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Within Foundations
NourishLife Earns NSF International Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Registration for Its Illinois Facility
NourishLife receives NSF International GMP registration for its Illinois facility. GMP registration demonstrates NourishLife’s commitment to quality. - February 22, 2016 - Lifetrients
Scientology Grammy Awards Ad Spotlights Humanitarian Initiatives
Scientology-supported humanitarian initiatives and social betterment programs are making a difference worldwide at thousands of schools, police forces, halfway houses, and in communities and churches of every denomination. - February 17, 2016 - Church of Scientology International
Drug Fight Takes on New Urgency in South Los Angeles
Church of Scientology Community Center announces free training and drug education materials for educators, community groups and mentors. - February 16, 2016 - Church of Scientology International
"Safety for Sarah" Invites Film and TV Production Sets to Join in a Moment of Silence
The Sarah Jones Film Foundation continues its efforts to raise awareness for film and television production safety to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of Sarah's tragic passing on the set of the film "Midnight Rider." - February 16, 2016 - Sarah Jones Film Foundation
Information Experts Sponsors Tigerlily Foundation
Tigerlily Foundation is pleased to welcome a new sponsor, Information Experts, to its Corporate Circle of Strength. Over the past 20 years, Information Experts has established itself as a powerful partner for Strategic Communications. They are award-winning and recognized as trusted leaders in the... - February 13, 2016 - Tigerlily Foundation
New State Solar Jobs Census Numbers for All 50 States from The Solar Foundation Available Online at
The Solar Foundation released state-by-state data from its annual National Solar Jobs Census series via the State Solar Jobs Census Map (, providing detailed solar jobs information for all 50 states, nearly all 436 federal Congressional districts, and more than 6,000 state legislative districts. This year’s expanded State Census effort shows that there are now 61 federal Congressional districts with at least 1,000 solar jobs and132 districts with more than 500 solar workers. - February 11, 2016 - The Solar Foundation
Great Story Happening in NYC This Week: First Woman to Travel to All Countries to Speak at NYU
First Documented Woman to Travel to All 196 Countries in a Guinness Record Attempt to Speak at NYU This Week. - February 09, 2016 - Expedition 196
Akshaya Patra Bags "Best Annual Report Award" by Public Relations Council of India
Other awards in the league are Silver for the 2016 Calendar and Bronze for House Journal – Digital Newsletter - “Regular Update” and Documentary – “Dream a chance.” - February 08, 2016 - The Akshaya Patra Foundation
Rett Syndrome Foundation to Host Ninth Strollathon
Non-profit organization to raise money for research treatments. - February 07, 2016 - Rett Syndrome Foundation
JKBS Students Return from Tomorrow’s India Conference in Singapore, Enriched, Inspired and Invigorated
Given the magnitude of the event it was not surprising to see many leading dignitaries from different walks of life gracing the conference with their presence. The three day conference itself saw a flurry of activities that not only offered students several exciting opportunities but a peek into a foreign culture as well. - February 07, 2016 - JK Education Foundation
Westchase Charitable Foundation Hosts Its 6th Annual "Tampa Bay Woman of the Year" Fundraiser
Tampa Bay Woman of the Year raises much needed funds for children facing serious illness or a devastating family tragedy. - February 05, 2016 - Westchase Charitable Foundation
Eighth Annual “Love Your Neighbor” Raises $285,000 for The Heights Foundation and The Heights Center
“Love Your Neighbor,” an annual event benefiting The Heights Foundation, raised $285,000 for School Success programs for at-risk kids in Harlem Heights. Additionally, a $10,000 pledge from FineMark Bank and an anonymous pledge of $100,000 for new Harlem Heights Community Charter School... - February 05, 2016 - The Heights Foundation
Padma Shri Conferred Upon Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman of Akshaya Patra
The award has been conferred in recognition of the distinguished service rendered by Akshaya Patra for the children of India. - February 03, 2016 - The Akshaya Patra Foundation
Lake Hopatcong Petition Tops 1,000 Signatures Lake Hopatcong Foundation Urges Legislators to "Make 2016 the Year of Lake Hopatcong"
More than 1,000 people have already put their name to a petition that urges legislators in Trenton to properly fund the management of Lake Hopatcong. “Lake Hopatcong is the state’s largest lake, with 45 miles of shoreline and 2,500 acres of fresh water, enjoyed by hundreds of thousands... - January 31, 2016 - Lake Hopatcong Foundation
