Trillium Charter School Now Accepting Applications

Trillium Charter School in Hunterdon County, NJ is now accepting applications for students in NJ. Sending districts are Flemington/Raritan, Delaware East Amwell. However, all students in NJ are welcome to apply. Information on applying will be available at an information night which is open to the public. It will be held on March 2 at the Hunterdon County Library Headquarters. - February 24, 2010 - Trillium Charter School

Gerdau Ameristeel and Enable America to Mentor Disabled Veterans in Charlotte

Disabled U.S. service veterans will get a helping hand in finding employment from Enable America and Gerdau Ameristeel, through on-the-job mentoring to be held at Gerdau's Charlotte steel mill on March 5. - February 24, 2010 - Enable America

Clear the Air, Inc. Announces the Addition of a New Product to Their Web Site

Danielle Zidek, today announced the the addition of premium Trane Perfect Fit replacement filters to their product line. “We are dedicated to serving the needs of anyone who wishes to breathe cleaner indoor air. We provide a wide variety of high quality products and we are proud to include a premium replacement product compatible to the Trane Perfect Fit line,” said Danielle Zidek, President of Clear the Air, Inc. - February 24, 2010 - Clear the Air, Inc.

Destination:PEACE Announces Luxury Accommodations at Ayia, in Punta Mita, Mexico

The newest trend in travel includes volunteer vacations and Destination:PEACE Volunteer Vacations has joined forces with the luxury condo community, Ayia Punta Mita. - February 22, 2010 - Destination:PEACE

Global Peace Festival 2010 Kicks Off in Kenya

Leaders in Nairobi announced that Kenya will host the 2010 Global Peace Festival and Convention, to be held on November 17-20 with participation of peacemakers and youth leaders from Kenya and worldwide. - February 21, 2010 - Global Peace Festival Foundation

New Telco Fraud Master Class Features Collaboration by Regional Experts

True to its vision of providing good, community-based certification training to telecoms professionals, GRAPA announces the formation of a Telco Fraud Officer Committee to forsee growth of new telco fraud management certification training program. - February 21, 2010 - Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association

Trust for Architectural Easements Offers Free Copies of Putnam Hill Walking Tour to Greenwich, CT Seminar Attendees

The Trust for Architectural Easements is a leading force in the preservation of architectural heritage in the United States. To RSVP for the Greenwich, Connecticut seminar or learn more about the Trust’s local preservation efforts, the Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Program and the donation process, contact the Trust at 1-888-831-2107 or visit - February 20, 2010 - Trust for Architectural Easements

Northern Kentucky Youth Foundation Unveils New Logo

Fun, Faith Key Components to New After School and Summer Camp Program - February 20, 2010 - Northern Kentucky Youth Foundation

Martinez Speaks Out for Employment of People with Disabilities at Enable America Forum

Experts dedicated to improving employment for people with disabilities spoke at Enable America's annual Disability Employment Forum. Keynote speaker Kathy Martinez of the U.S. Labor Department says hiring people with disabilities will help the worldwide economy. - February 19, 2010 - Enable America

The Chicago Lighthouse Opens Low Vision Clinic in The Glen Town Center, Glenview, IL

In an effort to expand their services to the northwest suburbs of Chicago, The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired opens its newest low vision clinic in Glenview, Illinois on Thursday, February 18, 2010. The opening of this clinic is the seventh satellite location for... - February 19, 2010 - The Chicago Lighthouse for People Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

HIV Poz & Friendly Campout Retreat - June 18, 19, 20 Jones Pond Campground - HIV Campground Project

HIV Poz & Friendly Retreat Jones Pond Campground 9835 Old State Road Angelica, NY 14709 Date - June 18, 19, 20 2010 - Tenting starts at $20 a night Theme - Pirates of the Pond, Treasure Hunt, Bears on the High Seas RSVP starts Feb 15, 2010 - online or phone 10% discount given to HIV... - February 19, 2010 - HIV Campground Project

Caring for Our Community

Light Of The Lamb presents Project Care and Share of Ramona - February 19, 2010 - Light Of The Lamb, an intercessory ministry, Inc.

