OAIN: Maryland Debate Shows Contention Around Forced Insurance Bundling

Industry experts and Maryland state officials jockeyed over the necessity of legislation to bar forced bundling. - April 02, 2012 - Online Auto Insurance

Pulse Energy Customers Lead the Way for Earth Hour

Clients of Vancouver-based Pulse Energy reduced their energy consumption by 15.8% during Saturday night’s Earth Hour, 8:30 to 9:30pm, representing another successful year of widespread action. Over the course of a year, if every British Columbian made this change for an hour per day it would... - April 02, 2012 - Pulse Energy

emedia Unveils Content Curation & Promotion Website for Cloud-Based Technologies and Solutions

B2B lead generation services firm emedia introduces Cloud Computing Insights, a content destination site for developers, systems & applications specialists, and CTOs. - April 02, 2012 - Emedia USA

Sparkling Logic Accelerates the Operationalization of Data Insight

Adapt business strategies effectively by iterating rapidly between Business Rules and Analytics at the first signs of business change. - April 02, 2012 - Sparkling Logic, Inc.

Ereviewguide.com Issues Twitter @ and # Marketing Guide

Twitter's reputation as a marketing platform continues to grow by leaps and bounds. "Unfortunately a lot of this is based on wishful thinking and misrepresentation. There has been a lot of unwarranted hype regarding the marketing power of the @ and # feature," said Oliver Thompson, eReviewGuide representative. Ereviewguide.com issues a realistic and truthful guide on how to use this feature to spread your message. - April 02, 2012 - eReviewGuide.com

Jen Kopra Photography Develops New Site with 360 PSG

Jen Kopra Photography recently launched its new website with 360 Professional Services Group. - April 02, 2012 - 360 Professional Services Group

FSSI Partners with Shaw Systems to Provide Print and Electronic Customer Communications

Print-Mail outsourcing company FSSI announces a new partnership with industry software leader Shaw Systems, Inc., in which its customer communications solutions will complement Shaw’s Loan Servicing and Collections/Recovery products. - April 02, 2012 - FSSI

DeskCenter® Usa, Inc. Announces Innovative Cloud-Based Software Recognition in Conjunction with Release 9.4

DeskCenter® USA Inc., the independent distributor of DeskCenter® Solutions AG., recently announced the introduction of new release Version 9.4 of its IT Management and Lifecycle Suite. DeskCenter® USA welcomes you to a free download for Version 9.4. DeskCenter® USA, Inc. today... - April 02, 2012 - DeskCenter USA Inc.

Norway Distribution Launched MultiTap Text App to Transform iPhone with a Numeric Keyboard

Norway-based app development company Norway Distribution has launched its first iOS app, MultiTap Text to help users stop struggling with the iPhone’s QWERTY keyboard. When people upgrade from ordinary mobile to iPhones, many of them would really find it hard to adapt to the QWERTY keyboard. - April 02, 2012 - AlphaDigits

Adbacker Shifts the Evolution of Advertising by Fusing It with Crowdfunding

Adbacker, a Company that Develops and Distributes Online Ads for Social Change, Announced That It Has Delivered over 20,000,000 Ads Through Their Crowdfunding Platform. - April 02, 2012 - Adbacker Inc

Safe Body Art Act (AB 300) Training Offered in Sacramento, CA

The Body Art Training Group will present the bloodborne pathogens segment of an all-day training program on California’s new Safe Body Art Act (AB 300). This training will be given on Monday, April 2 in Sacramento, CA at the Annual Educational Symposium of the California Environmental Health Association - April 02, 2012 - Body Art Training Group

Aress Software Participated in the Prestigious WorldHostingDays Global 2012 Conference

Aress Software successfully participated in the WorldHostingDay Global 2012 conference held in Germany. WHD.global is the largest hosting event which unites the key members of the leading hosting companies worldwide and provides opportunities for business and social networking. - April 01, 2012 - Aress Software and Education Technologies Private Limited

Paper on Automated Testing Control System Octopus Wins Best Paper Award at VALID 2011 in Barcelona

The paper featuring Octopus™, a system for automated testing control, has been recognized as the best paper at the Third International Conference on Advances in System Testing and Validation Lifecycle VALID 2011. - April 01, 2012 - Applied Systems Ltd.

CAMplete Solutions Inc. Signs VAR Agreement with Turning Technologies UK (TTUK)

CAMplete Solutions Inc. announces the signing of a Value Added Reseller (VAR) Agreement with UK-based Turning Technologies UK Ltd. (TTUK) part of the Engineering Technology Group to provide local UK customers, running Nakamura-Tome Multitasking machines, with advanced CAMplete TruePath TurnMill post-processors, G-Code verification and technical support services. - April 01, 2012 - CAMplete Solutions Inc.

Skint’s Chief Technology Officer Featured in Newly Released Book

Darryl Kuhn recognized for creating and delivering a personal customer experience - April 01, 2012 - Skinit, Inc.

Annodyne Launches New Brand

Annodyne unveils its new brand identity — challenging today’s marketers to cut through the white noise and Change the Conversation. - April 01, 2012 - Annodyne, Inc.

