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Within Charitable Organizations
Be Sweet to Your Honey: Hunger Site's Beekeeping Gift Gives More
The Hunger Site’s “Beekeeping” Gift helps families in Central America supplement their income by raising honeybees. - August 25, 2008 - GreaterGood
The Breast Cancer Site Teams with RAM to Help Women in Guyana
The Breast Cancer Site recently created a Gift That Gives More™ for the Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corps (RAM) to help Amerindian women in rural villages in Guyana. - August 25, 2008 - GreaterGood
Supermodel's Support for RHA Howell Care Center Prompts Compelling Story
The fact that supermodel/actress Shakara Ledard was coming to the RHA Howell River Bend Center in New Bern, NC, enticed a local reporter to attend a small groundbreaking ceremony for the center’s therapeutic greenhouse. But when the New Bern Sun Journal’s Matt Tessnear got there, the... - August 25, 2008 - RHA Howell Care Centers
Edmund Benson, Co-Founder of the Arise Foundation, Celebrates His 79th Birthday by Contributing Over 100 Life Management Books to the International Nonprofit Community
Once labeled a troublemaker and at-risk kid himself, Edmund Benson started the ARISE Foundation in 1986 to teach life skills to youth in the juvenile justice system. Benson is now celebrating his 79th birthday by giving over 100 important books to the international nonprofit community by allowing them to be translated and used under a creative commons license free of charge. - August 24, 2008 - ARISE Foundation
Facing the Future with Hope Now© Announces Virtual Community Services
Facing the Future with Hope Now, is a non-profit agency whose mission is to eradicate poverty i.e. violence and lower recidivism through education. - August 24, 2008 - Facing the Future With Hope Now
Valonda Calloway Named Master of Ceremonies for Me Fine Foundation’s 3rd Annual Purse Gala
Lori K. Lee, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced that Valonda Calloway, WRAL anchor, has been named Master of Ceremonies for the organization’s 3rd Annual Purse Gala scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 21 from 2-5 p.m. at the Embassy Suites Hotel... - August 23, 2008 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.
Lieutenant Governor Bev Perdue to Lead Dress for Success Triangle NC Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Nonprofit Opening Coincides with Women’s Equality Day. - August 22, 2008 - Dress for Success Triangle NC
Sikhcess™ Launches 'Packages of Love' Campaign in Australia
Sikhcess volunteers in Australia are joining together for a common mission to help others – uniting to collect materials to assemble basic needs hygiene packages to distribute to the homeless across the continent of Australia. - August 22, 2008 - Sikhcess
Family, Friends and Community Come Together to Raise Awareness of Hydrocephalus
Jeremy Keyser 7, was born with a serious chronic neurological medical condition known as hydrocephalus. His mother Paula, says, “When Jeremy was born we really had no idea what the future held or if there would be any future. We didn’t know anybody else with Hydrocephalus so we decided... - August 22, 2008 - HUGS of Florida, Inc.
Paper Reveals New Way to Combat Bioterror Agents
A new paper published in PLoS One, an international, peer-reviewed, open access, online publication by the Public Library of Science, have revealed an additional mechanism to neutralize Botuliimum neurotoxins (BoNTs). BoNTs are a family of toxins that cause the disease botulism, but they can also be used as bioterror agents that cause paralysis when they poison the neurons that transmit the signals responsible for breathing and muscular movement. - August 22, 2008 - Lankenau Institute for Medical Research
Twenty Six Students Receive 2008 Glow Scholarships
On July 15, 2008, the Glow Foundation, a provider of financial education, mentoring, and "unmet need" scholarships to high-potential, college-ready students from under-resourced communities, awarded its 2008 scholarships to twenty six students in the Bay Area. A crowd of 130 attendees, including students, their families, volunteers, mentors and donors gathered to celebrate their success. The award ceremony and celebration was hosted by Silicon Valley Bank in its Santa Clara Headquarters. - August 21, 2008 - Glow Foundation
