A Call for National Unity Among African Americans Author of "the Black-Print" Makes an Appeal to African Americans

The lack of unity among African Americans is the major reason for the many ills that afflict our people and our communities. The disheartening truth is that many African Americans do not see themselves as one race of people. According to a survey by the Pew Research Center in 2007 titled “Optimism about Black Progress Declines – Blacks See Growing Values Gap Between Poor and Middle Class”... - November 23, 2009 - Going Beyond The Dream

Westchester Business Connection Sponsors Holiday Toy Drive

In addition to giving local business owners and entrepreneurs a chance to network in this tough economy, the Westchester Business Connection, the NY Metro area’s fastest growing networking organization, is doing its part to help the less fortunate this holiday season. - November 23, 2009 - The Westchester Business Connection

Seneca Rotary Helps Fill Blue Ridge Elementary Library

The Seneca Rotary Club supports the Seneca area schools in many ways, and this past week they turned another page in the book on their history by donating $250 to the Blue Ridge Elementary School. A new school needs new books and that’s where the Seneca Rotary club stepped in. Ralph Nix... - November 23, 2009 - Seneca Rotary Club

Special Christmas Networking Reception for Built Environment Professionals at the East London Design Show, Friday December 4th

Business Junction and Design Minded are holding a special networking reception aimed at design and built environment professionals, at The East London Design Show on Friday December 4th at 6.00pm in Shoreditch Town Hall. The event will offer a unique opportunity for London designers, architects and other construction professionals to network over a glass of wine and food, with all the show exhibitors previewing their work. Book here: http://www.businessjunction.co.uk/index.php/fuseaction/events. - November 23, 2009 - Business Junction

The National Community RX Assistance Program to Provide Prescription Assistance

Free Prescription Drug Card Offered to All US Residents. - November 23, 2009 - The National Community RX Assistance Program

The Wellness Community Seeks Participants for New Support Program for Breast Cancer Patients and Loved Ones

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura is seeking participants for a new program of support and education called “CAREing & COPEing.” This exciting 4-week program, beginning January 12, 2010, will provide education and support to people with breast cancer and loved ones. Each week a... - November 22, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

NAWBO San Diego December Seminar Focuses on Leadership

Dr. Helen Eckmann will present "Women, Power, Authority and Leadership" on Dec. 11 from noon to 1 p.m. as part of NAWBO San Diego's seminar series. - November 22, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

“Impunity in India” – An Evening of Reflection and Hopeful Projection

In conjunction with Trinity University’s Students Creating Awareness of the Sikh Faith (SCASF), Sikh Research Institute presented an evening of informed dialogue and reflection on the events of November 1984, in which organized anti-Sikh mobs massacred thousands across cities in northern... - November 22, 2009 - Sikh Research Institute

Charleston Breast Center Advocates Women Get Mammograms at Age 40

The Charleston Breast Center urges women to continue to get annual mammograms beginning at age 40, refuting the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force report recommending women wait until age 50. - November 22, 2009 - Charleston Breast Center

The Future of Energy: Exploring Our Options

A new study is set to begin soon which will provide results and consequences of various forms of electric power generation. - November 22, 2009 - OSA, Inc.

Scholarships Available to Area High School Seniors

Graduating high school seniors in Collier, Hendry, and Lee Counties planning college majors in special education or related disciplines are eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship offered by Eden Autism Services, a New Jersey-based nonprofit organization with Florida locations in Naples and Fort... - November 21, 2009 - Eden Autism Services Florida

Riverside (CA) Humane Society Pet Adoption Center to Aid Homebound Pet Owners with Chuck Waggin’ Pet Meals Program

The Riverside (CA) Humane Society Pet Adoption Center has teamed with Meals on Wheels to provide free cat and dog food through its Chuck Waggin’ Pet Meals program. The pet food is donated by individuals, retailers and other businesses, repackaged into weekly meals by RHSPAC volunteers, and delivered by Meals on Wheels volunteers to their homebound clients. - November 21, 2009 - Mary S. Roberts Pet Adoption Center

Laptops, Cell Phones Fueling Rape and War in the Congo?