FEWJapan: Women's Executive Organization Holds Afghanistan Charity Benefit: Brownies and Books

On Saturday, February 20, 2010, bring and swap your unwanted books, DVDs & CDs and join members and friends of FEW (For Empowering Women in Japan) in a book/DVD/CD swap meet and brownies benefit for girls schools in Afghanistan. - February 19, 2010 - FEWJapan

FEWJapan: Women's Executive Organization Holds Entrepreneur Event: the Foreign Buyer's Club: Setting Up a Business in Japan, from the Beginning of the Story to Now

Join the members and guests of FEWJapan for the March 2010 meeting. The guest speaker is Chuck Grafft, Founder of the Foreign Buyers Club Japan. He will share key tips to entrepreneurial success in Japan. - February 19, 2010 - FEWJapan

Non Profit English School Makes Successful Alliance with Buenos Aires Based Volunteer NPO, Giving New Opportunities for Residents of Pablo Nogués

ByYourSide is a non-profit English school in a poor suburb of Buenos Aires. The owner had 3 problems. Firstly, she struggled to keep long term teachers. Secondly, she wanted to give awareness and motivation for opportunities beyond Buenos Aires. Thirdly she was struggling financially. She searched and found another NPO called Voluntario Global. VG have provided 4 UK volunteers who have given additional courses such as CV writing, interview technique and website design aswell as English. - February 19, 2010 - ByYourSide English Academy

Muslims Speak Out Against Secular Extremism; Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Condemns French Parliament’s Recommendation on Islamic Veil

Ahmadiyya Muslim Community USA strongly condemns recommendations of a French Parliamentary report published on January 26th, which called for a partial ban of the Islamic veil. "In a damaging display of secular extremism," states Dr. Nasim Rehmatullah, Vice President of AMC USA, "the... - February 18, 2010 - Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, Inc

Trust for Architectural Easements Hosts Greenwich Seminar on Financial Incentives for Historic Preservation

The Trust for Architectural Easements protects more than 800 historic properties in Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Virginia, Illinois, and California. On Wednesday, February 24th at 7 p.m., a representative of the Trust for Architectural Easements will give a free,... - February 18, 2010 - Trust for Architectural Easements

California Humanitarian Group Says It is Receiving Donations Intended for a Tennessee Group with Similar Name

Rancho Mirage, Calif.- based International Medical Alliance is receiving donations intended for the International Medical Alliance of Tennessee. "We don't want the public to confuse our two organizations and we will continue to return donations we believe are intended for the Knoxville-based organization." - February 18, 2010 - International Medical Alliance, Inc

CED Announces Biotech 2010 Conference Sponsors

CED, formerly the Council for Entrepreneurial Development (, a private, nonprofit organization that promotes entrepreneurial efforts in the Triangle region of North Carolina, has announced the sponsors for CED’s Biotech 2010 conference, scheduled for Monday, Feb. 22 and Tuesday,... - February 18, 2010 - CED

Arrhythmia Alliance - Midlands Town Leads the Way in Installing Life-Saving Public Defibrillators

When someone suddenly collapses from Sudden Cardiac Arrest in the street or at a public event, time and knowledge are crucial factors around whether they survive. All too often, they die before an ambulance can reach them. Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) kills more people a year than breast cancer,... - February 18, 2010 - Arrhythmia Alliance

Assassination City Roller Derby and Operation USA Partner to Provide Earthquake Relief in Haiti

Assassination City Roller Derby hosts charity mini exhibition bout supporting earthquake relief in Haiti with a portion of proceeds donated to Operation USA. - February 15, 2010 - Assassination City Roller Derby

CrutchesTo Haiti, an Orlando Based Organization, Spearheads a Nationwide Call to Action for Used Orthopaedic Devices to Go to Haitian Amputees

Crutches To Haiti, a relief organization based in Apopka, Florida, has recently received donations of hundreds of crutches, canes, walkers and wheelchairs from the homeowners of Central Florida, to be shipped and distributed to Haitian amputees as a result of the recent earthquake. The organization, in association with Harvest Time International, a respected relief shipper, is working day and night to fill and send a semi-trailer load of these goods to the injured. - February 14, 2010 - Crutches To Haiti

Multi-Sensory Puppetry with “Green” Lesson at Long Island Children’s Museum

The Puppet State Theatre Company of Edinburgh, Scotland will present their only NY area performances at the Long Island Children’s Museum Theatre on Saturday, February 27 at 1 and 3 p.m. The internationally acclaimed theater company will present The Man Who Planted Trees, an inspirational... - February 14, 2010 - Long Island Children's Museum

