McConway & Torley and GASP Announce Agreement to Reduce Air Emissions from Lawrenceville Steel Foundry

McConway and Torley, LLC (M&T) and the Group Against Smog and Pollution (GASP) have finalized an agreement regarding air emission reductions at M&T’s Lawrenceville steel foundry. M&T has operated its Lawrenceville foundry since the 1860s. The foundry manufactures steel castings... - June 29, 2011 - Group Against Smog and Pollution, Inc.

BKD Technologies Launches

BKD unveils multimedia website devoted to disseminating Microsoft Dynamics GP information. - June 29, 2011 - BKD, LLP

Wysong and the Green Dog - Innovation in Pet Nutrition Meets Innovation in Sales and Marketing

Innovative pet food manufacturer partners with innovative live marketing and promotions company to benefit retailers. - June 29, 2011 - Green Dog Promotions LLC

Canadian Best-Selling Author Betska K-Burr Chooses India to Launch Her Next Trailblazing Book the "God" in Coaching the Key to a Happy Life

Affectionately known by Clients as “The Guru Coach™” Canadian best-selling author Betska K-Burr has chosen India to launch a trailblazing new book. The “God” in Coaching - The Key to a Happy Life sets an exciting new precedent for a rapidly evolving industry. Dr. Will Tuttle #1 Amazon best-selling author of The World Peace Diet calls The “God” in Coaching “… the bible of coaching.” For more information, please visit: - June 28, 2011 - Betska K-Burr, Regions, and USAA Earn Top Spots in the 2011 Temkin Web Experience Ratings of 119 Firms

Study of 6,000 U.S. Consumers Shows That Only 7% of Companies Deliver Good Online Experiences; TV Service Providers, Internet Service Providers and Health Plans are the Worst - June 28, 2011 - Temkin Group

End2End Business Solutions Introduces Innovative HR Planning Techniques

Innovative and effective human resource planning is crucial to reaching the full potential of a company. Adequate planning improves transparency, employee participation, enthusiastic team collaboration and increased productivity. - June 28, 2011 - End2End Business Solutions

Q3 2011 Flash Petrochemical Outlook from Kevin L. Boyle, Consulting

A concise outlook for global petrochemicals and plastics in Q3 2011 covering prices and margins, and popular pure plays. - June 28, 2011 - Kevin L. Boyle, Consulting

Project Management Firm DPPM Entering the Bay Area

Dennis Potts Project Management, LLC, a full-service project management firm, is expanding its practice to the Bay Area. The firm has announced a new office in downtown San Francisco which will provide services to clients in San Francisco and the Bay Area. The office will have its official launch... - June 27, 2011 - Dennis Potts Project Management

Helen Pastorino of Pertria Featured in Silicon Valley Business Journal

Helen Pastorino of Pertria had been featured in the Silicon Valley Business Journal. - June 27, 2011 - Pertria

Magnetic Consulting Group Plans a Charity Event to Raise Money for Breast Cancer Research

Magnetic Consulting Group plans an event to raise money for breast cancer research and awareness. The Sacramento marketing firm is gathering local companies, friends and family for a charity kickball tournament with all proceeds going to the Susan G. Komen For The Cure foundation. Magnetic... - June 27, 2011 - Magnetic Consulting Group

Bankers Learn What Questions to Ask During First Calls with Prospects in Upcoming Webinar

Asking the right questions in a first meeting with a prospect can mean the difference between earning a return visit and getting the door closed on a potential sales opportunity. Questioning strategies and other prospecting techniques to be explored in a live webinar for bank sales people on June 28, 2011 entitled First Calls on Prospects. - June 27, 2011 - Clarity Advantage Corporation

Health Coach Says Intuitive Concepts’ Date Analysis Paid Off

Wellness coach uses date analysis to choose days to begin new business. - June 26, 2011 - Intuitive Concepts, Inc.

Greenlots Secures Funding Round Led by SBI Ven Capital and Tembusu Partners

Leading provider of EV charging solutions to expand global footprint - June 26, 2011 - Greenlots

Unique Marketing HHI Launches Mobile Coupon on Hilton Head Island

HHI Mobile Coupon connects visitors to local businesses through mobile text mobile advertising. It's simple and free for visitors to use the service. Local businesses can offer discounts to visitors by sending a text offer through HHI Mobile Coupon mobile marketing campaign. - June 26, 2011 - Unique Marketing HHI

Tersus Environmental Secures Patent Rights for Vadose Zone Remediation by Barometric Pumping

Tersus Environmental, LLC, a developer and marketer of advanced, innovative technologies for the remediation of soil and groundwater, and Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SRNS) announced that they have signed an Exclusive Patent License Agreement. This royalty-based agreement grants Tersus... - June 26, 2011 - Tersus Environmental, LLC

Who's the Dirtier Fighter? Releases New Gender and Age Research on Arguing Style

Queendom releases results from their study on how couples fight, and reveals which gender is more likely to resort to dirty tactics. - June 25, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Former CIO of T-Mobile to Act as Master of Ceremonies at CTO Telecom Summit

Robert Strickland, President, Strickland Consulting LLC and Former SVP & CIO, T-Mobile will as Master of Ceremonies at the upcoming CTO Technology Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona. - June 25, 2011 - CDM Media

Improving Your Integrity: Influence Expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, Recommends Three Foundational Steps to Being a Person of Integrity

Whether it’s personal or professional, every business woman knows the importance of working from integrity. Our communications, our relationships, and our business decisions, most every interaction revolves around integrity. And how we consistently stay in integrity has a direct effect on our... - June 25, 2011 - Karen Keller International, Inc.