Conflict Minerals Trade Act key first step to ensuring armed groups don’t benefit from Americans’ high-tech purchases, says aid group. Eastern DRC has one of world’s highest rates of gender-based violence, child soldier use. Legislation would help companies certify products as “conflict free,” World Vision says. - November 21, 2009 - World Vision US

Social and Economic Factors Signal a Shift in Training Needs for Finance Professionals, Says ACCA

Social and economic trends have influenced dramatically the training requirements of the global finance profession, according to a new report by ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants). - November 21, 2009 - ACCA

Does Every Little Gift Really Make a Life-Changing Impact for Children Around the World? World Vision Goes Around World to Find Answer – and the True Spirit of Christmas

Beginning November 19, join World Vision and thousands of people around the world on the "Spirit of Christmas" tour as a team from the Christian humanitarian agency travels around the globe in search of the Christmas spirit. The month-long tour will feature interviews and stories with... - November 21, 2009 - World Vision US

IAPAM Offers Consumers Cosmetic Injectable Safety Tips: Watching a Video Does Not Constitute Botox Training

Yes, its hard to believe but there are websites that are promoting DIY (Do It Yourself) Botox. - November 21, 2009 - International Association for Physicians in Aesthetic Medicine

Gerdau Ameristeel Helps Disabled Veterans in Florida

As part of Disabled Veterans Employment Mentoring Month, Gerdau Ameristeel provided on-the-job experience to a group of veterans looking for employment. This program was produced in conjunction with Enable America, a non-profit committed to improving employment opportunities for all people with disabilities. - November 20, 2009 - Enable America

Las Vegas Style Walk Up Weddings in Houston

Get Married In Houston and the Westwind Country & Western Dance Club team together to bring Las Vegas style Walk Up Weddings to Houston. A Walk Up Wedding is an alternative for couples who wish to skip the extravagances of an expensive wedding ceremony during these difficult economic... - November 20, 2009 - Get Married In Houston!

Cross International Partners with Local Agencies to Feed the Homeless, Hungry in Broward County

Cross International, a South-Florida-based Christian relief and development ministry, is partnering with two local outreach agencies to distribute Thanksgiving food supplies to hundreds of the poor in Broward County this month. - November 20, 2009 - Cross International

Businesses in India Need to Prepare Urgently for the Introduction in 2011 of IFRS Says ACCA

Ambivalence and lack of focus are major hurdles to a smooth conversion says global accounting body. - November 20, 2009 - ACCA

Perymon Named Assistant Director of Adult Services at Eden Autism Services Florida

Amber D. Perymon, Psy.D., joined Eden Autism Services Florida as Assistant Director of Adult Services. In this role, she will provide clinical oversight for all of Eden’s adult programs, including residential services, adult day services and training, and employment and vocational... - November 20, 2009 - Eden Autism Services Florida

Carbon Accounting - Building the Case for a Green Work Place

An environmentally friendly office is not hard to achieve says ACCA (the Association for Chartered Certified Accountants) today as it offers ten practical tips for a sustainable workplace as part of its drive towards carbon accounting. - November 20, 2009 - ACCA

Ways Women Orgasm, the Female Sexuality Forum, Announces a New Blog Post: Sheltering Young Women from Eroticism

Young women are often not told about eroticism and sexual pleasure for fear that they will be exploited by men through sex. Since women's sexual arousal is more difficult to achieve during sex, women are less likely than men to find sexual promiscuity sexually rewarding. Ways Women Orgasm is a forum for female sexuality and provides an open discussion of women's orgasm techniques including clitoral stimulation and sexual fantasies. - November 20, 2009 - WaysWomenOrgasm.org

Westchester Non Profit Created by Students Raises $25,000 and Sends Two Students on Summer Teen Tours

Trip of a Lifetime, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created by twelve high school students from Scarsdale, NY, raised $25,000 to send two students from Yonkers, NY, on summer teen tours to the West Coast. - November 19, 2009 - Project: Trip of a Lifetime