EIM to Release Learn 'N' Earn and Interactive Incentives Games Modules

EIM will release two new modules to its suite of recognition and incentive solutions – Learn ‘N’ Earn and Interactive Incentive Games – at the World at Work Total Rewards Conference in Orlando, May 2012. - April 01, 2012 - Excellence in Motivation

Skinit Releases Tablet Skin Sales Stats in Conjunction with Product Announcements

Skinit’s On-Demand Platform Finds Sales Trends upon the New iPad Announcement - April 01, 2012 - Skinit, Inc.

KFCD 990 AM "Broadcasts" to the Web Using Fission CMS

KFCD 990 AM recently launched its updated website with 360 Professional Services Group. - April 01, 2012 - 360 Professional Services Group

99Games Launches Its Popular iOS Game WordsWorth on Android

Play WordsWorth with your friends & family on Android smartphones, Kindle Fire and NOOK. - April 01, 2012 - 99Games Online Pvt. Ltd.

Hudson Horizons Launches Luster Sound

Top NJ Web Development Agency Launches Website for Voice Over Professional - April 01, 2012 - Hudson Horizons

RMI Debuts New User Types Offering

The framework for the new structure is based on job responsibility and provides each system user more of the features they need at a reduced cost. Branded as “User Types,” each offering is designed to meet the access and communication requirements of the user and is organized into three distinct types: Office Workers, Mobile LT (Lite) Workers, and Full ERP Workers. - April 01, 2012 - Rental Management Inc

Sigwich Free Email Signature Officially launches Its Webmail and Outlook Product

Sigwich has just finished its Beta phase and is ready to introduce itself to the world as the premier email signature provider. Best of all Sigwich is completely Free. Sigwich puts your personality and/or business profile right in every email you send. Your Email signature will promote and drive... - April 01, 2012 - MashView Technology

Lori Stewart, EVP of Most Innovative Startup on the Planet, Addresses Global Product Management Talk

Lori Stewart, EVP Strategy & Business Development eThor.com and Founder at Awesome Foundation Calgary, Discusses Transforming Ideas Into Innovation with The Global Product Management Talk Community. - April 01, 2012 - Global Product Management Talk

Stunning New TV Series "Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer" Premiers at MIPTV Cannes as Production Begins on Season Two

Stunning New TV Series "Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer" Premiers at MIPTV Cannes as Production Begins on Season Two

The highly acclaimed new television program, “Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer,” will be shooting its second season starting in April 2012. The much-anticipated first season of this prime time series will debut to broadcasters at the upcoming MIPTV markets on April 1, 2012. Content Media Corporation and KoldCast Entertainment Media have acquired international distribution rights to the new adventure travel series “Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer.” - March 31, 2012 - Wright Productions, LLC

Smart OCR SDK Now Delivers Invoice Recognition

SmartSoft has introduced invoice recognition capabilities in Smart OCR SDK. - March 31, 2012 - SmartSoft

This Book May be Stupid – But Christopher Nosnibor’s No April Fool as Clinicality Press Unveil New Novel

Published by Clinicality Press on April 1st, Christopher Nosnibor’s latest novel is designed to baffle, perplex, irritate... and to entertain. Entitled "This Book is F*cking Stupid," it’s also another willful work of self-sabotage. - March 31, 2012 - Clinicality Press

Social Media Optimization Course Launched at DICC

While keeping in mind the increasing scope of Social Media, Delhi Institute of Computer Courses (DICC) has just launched Social Media Optimization (SMO) course. The course content designed by experts and DICC take care all the recent trends in social media while composing the course. DICC know that... - March 31, 2012 - Delhi Institute of Computer Courses

Social Media Advertising Revenue to Show Steep Growth, Reaching $25bn by 2015 and $114bn by 2020 - HnyB Insights

2nd Edition of research series released by HnyB Insights titled Social Advertising Strategy and Outlook, which shows that the Social Media Advertising revenue is close to $5.5Bn in 2011, and will grow to $8.2Bn in 2012, around $25Bn by 2015 and $114Bn by 2020. The research series covers around 40+ regions across the globe and provides short term to long term forecast and guidance. - March 31, 2012 - HnyB Insights

Mark Anthony Germanos of Cameron Park Computer Services to present "How to Make More Money with QR Codes" to Placer County Assn of Realtors on April 3

Major presentation to Placer County Association of Realtors RE: QR Codes to occur on Tuesday April 3, 2012. For those who want to improve their marketing, QR Codes may be the golden ticket. You can create a web page that says all you want to say about your product or service and then distribute QR Codes linking back to that web page on bookmarks, brochures or business cards. QR Codes are for smart phone users. Smart phones outsell desktop computers in the US. - March 31, 2012 - Cameron Park Computer Services

LeavingStone Created Twittus: A Loyal Servant That Aggregates All the Tweets in the Facebook Timeline Box

Twittus is a loyal servant that aggregates all the tweets in Facebook Timeline box, thus they are no longer mixed up with the rest of the content. - March 31, 2012 - LeavingStone

