Together We Can Change the World

Charities get a boost: Tough times have made a double blind for Charities, the demand grows and the funds decrease. Learn about this unique and totally Free Fundraiser. - January 10, 2009 - Together We Can Change The World

DSS, Inc., Announces Open Source Version of vxVistA EHR Framework, Joins Open Health Tools Foundation

Leading VistA developer release includes commercial enhancements for non-U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Providers. - January 09, 2009 - Open Health Tools

NSCS Announces 15 Finalists of the Inspire Integrity Awards

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars, an honor society inviting high-achieving freshmen and sophomores, announced the 15 finalists of the Inspire Integrity Awards, NSCS' faculty awards. - January 09, 2009 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

Local Sports Hero to Share Inspirational Story at Business Club of the Triangle in January

Logan Aldridge to be the featured speaker at first breakfast of the New Year. - January 09, 2009 - Business Clubs of the Triangle

NAFA Announces New CAFS Certification Program

For more than fifty years, NAFA’s mission has been focused on quality fleet management education and training. In addition to a CAFM certification for those with the highest expertise in fleet management, NAFA will now offer a Certified Automotive Fleet Supervisor, or CAFS, those professionals striving to enter into and/or develop their career path in fleet management. - January 07, 2009 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

A+ Children’s Academy Hosts Seminar

A+ Children’s Academy is proud to be hosting a seminar on early childhood development presented by owner Michelle Didesch January 24th at their new facility at 6431 North Big Hollow Road in Peoria. The seminar is sponsored by the Heart of Illinois Association for the Education of Young... - January 05, 2009 - A+ Children's Academy

Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery: Project Shakthi-II Conducted

The Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery conducted Project Shakthi -II, a free Well Women Checkup Programme, at Rotary Fourrts Medical Centre at Thoraipakkam, on Sunday, 28th December 2008. - January 05, 2009 - Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery

Credit Unions Supporting St. Louis Browns Baseball

The Browns were the predominant professional baseball team in St. Louis from 1902 through the late 1920s. - January 01, 2009 - William Rogers & Associates

IIMSAM Goodwill Ambassador Gets Man of the Year 2008 Award in Jordan

Dr. Naseer Shahir Homoud was felicitated recently in a glittering ceremony organized at Jerusalem International Hotel in Amman amongst packed auditorium with prominent personalities, intellectuals, scribes and his well- wishers among others. - December 31, 2008 - IIMSAM

DSO Clan Announces New World of Warcraft Division and ClanDSO Guild

DSO Founder Wicked Fate DSO will be leading the new division that enters into the PC arena of competitive gaming with the opening of this division and establishment of the ClanDSO Guild. - December 30, 2008 - DSO Gaming Clan LLC

Human Capital Management Technology Failing to Capitalize on Promises

Study: One-third of Companies Are Dissatisfied. - December 29, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

DSO Clan in High Gear with New Gears of War 2 Division

Xbox Ambassador and Clan Founder to Lead Competitive Division of International Video Gaming Clan, Delta Special Ops (DSO Clan). - December 27, 2008 - DSO Gaming Clan LLC

Bahiyah Shabazz "Stillwaters" Challenge Readers

Bahiyah Shabazz inspire others to have self empowerment. Shabazz encourages her audience to uphold the strengths without concealing the weaknessess. - December 25, 2008 - Shabazz Management Group llc

New Site Offers Homeowners a Clearinghouse of Green Remodeling Information

The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), announces the launch of a new website dedicated to green remodeling, is designed to be a clearinghouse of information on green remodeling for both homeowners and trades people. Since the... - December 25, 2008 - National Association of the Remodeling Industry

NAFA Members to Pitch in and Help New Orleans

NAFA Fleet Management Association Members will continue their long history of volunteerism by assisting Habitat for Humanity in a project to build homes in New Orleans. - December 24, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Gulf Coast Venture Forum Elects 2009 Board of Directors

Timothy J. Cartwright, Tammie Nemecek, Roger Warren, Fred Klaucke, and Bill Hagman have been elected to serve a one-year term on the board. - December 23, 2008 - Gulf Coast Venture Forum

School Administrators Union Applauds President-Elect Obama’s Selection of Rep. Hilda L. Solis as Secretary of Labor

AFSA President Jill Levy responds to the selection of Rep. Hilda L. Solis as the new Secretary of Labor. - December 21, 2008 - American Federation of School Administrators

Wyndmoor Hose Company No. 1 Strives to Continue Community Involvement

Whether it is fighting fires or ensuring needy children and families have an opportunity to celebrate the holidays, Wyndmoor volunteers are near. - December 20, 2008 - Wyndmoor Hose Company No. 1 Launches Forex Education, Coaching, and Community Website for Currency Traders Worldwide

