Michaels Stores, Inc. Chief Marketing Officer Shares Successes and Challenges at DFW AMA Luncheon

The Dallas/Fort Worth American Marketing Association presents “Retail Marketing: What is Next?” with Michaels Stores, Inc.ʼs Paula Puleo. Puleo will be the keynote speaker at the associationʼs Dallas Executive Luncheon on Wednesday, October 20, 2010 at 11:15am at Brookhaven... - September 25, 2010 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

Flagpole Software Offers Free How-to Guide and Video on Improving Employee Engagement

Flagpole Software, a leader in web applications for Open Innovation and Employee Collaboration, has recently released a how-to guide and video to help companies improve Employee Engagement and morale. - September 25, 2010 - Flagpole Software

Intelestream to Exhibit at the 2nd Annual Chicago TechExpo Event

Intelestream CRM consultants will be demonstrating intelecrm™, the company’s on-demand CRM application while focusing on how a customer-centric approach helps small and medium sized businesses stay competitive. - September 25, 2010 - Intelestream Inc

Voicebrook to Exhibit at CAP ’10 The Pathologists’ Meeting™

Voicebrook to Exhibit at CAP ’10 The Pathologists’ Meeting™

Voicebrook Licenses CAP electronic Cancer Checklists, Offering New VoiceOver® Template Options -- Voicebrook’s VoiceOver® to be Included on the CAP Diagnostic Work Station - September 24, 2010 - Voicebrook, Inc.

Live Seminar: QlikView: Go ''Off-Road'' with Your Business Data

Seeing is believing! Sponsored by both QlikTech and WIT Consulting, join them for complimentary breakfast and learn about this exciting data analysis tool. Find out how QlikView can help you go ''Off-Road'' with Your Business Data - September 24, 2010 - WIT Inc.

Pinstripe Marketing Sponsors American Institute of Architects’ Archifest

Pinstripe Marketing is pleased to announce its sponsorship of the American Institute of Architects’ Archifest, a two week celebration of architecture in Central Florida. The Archifest activities include: Architecture + Film: Citizen Architect at Muvico Theater Ybor on September 30,... - September 24, 2010 - Pinstripe Marketing

Chantal Beaupre Interviews Author and Motivational Speaker Jim Donovan

On October 5th, world-renowned author and highly sought-after motivational speaker, Jim Donovan, will be a featured expert on a complimentary teleseminar hosted by Chantal Beaupre. - September 24, 2010 - Chantal Beaupre

New Green Teams Report Presents Framework for Delivering Value

Green Teams Value Contribution Framework in AltaTerra Research’s new report on green teams and value, helps organizations understand and realize green team potential. - September 24, 2010 - AltaTerra Research

"The True Dynamics of Life" is Now Amazon Best Seller

Mike Robinson, an international spiritual teacher has authored a revolutionary selfhelp book titled ‘The True Dynamics of Life’ which is now an Amazon best seller. - September 24, 2010 - Mike Robinson

Fuentek President Laura A. Schoppe to Serve on The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE) Panel

Schoppe to Discuss Growing a Business in the Triangle at Oct. 7 Luncheon - September 24, 2010 - Fuentek, LLC

ISOReady Announces the Addition of a Variety of New Services to Simplify the Certification Process for Clients

Starting October 2010, ISOReady is offering a few new services to assist clients with their budget of becoming ISO/AS certified. Insurance Reduction Program- ISOReady has partnered with some insurance companies to allow for their clients to receive up to 20% reduction on insurance... - September 24, 2010 - ISOReady Quality Certification Services

Global Coach Center Academy Presents On-Line Cross-Cultural Training on Living in China

The Global Coach Center Academy, an on-line academy for expatriate courses, has teamed up with a cross-cultural trainer in China to bring affordable cross-cultural training on Living in China to expats. - September 24, 2010 - Global Coach Center

919 Marketing Honored in Inc. Magazine’s Inc. 500/5000 List

North Carolina firm selected as one of the nation’s top 200 fastest growing marketing agencies - September 24, 2010 - 919 Marketing Company