Black Rose Writing Presents The AntiCAT Book by Bruce Sheiman

A Book for Dog-People and Cat-People. The pet world is divided into two groups – dog-people and cat-people – each claiming that its preferred animal is the reigning champion. - March 31, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

DFW AMA Hosts Marketer of the Year Awards Gala

Metroplex marketers to convene on April 18 and recognize the best of the best. - March 31, 2012 - Dallas Ft. Worth American Marketing Associaton

Metrics’ Marketing Group Selected to Present on User Experience at YouToo Social Media Conference 2012

Cleveland Marketing Firm’s Research and Customer Experience Senior Analyst, Damon Herren Selected to Discuss “User Experience Design and How it Intersects with PR in a Mobile Technology Campaign” - March 31, 2012 - Metrics Marketing Group

Atlantis Computing Launches Solution to Optimize Citrix XenApp in the Virtual Datacenter

Atlantis ILIO for Citrix XenApp Solves the Storage and Performance Bottlenecks - March 31, 2012 - Atlantis Computing

RealTime Publishing Author, Jan Evan Whitford, Releases a Suspense Novel Called Mystic Fear

RealTime Publishing are delighted to announce the release of the second in a series of Suspense Novels by author Jan Evan Whitford. - March 31, 2012 - Ebooks Inc

Ciklum Product Ownership Program is Set to “Bridge the Gap” Between Business Goals and IT

Ciklum has launched a Product Ownership Program aimed at teaching Product Owners how to align business objectives and IT goals. - March 31, 2012 - Ciklum

Math Software Usability Reaches New Heights with Maple 16

Over 4500 additions and improvements across the entire product. - March 31, 2012 - Lanika Solutions Private Limited

QNAP Expands Its Turbo NAS Peripherals Compatibility List, Adding One New 3.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive and Six External Storage Devices

QNAP Systems, Inc. is extending the number of compatible peripherals for its popular lineup of Turbo NAS products. The additions, including one 3.5-inch internal hard drive and six external storage devices, are now fully compatible. The expanded peripherals' compatibility is expected to give users... - March 31, 2012 - QNAP Systems, Inc.

Black Rose Writing Presents Warning Whispers by Paul Korins

This is a coming-of-age novel, especially for children who have experienced a tragic loss in their family. The healing process, and all that it encompasses - adjustment, anger, forgiveness, etc. - is integral to Warning Whispers. - March 31, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

Black Rose Writing Presents The Guardian Chronicles: Emergence by Lewis Keating

“Downtown was practically deserted. Danny ran towards the city market. Sirens and screams could be heard in the distance. Obviously, the police were still in the process of clearing out the area.” -The Levees Break - March 31, 2012 - Black Rose Writing

HostingNitro – New Web Hosting Service

HostingNitro is a new web hosting service which offers Internet hosting infrastructure with its three types of servers: dedicated, virtual and cloud servers. - March 31, 2012 - HostingNitro

WorkTech to Sponsor NorCal MUG and SCMUG

WorkTech will be sponsoring and attending the 2012 spring meetings of the Northern California Maximo User Group and the Southern California Maximo User Group April 4 & 5. - March 31, 2012 - Work Technology Corporation

Namtek Partner Adds Security for Companies Selling Business Services on Amazon’s Cloud Platform

By subscribing to Alert Logic’s latest solution, Threat Manager, customers add vulnerability assessment and intrusion detection to their infrastructure running on the Amazon Web Services platform. - March 31, 2012 - Namtek Corp.

plusadd, Inc. Release iPad Digital Music Score Shop “piaScore Store” Simple Arrangements, Full Version Classical Piano Scores, and More. Over 300 Pieces

plusadd, Inc. (Headquarters: Kawasaki, Kanagawa prefecture; President: Hiroyuki Koike) announces the opening on March 29 of the digital music score store “piaScore Store” as part of the iPad digital music score viewer “piaScore HD” (http://piascore.com/). In the... - March 31, 2012 - Piascore, Inc.

SafePlans Attends Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Academy, St. Louis, MO

SafePlans helped to sponsor in part the first ever Red Cross Emergency Preparedness Academy in St. Louis, MO on March 26 & 27. - March 31, 2012 - SafePlans, LLC

Swearingen Software Announces ONC-ATCB Meaningful Use Certification

Swearingen Software has obtained ONC-ATCB Meaningful Use Modular Certification for RISynergy, their Radiology Information System. - March 31, 2012 - Swearingen Software, Inc.

SSD Inc., Announces Local and Social Marketing Services

Server Side Design is launching new online marketing services that will assist clients in receiving increased overall online visibility. - March 31, 2012 - Server Side Design

Nekochan Hero Arrives at the iTunes App Store

NekoChan Hero is an arcade adventure game developed in Italy by two brothers, Vito and Cosimo Menga. - March 31, 2012 - Mengasoft

Sitrof Promotes Pradeep Jandhyala to Technical Delivery Manager

Sitrof Technologies, a developer of world-class content management, process harmonization and compliance solutions for the Life Sciences industry, has promoted Pradeep Jandhyala to Technical Delivery Manager. Pradeep, who previously served as a Senior Developer at Sitrof, has spent more than eight... - March 31, 2012 - Sitrof Technologies

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