Stevens Institute of Technology Hosted Biomaterials Research Conference

The Stevens Conference on Bacteria-Material Interactions was a space for discussing future-oriented strategies critical to developing safer, more effective biomaterials that promote healing while minimizing the risk of infection. - July 09, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

2nd International Conference on Tocotrienols and Chronic Diseases at Wynn Resort, Las Vegas, July 2011

Latest research studies, technical application as well as market potential of palm tocotrienol complex will be shared in this conference. - July 08, 2011 - Carotech Inc.

New Virus Modification Approach to Creating Vaccines for Insect-Borne Diseases

A technology breakthrough that could have a major impact in the development of vaccines to preventive insect-borne diseases has been published in the June edition of Virology Journal, - July 07, 2011 - Arbovax Inc

BioPharm Systems to Present the Top 10 Reasons Why Life Sciences Companies Need a Clinical Trial Management System

The free one-hour webinar will discuss the top ten reasons why it makes sense for organizations to invest in a CTMS. - July 07, 2011 - BioPharm Systems

BioPharm Systems to Host Webinar on Flexible Study Design in Oracle Clinical and Remote Data Capture

The free one-hour webinar will examine the new flexible study design features in the latest version of OC/RDC. - July 07, 2011 - BioPharm Systems

BioPharm Systems to Host Webinar on Using Siebel Clinical for Your Specific Job Function

The free one-hour webinar will explore how Oracle's CTMS can be used by the six most common clinical trial management job functions. - July 07, 2011 - BioPharm Systems

Red Cedar Technology Positions Itself for Rapid Growth

Consistent Performance Relative to Aggressive Growth Plan Leads to Promotions - July 02, 2011 - Red Cedar Technology

Dr. Masoud Toloue will Describe Methyl-Seq, PCR-Free and Small RNA-Seq NGS Library Prep Technologies

This week at the European Next Generation Sequencing Congress in Hamburg, Germany, Dr. Masoud Toloue of Bioo Scientific will describe the latest improvements in DNA and RNA library prep technologies for NGS. - June 30, 2011 - Bioo Scientific

Novus Biologicals Announces Opening of Canadian Office

Novus Biologicals, an international supplier of antibodies and antibody-related products to bioscience researchers, is proud to announce the opening of their second international office in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Novus' other offices include Novus Europe, which services Europe from Cambridge,... - June 30, 2011 - Novus Biologicals

Colorado BioScience Association Showcases Colorado's Bioscience Industry at BIO 2011 Conference in Washington DC, June 27-30

Colorado BioScience Association (CBSA) will head the Colorado Pavilion at the Biotechnology Industry Organization’s (BIO) International Convention in Washington DC, June 27-30. The Colorado Pavilion, located in booth # 2107 of the Exhibit Hall area, includes a number of companies and partners helping to grow the bioscience industry in the state. - June 29, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association

Mitegen Awarded $250K NIH STTR Phase II Grant

Mitegen LLC, a provider of innovative consumables for X-ray diffraction, crystallography and protein crystallization to academic, pharmaceutical, industrial and government researchers around the world, has been awarded a phase II STTR (small business technology transfer program) award from the NIH (National Institute of Health) for the development of improved crystallization plates. - June 27, 2011 - MiTeGen, LLC

Clinical Trials in Russia. Year 2010.

The Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation (Roszdravnadzor) and the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (MoH) approved 492 new clinical trials of all types including local and bioequivalence studies during 2010, demonstrating a 15% decrease from the last year figure. - June 27, 2011 - Synergy Research Group

Industry Professor Elaine Pratt Named Co-op Advisor of the Year at Stevens

Industry Professor Elaine Pratt has been recognized by the Stevens Institute of Technology Office of Cooperative Education as the 2011 Academic Advisor of the Year for her work with Pharmaceutical Manufacturing graduate students. - June 25, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

OSO BioPharmaceuticals Receives DEA Approval to Handle Controlled Substances

OSO BioPharmaceuticals Manufacturing, LLC, has been granted research and analytical licenses by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to handle Schedule II through V controlled substances. - June 24, 2011 - OSO BioPharmaceuticals Manufacturing, LLC

