On December 12th, 2009: National Society of Black Engineers Charlotte Alumni Extension Chapter (NSBE-CAEC) & Habitat for Humanity Volunteers Event

National Society of Black Engineers Charlotte Alumni Extension Chapter (NSBE-CAEC) & Habitat for Humanity Volunteers Event on December 12th, 2009 @ 8am – 4pm. - December 05, 2009 - National Society of Black Engineers - Charlotte Alumni Extension (NSBE-CAE)

On December 5th, 2009: National Society of Black Engineers Charlotte Alumni Extension Chapter (NSBE-CAEC); Boys & Girls Scouts Engineering is Fun Event

Volunteers will conduct four hands-on sessions around various fields of engineering including mechanical, civil/structural, electrical, & chemical engineering with the boys & girls scout troops (grades 4-7). - December 05, 2009 - National Society of Black Engineers - Charlotte Alumni Extension (NSBE-CAE)

Veterinarian Carrie J. Miller Receives NAPHIA Grant

Veterinarian Carrie J. Miller Receives NAPHIA Grant

The grant is due in part to honor the late “Heimdall,” a much beloved deaf Great Dane. The grant is provided to support further research of mutating bacterial pneumonia and other respiratory illness in large breed dogs. - December 04, 2009 - North American Pet Health Insurance Association

Canyonlands Field Institute Announces Rainbow Bridge Trek in Southern Utah for Spring 2010

Hiking Trek through Native American Lands with Packstock Support April 27 - May 2, 2010 with Canyonlands Field Institute. Trek from Navajo Mountain to Rainbow Bridge with experienced Navajo Guides and CFI Naturalists. - December 04, 2009 - Canyonlands Field Institute

The University of Toledo Chooses Agilon's Fundraising and Fund Accounting Solution

The University of Toledo will partner with Agilon to upgrade its alumni, fundraising, and financial information systems to improve information flow and maximize efficiency across multiple business units. - December 04, 2009 - Agilon, LLC.

Association of Computer Repair Business Owners Launches New Website

The Association of Computer Repair Business Owners has launched its new website as of 1 December. Due to the growth of the Association the old site was no longer able to accommodate the members. Founded in 2007, the Association of Computer Repair Business Owners members are committed to the... - December 04, 2009 - Association of Computer Repair Business Owners

Vanguard University’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) to Hold the Global Awareness Fair

Companies involved in ethical business practices will be showcased at the Global Awareness Fair, held by Vanguard University’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) team. This project features walk-through exhibitions of various socially responsible companies and will be held at The Camp in Costa Mesa (2937 Bristol St, Costa Mesa, CA) on December 6, 2009 from 12-3 PM. - December 03, 2009 - Vanguard University SIFE

God’s Green Africa Unites East/West to Build New Africa

God's Green Africa, a division of God's Green America, announced today its alliance with The Rehoboth Foundation to build partnerships in the West expediting economic development in Africa. God's Green Africa President Dr. Cheryl Hill and Rev. Felix Awotula, president of The Rehoboth Foundation,... - December 03, 2009 - God's Green America

Lead Sheet - No Weatherproof Product is as Efficient or Sustainable as Lead Sheet

Builders, architects and craftsmen can now take advantage of the falling cost of raw materials. The price of lead sheet has not been so low for years. This new price level has reinforced the competitiveness of lead sheet in comparison to synthetic alternatives available in the market. Choosing to... - December 03, 2009 - European Lead Sheet Industry Association

Riverside Humane Society Pet Adoption Center Gears Up for December’s Month-Long Home 4 the Holidays® Adoption Event

The Riverside (CA) Humane Society Pet Adoption Center hopes to reach its goal of 1550 pets adopted in 2009 at the conclusion of Home 4 the Holidays adoption event. Can’t adopt? The society offers other ways to help homeless and needy cats and dogs. - December 03, 2009 - Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center

Voluntourism Travelers’ Donations Raise Funds for a New Haven for Children Threatened by Homelessness and Poverty in Cuzco, Peru

Planeterra’s “Project Cuzco Kids” Will Provide Volunteer Opportunities for Adventure Tour Participants Exploring Peru's Machu Picchu and Sacred Valley. - December 03, 2009 - Planeterra Foundation

