquid Brands Management Announces the Launch of the New Beverage Industry Portal,
New Internet Portal helps American Beverage Distributors export their sodas, energy drinks, and other beverages to Mexico. - June 29, 2006 - Liquid Brands Management, Inc.
PostcardMania’s Marketing Maven, Joy Gendusa, Exposed in $1,000,000aire Blueprints Business Magazine
PostcardMania CEO, Joy Gendusa, spills her guts on her journey from rags to riches in an in-depth interview with owner of $1,000,000aire Blueprints Founder and Editor In-Chief, Tom Spinks – her purpose: so others could follow. - June 28, 2006 - PostcardMania, Inc.
VisionPoint Marketing Acquires aHA! Factory
Raleigh Interactive Firm Acquires Renowned Web Site Development Firm. - June 27, 2006 - VisionPoint Marketing
Communications Coach Moves Business and Launches New Site
Coach moves business to Maryland and works with graphic designer to launch a new site more reflective of the business and the area. - June 27, 2006 - BlueRio Strategies
President of MMI Associates, Inc. Serves on National Federation of Independent Business Selection Committee
Patty Briguglio Named to NFIB 2006 Selection Committee for the Regional Small Business Champion. - June 26, 2006 - MMI
The Fastest Independent Growing Promotion Agency in Latin America Arrives in The United States
Promored has extended its services and know-how to the US Hispanic market by opening a full-service office in Miami, FL. - June 23, 2006 - Promored
Patty Briguglio Featured In New Book: The Woman’s Advantage
President Of MMI Associates, Inc. Shares Success With Women. - June 23, 2006 - MMI
Your Cell Phone is Coming Out. LA Marketing Firm Launches Gay Ringtones and Fabulous Wallpapers
NoCo Media Group, a leading strategic marketing and creative services agency, today announced the official launch of its new interactive website Medialicious.TV, a mobile content portal for the gay and lesbian community. Featuring original ringtones and wallpapers from leading LGBT... - June 23, 2006 - NoCo Media Group
Dial Help Takes on a New Logo Design in Celebration of its 35th Anniversary
Dial Help, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides 24-hour crisis intervention services to the citizens of Michigan State and the Upper Peninsula. Recently, they updated their logo design with to assist in the growth of their programs and services. The mission of Dial Help... - June 22, 2006 - LogoBee Logo Design
LRA Worldwide Appoints John Roberto to Lead Quality Assurance Group
LRA Worldwide, Inc., a leading consulting, organizational development and research firm in the growing sector of Customer Experience Management (CEM), announced that Executive Vice President John Roberto has been named to head its Quality Assurance Group. - June 21, 2006 - LRA Worldwide, Inc.
Big Bad Ball Planning Committee Formed
Community Leaders To Plan 5th Annual Gala. - June 20, 2006 - MMI
Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region Publishes Road Trip Guide
Bensur :: Creative Marketing Group and Pennsylvania’s Great Lakes Region recently completed the area’s first regional road trip guide. Destinations in Crawford, Erie, Mercer and Venango counties are showcased to give tourists a diverse group of activities sure to please every interest. - June 20, 2006 - BENSUR :: Creative Marketing Group
TopRank Online Marketing President to Speak at The Direct Marketing Association DM Days Event
The Direct Marketing Association DM Days Conference and Expo hosts Search Engine Optimization Thought Leader Lee Odden as part of a panel of experts. Search Engine Marketing Council (SEMC) Presentations on a Variety of Topics to Take Place During the Conference and Expo. - June 19, 2006 - TopRank Online Marketing
Ideas Squared Principal Jay Joyce Elected to Greater Carolinas Red Cross Board of Directors
Ideas Squared Principal Jay Joyce has been elected to Greater Carolinas Red Cross Board of Directors. In this elected position, Joyce will be responsible for chairing the Chapter's Marketing Committee. - June 19, 2006 - Ideas Squared
Colours Wheelchairs Receives Prestigious 'Freedom of Mobility' Award
Wheels For Humanity, a non-profit organization which assists disabled people around the world, awards Colours Wheelchair the "Freedom of Mobility Award." - June 15, 2006 - Med Services Europe GmbH
RehaDesign Gloves: Specially Designed for Active Wheelchair Users
Hands were not designed to withstand the repetitive impact and constant contact with wheelchair pushrims. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize the effects of constant stress and exposure to the hands. Many researchers strongly recommend the use of properly designed wheelchair gloves to minimize hand injury. To meet the unique needs of active wheelchair users Med Services Europe has launched RehaDesign Wheelchair gloves. - June 15, 2006 - Med Services Europe GmbH
Affordable Newspaper Directories Now Available for Press Release Submission
Now small PR Firms and Small Business Owners have affordable access to Daily Newspaper Contact Lists for Spreading the News. - June 14, 2006 - Kane & Company
Achieving Customer Value in B2B Marketing Programs
Adding real value to B2B marketing programs is an increasing challenge for manufacturers, industrial companies and similar organizations. Just as B2C marketers are looking for new methods to reach consumers – such as podcasts, blogs, or event marketing – B2B companies are looking for... - June 13, 2006 - NM Marketing Communications
N2growth Announces Study Validating Performance Metrics of Executive Coaching
Among other things the study notes an average ROI of almost six times the cost of coaching. - June 13, 2006 - N2growth
Find Your Own King or Queen, Date a Poker Player gets renovated and re-launches as a unique dating site for poker players. This marrying of the 2 ideas creates a clever niche dating site where players can play poker and find love at the same time. - June 12, 2006 - Lady Luck Media Ltd