Stevens Selected to Host 2012 IEEE SAM Workshop

Stevens Institute of Technology has recently been announced as host of the IEEE 2012 Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop (SAM 2012). The biennial SAM Workshop will be held on Stevens campus in Hoboken, New Jersey on June 17-20, 2012. - June 24, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

ALPCO Appoints CST China as Their Exclusive Distributor in China

ALPCO Appoints CST China as Their Exclusive Distributor in China

ALPCO Diagnostics, a leading manufacturer and distributor of high quality immunoassay kits, is pleased to announce that they have appointed CST (Shanghai) Biological Reagents Company Ltd. (CST China) as their new distributor in China. With CST China as their new distribution channel in China,... - June 23, 2011 - ALPCO

Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development Awards Funding to Fort Collins-Based VetDC

The Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development (CID4) has selected Ft. Collins, Colorado-based VetDC to receive funding and management assistance to advance its Lead Molecule, VDC 1101. VetDC in-licenses, develops and commercializes technologies to address serious unmet medical needs in companion animals. - June 23, 2011 - Colorado Institute for Drug, Device and Diagnostic Development

AnaSpec Offers Custom Assay Development Service

AnaSpec, EGT Group, provider of the long wavelength, ultra-sensitive SensoLyte® assay kits, is pleased to offer custom service for the development of assays. The long wavelength of SensoLyte® protease assays, many of which utilize the 5-FAM/QXL™ 520 and HiLyte Fluor™... - June 23, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

AnaSpec Highlights Anb-Wang Resin

Colorimetric based Peptide-p-Nitroanilide conjugates (peptide-pNAs), with absorbance at approximately 408 nm, have historically been and are still widely used substrates for the study of protease activity. However, the preparation of peptide-pNA presents technical challenges. The amino group of pNA... - June 23, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

Red Cedar Technology Releases New HEEDS Post-Processing Software

Preview version of HEEDS POST 1.0 available now - June 23, 2011 - Red Cedar Technology

Dr Joe Krebs Will Lecture About Melamine Detection in Food at the AOAC Pacific NW Annual Meeting

The Director of Protein Chemistry & Engineering at Bioo Scientific, Joe Krebs, will give a lecture describing his research on sequential injection analysis of melamine in food samples at the AOAC Pacific Northwest Section Annual Meeting. - June 22, 2011 - Bioo Scientific

One-Shot Dengue Fever Vaccine Moves Closer to Reality

Arbovax, Inc. is an early stage biotechnology company based in Raleigh NC, developing a novel and innovative technology to facilitate the development of vaccines against insect-borne viruses. Their initial focus, Dengue Fever, is ranked second only to Malaria by the World Health Organization for its devastating global impact. - June 21, 2011 - Arbovax Inc

The International Aging Research Portfolio (IARP) Team Announces the Launch of

The development team of the International Aging Research Portfolio (IARP) today announced the launch of the beta version of – a simple and effective online tool for comparing funding trends in biomedical research based on keywords and phrases used in successful grant... - June 20, 2011 - The International Aging Research Portfolio

BioPharm Systems to Host Webinar on Oracle Argus Safety and Oracle Argus Safety Japan

Leading provider of Oracle's clinical trial, data, and drug safety solutions will discuss the benefits of Argus Safety and Argus Safety Japan. - June 17, 2011 - BioPharm Systems

Dr. Marahelli G. Prasad of Stevens Receives ASME Award

Dr. Marahelli G. Prasad, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Noise and Vibration Control Laboratory at Stevens Institute of Technology, received the 2011 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Student Section Advisor Award for District A for his dedicated service as an advisor. - June 15, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Bioo Scientific Optimizes the Screening of Multiple Tetracycline Residues in Milk, Meat and Honey