Schools Invited to Take Part in Programs Teaching Community Service While Raising Money for Cancer Cures

New Web Site Makes Registration Easy - December 03, 2009 - The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Chandler Church Celebrates, "Simply Christmas"

Chandler Christian Church announced the launch of its, “Simply Christmas” website (www.thesimplechristmas.com) to provide the community resources and inspiration to have a simpler Christmas while focusing on why we truly celebrate the season. Roger Storms, Senior Pastor of Chandler... - December 03, 2009 - Chandler Christian Church

Lamorinda CERT and DART Announce February 2010 Training

Lamorinda CERT and DART announce the dates for their February Basic CERT Training. Participants will become disaster first responders, ready to assist local emergency responders in case of a disaster. CERT graduation is a requirement for participation in the Lamorinda DART training later this year. - December 03, 2009 - Lamorinda DART

Garden at Eden Family Day This Saturday

Eden Autism Services Florida’s urban-farming project, the “Garden at Eden,” will host an open house and hayride, free and open to the public, on Saturday, Dec. 5. - December 03, 2009 - Eden Autism Services Florida

ACCA Pakistan Hosts Islamic Finance Debate

WebEx seminars consider opportunities provided by economic conditions - December 03, 2009 - ACCA

Dr. William F. Greenlee of the Hamner Institutes Earns Benjamin Rush Award from Dickinson College

The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences has announced that Dr. William F. Greenlee, president and CEO, received the Benjamin Rush Award and delivered the 2009-2010 Rush lecture on Tuesday, Nov. 17, at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa. Each year, Dickinson College bestows the prestigious Rush... - December 03, 2009 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

New Study Shows Marriage Vote in Three States Tied to Same Demographics; Ranks States by Likelihood of Passing Marriage Equality

Town-level vote totals in Maine, and county-level results in California and Washington, were merged with 21 demographic variables to assess whether there was a consistent explanation for the results in the three states. The study found, in all three states, higher levels of wealth and education were strong predictors of support for the equality position. - December 03, 2009 - Liberty For Maine

ICSARM Announces Development of Church Safety Roundtables

ICSARM Announces Development of Church Safety Roundtables

The Institute for Church Safety and Risk Management (ICSARM) has announced that beginning January 1, 2010 they will begin to rollout local Church Safety Roundtables across the United States and Canada. - December 02, 2009 - Institute for Church Safety & Risk Management

Daytona Beach Area Unitarian Universalists Present Dan Gribbin Lecture on Pete Seeger and Modern American Folk Music

The Unitarian Universalist Society Daytona Beach Area, on December 2, 2009 at 7pm, will be presenting Dan Gribbin's lecture and discussion of modern American folk music, highlighting Pete Seege's role in its mid 20th Century popularity and its use in protests for issues of social activism. - December 02, 2009 - Unitarian Universalist Society Daytona Beach Area

Alabama Symphony Orchestra is on the Road at Faith Chapel Christian Center December 13th

Faith Chapel Christian Center’s Fine Arts Ministry is teaming up with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra (ASO) to present “A Gospel Christmas,” featuring the Dr. Henry Panion III as conductor. - December 02, 2009 - Faith Chapel Christian Center

Global Reporting Initiative: A Call to Action

Sustainability reporters invited to participate in survey. - December 02, 2009 - ACCA

Mensinsight.com Has Expanded to Include More Alternative Therapies in Achieving Optimal Prostate Health

Every day more and more men are turning to Alternative Methods or Choices to increase their options in prostate enlargement "Prevention." Mensinsight.com was launched to provide information in knowing how to prevent and/or reverse the possible debilitating lifestyle diseases related to an enlarged prostate before it become cancerous. Mensinsight.com has recently expanded to include Ayurveda and other Alternative Therapies. - December 01, 2009 - Natural Wonders International LLC

BRAOA Now Offering Canadian Bathtub Refinishing Referral Services

In a statement released today, the Bathtub Refinishing Association of America has announced that it is expanding its bathtub refinishing referral services to bathtub refinishing service providers in Canada. - December 01, 2009 - Bathtub Refinishing Association of America