Brasovan Endorsed by Texas Eagle Forum's Pat Carlson

Mike Brasovan, Congressional Candidate for District 12, has been endorsed by Pat Carlson. Carlson, of Fort Worth, is the newly appointed President of Texas Eagle Forum. - November 19, 2009 - Texans for Brasovan

God’s Green Africa Partners with Republic of Benin

God’s Green Africa, a division of God’s Green America, today announced its partnership with The Republic of Benin to unite resources of the West with the imminent local needs of health, agriculture, housing and education. This multi-faceted initiative will provide a template for... - November 19, 2009 - God's Green America

Hamner Institutes Scientist to Speak at Conference Focusing on Military Life Sciences Initiatives

The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences has announced that Melvin Andersen, Ph.D., director of The Hamner Program in Chemical Safety Sciences and director of the Computational Biology Division, will join a panel at the U.S. Department of Defense’s Transformational Medical Technologies... - November 19, 2009 - The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences

Hudson Recruiter to Address Career Transformations

Career Transformations has announced that Derrick Henderson, recruiter at Hudson, a provider of permanent recruitment, contract professionals and talent management solutions worldwide, will be the speaker at the group’s next meeting on Wednesday, Nov.18 from 7:30 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. in the... - November 19, 2009 - Career Transformations

"Crush Global Warming" with Personalized Music Video

Nonprofit ACE :: Alliance for Climate Education Rocks Social Media to Help Youth Declare Energy Independence - November 18, 2009 - ACE :: Alliance for Climate Education

Mimi Rothschild and Learning By Grace Announce Launch of YouTube Channel

Educational multi-media content will help homeschooling students and their parents. - November 18, 2009 - Mimi Rothschild

New Year Tax Rise Will Hit Wealthy UK Residents, Says ACCA

• New 50% rate for higher earners will have impact • Withdrawal of the personal allowance for those earning over £100,000 • VAT up to 17.5% - November 18, 2009 - ACCA

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura Presents "Frankly Speaking About Colorectal Cancer" Dec. 19

The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura will host a free workshop for people affected by cancer entitled: Frankly Speaking About Colorectal Cancer with Heinz-Josef Lenz, MD, FACP. The program will explore colorectal cancer treatment, side-effect management and psychosocial aspects of the illness. - November 18, 2009 - The Wellness Community Valley/Ventura

Join NAWBO San Diego to Celebrate the Holiday Season

Happy NAWBO! will be a festive evening of food, drink and networking on December 7 at Solare Ristorante. - November 18, 2009 - NAWBO San Diego

Wisconsin Builders Association® Develops Home Construction Contract

The new WBA Home Construction contract has been developed to set a statewide industry standard for a professional agreement between a builder and owner. This user-friendly contract will increase professionalism in residential building through its consistent language, fair and reasonable risk allocation; and fair and reasonable default standards for its members and professionals within the building industry. - November 18, 2009 - Wisconsin Builders Association

Clark Construction to Mentor Disabled Veterans in San Antonio

In conjunction with Disabled Veterans Employment Mentoring Month, a Texas construction company will provide on-the-job mentoring to military veterans at one of its work sites in San Antonio. - November 18, 2009 - Enable America

Interior Decorating Just Became Easier with "the Decorator's Notebook"

Creating a beautiful home used to be a challenging process, but no longer. Whether you are a DIY or Professional Interior Decorator, The Decorator's Notebook Online Magazine, has removed the fear of decorating and growing a business. This exciting publication, brought to you by The Society of... - November 18, 2009 - The Society of Decorating Professionals

The BOSS Network - Ladies That Lead Luncheon - November 21, 2009

BOSS™ -- "Bringing Out Successful Sisters” presents the “Ladies that Lead Luncheon.” This series will honor exceptional Chicago women in education, business, administration and mentorship who are dedicated to guiding and empowering our youth and making a difference in... - November 17, 2009 - BOSS™ Network

PSA Campaign to Encourage Hosting Foreign Exchange Students Wins Prestigious Award

Radio public service announcement campaign wins Davey Award for excellence - November 17, 2009 - The Council on Standards for International Educational Travel

