Rising Designer Presents a Fresh Look at Modern Style

Prismera Design brings a contemporary eye to classic design, offering fresh accessories that fuse tradition, nature, and modern style. - May 03, 2007 - Prismera Design

New Jacksonville-Based Clothing Line Opens Online Store to the Public

Shoreside is a surf-inspired clothing company based in Jacksonville, Florida founded in 2006 by Jacob "Jake" Wulff. Shoreside designs and sells t-shirts, shirts, sweatshirts, shorts, flip-flops and more for men, women and kids. Shoreside is privately funded and headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. Shoreside's official website can be found at www.shoresideclothing.com and on MySpace at www.myspace.com/shoresideclothing. - April 29, 2007 - Shoreside Clothing Company

InteriorFusion.com Offers Gift Registry with Partial Purchase Feature

InteriorFusion.com recently completed the integration of a new gift registry service that features partial-purchase ability and social networking features. - April 29, 2007 - eWish.com

Shenoa & Company, "Where Diamonds Come From," Now Where Money Comes From

Shenoa & Company, selling diamonds online, has announced a new finance program geared at providing customers a "No payment for 90 days with no interest option". - April 28, 2007 - Shenoa Diamonds

Sri Lanka Produces the World’s Best Sapphires, Found in Crysobel Earrings

Sri Lanka Produces the World’s Best Sapphires, Found in Crysobel Earrings

The Crysobel Jewelry Collection uses precious gemstones including the world’s most exquisite pink, blue and white sapphires imported from the designer’s homeland of Sri Lanka. - April 26, 2007 - Crysobel

Michigan Jewelry Designer Debuts at Latin Billboard Music Awards

Michigan Jewelry Designer Launches New Site, Debuts 2007 Spring Collection at Latin Billboard Music Awards - April 26, 2007 - Sara Nolte Designs

James Free Jewelers Named a Harper's Bazaar Jewelry Leader

Harper’s Bazaar today announced that James Free Jewelers has been named a Harper’s Bazaar Jewelry Leader. James Free Jewelers joins the prestigious group of Harper’s Bazaar’s Jewelry Leaders; the top 124 best jewelry and watch retail stores in America, as chosen by their... - April 26, 2007 - James Free Jewelers

Presenting Skirt Spot.com - The Internet's Only All-Skirt Store

Everyone knows that skirts are a staple of any well-heeled woman's wardrobe. Yet there is no online store dedicated solely to them. That has changed with the launch of SkirtSpot.com, a Los Angeles-based seller of its own line of women's skirts. Skirt Spot makes each skirt when it's ordered, and delivers worldwide. - April 25, 2007 - Skirt Spot

1in3Trinity Co-Sponsors 30th Annual Dallas International Guitar Festival Party for Invisible Children

1in3Trinity, a Faith-inspired company of lifestyle products, with The Dallas International Guitar Festival, is proud to have had the opportunity to co-sponsor the opening night party in honor of the film, Invisible Children. The benefit weekend ran from April 20th – 22nd at Dallas Market... - April 25, 2007 - 1in3Trinity LLC

Baby Rab Will be a Part of the Exclusive, Celebrity Driven Spring Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club Gift Basket

Baby Rab has been selected by Glamour Guru Jayneoni Moore to be in the exclusive Spring Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club Gift Basket on April 25, 2007. The Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club is an exclusive celebrity baby gifting experience for celebrity tots. - April 24, 2007 - Baby Rab

Cool Baby Clothes at www.SandboxCouture.com have Arrived and are In-Stock

Funky Onesies, Stylish Tees, Camo Baby Selections Have Been Added - April 23, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

Edgy Baby Clothes for Spring 2007 are In-Stock at www.edgybabyclothes.com

Collections From Well Known, Trendy Baby Clothes Designers - April 23, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