Super Bowl Fundraising Campaign to Support Children Battling Cancer in Denver and Charlotte
Be Brave Foundation is launching a Super Bowl Fundraising campaign in hopes of supporting children and families battling pediatric cancer in Charlotte & Denver. The campaign pits the fan bases of the Denver Broncos and Carolina Panthers against one another for an amazing cause. - January 30, 2016 - Be Brave Foundation
During Blizzard 2016, Chicagoans Slept Out for Homeless, Raised $18,000
Board members of a social services organization slept outdoors in Chicago to raise awareness and funds to help homeless. - January 30, 2016 - Care For Friends
Beaten But Not Stirred Book Release
Beaten But Not Stirred (BBNS) is pleased to announce the release of its self-titled self-help/women’s issues book called “Beaten But Not Stirred: My Life, My Story, My Testimony” by author, activist, and owner of BBNS, Stephinie Johnson. BBNS is a voice for women of domestic violence. It is geared toward victims while teaching and encouraging them through godly messages and a 7-step plan. The planned pre-release date is set for 02/16/2016 with an official release date of 05/22/2016. - January 29, 2016 - Poetic Representations Co., LLC
Lake Hopatcong 3rd Annual Block Party Set for May 7, 2016: Lake Hopatcong Foundation Calling for Vendors and Sponsors for Annual Lake Celebration
The Lake Hopatcong Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit is hosting the 3rd Annual Block Party set for May 7, 2016. They are looking for a variety of vendors, including local non-profit organizations, businesses, craft vendors, and food sales. - January 29, 2016 - Lake Hopatcong Foundation
U.S. Based Non-profit Launching GoFundMe Campaign to Combat Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Liberia
Through empowerment programs, books, crisis help, weekly group discussions, community activities, tutoring, and a place to stay during times of emergencies, Project READ will give Liberian girls a safe place to simply be girls and give girls wings to soar. - January 28, 2016 - Resources and Outreach for Liberia (ROL)
Pediatricians Support Screening for Food Insecurity: Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (WIAAP) to Partner with The HungerCare Coalition
1 in 5 children in Wisconsin struggles with hunger, and the health effects on those children are both immediate and long term. The Wisconsin Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics and The HungerCare Coalition announce their collaboration in screening families for food insecurity. By asking two simple questions, physicians can determine whether a family could benefit from community resources. - January 26, 2016 - Wisconsin Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics
JKBS Students to Participate in Tomorrow’s India Conference in Singapore
The conference will not only showcase India’s entrepreneurial strength but academic excellence as well. "Tomorrow’s India" will also include a visit to Singapore’s special platform for start-ups and young entrepreneurs - Action Community by Entrepreneurship. Cultural programs will make the event engaging and lively for all participants. - January 18, 2016 - JK Education Foundation
Dress for Success SW Florida Professional Women’s Group to Host Open House
Potential volunteers, clients and mentors are welcome at this fun event. - January 15, 2016 - Dress for Success SWFL
William Meredith Foundation Presents the 2016 Award for Poetry to Gray Jacobik
The William Meredith Foundation invites writers, reporters, and press advocates to celebrate the 2016 William Meredith Award for Poetry presented to Gray Jacobik, who James Tate has called “a rare poet, one not to be missed,” and who is compared to Moore, Bishop and Wallace Stevens.” The award carries a modest cash award along with the publication of a new and selected collection titled, THE BANQUET, scheduled for publication during National Poetry Month in April, 2016 by Poets’ Choice. - January 07, 2016 - The William Meredith Foundation
Lutheran Services in America Announces Habitat for Humanity, Y-USA, and Johns Hopkins University as Keynote Speakers for Its 2016 Annual Conference
Lutheran Services in America (LSA) is excited to announce its 2016 Annual Conference keynote speakers: Jonathan Reckford, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity; Johnathan Lever, Vice President for Health Strategy & Innovation, Y-USA (YMCA of the USA); and Dr. Kathryn Edin, Bloomberg... - January 07, 2016 - Lutheran Services in America
530 Fullerton Foundation Board Members to Become Homeless on January 22, 2016
Board members of a social services organization to become homeless to raise awareness and funds for operations. - January 07, 2016 - Care For Friends
Local Charity Awards 5 Scholarships