Landmark Study in Heavy Metal Detoxification Published Using Activated Liquid Zeolite

The Health and Wellness Research Institute is pleased to announce the November 10, 2009, publication of the clinical trial of activated zeolite in the journal, Nutrition and Dietary Supplements. The clinical trial named “Clinical evidence supporting the use of an activated clinoptilolite suspension as an agent to increase urinary excretion of toxic heavy metals” presents compelling evidence using Natural Cellular Defense as a natural chelator to remove a wide range of harmful heavy metals. - November 17, 2009 - Health and Wellness Research Institute

ACCA Awards Scottish Accountants in Graduation Ceremony

It All Adds Up for Scottish Accountants with ACCA. - November 16, 2009 - ACCA

Rethinking Psychiatric Crisis: Alternative Responses to “First Breaks”

Experts on responses to first-break psychosis from across the world gather in New York City, presenting a one-day conference open to the public: November 23rd, 2009 9 AM - 7:30 PM New York University, Kimmel Center - November 16, 2009 - International Network Toward Alternatives and Recovery (INTAR)

UK’s Leading Heart Rhythm Charity Backs National Campaign to Highlight Atrial Fibrillation

Charity welcomes new campaign by BHF to improve knowledge of Atrial Fibrillation - November 16, 2009 - Arrhythmia Alliance

Number Resource Organization Emphasises Importance of Internet Resource Management in Developing Regions

A multi-stakeholder approach is vital to continued global development of the Internet. Fair access to IP address blocks remains a priority for NRO. - November 15, 2009 - Number Resource Organization

Portable Storage Units Used to Develop Marketing Suites

Architects and engineers work together to develop innovative marketing suites built from used portable storage containers. - November 15, 2009 - National Portable Storage Association

Family Service Provides a Virtual Connection for Donors This Thanksgiving

Family Service recently kicked off their annual Thanksgiving Turkey Drive for individuals and families in need. This year, along with collecting frozen turkeys and sides, they added a brand new Virtual Food Drive to the mix to make it easy for donors to make a difference. - November 15, 2009 - Family Service

Capital District Local First’s Buy Local Bash 2009

To offer locally based alternatives to big-box Holiday shopping, Capital District Local first, will hold it’s annual Buy Local Bash on Versio November 21st, 2009 from 5-9pm at the Troy Atrium 297 River Street, Troy. This is the third annual Buy Local Bash held by the group. Last years’... - November 15, 2009 - Capital District Local First

The Hope Process Names Met’s Legend Ed Kranepool as National Spokesman and Executive Director

The Hope Process today announced Met’s Legend, Ed Kranepool, as it’s national spokesman and Executive Director. The Hope Process, a division of IRN payment systems, enables IRN’s customers to donate to charities based on a percentage of their credit card processing fees that would... - November 15, 2009 - The Hope Process

Sexual Recovery Institute Preps as Sex Addiction Hits Mainstream Media

The Nation’s Leading Sex Rehab Center Launches Affordable Educational Series for Those Wrapped in the Tangled Web of Sexual Addiction and Unhealthy Compulsive Behaviors. - November 15, 2009 - Sexual Recovery Institute

Ethan Allen CEO Supports Friends Forever Peace Initiatives in Israel

Ethan Allen CEO Supports Friends Forever Peace Initiatives in Israel

Mr. Farooq Kathwari the Chairman, President and CEO of Ethan Allen hosted a meeting with Israeli teen leaders that participated in the 2009 / 2010 Life Raft program. - November 14, 2009 - Friends Forever USA

The Latino Breakfast Club and Chicago Hope Academy Bridge the Gap

The Latino Breakfast Club and Chicago Hope Academy Bridge the Gap

As part of the Chicago area participation in Global Entrepreneurship Week, The Latino Breakfast Club (LBC) and Chicago Hope Academy (Hope) present “Bridging the Gap.” On November 18th, 2009 at 3pm, the Senior Class of Hope and members of business communities around Chicago will come... - November 14, 2009 - Latino Breakfast Club

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