Top Five Reasons to Celebrate Corporate Anniversaries

Make it unforgettable to your customers, reconnect with a community or release a new product: corporate jubilee is marketing executive’s favourite trump card. - April 23, 2007 - Heart-In Diamond

Brianna Babywear Part of the Exclusive Spring Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club Gift Basket

People Magazine has called 2007 "the year of the baby" and Glamour expert Jayneoni Moore is preparing for Spring Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club Gift, Brianna Babywear Inc. has been selected by Glamour Guru Jayneoni Moore to be in the exclusive Spring Hollywood Baby Breakfast Club Gift... - April 21, 2007 - Brianna Babywear Inc

Josh Barnett, “Baby Faced Assassin,” Releases Affliction Signature Shirt at Solis

Josh Barnett, “Baby Faced Assassin,” releases his new Affliction UFC Signature Series at Solis. Barnett made UFC history in 2002 when he became the youngest fighter in history to win the UFC Heavyweight Championship title. Other signature shirts in the series include designs from Randy... - April 21, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

AllThingsJewish.com Adds Gift Registry Service by eWish.com

AllThingsJewish.com offers a large selection of Judaica and Jewish gifts and recently added a gift registry for all Jewish simchas including Jewish Weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, Bat Mitzvahs, and New Jewish Babies. AllThingsJewish.com features numerous items made in Israel the addition of a gift registry... - April 20, 2007 - eWish.com

Spicing it up - New European Women’s Wear Collection Spice and Roses for Spy Zone International

Johnson proved a major success as the creative director and head designer with previous worldwide collections including, Jessie USA, Goa, & Vintage Rebel. Both a friend and mentor to designer Alex Caugant (Antik Denim and Life and Death), Johnson is a veteran to great fashion with market appeal. The launch of her latest women’s contemporary label Spice and Roses boasts a complex balance of raw, yet feminine styles. - April 19, 2007 - Spy Zone Exchange

MotherEarthandBaby.com Add Gift Registry Service by eWish

MotherEarthandBaby.com is a premier website for organic clothing and heirloom quality gifts on the web recently added an online gift registry service powered by eWish.com to make gift buying simple, convenient, and social. - April 19, 2007 - eWish.com

American Chi Wows Buyers with New Fall 2007 Line

Private Showing for Fall/Winter 2007/08 - April 19, 2007 - American Chi

Hello Kitty Little Girl Tank Tops In-Stock Now for Spring 2007 at SandboxCouture.com

Arrivals of Jeweled Hip Styles of Tanks for Girls 2-6X - April 17, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

Rebecca's Bridal Bazaar Buys Inventory of Hyman Hendler & Sons and Opens Online Store and Warehouse in San Diego

Acessorizing and customizing bridal or prom look made easier by access to Hyman Hendler & Sons inventory now available online at Rebecca's Bridal Bazaar- www.rebeccasbridalbazaar.com and in San Diego at 2627 Boston Ave. Public & wholesalers welcome. - April 15, 2007 - Rebecca's Bridal Bazaar

Solis Releases Chuck Liddell, The Iceman Affliction Signature Tee in UFC 71

Chuck Liddell, “the Iceman”,” releases his new Affliction UFC Signature Series at Solis, www.soliscompany.com. Liddell is the current Lightweight Champion of the world for the Ultimate Fighting Championship. Chuck Liddell will defend his title as Lightweight Champion on May 26,... - April 14, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Solis and Paul Frank Give Away Free Paul Frank Julius Bike

Paul Frank Industries and Solis Company team up with a contest to giveaway a brand new Paul Frank bike. This grand prize has a frame of a classic and highly collectible Nirve Cruiser and bears the unmistakable and iconic Paul Frank logo of Julius. Contestants may enter the contest automatically by... - April 13, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Dynamic Duo’s MySolitaire.com Reports 364% Year Over Year Sales Growth from 2005 to 2006

MySolitaire.com reported that revenues for 2006 grew 364% from the previous year. - April 13, 2007 - Mysolitaire.com

