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Kevin Bennett, Executive Director, Practice Leader – Forensics & Litigation, Grant Thornton LLP to Speak at FCPA Actions and New Compliance Guidelines: Are You Prepared?
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Kevin Bennett, Executive Director, Practice Leader – Forensics & Litigation, Grant Thornton LLP will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast... - May 06, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Medical Development Group Announces June 1, 2011 Forum Event – “Computer Assisted Diagnostics: Opportunities & Obstacles”
As computers grow in power and shrink in size and cost, the use of sophisticated computation for diagnostic purposes is spreading rapidly for areas including high-specificity diagnostic imaging, in vitro analysis, anatomical modeling, and many more. Explore three of the rapidly growing applications of this new capability, guided by speakers at the forefront of these research areas. - May 06, 2011 - Medical Development Group
Stevens Center for Science Writings Gives Green Book Award to James Hansen
On April 27, the Center for Science Writings (CSW) at Stevens Institute of Technology presented its annual Green Book Award to leading climatologist Dr. James Hansen, for his 2010 book Storms of My Grandchildren. Following the award presentation by CSW Director John Horgan, Dr. Hansen treated the... - May 06, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Cheaper, Greener, Alternative Energy Storage at Stevens
Students at Stevens Institute of Technology are working on a supercapacitor that will allow us to harness more solar energy through biochar electrodes for supercapacitors, resulting in a cleaner, greener planet. - May 06, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Employers Can Buy Blankets and Double the Love with Charitable Corporate Gifting Textiles from
Blanket America, a charitable textile manufacturer online at, just launched a corporate program to facilitate embedded giving for businesses all kinds, with a variety of blankets, pillows and other products available. - May 06, 2011 - Blanket America BUY 1, GIVE 1 Blankets
SWACHA Hits the Road in May for Direct Deposit and Direct Payment Month
Dallas-based SWACHA, one of the largest not-for-profit regional payments associations in the country, is hitting the road in May to promote National Direct Deposit and Direct Payment month with its “Wheels on SWACHA” mobile billboard. The traveling billboard will encourage consumers to... - May 06, 2011 - SWACHA
Glickman to Deliver Keynote at SWCS Conference
Former Ag Secretary Dan Glickman will deliver the keynote address at the SWCS International Annual Conference on July 18, 2011, in Washington, DC. Lecture topic: Food Security, Ecosystem Services, and Agricultural Policy: Farming for the Future. - May 06, 2011 - Soil and Water Conservation Society
NAWBO Southern Nevada Chapter Hosts May 24 Program
“Show Me The Money: What is Business Credit?” - May 06, 2011 - NAWBO Southern Nevada
Students at Stevens Gain Start-Up Experience
CADeyes, a new technology developed at Stevens Institute of Technology is capable of creating 2 and 3-dimensional maps of buildings with ease at a low cost. Now, Business and Technology students at Stevens are mapping their own futures, using the experience they gained with a start-up company... - May 06, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
Actor Jeff Fahey Joins Friends Forever’s Global Advisory Council
Friends Forever, a 501c3 organization whose mission is to promote trust and understanding among cultures in conflict on both local and international levels, announced today that actor Jeff Fahey has joined the Friends Forever Global Advisory Council. “Jeff Fahey is recognized globally for... - May 05, 2011 - Friends Forever USA
Tim Howard Invites Americans to Help a Cause and Organization Close to His Heart
Proceeds from “Team Up with Tim Howard” raffle to benefit the NJ Center for Tourette Syndrome. - May 05, 2011 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome
Richard Eshleman Appointed CEO of Hawaii Information Service
After serving seven years as Controller and Chief Operating Officer, Richard Eshelman signs a two-year contract to lead Hawaii Information Service as CEO. - May 05, 2011 - Hawaii Information Service