Five women received an early Christmas present this year: a college scholarship from Lifetime Adoption Foundation, a charity that awards educational assistance to women who have lovingly placed a child for adoption. Some women were also awarded a laptop computer to use in their studies. Recipients... - December 24, 2015 - Lifetime Adoption Foundation
Partners of the Americas (Partners) to Develop Leadership Training Curriculum to Empower Community Leaders Across the Americas
Partners of the Americas is developing an integrated leadership training curriculum that will expand the leadership capacity and technical skills of emerging leaders and prepare them to tackle the most serious challenges faced by communities across the Americas. The project is funded by a $50,000... - December 22, 2015 - Partners of the Americas
Colombian Vocational and Technical Higher Education Institutions and U.S. Community Colleges Win 100,000 Strong in the Americas Funding for Study Abroad
The White House, U.S. Department of State, Partners of the Americas, and NAFSA announced five new 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund grants sponsored by SENA-CAF to support university partnerships and new study abroad programs at an event with Vice President Joe Biden. The goal of 100,000 Strong in the Americas is to increase study abroad opportunities in order to enhance hemispheric competitiveness, increase prosperity, and prepare a more global workforce. - December 16, 2015 - Partners of the Americas
Institutions of Higher Education Win 100,000 Strong in the Americas Funding for Study Abroad with Support from ExxonMobil
The White House, U.S. Department of State, Partners of the Americas, and NAFSA announced nine new 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund grants sponsored by ExxonMobil to support university partnerships and new study abroad programs at an event with Vice President Joe Biden. The goal of 100,000 Strong in the Americas is to increase study abroad opportunities in order to enhance hemispheric competitiveness, increase prosperity, and prepare a more global workforce. - December 16, 2015 - Partners of the Americas
Institutions of Higher Education Win 100,000 Strong in the Americas Funding for Study Abroad with Support from the Department of State of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico
The White House, U.S. Department of State, Partners of the Americas, and NAFSA announced eight new 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund grants sponsored by Campus Puerto Rico to support university partnerships and new study abroad programs at an event with Vice President Joe Biden. The goal of 100,000 Strong in the Americas is to increase study abroad opportunities in order to enhance hemispheric competitiveness, increase prosperity, and prepare a more globally competent workforce. - December 16, 2015 - Partners of the Americas
Homeland Security Foundation of America Calls for New Cybersecurity Approach with Focus on Faster Vulnerability Identification and Remediation
HSFA’s Cybersecurity division strongly recommends organizations evaluate and deploy Continuous Security Delivery Fabric-based technologies. - December 16, 2015 - Homeland Security Foundation of America
ITTS Empowering Women Internationally
An American Non-Profit Training Female Leaders to Build Social Enterprises - December 16, 2015 - I TALK TO STRANGERS Foundation, Inc.
Center for Family Relations Awarded Grant from The Texas Bar Foundation
The Center for Family Relations has been awarded a $5,000 grant for the Supervised Visitation Program from the Texas Bar Foundation. Supervised visits allow children to have access to non-custodial parents in a safe environment that is effectively monitored and documented by another adult. This... - December 11, 2015 - Center for Family Relations
Christmas Event Benefits Homeless Youth Shelter
The Bravo Foundation is hosting its 1st Annual Adopt a Youth Homeless Shelter Event. The benefiting shelter is Matrix Human Services, Matrix Off The Street Shelter. - December 09, 2015 - The Bravo Foundation
Florida Company Approved as International Training Provider
Bradenton-based company Phil-Com, LLC announced today that it is now a CFRE International Approved Provider of Continuing Education in fundraising. CFRE International certifies experienced fundraising professionals aspiring to the highest standards of ethics, competence, and service to the... - December 05, 2015 - Phil-Com, LLC
The Kif Brown Foundation Joins the Global #GivingTuesday Movement
The Kif Brown Foundation has joined #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that harnesses the collective power of individuals, communities and organizations to encourage philanthropy and to celebrate generosity worldwide. #GivingTuesday is held annually on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving (in the U.S. - December 03, 2015 - The Kif Brown Foundation