Boutique Childrens Birthday Outfits from Liliputians NYC

Celebrate Their Special Day With Birthday Outfits from Liliputians NYC. Liliputians NYC presents its new, expanded line of birthday outfits for boys and girls. Unique in style, each design is handmade to order and heirloom quality. They are colorful, whimsical and fun; think polka dots, birthday cakes, petit four cakes, balloons, sock monkeys, & more! - April 12, 2007 - Liliputians NYC

Hip Heatherette Fashion Line Arrrives in Arizona Exclusively at Icon Fashion Boutique

Heatherette's ready-to-wear fashion line officially arrives in Arizona this month exclusively at new Tempe boutique - April 12, 2007 - Icon Fashion Boutique

Funky Oysters Launches Site Showcasing the Versatile Freshwater Pearl

In time for Mother’s Day, Proms, and Graduation, Funky Oysters offers freshwater pearls in traditional & modern designs at affordable prices. - April 12, 2007 - Funky Oysters

Shenoa & Company Selling Diamonds with a Record Breaking First Quarter

Shenoa & Company, selling diamonds online in an ever growing competitive market that is still in a seasonal slump, reported record breaking growth during the first quarter. - April 11, 2007 - Shenoa Diamonds

1in3Trinity Gift Bags for the First Dallas All Star Celebrity Slam Jam

To Be Coached By Dallas Maverick Players On Saturday, April 14 At SMU’s Moody Coliseum - April 11, 2007 - 1in3Trinity LLC

Diaper Duty Becomes Glamerous

Mom Offers Chic and Portable Changing Pad - April 09, 2007 - Pink and Purple Inc.

Find Exclusive Gifts for Mother's Day – Giftsallindia.com

Would you like to discover the secret of putting a smile on your mother's face on 13th May 2007? Would like to do something extra special for that special person in your life? Just in time Giftsallindia.com has come up with a special and unique Mother's Day Gifts including some specially chosen to pamper her. Below are some of the many special gifts. - April 09, 2007 - GiftsAllIndia.com

EME Launches Collar Card™ - The Credit Card-Sized Collar Stay Holder

The Collar Card is a credit card sized card that contains four pop-out collar stays. Put it in your wallet so you always have Collar Stays when you need them. Great product for the traveling businessman or anyone on the go. - April 09, 2007 - EM Enterprises, LLC

Relios Launches New Dedicated Wholesale Website

Relios Inc., designer and manufacturer of contemporary Southwestern jewelry designs, has launched an improved dedicated wholesale website. The dedicated site will provide their wholesale customers with an improved web experience by creating a streamlined process designed specifically for the needs... - April 08, 2007 - Relios Jewelry

All India Gifts: Send Mother's Day Gifts to India

Mother's Day is the highest gift-giving occasion. Let your mom know how much you love and care by surprising her with eye-catching and unique gifts from Allindiagifts.com. In case your Mom doesn’t remember what gift you gave her on last Mother's Day, then here are some special gift ideas that she will keep in mind for years to come. - April 07, 2007 - All India Gifts

Solis Releases Georges St. Pierre "Rush" Affliction Signature Series Shirt – Fighting in UFC 69 Shootout

Solis releases the latest in the Affliction UFC Signature Series, designed by Georges St. Pierre “Rush,” the current UFC Welterweight Champion of the world. Available now at www.soliscompany.com the limited edition Affliction Signature Series shirt retails for $46.99. Georges St. - April 07, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Sandbox Couture Receives Trendy Baby Clothes and Childrens's Clothes for Spring

New Styles feature robust colors and cool styles for warmer weather. - April 06, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

SandboxCouture.com Adds Barn By Mad Sky to Its Baby Clothes Product Line

Edgy Styles for the 0-12m baby boy and girl - April 06, 2007 - Sandbox Couture

National Dermatologist Survey Reveals Five Most Frequently Recommended Sunscreen Brands