Habitat for Humanity of Moore County Celebrates Its Volunteers with a Golf Tournament at National Golf Club
Volunteers are the life blood of Habitat. Without them, Habitat wouldn’t be able to build 14 homes for low income families in Moore and Richmond counties every year. Habitat for Humanity of Moore County hosts three volunteer appreciation events every year, the Spring Cookout, the Golf... - August 21, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills
Florida's First-Ever 24-Hour Dog Adoptathon Begins Friday, Aug. 22 at 6:00 p.m. in Tampa
Hillsborough County Commissioner Rose Ferlita, an avid supporter of animal rescue, will use bolt cutters to “break the chain,” marking the start of Tampa's inaugural dog adoption marathon on Friday, Aug. 22 at 6:00 p.m. The Adoptathon is a first-of-its-kind event for Florida. Breaking the metal chain link to kick-off the event is symbolic of the Adoptathon partnership’s heavy task of breaking the chain of irresponsible pet ownership, a primary cause of most animal abuse and neglect. - August 19, 2008 -
Georgia: Embattled Town of Gori Receiving Aid After Being Cut Off for Days
Civilians remaining in Gori face “dire conditions,” World Vision warns · Safe access for aid workers into conflict zone still a challenge · Children, families across region endure horrors of war: “Nobody could even bury [our neighbors] because we were afraid for our lives.” - August 17, 2008 - World Vision US
Precious Memories Monuments Launches New Business
Precious Memories Monuments has recently launched the website for their new home-business. The elegant tone for this site is set with the logo design they got from LogoBee. - August 17, 2008 - LogoBee Logo Design
Saint Louis Science Center Named to Parents Magazine List of 10 Best Science Centers for Families
The Saint Louis Science Center has been named one of the 10 Best Science Centers for Families by Parents magazine, ranking ahead of similar institutions in Los Angeles, New York and Philadelphia. The article recognizes the Center’s Discovery Room, its Children's Gallery Guide and the Science Goes Splat demonstration, “a show where balls, water balloons, and even pumpkins are tossed out a third-floor window -- and the audience gets to guess which one will fall the fastest.” - August 15, 2008 - Saint Louis Science Center
Anderson Township Thrift Store Announces ‘Dog Days of August’ Promotion
The Peppermint Pig Thrift & Gift Holding Event to Benefit Safe Haven Animal Sanctuary. - August 15, 2008 - Peppermint Pig Thrift & Gift
Wake Yo Game Up
A nonprofit organization that produces events to mobilize the Hip Hop Community. - August 13, 2008 - Town Business Network Save Nature Now - Before It's Too Late
Support Vital Efforts to Protect Endangered Wildlife and Threatened Habitats - August 12, 2008 - GlobalSave
Old School Kettlebell Workout Promises New School Results
Strength coach and kettlebell instructor, Mike Mahler, reveals how an old school piece of equipment can help female athletes maximize their athletic potential through the explosive power of full body movements. - August 11, 2008 - Intenz Athletix, Inc
The Animal Rescue Site Creates IFAW Gift to Minimize Damage of Oil Spills
Visitors to The Animal Rescue Site can help support International Fund for Animal Welfare's oil spill clean-up work by purchasing a Gift That Gives More™. Each $25 “Rescue Birds and Animals After an Oil Spill” Gift adds to IFAW’s emergency fund and enables the organization to respond to the next oil spill wherever and whenever it occurs. - August 10, 2008 - GreaterGood
Community Partnerships and Verizon Foundation Launch Summer Scholarship Program for Children with Disabilities
Community Partnerships, Inc. (CPI) today announced a new scholarship program for preschool children with developmental disabilities. Funded by the Verizon Foundation, CPI’s Summer Scholarship program provides free Early Intervention therapies for financially-needy children. “CPI has... - August 10, 2008 - Community Partnerships, Inc.