New Bible Study Guides Site Provides Practical Answers, Real Hope

Christian church launches short, online Bible study lessons with an emphasis on practical, real-world answers and a caring, can-do approach. - February 14, 2010 - United Church of God

Ronald McDonald House Invites You to Help with All Your Heart

The Ronald McDonald House at Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital is teaming up with local McDonald’s restaurants to launch “Help with All your Heart,” a campaign to benefit the home-away-from-home for families of hospitalized children. - February 14, 2010 - Ronald McDonald House at Maria Fareri Children's Hospital

Institute Identifies Eagles Poisoned by Lead

Four bald eagles admitted for treatment at the Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation (AIWC) over a two-month period, have been confirmed suffering from lead poisoning. The birds were found in different locations of south central Alberta. All four eagles have died. - February 13, 2010 - Alberta Institute for Wildlife Conservation

Increase in Botox Training Correlates with Increase in Botox Treatments

The IAPAM recently identified a correlation between the increase in physicians engaging in comprehensive, hands-on Botox Training, and the significant growth in the 4Q 2009 in botulinums and dermal filler procedures. In a recent survey, conducted by MEDACorp in January 2010, the 4Q year-to-year growth in the delivery of cosmetic injectables, grew by an encouraging 8.1%. - February 13, 2010 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Award to Music Therapy Center Will Help Special Needs Children

Dianna Woodley, founder of Angel Harps, has announced the award recipients for 2010. The two specially designed lap harps will be awarded to the Music Therapy Center of California (MTCC). MTCC will accept the custom built Blevins lap harps at the Angel Harps annual benefit concert on May 16, 2010... - February 13, 2010 - Angel Harps

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on a Clean Kolkata Drive

The Art of Living under the leadership of His Holiness Sri Sri Ravishankar started a cleanliness drive in Kolkatta. - February 13, 2010 - The Art of Living

Nonprofit Planeterra Mobilizes Community Relief Efforts in Wake of Flooding in Peru

Planeterra Appeals to Concerned Groups and Individuals to Make Online Donations to Peru Flood Relief and If Traveling to Cusco Bring Essential Items, Clothing and Food - February 13, 2010 - Planeterra Foundation

CALL-ing All Band Lovers to Didsbury

Greater Manchester cancer charity CALL is hosting an evening of band entertainment at Emmanuel Church in Didsbury on Saturday 27th February. Poynton Royal British Legion Concert Band, comprising brass, woodwind and percussion, will be entertaining the audience and money raised will go to CALL, to... - February 13, 2010 - CALL

Local Billboard Contest Inspires City

The Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center (ODALC) is teaming up with Whole Foods Market and the City of Oakland to hold a contest that calls upon local artists to design a billboard poster conveying what it is about Oakland that inspires them. - February 12, 2010 - Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center

GVI Looks for the Difference Worldwide

The number of individuals across the world who dedicate their time to volunteer is immeasurable. Many of these individuals do so because they want to make a difference. - February 12, 2010 - Global Vision International (GVI)

Clear the Air, Inc. is Selected as a Favorite Site of Popular Web Designer

Danielle Zidek, today announced the the posting of Clear the Air Inc.’s home page to the Volusion design gallery located on Volusion’s Facebook page. “We have been invited by Volusion to become a part of their Design gallery. We are excited to be included as one of their favorite... - February 12, 2010 - Clear the Air, Inc.

Playday for Women Announces Keynote Speaker: Emmy Award Winning, Marcia Wallace

Annual Playday for Women, benefiting the American Red Cross of Riverside County, and presented by Inland Empire Magazine, is honored to announce that the keynote speaker of this year’s event is Marcia Wallace; Riverside will be graced with the presence of this Emmy award winning television actress, stage performer, comedienne and motivational speaker. Seating is limited. - February 12, 2010 - Playday for Women

Author to Present Evidence of Son's Past Life as WWII Fighter Pilot at Courageous Souls Conference at Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.

Robert Schwartz and Bruce Leininger, pioneering researchers of the phenomena of pre-birth planning and past-life recall, will share distinctive viewpoints on the meaning of past-life memories and present-life challenges, and the roles they play in our current and future lives. - February 12, 2010 - Edgar Cayce's A.R.E.

