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Within Cultural Institutions
Ice Cycle is a Project to Return an Iceberg to Greenland Cube by Cube. It is Launching on Rocket Hub.
Ice Cycle is an enterprise designed by Robert Welkie to respond to one of the most immediate and dramatic catastrophes associated with global climate change, the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, the once vast inland ice or Sermersuag that at one point covered 80% of Greenland. The first phase of Ice Cycle has launched as a Fractured Atlas fiscally sponsored project on the crowd funding platform RocketHub. . - March 14, 2014 - Ice Cycle
Kathryn Kelly Inducted Into Bishop Verot Catholic High School Alumni Hall of Fame
Kathryn Kelly, President and CEO of The Heights Foundation was recently inducted into The Bishop Verot Catholic High School Alumni Hall of Fame. The Hall of Fame honors graduates of Bishop Verot who are academically accomplished scholars, spiritual and faith-based people and leaders committed to... - March 14, 2014 - The Heights Foundation
Inaugural Dream Big Benefit Award Show, Central Florida's Got Talent, Showcasing Florida's Rising Stars while Enriching Lives of Children with Special Needs
Dream Big is auditioning Florida's most promising performers on May 17th at the Rosen Shingle Creek, Orlando for it's inaugural Central Florida's Got Talent Benefit Show. Audition, Learn about their Mission, Attend the Event and help raise awareness and funding for Central Florida families and their children with varying exceptionalities. - March 10, 2014 - Dream Big, Inc.
Charlie Ingram Elected Chairman of the Board of The Heights Foundation and The Heights Center
Charlie Ingram was elected Chairman of the Board of The Heights Foundation and The Heights Center. - March 08, 2014 - The Heights Foundation
National Parks Photos Sought
Eastern National is seeking submissions of photographs of all 401 national park sites in America. These images will be used in a variety of projects including a special Passport To Your National Parks publication that will showcase the beauty and history found in each of America’s... - March 08, 2014 - Eastern National
The Faram Research Foundation Discovers a 26,000+ Year Old Science Which is Destined to Change History
Touted to change world history forever, the ancient science named "Geoglyphology", by The Faram Research Foundation, will revolutionize Archaeology. - March 07, 2014 - The Faram Foundation
The Heights Center Presents Nashville Songwriters on Stage March 25
The Heights Center presents Nashville Songwriters on Stage Tuesday, March 25 at the Center, 15570 Hagie Drive in Fort Myers. Three highly accomplished hit songwriters will perform their popular compositions and tell the stories behind them. The evening will feature the famous Gordon Kennedy (Change... - March 07, 2014 - The Heights Foundation
The Arts and Business Council of Greater Philadelphia Announces 2014 Award Honorees
The 29th annual Awards Celebration honors exceptional volunteers from ABC programs, leadership and innovation within the arts and cultural community, distinction in the for-profit creative sector, and unique partnerships formed between the business and arts communities. - March 06, 2014 - Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia
More Than 10,000 Women Will March Through London to Call for an End to Violence Against Women
• Europe’s biggest march for women • Taking place on International Women’s Day – 8 March 2014 • 10,000 women marched last year and even more expected on Saturday • Central London route: Oxford St, Piccadilly Circus, ending in Trafalgar Square • 7th annual Million Women Rise March • Calling for an end to all forms of violence against women - March 06, 2014 - Million Women Rise
You Don’t Have to be Rich to Help the Needy Thanks to the Unique "Sorry" System of the Heredem Service
A unique Internet service fulfilling dreams for everyone. - March 05, 2014 - Heredem Ltd
Waukegan Arts District Announces 2014 Lakefront Concert Series: "Summer Saturdays" Series Delivers Affordable Outdoor Arts and Entertainment for All Ages
How to unplug and spend more quality time with family and friends this summer? The 2014 Summer Saturdays lakefront concert season (FB: WAUKSummerSAT) brings a variety of musical talent to Stiner Pavilion - Lake County’s only outdoor performance venue situated on Lake Michigan. - March 05, 2014 - Waukegan Arts District
SPI Study Abroad’s Final Application Deadline is March 1, 2014
Leading high school study abroad provider has a fast-approaching deadline for its summer study abroad and global leadership programs - March 01, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