ANZA Technology Network Brings Innovative Tech Workshops Down Under
Guidewire Group’s Chris Shipley and Southern Cross Venture Partners Lead Dynamic One-Day Sessions for US Market Exploration. - August 07, 2008 - ANZA Technology Network
A Crop--for the Cure
A Crop—for the Cure: Crafts and Creativity Raise Money for Breast Cancer Fund. Ever thought your scrapbooking hobby could help cure breast cancer? Put your creativity to the task by learning new scrapbooking techniques and tips while supporting a worthy cause. Join Athena’s Pink Ladies... - August 06, 2008 - Athena's Pink Ladies
Designers for Darfur Launch Their Newly Designed Website
The nonprofit organization Designers for Darfur (DFD) is pleased to announce the launch of their newly designed website provided by media partner, Ingenium Media, Inc. ( Designers for Darfur truly believe this newly launched website will allow them to engage and inspire visitors as the organization moves forward with their efforts in helping the suffering people of Darfur. - August 06, 2008 - Designers for Darfur
Spare Some for Autism Now Accepting Grant Applications for 2008-2009 School Year
The local non-profit organization, Spare Some For Autism, is currently accepting grants from educators working with Children on the Autism Spectrum in the Wake County Public School System. These grants will benefit children with autism participating in the WCPSS’s special needs programs... - August 06, 2008 - Spare Some for Autism
New Foundation Will Build School in Honduras
A new local non-profit foundation dedicated to promoting greater understanding of and appreciation for foreign cultures will make building a bilingual school in Honduras its first project. The board of directors of Inner Wisdom, a group devoted to “helping create a better understanding of... - August 04, 2008 - Inner Wisdom
Fall Teaching Opportunities Available at School of Champions
Paid teaching positions at School of Champions, an after school program of the Children of the Dump Vallarta are available for 2008-2009 year. - August 03, 2008 - Children of the Dump
PATH Joins NetHope Information Technology Consortium
PATH has become the 23rd member of NetHope, an information technology consortium of leading nongovernmental organizations specializing in humanitarian relief, emergency response, and conservation. NetHope enables members to extend their communications infrastructure and Internet-based applications... - August 03, 2008 - NetHope
International Affairs Council Calls for Host Families
Todd Culpepper, executive director of the International Affairs Council (IAC) (, has announced that the organization is calling for families to host professionals from the former Soviet States in mid-August for one to three weeks. Small stipends are available for families interested... - August 02, 2008 - International Affairs Council
Bike MS Experiencing Record Registration for September Event
Thousands Expected to Attend 20th Anniversary Celebration. - August 02, 2008 - National MS Society - Eastern North Carolina Chapter
"Bought & Sold"
Minnesota’s Faith Community Against Modern Day Slavery. Justice North invites Minnesotans to an anti-human trafficking event on September 9, 2008, 6-9 pm, at the Christos Union Depot in St. Paul. - August 02, 2008 - Justice North
NAFA’s Canadian Fleet Management Seminar Goes Bilingual
NAFA will offer the Canadian Fleet Management Seminar in both French and English for the first time, September 14-16, 2008. - August 01, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Appoints New Vice President, Community Investment
The Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan announced the appointment of Elizabeth C. Sullivan as Vice President, Community Investment. Sullivan will oversee the program and grantmaking activities of the Community Foundation. Formerly a senior vice president for capital programs at The Kresge... - July 31, 2008 - Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Me Fine Foundation Announces Steering Committee for 3rd Annual Purse Gala
Lori K. Lee, executive director of Me Fine Foundation, Inc. (, has announced that the steering committee for the 3rd Annual Purse Gala has been formed. The 3rd Annual Purse Gala will be held on Sunday, Sept. 21 from 2-5 p.m. at the Embassy Suites Hotel located at 201... - July 26, 2008 - Me Fine Foundation, Inc.