JKBS Announces Admissions for the PGDM 2016-18 Batch
JKBS and The California State University-Monterey Bay, USA have agreed to build a long-term mutually beneficial relationship to promote academic interests of both institutions. - December 03, 2015 - JK Education Foundation
JK Business School: Learning Entrepreneurship Mantras from Business Captains
JK Business School (JKBS) Gurgaon, one of the premier business schools in the country, organised a unique "Training Programme on Entrepreneurship” today at their campus located at Damdama Lake Road, off Sohna Expressway, Gurgaon. Eminent speakers, Mr. Hashan... - November 30, 2015 - JK Education Foundation
Donations Needed for “Operation Christmas Care” for Area Children
The Heights Center and Gladiolus Learning and Development Center are seeking organizations and individuals to participate in the annual Harlem Heights Community Gift Drive. Local residents, businesses and philanthropic groups are asked to donate new, unwrapped gifts for local children. Gifts are... - November 29, 2015 - The Heights Foundation
South Florida Nonprofit Seeks to Provide 52 Scholarships for Students in Jamaica
Education Gateway Foundation seeks assistance in providing 52 scholarships for students in Jamaica. The scholarships are provided to students in the rural area. They receive vouchers for textbooks and school uniforms to alleviate financial stress on families in the area. - November 25, 2015 - Education Gateway Foundation
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation Adds Seven Board Members
Greenwich, Old Greenwich, Pound Ridge, Ridgefield, Stamford and Weston residents bring a wealth of corporate and nonprofit expertise. - November 21, 2015 - Fairfield County's Community Foundation
Lake Hopatcong Foundation Will Raise the Roof on Giving Tuesday - December 1, 2015
The nonprofit organization’s goal for Giving Tuesday is to raise $7,500 from the public to go with a $7,500 matching grant, and they hope to do this by selling 300 roof tiles on their website: - November 19, 2015 - Lake Hopatcong Foundation
A Weekend Holiday Extravaganza
The Arc Tampa Bay Foundation’s 31st Annual Festival of Trees, presented by AmeriLife, returns to the Long Center from November 20 – 22, 2015. This year’s theme, Jingle Bell Jubilee, is a nod to the City of Clearwater’s Centennial celebration. This year’s Festival of... - November 18, 2015 - The Arc Tampa Bay Foundation
Fairfield County’s Giving Day Returns on March 10, 2016 "Give Where You Live" Event is Set to Break Records in Community Giving
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation announced today that registration is open for the third annual Fairfield County’s Giving Day. Nonprofits may visit to register. New this year-organizations that register by December 16th will be entered into a $1,000 grant... - November 18, 2015 - Fairfield County's Community Foundation
SocialCatWork App Launches Crowdfunding Campaign to Help Strays
SocialCatWork, an innovative social-based app that helps people take care of stray cats, announced today that it has launched a crowdfunding campaign on the IndieGogo platform. - November 16, 2015 - socialCATwork
Dress for Success Raises Record Amount at Annual Shop for Success Shopping Extravaganza
Dress for Success SW Florida held its annual Shop for Success shopping extravaganza on Friday, November 6 at the Crowne Plaza Fort Myers at the Bell Tower Shops. 5,000 square feet of designer clothing and accessories were on sale for unbelievable prices, with items starting as low as $5. Shop for... - November 13, 2015 - Dress for Success SWFL
Four Broad Run Students Return from UCLA
Ashburn Teens volunteer for brain tumor research in Los Angeles to help UCLA, Cedars-Sinai and Children's Hospital Los Angeles. - November 12, 2015 - TBKF
Successful Atlanta 8.5K Closes Event Season
Walkers and runners at the Nov. 7 Starry Night Atlanta 8.5K raised more than $120,000 to benefit the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation. More than 600 supporters gathered for the evening 8.5K at Centennial Olympic Park to honor local children with brain tumors, our Stars: Andrea, Anna, Ascher,... - November 12, 2015 - Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation
Saddleback Memorial Medical Center Named One of the Nation's 50 Top Cardiovascular Hospitals
Award Winning Hospital Recognized Nationally for Excellence in Cardiovascular Services and Care by Truven Health Analytics - November 10, 2015 - Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
Jack and Jill of America, Inc. Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter Raises Over $15,000 for Their Annual Friends of Monique Fundraiser
Over 80 team members will walk in the Light the Night Walk on November 7, 2015 in memory of Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter Teen, Monique Williams. - November 06, 2015 - Jack and Jill of America - Mid-Hudson Valley Chapter