Fair & Square Imports Hosts Nonprofit Fair Trade Oriental Rug Event One Weekend Only, March 20-23, 2014
Fair & Square Imports, located in downtown McKinney, is hosting its annual Nonprofit Rug Event for one weekend only: March 20-23, 2014. - February 26, 2014 - Fair & Square Imports
DancEnlight Presents "Zen Landscape"
DancEnlight, a professional modern dance company, is proud to present the world premiere of "Zen Landscape" in the Hartford, CT area. Two performances will be held in the Hubbard Music Hall at the Loomis Chaffee School, 4 Batchelder Road, Windsor, on Saturday March 22th at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday March 23th, 2013 at 2:00 p.m - February 26, 2014 - Connecticut Concert Ballet
Art & Business Council Partners with IBM and The Wharton School to Train Emerging Leaders from the Arts, Culture and Creative Sector
The Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia, in partnership with IBM and The Wharton School, introduces a new leadership program focused on developing the Philadelphia region's next generation of creative sector leaders. - February 24, 2014 - Arts & Business Council of Greater Philadelphia
Jazz Vocalist Kevin Mahogany to Headline Concert to Benefit The Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled
Acclaimed vocalist Kevin Mahogany will headline this spring’s “Alive in the World” Concert benefiting The Foundation for The Developmentally Disabled. The concert and auction event is presented by the Trust for the Advancement of Responsible Artists (TARA) and will be held at... - February 19, 2014 - Trust for the Advancement of Responsible Artists (TARA)
SPI Study Abroad Announces Exciting Travel and Cultural Excursions for Italian Language Immersion Program
Leading high school study abroad provider announced a variety of excursions included in their summer study abroad program in Italy. - February 15, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
Ausar Auset Society Washington, DC to Enstool New Queen Mother
The “Celebrating the Tradition of African Queens” ceremony and celebration for the enstoolment of Hem Shekhem Sanekhem Nerta EnKamit as an Ur Aua-t (Queen Mother) in the Washington, DC Hesp (region). The Kings and Queen Mothers of Ausar Auset International have many responsibilities some of which include for providing oversight and support for the spiritual needs and programs for members and families. - February 13, 2014 - Ausar Auset Society - Washington, D.C.
Seminar Will Provide Law Students and Graduates with Strategies and Competitive Edge
Chabad of Southside is proud to announce a seminar for law students and legal professionals featuring three Florida Coastal School of Law Graduates who will provide strategies for navigating law school and the difficult job market on Saturday Night Feb. 22nd 8pm at Chabad. - February 12, 2014 - Chabad Lubavitch of Southside, Inc.
SPI Study Abroad Announces March 1, 2014 Application Deadline for Summer High School Immersion Programs
Leading high school study abroad provider announced its application deadline of March 1, 2014 for its summer language immersion and global leadership programs. - February 12, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
California Central Coast High School Music Students to Spend a Day in the Life of a Professional Composer
High school music students in the greater Monterey and Santa Cruz, CA areas are in for a treat on Saturday, March 1st, 2014: the opportunity to spend a day learning and collaborating in pre-professional workshops with working composers. This all-day workshop event, put on by youth music nonprofit Composers and Schools in Concert (CSIC), is free for high school students. - February 11, 2014 - Composers and Schools in Concert
The Cuban American Phototheque of Miami Presents Ivan Canas' Artist Talk Next Saturday February 15 at 7 PM with Ileana Fuentes and Willy Castellanos
Ileana Fuentes and Willy Castellanos will be talking with artist Ivan Cañas providing diverse viewpoints about the photographer’s work and his role in the Cuban Art made in and outside the island. The photographer will be available to answer the public questions and share his memories with the audience. - February 08, 2014 - Cuban American Phototheque Foundation
SPI Study Abroad Offers Exciting Travel Extensions for Their High School Study Abroad Programs
Leading provider of quality summer immersion programs for high school students offers extensions in Paris and Madrid for their 2014 programs. - February 01, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