World Vision Goes Around the World to Find the True Spirit of Christmas Next Stop: Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Since November 19, World Vision and thousands of people around the world have been traveling the globe in search of the Christmas spirit as part of the Christian humanitarian agency’s “Spirit of Christmas” tour. The month-long tour features interviews and stories with children and... - December 01, 2009 - World Vision US

CLM Educational Sessions Go International

The Council on Litigation Management (CLM) recently conducted its first international educational session, with a highly successful foray into Bermuda, which CLM hopes to use as a springboard to other international locations in the coming year. - December 01, 2009 - Council on Litigation Management

30 Min Phone Survey for Texas Healthcare Workers- $25 Target Gift card

New Study Available for Texas Healthcare Workers from SEDL/Southwest ADA Center-Participants will Receive a Target Gift card for 30-minute phone interview. - November 29, 2009 - DBTAC SW ADA Center

Another Breakfast Seminar @ NYIGF

Another Breakfast With The Day Spa Association @ NYIGF The Beauty of Green The Day Spa Association is pleased to announce its continued collaboration with EX·TRACTS® at the New York International Gift Fair® (NYIGF®) this coming winter. After an extremely well received and... - November 29, 2009 - The Day Spa Association

Access to Finance (and Lunch) in Birmingham

On Friday 27 November, the West Midlands Members’ Network of ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) will be holding its 3rd annual business lunch and presentation at Opus Restaurant in Birmingham. - November 28, 2009 - ACCA

Luton’s Budding Business Entrepreneurs

Luton sixth formers were introduced to the world of business this week. - November 28, 2009 - ACCA

The Tennessee Aquarium’s Tropical Holiday Adventure: a Colorful World Excursion in Downtown Chattanooga

Soak in the fun at the Tennessee Aquarium this holiday season with the Tennessee Aquarium Tropical Holiday Adventure. A fun filled family vacation to see many of the tropical animals of the world is happening right now in Downtown Chattanooga. - November 27, 2009 - Tennessee Aquarium

Doorways for Women and Families Receives Highest Ratings from Charity Navigator and the Catalogue for Philanthropy of Greater Washington

Doorways for Women and Families, Arlington’s leading provider and advocate for victims of homelessness, violence and abuse, has received two major awards recently, recognizing its outstanding fiscal management and results. Charity Navigator, America’s leading independent charity... - November 27, 2009 - Doorways for Women and Families

Ways Women Orgasm, the Female Sexuality Forum, Announces a New Blog Post: True Female Sexual Arousal and Orgasm

The only reason that anyone would want to stimulate their genitals is to enjoy their sexual arousal through orgasm. Unfortunately many women never explore the eroticism that leads to sexual fantasies and to female sexual arousal. Ways Women Orgasm is a forum for female sexuality and provides an open discussion of women's orgasm techniques including clitoral stimulation and sexual fantasies. - November 27, 2009 - WaysWomenOrgasm.org

IERG Boston Chapter Inside Look - the Human Element of Social Media Networking - an International Gateway for Collaborative Business Connections

The fundamentals of traditional business processes and the theoretical applications to conduct business operations have been in effect for the last 100 + years. With the wide spread use of the Internet in the late 1990’s businesses began to explore new ways of conducting and connecting with... - November 26, 2009 - International Executive Resources Group, Inc., Boston

God’s Green America and Kimberly Parry Organics Partner on Natural Skin Care

God’s Green America announced today a partnership with Kimberly Parry Organics as a featured product of God’s Green Home, a division of God’s Green America. - November 26, 2009 - God's Green America

IAPAM Announces Botox Training Program Tips for the New Aesthetic Physician

Botox / Dysport injections are the most popular aesthetic medical procedure performed in the U.S. However, such market growth has lead to the undesired reality that physicians mistakenly think that all they need to do is hang out a sign and start injecting. The IAPAM now offers doctors these tips in selecting a botox training program. - November 26, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Bob Robinson for State Representative Election Committee Appoints Communications Director

Eaton Rapids native, Steven Strang, appointed as Communications Director for the Bob Robinson for State Representative Campaign. - November 26, 2009 - Bob Robinson for State Representative Eaton County