NAFA Debuts Advanced Fleet Management Seminar
NAFA Fleet Management Association introduces an upper-level course for experienced fleet managers to further their education. - July 25, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association
Honor Society Donates More Than 5,600 Books to Children in Need
NSCS is an honor society for high-achieving freshmen and sophomores. The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) donated the equivalent of 5,638 books for First Book, a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing books and literacy to underprivileged children across the country,... - July 25, 2008 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars
The Rainforest Site Partners with Sumatran Orangutan Society to Plant Trees and Save Orangutans
The Rainforest Site announced today a new partnership with the Sumatran Orangutan Society (SOS) to save vital orangutan habitat. - July 25, 2008 - GreaterGood
Odessa Robotics Team Awarded Rookie Team Grant by FIRST Foundation
A newly formed FIRST Tech Challenge high school level robotics team in Odessa, FL was just awarded a “rookie team” grant by the FIRST foundation. The grant, an honor for a non-school based team, is one of 250 awarded nationwide, and will enable the team to purchase the robotics... - July 24, 2008 - Learning is for Everyone
Author Commends American Foundation for Children with AIDS
Book by best-selling author David Elliot Cohen recognizes the American Foundation for Children with AIDS as a salutary organization. - July 24, 2008 - American Foundation for Children with AIDS
6 Year Old Son's Parents Proactively Raise Money for Diabetes Research and Care by Forming AdamsCure.Org, a Non-Profit and Providing Concerts and Various Entertainment
AdamsCure.Org is about providing a service in the form of quality entertainment to raise money for diabetes research and care. Concerts will run about a month apart. In addition to musical entertainment, they plan to have comedy acts, talent shows, bull roasts, crab feasts, golf tournaments, etc. Ticket prices are extremely fair and available by calling 877-725-8849 or by visiting their web site at - July 23, 2008 - AdamsCure.Org
LIFE of Florida's LIFE Fest 2008 Home and Alternative Learners Conference set for September in St. Petersburg, FL
LIFE Fest 2008 promises low cost, high value fun, information, networking and resources for home and alternative learners in Florida. - July 23, 2008 - Learning is for Everyone
Learning is for Everyone Launches Tapestry of Homeschool Survey
Learning is for Everyone hosts Tapestry of Homeschool survey to counteract modern day mythologies about homeschooling. - July 23, 2008 - Learning is for Everyone
Partnership Allows Magnolia Manor to Provide Cutting Edge Services
Magnolia Manor is pleased to announce an innovative management partnership with Elder Care Pharmacy Services of Hawkinsville, Georgia. With over fifteen years experience, Elder Care Pharmacy specializes in pharmacy needs for nursing centers and is considered an expert in the industry. This creative... - July 20, 2008 - Magnolia Manor Retirement Communities
“Children Voices” as Change Agents in Promotion of Birth Registration
The registration of births and deaths has been made compulsory under the Registration of Births & Deaths (RBD) Act, 1969. As a signatory to the U. N. Convention on the 'Rights of the Child', 1989 India has a responsibility to ensure registration of all births. Though more than 35 years have passed since the enactment of the legislation, the level of birth registration is still not satisfactory. - July 20, 2008 - Plan India
Habitat for Humanity of Moore County Hires Amanda Jakl as New Special Events and Communications Coordinator
Amanda Jakl has been named Special Events and Communications Coordinator at Habitat for Humanity of Moore County, Elizabeth Cox, Executive Director, announced today. Ms. Jakl will have the responsibility of coordinating and creating events for both Moore and Richmond counties, handling public... - July 19, 2008 - Habitat for Humanity of the NC Sandhills
Detention of Iranian HIV/AIDS Pioneers in Iran
Asia Society Expresses Deep Concern Over Detention of Iranian HIV/AIDS Pioneers in Iran -- Drs. Arash and Kamiar Alaei -- Asia Society Fellows - July 18, 2008 - Asia Society
Children’s Theatre of Knoxville to Hold Auditions for Upcoming Production of "Little Women" on August 10 & 11
Children’s Theatre of Knoxville (CTK) will hold auditions for the upcoming stage production of Little Women, based on the novel by Louisa May Alcott, on Sunday, August 10 from 3 PM and 5 PM and Monday, August 11 from 7 PM to 8:30 PM. Auditions will take place at The Emporium Center for Art & Culture at 100 South Gay Street in downtown Knoxville. - July 18, 2008 - Children’s Theatre of Knoxville, Inc.
HSFA Announces Partnership with Southern Data Solutions, Donations from Nomad Security and BroadRiver Communications, Updates on Ready Program for Georgia
HSFA Leverages Technology to Combat Routine Crime, Eliminate Phishing and Minimize ID Theft by 2010. Privacy Protection Initiative Strengthened with Nomad Technology and Infrastructure Services by BroadRiver Communications. Fundraising Goals for Georgia Ready Program Within Reach. - July 17, 2008 - Homeland Security Foundation of America
APFED Announces Approval of ICD9 Codes for Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders
APFED announced today that ICD-9-CM codes have been approved for Eosinophilic Gastrointestinal Disorders, EGID, by the National Counsel for Health Statistics, NCHS. APFED submitted its proposal to the NCHS in September 2007 for four diseases: eosinophilic esophagitis, gastritis, gastroenteritis and... - July 17, 2008 - APFED