Neutrogena, Coppertone, Anthelios, Blue Lizard and SolBar are the brands of sunscreen most recommended by dermatologists according to a survey by Coolibar, the leading provider of quality sun protective clothing. - April 05, 2007 - Coolibar

Missouri Mom of 8 Celebrates Grand Opening of Online Jewelry Store

Nixa, Missouri mom of 8 celebrates storewide Grand Opening of The Silver Outlet - April 04, 2007 - The Silver Outlet

Sadeco, Inc. Today Announces Its New Online Shopping Mall Offering 1,000 Products Direct to Consumer

Sadeco, Inc. today announces that the company has started a new Web site geared to high-tech consumer products. Company President, Rolando Sablon, said today, "Our company is looking forward to bringing consumers new and exciting products. With our unique selection of products and quality... - April 04, 2007 - Sadeco, Inc.

Ladies, Raise Your Purses...

Ladies, Raise Your Purses...

Introducing 'The Little hook™' — the hip new fashion accessory for Hollywood stars and their purse. “When it comes to a woman’s purse…give her a raise…” - April 03, 2007 - The Little Hook, Inc.

Summer Camp Tip: Wear Swim Shirts and Hats Say Nation’s Dermatologists

Annual Survey of Dermatologists Reveals 95 Percent Recommend Summer Camp Sun Protection Such as a Swim Shirt or Wide-Brim Hat - March 30, 2007 - Coolibar

PillowsAndThrows.com Launches Gift Registry Service Powered by Ewish.com

PillowsandThrows.com, recently added a new gift registry service to make gift buying simple, convenient, and social. Pillows and Throws is known for carrying a wide selection of modern bedding and modern pillows. Marketing Manager Pamela Stanmire explains, “We offer a large selection of... - March 29, 2007 - eWish.com

Under3 Essentials Launches Gift Registry Service Powered by eWish.com

Under3essentials.com recently added a new gift registry service designed to make gift buying simple and convenient. Under3 essentials, is dedicated to improving life for infants, toddlers and their families and provides products that reflect this goal. Under3 Essentials was born when infant... - March 28, 2007 - eWish.com

Unique T-Shirt Company Announces Launch of eCommerce Site

GAFY.com Ducks Decency One Shirt at a Time - March 27, 2007 - GAFY

Newly Released Solis Square Cut Tank Makes the Editor’s List

Hot and sexy square cut tanks are newly released by Solis! This tank, favored by rap superstar 50 Cent, who has been seen about town and on screen wearing this form fitting top, has already hit the top of Solis’ best seller on SolisCompany.com, exalts Steve Haas The cut is sexy! One and... - March 27, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Randy "The Natural" Couture Live at Solis on Market, San Francisco on March 29th, 2007

Randy "The Natural" Couture, the current Heavyweight Champion of the Ultimate Fighting Championship will be available for photos and press interviews on March 29, 2007 at Solis on Market, located at 2231 Market Street, in San Francisco between 6:30-7:00 PM. Also known by his fans as... - March 27, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Rachelle Leah to Co-Host Solis “Super Natural” on March 29th 2007

Rachelle Leah host of UFC's All Access, Stuff magazine cover model, UFC Octagon Girl and Maxim Magazine cover model to host Solis “Super Natural” with Randy "The Natural" Couture, the current Heavyweight Champion of the Ultimate Fighting Championship and Amy McCarthy,... - March 27, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

Solis and Elle Magazine Rock Bangkok Fashion Week

Solis Company teams up with ELLE Magazine to bring cutting edge fashion to ELLE Bangkok Fashion Week! The 8th annual ELLE Fashion Week is being held between October 31 and November 5, 2006. ELLE Bangkok Fashion Week was introduced in 1999. It was the first truly international-style fashion show... - March 27, 2007 - SUSA Trading LLC (DBA SOLIS)

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