Bioo Scientific is working to improve the screening for tetracycline residues in milk, meat, honey and other sample types by improving the MaxSignal® Tetracycline ELISA Kit by offering higher sensitivity and simplified extraction protocols and also by launching kits for the specific detection of oxytetracycline, chlortetracycline and doxycycline residues. - June 13, 2011 - Bioo Scientific

Using Nanosilica to Strengthen Concrete at Stevens Institute of Technology

Jon Belkowitz, a concrete expert and doctoral student at Stevens Institute of Technology, studies chemical reactions within concrete at the nanoscale to formulate a new concrete mixture that will result in longer-lasting buildings, roadways, sidewalks, stairs, sewers, and dams. - June 12, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Dr. Frank Fisher of Stevens Selected for Fulbright Specialist Roster

Dr. Frank Fisher at Stevens Institute of Technology has recently been added to the Fulbright Specialist Roster for his expertise in engineering education. - June 11, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Stevens Institute of Technology 2011 Commencement

On May 26th, Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ celebrated the Class of 2011 with Commencement activities on Castle Point. - June 10, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

MoBiTec Expands Its Selection of High Quality Gene Expression Systems for Bacillus megaterium

Based on its already successful protein expression systems for Bacillus megaterium, MoBiTec GmbH introduces a new family of protein expression vectors, the hp-Expression Systems, for high yield expression in the well-established organism Bacillus megaterium. This new system complements the existing non-E. coli expression systems for B. megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, Lactococcus lactis and yeast. Further non-E. coli expression systems are in preparation. - June 09, 2011 - MoBiTec GmbH

Environmental Engineering Students and Faculty Study Passaic River Pollution

The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection commissioned a study, conducted by students and faculty from Stevens Institute of Technology and Rutgers, to determine pollution loads in the Passaic River. - June 09, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Aciont® to Present at the 13th Annual NIH SBIR/STTR Conference

Dr. Kongnara Papangkorn’s presentation is entitled, “Safety Aspects and Drug Delivery Performance of Visulex® Passive Delivery System” - June 09, 2011 - Aciont Inc.

Carotech to Showcase GRAS-Approved Tocomin Palm Tocotrienol Complex at IFT 2011, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA

Carotech will share applications and benefits of TocoBev tocotrienol beverage powder at IFT. - June 09, 2011 - Carotech Inc.

IO Informatics Launches Free Knowledge Explorer – Personal Edition to Deliver Integrated Data

IO Informatics, award-winning informatics software provider, today announced a program to provide free access to its product, Knowledge Explorer – Personal Edition. - June 08, 2011 - IO Informatics, Inc.

Dr. Marahelli G. Prasad of Stevens Serves as Guest Editor for Advances in Acoustics and Vibration

Dr. Marahelli G. Prasad has been invited to be a guest editor of Advances in Acoustics and Vibration for a special issue of the journal on reducing noise levels for psychological and physiological comfort. - June 08, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Clinical Trials in Russia. 1st Quarter 2011.

The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (alias MoH) approved 95 new clinical trials of all types including local studies during the first quarter of 2011, 29% less than in Q1 2010. - June 08, 2011 - Synergy Research Group

Stevens Student Research Protects Credit Card Owner Privacy

Students at Stevens Institute of Technology built a prototype for a software-defined radio system that defends credit card near-field communications chips from being read illegally. Their system was recognized with 3rd place at the RIT IEEE Student Design Competition in May. - June 04, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Scisense Offers Educational Webinar “Exploring Synergies Between Echo and Pressure-Volume Systems” Featuring Dr. Kim Connelly

Webinar attendees will learn both the advantages and challenges of echocardiography and PV loop analysis. - June 04, 2011 - Scisense Systems Inc.

IonSense Introduces the ID CUBE™ Source - to be Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference

IonSense Introduces the ID CUBE™ Source - to be Presented at the American Society for Mass Spectrometry Annual Conference

Features OpenSpot™ Sample Card for Near-Instantaneous Analysis of Liquids and Solids. - June 03, 2011 - IonSense, Inc.