Seabury Group Names Walter Skowronski to Board of Advisors, Ex-President of Boeing Capital Corporation Complements Existing Board Members

Seabury’s Board of Advisors provides the company with insights and counsel on industry developments and business strategy. - September 24, 2010 - Seabury Group

The Filtrexx Foundation Achieves 501(c)(3) Status

The Filtrexx Foundation, a nonprofit organization focused on facilitating environmentally conscious projects, achieved 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization status on September 15, 2010. The Filtrexx Foundation was formed to work collaboratively with public and private entities to facilitate projects... - September 24, 2010 - Filtrexx Foundation

Metis Counseling Announces Open House

Metis Counseling opens doors to the public for a Grand Opening on September 30 - September 24, 2010 - Metis Counseling, LLC

Life is Heart - Changing the Economy One Soul at a Time

Boulder Man Sets Out on a 21 Day Tour to Enrich Lives and Stimulate the Economy - September 24, 2010 - Life is Heart

Accenture and Cisco to Keynote at Upcoming CIO Insurance Summit

The CIO Insurance Summit Team announced today that representatives from Accenture and Cisco will deliver keynote presentations at the upcoming technology event. The Summit will be held October 17-20, 2010, at the JW Marriott Camelback Inn in Scottsdale, Arizona. The CIO Insurance Summit is an... - September 24, 2010 - CDM Media

Scott "Spiderman" Mulholland of U S Building Consultants Addresses the Pros and Cons of Chinese Drywall Remediation

Scott "Spiderman" Mulholland of U S Building Consultants Addresses the Pros and Cons of Chinese Drywall Remediation

There are four main methods or approaches to remediation currently being used or considered for the remediation of structures with Defective (Chinese) Drywall. Mr. Mulholland explains the pros and cons of each approach and provides more information related to this issue. - September 23, 2010 - USBCI

Middle Managers Spread Thin as Organizational Structure Flattens

New spans-of-control study suggests that organizational restructuring does little to improve competitive advantage. - September 23, 2010 - Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp)

Kengin Consulting Inc. Releases NewfoundlandFUN Lite & Deluxe for iPhone Users - Carry a Piece of the Island in Your Pocket

Kengin Consulting Inc. has released NewfoundlandFUN Lite & Deluxe versions for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch users. Each version of the app offers a variety of fun locations and activities for visitors to the island, along with a taste of its unique culture through local sayings, festivals, and more. - September 23, 2010 - Kengin Consulting Inc

Blugrapes Puts Maaduu Facebook Page on Overdrive

Blugrapes has officially moved into Malaysia through a partnership with Better Digital Solutions and helped Malaysia's First Korean Drama site hit 16,000 fans in 3 days. - September 23, 2010 - Blugrapes Pte Ltd

Franchise In-Sites Guides New Care Concept through Online Lead and Sales Maze

With a diverse collective background of franchising experiences, Franchise In-Sites has propelled newcomer IKOR to exceed their initial growth goals. Online lead generation and new franchisee acquisition doesn't have to be confusing and cost-prohibitive for early-stage franchise systems. - September 23, 2010 - Franchise In-Sites

San Diego Marketing Group Attending The 9th Annual Smile Gala

San Diego Marketing Group is attending the 9th annual Smile Gala in Los Angeles on Friday, Sept. 24. - September 23, 2010 - San Diego Marketing Group

San Diego Marketing Group Holding Charity Event to Raise Money for Operation Smile

San Diego Marketing Group is hosting a charity Wiffle Ball Tournament on Sunday, Sept. 26 at Kate Sessions Park to raise money for Operation Smile. - September 23, 2010 - San Diego Marketing Group

HireLive - Helping Put America Back to Work

With the national unemployment rate currently 9.6%(i) HireLive is excited to announce their “Helping Put America Back To Work” Campaign. In these challenging economic times, competition in today’s job market can be fierce. Dedicated to helping put America back to work, HireLive... - September 23, 2010 - HireLive

Indie Comedy "Raging Hormones" Wins 2010 L-Dub Film Fest

"Raging Hormones," the independent film comedy, produced by Thrill Street Entertainment, Inc., (www.RagingHormonesMovie.com) won "Best Feature" in the First Annual L-Dub Film Festival in Lake Worth, Florida. The "coming-of-age" comedy faced extremely tough competition... - September 23, 2010 - Thrill Street Entertainment, Inc.