MultiFunction Cardiography

The American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine (AAUCM), in adhering to its core mission of education and professional development, is the first medical society to evaluate and test the newest technology in assessing coronary heart disease. - November 26, 2009 - American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine

WCED Announces Carl Zeiss Optronics USA to Establish U.S. Headquarters in Wake Forest

Ken Atkins, executive director of Wake County Economic Development (www.raleigh-wake.org), has announced that Carl Zeiss Optronics USA, LLC will establish its U.S. headquarters in Wake County, N.C. In the initial phase, Carl Zeiss Optronics will hire five employees and lease office space in Wake... - November 26, 2009 - Wake County Economic Development

International Day for Tolerance on a Global Scale

Scientology Churches in cities around the world observe the United Nations-designated International Day for Tolerance with petition drives calling on their countries to mandate human rights education. - November 25, 2009 - Church of Scientology Los Angeles

UK’s Tax System Faces New Year Upheaval

· VAT up from 15 to 17.5 per cent on 1 January 2010 · Loss of personal allowance (tax free allowance) for 40% tax payers earning over £100,000 · Higher rate tax of 50 per cent for those paid £150,000 or more · A general election which means probably a spring budget followed by another after the election · ACCA wants a tax New Year Resolution – transparency, no more stealth taxes - November 25, 2009 - ACCA

Enable America Congratulates Clark Construction for Helping Veterans

On November 19, Clark Construction provided on-the-job employment mentoring to seven disabled military veterans, as part of a Disabled Veterans Employment Mentoring Month program held in conjunction with Enable America. - November 25, 2009 - Enable America

GreenCitizens.net Announced as the Online Media Partner for IYCN’s Agents of Change (AOC) Program

GreenCitizens.net, a recently launched web portal with the purpose of generating climate change related awareness among the masses, has signed up as the online media partner for Indian Youth Climate Network’s Agents of Change (AOC) Program. - November 25, 2009 - First Carbon

The Medical Tourism Magazine Officially Releases Podcast with Elizabeth Boultbee, Managing Director of Boultbee & Co.

The Medical Tourism Magazine (http://www.MedicalTourismMag.com) the official publication of the Medical Tourism Association releases latest podcast with Elizabeth Boultbee, Managing Director of Boultbee & Co. and Medical Tourism Association advisory board member. Elizabeth addresses her... - November 25, 2009 - Medical Tourism Association™

Bob and Penny Lord Expand Mini Book Selections

Bob and Penny Lord have recently expanded their selection of mini books available. Originally, they concentrated on mini books on the Super Saints series only. Now they have decided to produce mini books on many of their other series. Moreover, they plan to start immediately to have the Many Faces... - November 25, 2009 - Bob and Penny Lord

Arizona Self-Storage Association Initiates Statewide Toys for Tots Campaign

Member Facilities Supporting Program By Serving As Drop-Off Locations - November 25, 2009 - Arizona Self Storage Association

World Vision Goes Around the World to Find the True Spirit of Christmas Next Stop: Quito, Ecuador

Since November 19, World Vision and thousands of people around the world have been traveling the globe in search of the Christmas spirit as part of the Christian humanitarian agency’s "Spirit of Christmas" tour. The month-long tour features interviews and stories with children and... - November 25, 2009 - World Vision US

Hundreds of Children Line Up to Become Drug-Free Marshals

Parents thank Church of Scientology for helping to educate their children about the harmful effect of drugs. - November 25, 2009 - Church of Scientology Los Angeles

Ellis Island: Where It Began and Where It Ended

German Americans were interned during WWII at the same time and in the same camps as Japanese Americans. The internment of German-Americans began on December 8, 1941 on Ellis Island and this date is being commemorated this year with a conference on the island under the title: Ellis Island: Where It Began and Where It Ended. - November 24, 2009 - German World Alliance

The Liaisons Chapter of BNI Holds Visitors’ Day on Dec 3rd

Business Network International (BNI), an international networking organization specializing in business referrals among members, is holding a Visitors’ Day for its Liaisons Chapter on December 3rd from 7:30 am to 9:00 am at the Anaheim Plaza Hotel, Anaheim. The Visitors’ Day event is an... - November 24, 2009 - Business Networking International

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