Stevens Conference Explores Latest Innovations in Antimicrobial Biomaterials Research

The Stevens Conference on Bacteria-Material Interactions, June 9-10 in Hoboken, NJ, will cover the latest multi-disciplinary research in the area of infection-resistant biomaterials. - June 03, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Red Cedar Technology Enters Into Strategic Partnership with Applied Technology Integration

Red Cedar Technology (RCT) has entered into a strategic partnership with Applied Technology Integration (ATI) to expand RCT’s in-demand process automation services centered around HEEDS optimization software. “ATI, under the guidance of Craig Winn, a known leader in product design,... - June 03, 2011 - Red Cedar Technology

Colorado BioScience Association Applauds Boettcher Foundation on Announcing the Second Class of Boettcher Investigators in the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Program

The Colorado BioScience Association applauds Boettcher Foundation on the announcement of its 2011 class of Boettcher Investigators in the Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Program. The program, launched last year, provides for the discovery of new knowledge that improves human health through the investment in and advancement of early-career scientists. - June 01, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association

Dr. Mitola of Stevens Enhances the Conversation at EastWest Institute Cybersecurity Summit

Cognitive radio inventor and VP for Research at Stevens Institute of Technology Dr. Joseph Mitola is participating as a group moderator for the EastWest Institute Second Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit to be held in London, June 1-2. - May 29, 2011 - Stevens Institute of Technology

Colorado Bioscience Association Commends Governor John Hickenlooper's Signing of The Innovation Reinvestment Act

Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper signed The Innovation Reinvestment Act, Senate Bill 47, into law at ceremonies held May 26th at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Initiated by the Colorado BioScience Association and Colorado Cleantech Industry Association, Senate Bill 47 provides up to $2 million annually to each industry, creating new companies and stimulating job growth based on promising discoveries made at the state’s major research institutions. - May 27, 2011 - Colorado BioScience Association

AnaSpec Introduces DPPIV Assay Kit

AnaSpec, EGT Group is pleased to introduce a new long wavelength fluorimetric assay kit for determining Dipeptidyl Peptidase IV (DPPIV) activity, the SensoLyte® Rh110 DPPIV Assay Kit. This kit contains a substrate that emits in the green range of 520 nm when cleaved by DPPIV. The kit provides a... - May 27, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

AnaSpec Offers High-Throughput Dispensing Service

AnaSpec, EGT Group is pleased to offer high-throughput dispensing service. Their commitment to supply the life science community with simple, affordable and innovative solutions has resulted in this service: bringing the advantages of automation within everyone’s reach. The fully equipped... - May 27, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

AnaSpec Introduces Anti- β-Amyloid

AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group is pleased to announce the release of two new mouse monoclonal antibodies specific for β-Amyloid (1-40) & (1-42). These two antibodies are of the IgG1 subtype and do not cross-react with each other at concentrations up to 50 ng/ml when tested in sandwich ELISA. - May 27, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

AnaSpec Introduces Speedy 28-Day Custom Polyclonal Antibody Service

When traditional protocols can take almost 90 days, the wait for high-quality custom polyclonal antibodies can be excruciating. AnaSpec is pleased to introduce the Speedy 28-day custom polyclonal antibody service. Leveraging proven technology from Eurogentec, AnaSpec's parent company, this protocol... - May 27, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

Mitegen Announces Mutual Distribution Agreements with Omscientia

Mitegen LLC, a provider of innovative consumables for X-ray diffraction, crystallography and protein crystallization to academic, pharmaceutical, industrial and government researchers around the world, announced that it has signed mutual non-exclusive distribution agreements with Omscientia, a... - May 26, 2011 - MiTeGen, LLC

AnaSpec Highlights MMP Inhibitors

AnaSpec, Eurogentec Group, is pleased to release 11 MMP inhibitors to complement their wide offering of MMP SensoLyte® 520 and 490 fluorimetric kits, colorimetric kits, recombinant proteins, and Z-Fish™ antibodies (antibodies specific for zebrafish). These MMP inhibitors are small... - May 25, 2011 - AnaSpec, EGT Group

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