Chinese Import-Export Guru to Hold Free Online Seminar on Building Profitable Business
Businessman and longtime China-hand Tom Galey will also discuss why the Chinese credit crisis isn’t a crisis at all, the top five mistakes import-export businesses must avoid and his new book "Making the China Connection." - February 01, 2014 - Sinomedia International Group
Sheldrake Environmental Center Wants All to Know There's Lots Happening in Nature in Winter
While it may look quiet out there, there's lots happening in nature, and Sheldrake has programs designed to help explore, even during the wintry months. - January 30, 2014 - Sheldrake Environmental Center
SPI Italy Study Abroad Students Take Part in Historic Event in Siena
High school students participating on SPI’s Siena, Italy study abroad program get to experience a major event in Italian history and culture: Il Palio di Siena - January 25, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
Seminole Tribe of Florida - Native Learning Center is Awarded Training and Technical Assistance Funding from HUD
Seminole Tribe of Florida Native Learning Center (NLC) was named the only Tribe authorized to receive a cooperative agreement award from HUD. - January 24, 2014 - Native Learning Center
"Bones" Hitting Into Hong Kong Again - Largest International Trombonists Join SliderAsia for History
A historical number of international professional trombonists from the United States and Europe will travel into Hong Kong for SliderAsia Trombone Festival this summer. Trombone enthusiasts of all levels from everywhere in Asia will enjoy a week of intense music exchanges and share the rare and... - January 21, 2014 - SliderAsia Trombone Festival
Poetry Teachers NYC Launches February Poetry Workshop Series at The Bowery Poetry Club
From Page to Stage: Affordable weekly poetry workshops and reading. Feb. 2 to Feb. 24 in Manhattan. - January 16, 2014 - Poetry Teachers NYC
Black and Hispanic Communities on Fast Tract Toward Extinction: Leaders Alarmed
In as little as 68 years the Black community in Rochester will be half of what it is today. The Am I Not a Child media campaign is hard-hitting televised messaging designed by members of the Black community to sound the alarm among the Black and Hispanic communities. - January 15, 2014 - AmINotAChild
Cool Science to Host Mini Fruitcake Toss at Manitou Art Center
The 2014 event uses tiny fruitcakes to inspire future Fruitcake Flinging Engineers. - January 11, 2014 - Cool Science
Announcing the Seminole Tribe of Florida Native Learning Center's Training for Building Sustainable Communities in Indian Country in Green Bay, WI
The Native Learning Center (NLC), a Seminole Tribe of Florida program dedicated to the development of cultural and quality of life skills for all Native and Indigenous people, is pleased to present its Training for Building Sustainable Communities in Indian Country hosted by the Radisson Hotel... - January 10, 2014 - Native Learning Center
Jews of Ponte Vedra/Jacksonville Beaches Address Relevance of Judaism in Modern Society
The Rohr Jewish Learning Institute (JLI) will present To Be a Jew in the Free World: Jewish Identity Through the Lens of Modern History the institute’s new six-session Winter 2014 course that will begin during the week of February 5th. Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky of Chabad @ the Beaches will... - January 08, 2014 - Chabad @ the Beches
Augmented Reality Art in the Palm of Your Hand
Activatar App turns every NYC Metrocard into a 3D exhibition space. - January 08, 2014 -
SPI Study Abroad Costa Rica Program Includes Community Service Component
Quality provider of high school language immersion programs includes worthwhile community service component in its 2014 Costa Rica summer program. - January 04, 2014 - SPI Study Abroad
New Book "Making the China Connection" Debunks Myths About Doing Business in China
Manufacturing and import-export guru Tom Galey describes how resentment toward Chinese for stealing jobs, creating pollution is misplaced. - January 01, 2014 - Sinomedia International Group
SPI Study Abroad Extends Early Application Deadline to January 15, 2014 for Their Summer Language Immersion Programs
Leading provider of quality language immersion programs for high school students extends its early application deadline for their programs. - December 21, 2013 - SPI Study Abroad
"Love Your Neighbor" to Support the Heights Foundation