Michigan Rescue and Restore Offers Human Trafficking 101
As April came to a close, the membership of Michigan Rescue and Restore offered basic 101 information on human trafficking. Speakers Pamela Hudson and Nicole McGee shared information to educate, advocate and equip attendees to action. - May 05, 2011 - Michigan Rescue and Restore Coalition
Cook County Board of Review Commissioner Rogers Hosts Property Tax Appeal Seminars in Thornton Township for Over 600 Residents
Commissioner Rogers hosted two property tax appeal seminars in Thornton Township. Both seminars allowed hundreds of taxpayers to receive information on how to appeal their property taxes. - May 05, 2011 - Cook County Board of Review
Orange Park High School Alumni Still Helping Teachers
The Class of 1981 has a history of supporting teachers. This year, they are planning their 30th high school reunion and are soliciting local businesses for sponsorships in order to raise money for their old school during a time of school budget cuts. - May 05, 2011 - Orange Park High School Class of 1981 Reunion
Matthew 25: Ministries' Disaster Team Returns from Tornado-Ravaged Alabama
Matthew 25: Ministries' Assessment Team returned on Tuesday, May 3 from tornado-ravaged Alabama. Matthew 25: Ministries, an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization in Cincinnati, OH began trucking supplies to Alabama on Sunday, May 1. Matthew 25's initial shipments comprised almost 300,000 pounds of products including non-perishable food, water, personal care kits and diapers. 180,000 meals from Matthew 25’s Food Processing Center were included in the shipments. - May 05, 2011 - Matthew 25: Ministries
Kids In Need Foundation Receives $25,000 Grant from Staples Foundation for Learning
Funds will support free school supplies for Denver students. - May 05, 2011 - Kids In Need Foundation
May is for Mothers at GreaterGood Network's The Breast Cancer Site
GreaterGood Network's The Breast Cancer Site begins "May Is For Mothers" with Extra Donation Days to benefit Hope For Two: The Pregnant with Cancer Network. - May 05, 2011 - GreaterGood
Satellite Internet Service for Rural Areas Questioned in New RuMBA Report
RuMBA USA, a leading independent non-profit working for wider access to broadband, publishes first in a series of whitepapers on technologies used to meet broadband needs of rural Americans. - May 05, 2011 - Rural Mobile and Broadband Alliance USA
2011 GRA/TAG Business Launch Competition Announces Finalist
The Georgia Research Alliance (GRA) and Technology Association of Georgia (TAG) are today announcing the finalists for the GRA/TAG Business Launch 2011. - May 05, 2011 - TAG think
Potomac Edison Makes Commitment to Diversity
Potomac Edison Company partners with The National Association of Minority and Women Owned Law Firms (NAMWOLF). - May 05, 2011 - National Association of Minority and Women-Owned Law Firms
Management Expert Don Osvog Helps Workplace Stars Grow
Don Osvog, the founder of Managed Growth LLC has become an official member of the Board of Advisors with Workplace Stars. - May 05, 2011 - Workplace Stars LLC
Artists Clash to Raise Funds for Art Education
NYC-based arts non profit 501(c)3 Art For Progress ( will feature the winners of the fifth annual international competitions, "Clash of the Artists" on May 13th -14th at Headquarters Studio in Tribeca. The showcase events serve to raise funds for AFP's Arts Education Program, and bring together the genres of visual art, music, and fashion. - May 04, 2011 - Art For Progress
Film "Love Simple" to Donate 100% of Proceeds to the S.L.E. Lupus Foundation on World Lupus Day
May 10 Donation Drive to Help Raise Funds, Awareness for Lupus. - May 04, 2011 - S.L.E. Lupus Foundation
Burnetti Children’s Foundation’s Swan Boat “Whirlaway” Wins 2011 Lakeland Derby
Burnetti Children’s Foundation’s “Whirlaway” Swan Boat Wins 2011 Lakeland Derby. - May 04, 2011 - Burnetti Children's Foundation
Public Speaking Club Launches New Member Drive
ADP Toastmasters, a public speaking training club is launching a drive to introduce more people to the many benefits of involvement in Toastmasters. - May 04, 2011 - ADP Toastmasters
Ulster County’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (UCSPCA) has been named this month's Rescue Chocolate Beneficiary.