Atlanta Ballet Names Search Discovery as Digital Agency of Record

Search Discovery, an Atlanta-based online consultancy, announced today that it has been named Digital Agency of Record for Atlanta Ballet. - June 25, 2011 - Search Discovery

GreenTech Participates in GE’s Eco-Treasure Hunt

GreenTech Energy Services recently participated in a General Electric “Eco Treasure Hunt,” (ETH) hosted by a Staples distribution center in Orlando, FL. The goal of the "hunt" was to study the facility’s energy use and to identify and recommend energy savings opportunities. - June 25, 2011 - GreenTech Energy Services Offers Advice on Internships

The job seeking experts from take a look at internships and what's required of a successful candidate in this competitive arena where often it's the most enthusiastic and creative applicant that wins. - June 25, 2011 -

Helen Pastorino of Pertria Featured in The New York Times

Helen Pastorino was referenced in the New York Times for her willingness to adopt the newest technologies and means of communication to help her business thrive in the competitive real estate market. - June 25, 2011 - Pertria

Award-Winning Author Says, "Claim Your Financial Independence on the 4th of July with These 5 Success Tips"

The summer months are great for family, friends, and sharing, but they can be a nightmare for anyone who is struggling financially, says Michael J. Rhodes, president of and creator of the Billionaire Mindset Guidebook and CD Series. Financial sabotage is one of the... - June 25, 2011 - Ancient Elders Press, Inc.

Thermal Matrix Warns of Increased Suicide Bomb Attacks in Wake of Nigeria Attack and Schoolgirl Kidnapping

Terrorist organizations around the world are increasingly embracing suicide bombings as a means of violence, evidenced by the latest attack at the national police headquarters in Nigeria that killed two on June 16. The bombing is believed to be the work of the radical Islamic sect Boko Haram. The... - June 25, 2011 - Thermal Matrix USA

Finnish Study Shows That Majority of HR Departments in Finnish Organizations Are Unfamiliar with Social Networking and New Collaboration Technologies

102 HR professionals participated in the survey. It highlights that big changes need to occur in most HR departments, as it is difficult for them to stay current with new practices and technologies, build in social networking into critical HR business processes and at the same time meet the increased demand for increased productivity and innovation. - June 25, 2011 - GL Consulting

InfoCom Says Mobile Operators in the Philippines Continue to Drop Rates to Allure Customers to Migrate to Postpaid

In 2016, mobile base in the country to reach over 100% penetration — Price-sensitive Philippine mobile market expected to remain mostly prepaid — Smart Communications continue to lead the mobile market. - June 25, 2011 - Infocom GmbH

BDA Advises The Weir Group PLC on the Acquisition of the Valves Business of HIM Tech, Korea

BDA acted as exclusive financial advisor to Weir on this acquisition in Korea. It is BDA’s second transaction for Weir within 12 months. BDA also advised Weir on the acquisition of BDK in India in 2010. - June 24, 2011 - BDA Partners Ltd

Women and Truth-Telling: Influence Expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, Recommends 5 Steps to Women on Knowing When and What to Self-Disclose

Women are conditioned to tell the truth in an effort to create caring relationships. They focus on giving more than is needed which can often times be a hazard and not a benefit to them. Influence expert, Karen Keller, Ph.D, advises women on the 5 steps to follow when considering the time and what to self-disclose. - June 24, 2011 - Karen Keller International, Inc.

Cold Calling Concierge Welcomes Decreasing Business as a Success

Clients Freezing Their Accounts And for Good Reason… - June 24, 2011 - Cold Calling Concierge

American Professional Institute Chooses Three Rivers Systems’ CAMS Enterprise to Manage Statewide Georgia Campuses

Fast-growing private technical school American Professional Institute chooses Three Rivers Systems' CAMS Enterprise to manage the entire student lifecycle of its seven locations offering 11 career paths. - June 24, 2011 - Three Rivers Systems Inc.