Today, a new opportunity exists for Currency or Forex Traders to attain a complete and personalized education in for profitably trading in the Foreign Exchange market. Given the proper education and trading methods, members of the site will become and remain profitable in today's volatile markets. - December 20, 2008 - Bobokus

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia Headlining Legal Conference on Privacy Issues in Manhattan

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia will headline, The Institute of American and Talmudic Law’s (IAT Law) Midwinter Conference, entitled, “The Right to Privacy and Individual Liberties – From Ancient Times to the Cyberspace Age,” on Wednesday, January 28, 2009. - December 20, 2008 - The Institute of American & Talmudic Law

School Administrators Commend President-Elect Obama’s Selection of Arne Duncan as Secretary of Education

AFSA President Jill Levy responds to President-elect Barack Obama's selection of Chicago schools executive Arne Duncan as the new Secretary of Education. - December 19, 2008 - American Federation of School Administrators

NPSA Announces Industry-Focused Committees

The National Portable Storage Association has announced its industry-focused committees for 2009. - December 18, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

Study: Holidays Put the Humbug on Productivity

In a down economy, 15% of workers say they’re afraid to take time off for the holidays. - December 16, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

The National Fitness Hall of Fame is Proud to Announce Its HOF Induction Class of 2009

The 2009 National Fitness Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony & 4th Annual “Don of Sports” Awards Dinner will be held jointly, Sunday – March 15th, 2009. This year’s event will feature special presenters Dr. Bob Goldman and Tamilee Webb as well as other sports and fitness celebrities. - December 15, 2008 - The National Fitness Hall of Fame & Museum

DMAA Health Care Reform Principles Call for Focus on Quality, Efficiency

Population health improvement organization calls for transformation of health care system from one of reactionary care to one focused on preventive care and promotion of health as a shared national resource. Principles include call for increased access to affordable care, incentives for value and quality, integration and care coordination, a national health data repository and other enhancements. - December 15, 2008 - DMAA: The Care Continuum Alliance

NC Songwriter’s Co-op Announces 11th Annual Songwriting Contest Winners

Letha Costin, Keith Hill and Garrison Doles won top three places in NCSC’s 11th Annual Songwriting Contest. Industry professionals based their selection on entrants’ lyrics, melody and presentation. - December 13, 2008 - North Carolina Songwriter's Cooperative

Foundation Exposes (3) Year end Coincidences as Financial Aid to Bailout Investors

Research by The Foundation reveals 3 coincidental events in December that push yields to annual highs & force a special class of asset prices to fall to new lows to help investors recover from losses. - December 13, 2008 - Foundation for Financial Freedom

Meet the New California Rifle and Pistol Association

Meet the New California Rifle and Pistol Association

Founded way back in 1875, the California Rifle and Pistol Association (CRPA) is an organization of sportsmen dedicated to the preservation of our American heritage. In this age of constant political attacks on the rights of law-abiding citizens to own and use firearms for legitimate purposes, the... - December 11, 2008 - California Rifle and Pistol Association

Study: Down Economy Sparks Rise in Workplace Theft

The current economic downturn has led to an upturn in workplace theft – especially in large organizations – according to a recent Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) study. The study found that 27% of respondents in large companies - those with 10,000 or more employees - said... - December 11, 2008 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

AIGA Miami Launches Parallel Series with "Words Make Pictures"

On Dec. 17, AIGA Miami presents "Words Make Pictures," the launch event for its new Parallels series in which guest speakers explore their profession in the context of design. For "Words Make Pictures," copywriters will review their best work and engage in a roundtable discussion on the interplay between written and visual communications. - December 11, 2008 - AIGA Miami

Portable Storage Helps Secure Corporate Information

The National Portable Storage Association offers security tips for corporate information. - December 11, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

Cactus Kallah 2009 Early Registration to Close Soon

This year, the theme is Ushavtemayim Besason, Drawing water of Joy - Celebrating the joys of water, especially in the high desert of Tucson. TSC chose this theme to acknowledge that the intention of this gathering is indeed a sacred one: l'shem shamayim, for the sake of heaven and that all are composed mostly of water and the time in the desert helps one to see the importance of water and joy in life. - December 09, 2008 - Congregation Ner Tamid

A New Service Driving Social Responsibility on U.S. Highways

A New Service Driving Social Responsibility on U.S. Highways

They have built a network to allow socially responsible drivers to band together and report other vehicles experiencing safety issues. This is a nationwide service intended to incorporate all vehicles registered to operate on U.S. highways. - December 08, 2008 - Drivers Helping Drivers, LLC

US Marine Corps Wins 2008 TOCICO Achievement Award

Maintenance Center Albany US Marine Corps wins the coveted 2008 TOCICO Achievement Award in recognition of their sustainable success achieved through the use of Theory of Constraints principles. These principles have provided a higher level of mission readiness at significantly lower cost to the taxpayer. - December 08, 2008 - TOCICO