Internet Marketing for Home Builders

Builder Web Marketing is a new, professional Internet Marketing firm targeting residential home builders and their suppliers. Website design, social media, article marketing, email marketing, lead management— whatever builders and suppliers can use to grab the future of new home builder sales are available in a cost-effective and well thought out program. Gregory Wood is the principal at Builder Web Marketing, and the chief consultant. - September 23, 2010 - Builder Web Marketing

Ed Ulmer of Barefoot Technologies to Speak at VRMA Annual Conference

Ed Ulmer, Director of Business Development, Barefoot Technologies has been selected to speak at the annual VRMA Conference in San Antonio, Texas. - September 23, 2010 - Barefoot Technologies

TMC Services, Inc. Raises $18,000 for Charity

TMC Services, Inc. hosted The 2nd Annual Environmental Services Fall Golf Classic to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation® of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. - September 23, 2010 - TMC Services, Inc.

Direct-to-Consumer Pioneer Dale Henn Joins Risdall Marketing Group to Form New Division

Risdall Henn Direct-to-Market brings together the expertise and suite of resources necessary to effectively connect with consumers. - September 23, 2010 - Risdall Marketing Group

National Grid Implements ZEMA Suite Replacing Incumbent Competitive Solution

ZE PowerGroup Inc.® is pleased to announce that National Grid http://www.nationalgrid.com/ (LSE: NG.; NYSE: NGG), has implemented its ZEMA Suite™ enterprise data management software solution to support US energy procurement operations. National Grid is an international energy delivery... - September 23, 2010 - ZE PowerGroup

Dodge Communications Adds New Clients to Growing Roster of Healthcare Brands

Three clients sign on with leading healthcare firm for strategic public relations and marketing support - September 23, 2010 - Dodge Communications

Studio Three Sixty Receives 2010 PROTOS Special Events and Observances Award of Excellence

South Orange County, California Marketing and Advertising Firm Studio Three Sixty receives a 2010 Award of Excellence at OC PRSA's PROTOS award ceremony earlier this year. - September 23, 2010 - Studio Three Sixty

The Green Roundtable / NEXUS Selected by Enterprise Green Communities to Join Prestigious Technical Assistance Provider Network

Two leading organizations work towards mainstreaming green affordable housing to promote healthy living environments for low-income residents - September 23, 2010 - The Green Roundtable / NEXUS

Nexage Selected as DataXu’s Supply Partner for First Mobile Demand Side Platform

Partnership between Nexage and DataXu creates efficiencies and scalability for mobile ad buying. - September 23, 2010 - Nexage

Skills to Achieve Offering New Solution to Get North Americans Back to Work

Skills to Achieve Offering New Solution to Get North Americans Back to Work

With the North American economy coming back – slowly and the threat of a double dip many job seekers are looking for resources that will get them back to work. After 2 years of research, development and testing, Corey Harlock has launched Skills to Achieve. Skills to Achieve is a... - September 22, 2010 - Skills to Achieve

The Web Agent Offers HTML 5 to Current and New Clients

Internet Explorer 9 Beta has been released and it supports HTML 5. With this new release, The Web Agent now offers HTML 5 coding. Del Maxwell, owner of The Web Agent says, “This is great news for the future of web design. IE9 is the first version of Internet Explorer that works with HTML 5. - September 22, 2010 - The Web Agent

Ericsson at Managed Services for Emerging Markets Conference to Present on Key Benefits of Managed Services Technologies