Homeland Security Foundation of America Launches RubyWATCH

Despite a Tough Economy HSFA's Public Safety Efforts Continue with Release of RubyWATCH, National Terrorism and Crime Prevention Database. - February 11, 2010 - Homeland Security Foundation of America

The 4th Annual Starry Night Gala Will be Held Saturday, February 27, 2010 at the University of Denver Cable Center in Denver, Colorado. Brianna Badger Passed Away in 2006

Each year in the United States, an estimated 4,000 young people die suddenly and unexpectedly due to cardiac arrhythmias. Most of these deaths are preventable. - February 11, 2010 - Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation

Clear the Air, Inc. Announces the Addition of a New Product to Their Web Site

Danielle Zidek, today announced the the addition of premium Trion Air Bear replacement filters to their product line. “We are dedicated to serving the needs of anyone who wishes to breathe cleaner indoor air. We provide a wide variety of high quality products and we are proud to include the... - February 11, 2010 - Clear the Air, Inc.

Want to Change a Life? Raise a Puppy.

Canine Partners of the Rockies is looking for volunteers to raise puppies to become service dogs for people with disabilities. - February 11, 2010 - Canine Partners of the Rockies

On February 12, 2010, the Shelton School is Holding Their Annual Jump-a-Thon Honoring Brian Price of Dallas, Texas

"My experience with the SADS Foundation has always been beneficial, but in different ways over the past 2 ½ years. It began with a phone call I made searching for answers after the sudden and unexpected death of my healthy fifteen year old son, Brian. With the help of the SADS Foundation the mystery unraveled. Now I am able to impact the education of others about Long QT Syndrome which is why I organized an annual fundraising event." - Kathy Martin - February 10, 2010 - Sudden Arrhythmia Death Syndromes (SADS) Foundation

Zebra Restaurant and Charlotte-South Rotary Club Partner to Raise Money to End Polio Now

Rotary District 7680 is celebrating Rotary International’s 105th anniversary by partnering with local restaurants to raise money for The Rotary Foundation’s “End Polio Now” campaign. The Charlotte South Rotary Club is partnering with Zebra Restaurant on Tuesday, February 23,... - February 10, 2010 - Charlotte-South Rotary Club

The Principle of Limited Government to be Discussed at Monthly Gathering of Freedom & Virtue Institute

The Freedom & Virtue Institute will hold its monthly gathering, called the Hour of Freedom, this Thursday, February 11 at 5:30 p.m. at The Forest Country Club in south Fort Myers. The Hour of Freedom is an informal gathering for individuals who believe in the principles of a free society as... - February 10, 2010 - Freedom & Virtue Institute

Fighting Telco Fraud, Cyber Terrorism, SimBOX/Bypass: A Comprehensive New Approach to Telco Fraud

New Telco Fraud Officer Certification Training Pilot to be held in Lagos, Nigeria this March. Additional locations planned for 2010. - February 10, 2010 - Global Revenue Assurance Professional Association

2010 Tortoise and Finch Screenplay and Short Play Competitions Now Underway

Tortoise and Finch Productions is currently accepting submissions for its 2010 Screenplay and Short Play Competitions. Please visit their website for more information today. - February 10, 2010 - Tortoise and Finch Productions, LLC

WIN Pakistan is Out to Change the Perception of Pakistan

WIN Pakistan is Out to Change the Perception of Pakistan

WIN Pakistan Offers Positive Message of Hope and Encouragement, Dispels Misperceptions About Pakistani Culture - February 09, 2010 - WIN Program

San Francisco Conservation Groups Collaborate and Hold Events to Save Sharks

New shark conservation efforts to be unveiled this weekend at the San Francisco Ocean Film Festival and the Sharks in the Park celebration in Chinatown - February 07, 2010 - COARE (The Center for Oceanic Awareness, Research, and Education)

Me Fine Foundation, Inc. Announces Sponsors for 4th Annual Purse Gala

Lisa Valentino, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced sponsors for the 4th annual Purse Gala, scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 7 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. at The Cotton Room at Golden Belt in Durham. Presenting Sponsor: Coldwell Banker Howard Perry And... - February 07, 2010 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.

AVIVA Volunteers Break the Mould in South Africa

New study reveals hidden benefits of volunteering in South Africa with more than 95% of AVIVA volunteers returning home happier and more confident with major gains in areas of personal growth. - February 06, 2010 - AVIVA

Project 7 Announces Winners of $105,000 Grand Giveaway

Over 43,000 votes were cast and the consumers have spoken. - February 06, 2010 - Project 7

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