AMHA Launches Redesigned Website

The American Morgan Horse Association's website,, is newly designed. - December 07, 2008 - The American Morgan Horse Association

Lewis University Student Wins Holiday Card Design Contest

The National Society of Collegiate Scholars (NSCS) is proud to announce Lewis student Marcia Campbell won NSCS’ 2008 Holiday Card Contest. NSCS will send the card featuring her design to NSCS’ partners and vendors, as well as electronically to its half-a-million members. NSCS members... - December 07, 2008 - The National Society of Collegiate Scholars

AMHI Board Approved Morgan Pavilion at Kentucky Horse Park

The American Morgan Horse Institute approves the building of a Morgan pavilion at the Kentucky Horse Park. - December 07, 2008 - The American Morgan Horse Association

College Educational Website Shares the Wealth this Holiday Season

Do to the struggling economy the amount of donations to the needy this holiday season may unfortunately suffer a significant decline. In order to lessen the damaging blow that many needy families may face this year an online company in Indianapolis, IN plans to significantly increase its giving efforts….But here’s the catch. It’s up to college and universities students to decide just how much food, diapers, clothes and books they plan to donate. - December 05, 2008 - Isleptthroughclass, LLC

Historic Hotels of the Rockies - Holidays with Historic Presence

Spectacular light displays, elaborate decorations, holiday revelry, gourmet delights, winter lodging packages, festive New Year’s packages each with a historic flare. - December 04, 2008 - Historic Hotels of the Rockies

Kiwanis Club of Singer Island Supports "Prematurity Month" at St. Mary's Neonatal

The Kiwanis Club of Singer Island, Florida helped St. Mary's Hospital Neonatal Unit celebrate "Prematurity Month," with two gift baskets presented by Kiwanis Members Nancy Hill and Club Secretary Helen Zientek to Marsha Mitchell of the neonatal nursing staff. Citing premature birth as... - December 04, 2008 - Kiwanis Club of Singer Island

Former NAFA President, Patsy Brownson, Retires from Cox Enterprises, Inc.

Patsy Brownson, former NAFA President and long-time member of the Association, has announced her retirement from Cox Enterprises, Inc where she was Manager, Fleet Relations. - December 04, 2008 - NAFA Fleet Management Association

Prague Steals Top UK Chef

The newly opened restaurant Shiso in Prague is run by the top UK chef Paul Day, former chef of Nobu in London. - December 04, 2008 - LS Club Ltd.

Event Urges CEOs to Leave Their BlackBerry at Home

Author and speaker Marty Clarke, to speak on how to tweak a company’s sales engine and increase sales revenues. - December 04, 2008 - Business Clubs of the Triangle

New Social Networking Site to Bring Central Florida Boaters Together announces its official launch and plans to be the best online boater resource and connection site for Central Florida boaters. is Brevard County's newest free online community for Brevard boaters. Find out all the hot spots, islands, and upcoming events. Get involved... - December 03, 2008 -

Hermosa Beach Soccer Club Players Selected to LAWSG Management Team

The Hermosa Beach Soccer Club ( today announced that four of its players have been selected to the 2009 L.A. Watts Summer Games Soccer Tournament Management Team. Since 1968, the Los Angeles Junior Chamber of Commerce ( has hosted the Games... - December 03, 2008 - Hermosa Beach Soccer Club

Bay Buchanan to Speak to Conservative Students at the George Mason University Chapter of the Young Americans for Freedom

Bay Buchanan will speak on the topic of the urgency of young conservatives of the Young Americans for Freedom to stand up for their beliefs, and not back down when attacked by their liberal professors and peers. Bay will discuss what our founders sacrificed to create our system of government, and that they expected subsequent generations to protect what they started—or as George Washington stated, "The preservation of the sacred fire of liberty are…entrusted to the hands of the American people." - December 02, 2008 - Young Americans for Freedom (VA)

Bob Torgan Captures Senior Net Division Title at 2008 Tour Championship of the International Players Tour

Two Handicap Senior from Willis, TX scores impressive seven stroke victory with a net score of 227 for 54-Hole Event at Horseshoe Bay Resort in Texas. - November 29, 2008 - International Players Tour

Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery: Vocational Training Beneficiaries Felicitated

The Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery felicitated the beneficiaries of the Vocational Training Courses at a grand function held at Madras Race Club, Chennai, on Sunday, 23rd November 2008. - November 28, 2008 - Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery

Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery: Website Launched

The Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery launched its Website at a grand function held at Madras Race Club, Chennai, on Sunday, 23rd November 2008. - November 28, 2008 - Rotary Club of Chennai Velachery

Portable Storage a Boon for Black Friday Retailers

The National Portable Storage Association encourages retailers to use in-store square footage for merchandising – and portable storage for back stock – during a critical holiday shopping season. - November 28, 2008 - National Portable Storage Association

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