Dubai, United Arab Emirates -- Neoedge’s Managed Services for Emerging Markets have joined forces with Ericsson and other international telecom leaders, the organizations announced today. Ahmed Seemab, the Head of Market Development and Managed Services, in the Middle East region for Ericsson... - September 22, 2010 - Neoedge Pte. Ltd

NaturCert Signs Representative Office for Spain & Andorra

NaturCert announces the appointment of Grupo Natura for providing NaturCert Certification in Spain & Andorra. - September 22, 2010 - NaturCert E.E.

eLogic Group to Deliver Keynote Address at 2010 North American CWG Conference

The Configuration Workgroup (CWG), an international user group of SAP customers, has announced Michael Shields, co-founder and CEO of eLogic Group as its keynote speaker for the 2010 North American CWG Conference scheduled for October 3rd - 6th in Marco Island, Florida. The CWG conference mission... - September 22, 2010 - elogic group

Ahern and Associates Announces Engagement Details of Three Additional Acquisition Clients Within Trucking and Logistics Industries

Leading transportation acquisition and consulting firm contracted to deliver acquisition targets for three additional buyers; brings total to thirteen open assignments. - September 22, 2010 - Ahern and Associates

Telesis Completes Data Conversion on BlueWave Technology’s PipelineClaims for Narragansett Bay Insurance Company

Telesis, LLC, a software automation testing company to the insurance industry, announced that Narragansett Bay Insurance Company (NBIC) successfully converted all its production claims data from its legacy system to its new BlueWave Technology PipelineClaims application using Telesis’s data... - September 22, 2010 - Telesis, LLC

Wood Costs for Sawmills and Pulp Mills in Sweden on the Rise in 2010, Reports the Wood Resource Quarterly

Continued healthy markets for lumber, pulp and paper has kept demand for logs at high levels in Sweden. As a result, log and wood chip prices have increased substantially the past 12 months, according to the Wood Resource Quarterly. - September 21, 2010 - Wood Resources International LLC

Bond International Software’s eEmpACT On Demand Debuts Staffing Industry’s First SaaS Cloud Computing Front & Back Office Solution

eEmpACT On Demand, the first 100% web-based front and back office staffing software solution, is poised to improve staffing operations at a critical growth time for the industry. As the industry begins an upward trend, eEmpACT signs 15 new customers in the summer of 2010. - September 21, 2010 - Bond International Software

Risdall Marketing Group Wins 20 WebAwards

The Web Marketing Association (webmarketingassociation.org) honored Risdall Marketing Group (RMG) for outstanding Web development by recognizing the agency with 20 WebAwards, placing the agency third overall in total awards won. This year’s showing follows RMG’s record-setting... - September 21, 2010 - Risdall Marketing Group

The Parents Handbook to Give Away 4 American Airlines Tickets to Vail, Colorado

The Parents Handbook is giving its readers and viewers the opportunity to register for a chance to win 4 free tickets on American Airlines. The round trip tickets will be valid for travel to/from the Vail - Eagle County Regional Airport (EGE) from/to any domestic US 48 American Airlines destination. - September 21, 2010 - The Parents Handbook

New eBook - Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison

27-page eBook features expert insights and recommendations for addressing sales and marketing alignment. - September 21, 2010 - AG Salesworks Inc

Rentricity Completes First Commercial Installation for Pennsylvania Water Authority

Rentricity Completes First Commercial Installation for Pennsylvania Water Authority

Rentricity’s 30 Kilowatt Micro Hydro Flow-to Wire System powers water pumps with “green’ electricity at the MAWC Beaver Run Water Treatment Plant in Westmoreland County, PA. - September 20, 2010 - Rentricity Inc.

Cleveland SEO Firm President, Wendy Suto, Becomes Featured Author on Site Pro News

Wendy Suto, CEO and President of Search Circus, Inc., a Cleveland SEO and social media firm, was recently made a featured author on SiteProNews.com. - September 20, 2010 - Search Circus, Inc.

Press Releases 27,301 - 27,350 of 38,307