Ulster County’s Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (UCSPCA) has been named the May 2011 beneficiary for Rescue Chocolate, the vegan chocolate company which donates 100% of its profits to various animal rescue organizations. - May 04, 2011 - Rescue Chocolate
The Crucible Announces Inferno: A Fire Circus
“Hottest Show on Earth” to include fire-breathing acrobats, live music and more - May 04, 2011 - The Crucible
Maryland Charter Schools Celebrate National Charter School Week May 2-6, 2011
In recognition of National Charter School Week, May 2-6, Governor O’Malley has proclaimed this week Maryland Charter School Week. Across the state, many Maryland Charter Schools will open their doors on Friday, May 6, 2011 from 9-10 am for visiting. In addition, the Maryland State Department of Education will host a display in their main lobby during the week, spotlighting several charter schools. - May 04, 2011 - Maryland Charter School Network
SVACA’s Fifth Annual Adoptathon
Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority announces the Fifth Annual Adoptathon at their facility at 3370 Thomas Road, Santa Clara, CA 95054. SVACA Adoption Fees will be "Pay What You Want," during the event on Saturday May 7, 2011 11:00 am – 3:00 pm. Dog training demonstrations will also be held at 12:00 and 2:00 by DJ’s Clever Canines and Stacy’s Wag‘N’Train. - May 04, 2011 - Friends of Silicon Valley Animal Control Authority
Stevens Senior Design Team Builds Business Model for Online Deception Detection Technology
A Stevens Senior Design Team took 3rd place in Student Elevator Pitch Competition with their business plan and presentation for the software ScamScout, a deception detection program for Web users. - May 04, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology
ICLEI USA Names Hilari B. Varnadore as New Director of STAR Community Index – Groundbreaking Initiative to Improve and Empower Sustainability Among Local Governments
Former Sustainability Director for Frederick County, Maryland to Play a Leading Role in Guiding the Future Success and Long-Term Viability of New National Framework for Sustainability. - May 04, 2011 - ICLEI USA
Free Press is a Major Prerequisite for Accomplishing UN MDGs - Urged Dr. Naseer Homoud While Marking World Press Freedom Day
IIMSAM Middle East Director & Goodwill Ambassador urged that World Press Freedom Day serves as a reminder for respecting press freedom and as a day of remembrance for journalists who have sacrificed their lives in the exercise of their profession. - May 04, 2011 - Dr. Naseer Homoud
Celebrate Mother's Day with Blanket America by Donating Blankets to Those in Need on Behalf of Your Mother
Blanket America has created a new Mother's Day program, allowing people to donate blankets in their mothers' names and send cards with a discount code for Blanket America products. - May 04, 2011 - Blanket America BUY 1, GIVE 1 Blankets
Robert Bradner, Partner, Holland & Knight to Speak at KC’s Strategies to Deal with the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Robert Bradner, Partner, Holland & Knight will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Strategies to Deal With the Patient... - May 04, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Townspeople Opens 34 Affordable and Supportive Apartments for People with Special Needs: Grand Opening, May 12, 2011
Townspeople, a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO), continues providing quality, affordable and supportive housing for low-income people in San Diego with the opening of its latest acquisition/rehab property in Normal Heights. The building will celebrate its grand opening with a... - May 03, 2011 - Townspeople
King James Bible Website Celebrates 3 Million Visits and 400th Anniversary of the King James Version
King James Bible Online website celebrates 3 million visits and the 400th anniversary of the King James Version. The 3-year-old website is prepared for a further uptick in web traffic during the month of May as organizations around the world are hosting 400-year anniversary conferences and lectures about the King James Bible. - May 03, 2011 - King James Bible Online
Second Hindu Dharmajagruti Sabha (Hinduism Summit) in Melbourne, 21 May 2011
The Hinduism Summit aims to foster education about Hindu Dharma by bringing forth the unique science behind Hinduism concepts and practices and bringing together the Hindu leaders to spread the message of Hinduism. - May 03, 2011 - Forum for Hindu Awakening
Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC Endorses Peggy Hausman for Township Position 6
The Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC endorses Peggy Hausman for re-election to Position 6 on The Woodlands Township Board of Directors. - May 03, 2011 - Texas Tea Party Patriots PAC
Birmingham International Center is Taking Donations for Tornado Relief Efforts via Cell Phone Micro Donations
Financial donations are needed to support disaster relief efforts. The Birmingham International Center asks those who want to help please text “BIC” to 41010 to donate $10 through their cell phone or call 1-205-252-7652. Donations more than $10 can be made online at... - May 02, 2011 - Birmingham International Center
Sixteen 'Painted Cats' in the Cat Care Society's 30th Anniversary Celebration Featured at Lakewood Arts Council Gallery During May
"Tails of the Painted Cats," the 30th Anniversary Art Event Fundraiser for the shelter cats at the Cat Care Society (CCS), are now on display at the Lakewood Arts Council Co-op Gallery during the month of May through June 4. A public reception is Thursday, May 5, 7 - 8:30 p.m., at the LAC Gallery. - May 02, 2011 - Cat Care Society
J. Henry Oehmann, III, Director, Grant Thornton, LLP to Speak at KC’s Webcast Significant Changes to Executive Compensation in 2011
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that J. Henry Oehmann, III, CBP, CCP, CEBS, SPHR, Director, National Executive Compensation Services, Grant Thornton, LLP will speak at the Knowledge... - May 02, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Couples for Equality™ Global Launch at Miami Beach Pride Festival 2011 Showcases Legacy Couples
Couples for Equality™ Showcases “Love Above All.” - May 02, 2011 - Couples for Equality
Flying for the Cure
A father and his 12 year old son are flying around the world in their self made airplane to raise awareness about childhood cancers. - May 02, 2011 - Flying for the Cure
Bishop Rick Wallace Releases His New Book: The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation
Bishop Wallace addresses the epidemic of absentee fathers in America from a biblical perspective. He offers practical, but powerful advice on how to confront this devastating plague that has come down on an entire Generation. - May 01, 2011 - Rick Wallace Ministries
Matthew 25: Ministries Sends First Truckload of Supplies to Tornado-Ravaged Alabama
Matthew 25: Ministries, an international humanitarian aid and disaster relief organization in Cincinnati, Ohio will begin trucking disaster relief to tornado-ravaged Alabama on Sunday, May 1. Based on real-time reports coming in from partners on the ground in the devastated area, Matthew 25 will initially be sending food, water, personal care supplies and baby products. - May 01, 2011 - Matthew 25: Ministries
Lochearn Community Club (Lochearn Pool) Opens for 53rd Season
Lochearn Community Club, informally known as Lochearn Pool, will open for the 53rd season on May 28, 2011. Generations have enjoyed this Baltimore area swim club with a six lane, 25 yard competition pool with two diving wells. A limited number of memberships are available. Open Houses will be held on Sunday, May 22 from 1-6 PM and on Saturday May 28, from 1-6 PM. - May 01, 2011 - Lochearn Community Club
Tennessee Stakeholders Tackle Offshoring of STEM Workforce: White House Meets Tennessee’s Industry & Education Leaders
Science and technology is at core of national security and economic vitality. The White House called for an all-hands-on-deck approach by creative public-private partnerships - such as the local initiative started in Tennessee. The representative for major U.S. corporations' CEOs cited a “misalignment” between the knowledge and skills required for workforce demands, while local business leaders cited STEM as a shared community value needed to spur the economy by developing local STEM talent. - April 30, 2011 - STEMdiversity, LLC
Thomas Quaadman, Vice President, U.S. Chamber Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness to Speak at KC’s Webcast The Rocky Road for Debt Capital Markets in 2011
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Thomas Quaadman, Vice President, U.S. Chamber Center for Capital Markets Competitiveness will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled:... - April 30, 2011 - The Knowledge Group
Steven Slutsky, Director, PwC to Speak at KC’s Corporate Governance Issues, Executive Compensation Disclosure and Related SRO Rules: A 2011 Update Act Live Webcast
The Knowledge Group/The Knowledge Congress Live Webcast Series, the leading producer of regulatory focused webcasts, has announced today that Steven Slutsky, a Director with PwC will speak at the Knowledge Congress’ webcast entitled: “Corporate Governance Issues, Executive Compensation... - April 30, 2011 - The Knowledge Group