SkySparc Simplifies System Upgrades with Automated Regression Testing of SWIFT Messages

SkySparc's SkyREPORT solution for advanced financial reporting and fully automated testing has been enhanced to allow central banks and government debt offices to regression test SWIFT messages between old and upgraded systems. - June 24, 2011 - SkySparc

North Carolina Electronic Security Association Retains IMI Association Executives for Full-Service Association Management

IMI Association Executives adds NCESA as new client. - June 24, 2011 - IMI Association Executives

KOSBE Award Winner, Picsee Studio to Hold Ribbon Cutting and Soiree

Photography with Heart - June 24, 2011 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

TriStar Acquires BRT Solutions: Canada's Leading Product Lifecycle Management Company

TriStar Incorporated completed its acquisition of BRT Solutions, Canada’s leading Product Lifecycle Management Company today. “Combining resources with BRT makes a lot of sense for the Canadian customers. With our combined unified team we have expanded product and service offerings... - June 24, 2011 - TriStar Corp

HubShout Adds New Scoring System to Reinforce Accountability of Pay-Per-Click Advertising Service

PPC campaign scores are based on measure of objectives vs. results - June 24, 2011 - HubShout

Succeed Management Solutions’ Risk Management Center Assists Washington Employers in Reducing Claims

Washington Employers Retro Programs Show Significant Reduction in Workers’ Compensation Claims in WA: Washington Employers Attributes Success to Succeed Management Solutions’ Risk Management Center - June 24, 2011 - Succeed Management Solutions, LLC

RCC’s Tony Busam Named Co-Chair of the National Emergency Number Association’s Development Steering Council

RCC’s Tony Busam has been named Co-Chair of the newly formed Development Steering Council for the National Emergency Number Association (NENA). As Co-Chair of the Development Steering Council, Mr. Busam will be responsible for administering NENA’s Standards Development Process and coordinating problem solving efforts among the six committees. - June 24, 2011 - RCC Consultants

CIO Finance Summit Welcomes Novarica Head of Banking Research as Master of Ceremonies

The CIO Finance Summit team announced today that Madhavi Mantha, Head of Banking Research at Novarica, will act as the Master of Ceremonies for the upcoming technology event, August 21-24, 2011. The CIO Finance Summit brings together IT executives from banks, credit card companies, investment... - June 24, 2011 - CDM Media

Leading eDiscovery Solution Provider Attracts Enterprise Solutions Expert – eMag Solutions Appoints New President & Chief Executive Officer, Chris Clark

With over 20 years experience delivering mission critical enterprise solutions to the global marketplace, Chris brings experience and leadership to drive the growth of eMag Solutions’ industry leading eDiscovery solutions. - June 24, 2011 - eMag Solutions, LLC

Singer, Songwriter Risks All to be Home with Fans

Singer, Songwriter Risks All to be Home with Fans

Rivera opts out of National Tour launch in favor of releasing his long awaited first album from his home town, Rockford Illinois. - June 23, 2011 - Solaris Entertainment, LLC

Worldblu Founder, Traci Fenton, in Twin Cities to Share Inside Secrets That Power Zappos, Groupon, Hulu and All 2011 Worldblu-Certified Organizations

On June 23rd at 6 pm at frankfest (612 W. 27th St, Minneapolis, MN 55408) Ms. Fenton will present success stories in creating freedom, democracy and business results at work – in organizations from 5 - 80,000 employees - June 23, 2011 -

Friend of Pertria, Takigawa Design Wins 2011 Gold Summit Creative Award

Takigawa Design, a brand strategy and design firm based in Monterey, California, was awarded the 2011 Gold Summit Creative Award for their poster titled: “Act Accordingly.” - June 23, 2011 - Pertria

Striving for Success is a Double-Edged Sword - Releases Results of Their Research on Type A Personalities

Queendom releases results from their study on people with Type A personality traits, and reveals the downside of striving for success. - June 23, 2011 - PsychTests AIM Inc.

Formic Media Makes Donation to Help Local Charities

Formic Media, Inc. announced that it would be making a $500 donation to Dining to Give, a local company helping enable small acts of philanthropy through bi-monthly dinners held at the Oregon Culinary Institute. Formic Media has always had a commitment to the local community it serves. When... - June 23, 2011 - Formic Media, Inc.

Gunn/Jerkens Hosts Social Media Workshop in Orange County, Shows It's Time to Join the Conversation

Gunn/Jerkens recently hosted a social media workshop in Orange County, where guests learned how social media can be used to build brand awareness, cultivate meaningful relationships with homebuyers and help sell homes. - June 23, 2011 - Gunn/Jerkens

Lon Kurriger Joins Mikan Associates as Managing Consultant

Lon Kurriger has joined Mikan Associates as a Managing Consultant of the company's Madison, WI office. Lon brings valuable expertise not only specific to SAP Business Objects but also to Business Intelligence and Data Warehouse concepts and strategies. - June 23, 2011 - Mikan Associates

Indigo Identityware Announces Strong Authentication E-Prescribe Functionality

Indigo Identityware announces strong authentication electronic prescription (e-prescribe) functionality for physicians in clinical and hospital settings. - June 23, 2011 - Indigo Identityware

New Ebook Helps Businesses Get More Attention

Ryan Holota Freelance Writing and Marketing releases a free ebook titled "16 Ways To Use Writing To Promote Your Business." This ebook is available for free download at - June 23, 2011 - Ryan Holota Freelance Writing And Marketing

Best Practices for Designing Mobile Touch Screen Applications

With over 200 mobile projects managed, User Centric has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of mobile application design, and has compiled this list of best practices for designing mobile apps. - June 23, 2011 - User Centric, Inc.

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