“Love Your Neighbor”, an annual event featuring Norman Love Confections and Mark Loren Designs, will be held Wednesday, January 15, 2014 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. at the Gulf Harbour home of Debbie and Tony Migliore. Guests will enjoy an assortment of culinary creations from local restaurants along with a selection of fine wine and spirits. Live and silent auction items will be offered and all proceeds will benefit the School Success programs at The Heights Center. - December 20, 2013 - The Heights Foundation
TAKSU Bali is Proud to Present Hex.a.gon, a Solo Exhibition by International Artist, Joanna Cutri
Opening Reception on Saturday, 28 December 2013, 6:00-9:00 PM. Hex.a.gon opens from 21 December 2013 till 05 January 2014 at TAKSU Bali, W Retreat and Spa, Seminyak. Bali - December 20, 2013 - TAKSU Gallery
SPI Study Abroad Announces the 2014 Global Ambassador Program
Leading provider of high school language and cultural immersion programs introduces global leadership-based component. - December 14, 2013 - SPI Study Abroad
Save the Waste! Minneapolis Nonprofit PLACE is Developing the First Affordable, Multifamily Community in the US to be Powered Solely by Organic Solid Waste
PLACE's first Save the Waste! project will divert organic waste from landfills, and process it through neighborhood-scale anaerobic digestion into clean energy to power homes, businesses, and transit in a new community in St. Louis Park, MN. The high-quality fertilizer that results will be used to grow food for their residents and at nearby urban farms. - December 14, 2013 - PLACE
Elvis the Penguin Rockin’ Sales Records; Children’s Book Debuts to Record Sales
Elvis the Penguin rock n' rolled its way to the top 1% of book sales in its first month of sales. The children's storybook is a fun and fast-paced adventure about a baby penguin named Elvis on a quest to become famous like his namesake, Elvis Presley. Wholesome and entertaining, the story also carries an anti-bullying message and many other character building messages. - December 09, 2013 - Casanova Media Group
SPI Study Abroad Announces New Global Leadership Component to Its Foreign Language Immersion Programs
Top provider of high school language immersion programs adds new global leadership-based curriculum to increase global and cultural awareness among students. - December 07, 2013 - SPI Study Abroad
Artlightenment 2013 Art and Film Festival Awards Announced
Artlightenment 2013, the art show and film festival which showcased over 70 visual artists, painters, sculptors and filmmakers officially hit its stride this year as the five-year-old festival enjoyed record attendance. - December 07, 2013 - Artlightenment
International Toy Museum Hires Executive Director
The International Toy Museum is launching, announces appointment of Executive Director. Intention is to create world-class museum of children’s playthings. Bay area institution will focus on toys through the ages, for boys and girls. - December 06, 2013 - International Toy Museum
Passport To Your National Parks® 2014 Photo Contest Winners Announced
Eastern National is proud to announce the winners of the annual Passport To Your National Parks® photo contest. The contest is open to National Park Service employees and Volunteers-In-Parks (VIPs), and ten images are selected for the collectible Passport To Your National Parks®... - November 29, 2013 - Eastern National
Voice Ethiopia Launches Campaign to Support Development of Future Global Leaders
Voice Ethiopia announced today the launch of its first fundraising and advocacy campaign, with a goal of raising money to sponsor a student at the International Leadership Academy of Ethiopia (ILAE), an innovative nonprofit college prep school providing its students with a quality education, setting them on the best path toward achieving their career goals. - November 28, 2013 - Changing Our World, Inc.
Donations Needed to Bring Holiday Joy to Area Children
The Heights Center, Brightest Horizons Child Development Center and the Kiwanis Club of Fort Myers Gateway to the Islands are seeking organizations and individuals to participate in the annual Harlem Heights Community Gift Drive. Local residents, businesses and philanthropic groups are asked to... - November 28, 2013 - The Heights Foundation
Celebrate Culture and Artisans at the 2013 African Diaspora Holiday Bazaar and Crafts Fair
Come out for the first Bazaar and Craftsfair celebrating the people, culture, food and knowledge of the African Diaspora. - November 25, 2013 - African Diaspora Unification
SPI Study Abroad Announces Participation in the 2013 American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages Annual Convention
Top provider of high school language immersion programs participates in leading foreign language conference. - November 23, 2013 - SPI Study Abroad