mobiSiteGalore Gets 2008 Innovation Award for Its World’s First ‘build-Mobile-Websites-with-Mobile-Phone’ Application

mobiSiteGalore’s revolutionary free service that enables anyone to build mobile websites using just their basic mobile phone is adjudged Most Innovative Enterprise Mobile Internet Application, Mobile Internet World Innovation 2008 Awards Runner-up. On display at the Emerging Technologies Pavilion Booth 406. - October 23, 2008 - Akmin Technologies

California State University Bakersfield Chooses OrgSync to Provide Web-Based Solutions to Manage Student Organizations

CSU Bakersfield Signs On as the Fourth California State System Institution to Use OrgSync’s Interactive Organization and Communication Tools. - October 23, 2008 - OrgSync

WiseHealth and Chick-fil-A Team Up to Support Marine Corps Marathon Kids Run

WiseHealth, and Maryland Chick-fil-A owners and operators support the Kids Healthy Fun Run at the 33rd Marine Corps Marathon. - October 23, 2008 - WiseHealth Inc.

Broner Celebrates 30 Years Experience in Delivering Value for Steel and Aluminium Producers

Broner Metals Solutions is pleased to announce the celebration of its 30th anniversary of providing world-class supply chain planning, scheduling and manufacturing execution systems for the Metals Industry. - October 23, 2008 - Broner Metals Solutions

Akorri Selects the SyberWorks Hosted Learning Management System for Sales, Technology Partner, and End-User Product Training

SyberWorks, a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, announced today that Akorri, Inc. selected the SyberWorks Hosted Learning Management System (LMS) to provide channel sales, technology partner, and end user product training for their BalancePoint Cross-Domain Performance Management Software for the virtualized data center. - October 23, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.

BFO Release Standalone Java PDF Viewer

BFO's Java PDF Viewer is now available as a standalone Swing application. - October 23, 2008 - Big Faceless Organization to Distribute AXIGEN in Poland

AXIGEN, the professional messaging solution vendor, and Sp. z.o.o., one of the largest Polish system integrators, announced today the closure of a partnership agreement aimed at distributing the AXIGEN messaging solutions on the Polish market. Sp. z.o.o. delivers professional... - October 23, 2008 - AXIGEN

CAL Business Solutions Invests in Microsoft Source Code Authorization Program to Reduce Development Costs for Microsoft Dynamics GP Customers

CAL Business Solutions, a Connecticut-based Microsoft Gold Certified partner with expertise in accounting software solutions, today announced a significant investment in the Microsoft Source Code Authorization Program to become Source Code Authorized for Microsoft Dynamics GP financial management software. Of the approximately 2500 Microsoft Dynamics GP partners worldwide, only 3% are enrolled in the Source Code Program for Microsoft Dynamics GP. - October 22, 2008 - CAL Business Solutions Inc

New Training Solution from TreeLine Makes People and Business Performance Affordable

TreeLine Training, Inc. announced today 17 new e-learning programs and an expanded library of 73 instructor-led programs to meet the growing global demand for effective soft skills at new price levels that every organization can afford. TreeLine has created a new and comprehensive offering called CRPL™. CRPL means Customizable and Reproducible Program Library. From instructor-led programs to e-learning courseware CRPL is designed to improve the performance of people, teams and firms. - October 22, 2008 - TreeLine Training, Inc.

Metafile’s ResultsPlus Fundraising Software Helps Page Education Foundation Build Futures For Minnesota Youths

Fostering Donor Relationships Help Minnesota Youths of Color Achieve College Dreams. - October 22, 2008 - Metafile

Lee County, FL- Clerk of the Circuit Court Selects Axia, Pioneer Technology Group’s Value Adjustment Board Software

The Lee County Clerk of the Circuit Court has selected Pioneer Technology Group to improve the efficiency of the Value Adjustment Board petitioning process. - October 22, 2008 - Pioneer Technology Group

SharePoint Permission Boost Helps Users Customize SharePoint List and Item Permission

SharePoint Permission Boost is a suite of supplementary Feature Enhancement tools to SharePoint List and Item Permission Structures. - October 22, 2008 - Brandysoft

HR Technology Advisors Announces New Appointments

Three new team members will extend consulting, service, and business development capabilities and strengthen core offer. - October 22, 2008 - HR Technology Advisors, LLC

Intelliware’s Panacea Software to Accelerate e-Health Application Development and Testing

Intelliware Development Inc. will showcase the Beta version of its new e-Health software, Panacea, at the Canada Health Infoway Partnership Conference in Montreal on Monday, October 20th. - October 22, 2008 - Intelliware Development Inc.

FISHLABS Goes East: Website and PSMS Billing Launched in Russia

The rock star of mobile games developers will make greater use of viral distribution for high quality mobile games in Russia supported by Iricom (MMSKA™). - October 22, 2008 - FISHLABS Entertainment GmbH

McGovern Consulting Group Announces New Marketing Coordinator

Nonprofit Software and Consulting Services Group continues expansion by announcing Kristy Emery as Marketing Coordinator. - October 22, 2008 - McGovern Consulting Group

Blockdot Wins Four Awards in W3 Competition

Dallas-based Blockdot won a Gold Award and three Silver Awards at the 2008 W3 Awards competition. The awards recognize Blockdot’s outstanding projects for Taco Bell, Doritos, General Motors, and Microsoft. Receiving over 3,000 entries, the W3 Awards honors outstanding Web sites, Web... - October 22, 2008 - Blockdot

Ziphany Expands Into New Facility

In light of Ziphany’s rapid growth and in an effort to meet the needs of its expanding workforce, the company recently remodeled an historic downtown Buffalo building. - October 22, 2008 - Ziphany, LLC

Vicinity Proves to Have the Real Scoop on Formula Manufacturing

Leading novelty cone and wafer producer selects Vicinity Manufacturing™. - October 22, 2008 - Vicinity Manufacturing Has Announced That Their First iPhone Application, a Haunted Halloween, is Now Available at the iTunes App Store

A team of top-notch sound and interaction designers from the theme park industry have released an iPhone application that allows users to create custom spooky soundscapes for their Halloween events by touching onscreen buttons to play back a variety of high quality, Halloween-themed, stereophonic sounds. - October 22, 2008 - Released New Version of Alive HD Video Converter, an independent software company has recently released a New Version of Alive HD Video Converter, a professional HD video converter software to convert AVCHD video to other popular video formats, such as AVI, WMV, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, DivX, XviD, MP4 and more. - October 21, 2008 -

Startup Sets Out to End the Age of Annoying Ringtones

Startup company Hladecek, llc has set out to rid the world of a seemingly endless proliferation of annoying ringtones. How? By creating better ones of course. So the company has today introduced a new ringtone category called "Luxury Ringers" with the launch of its new webstore, - October 21, 2008 - Hladecek, llc

Macraigor Teams with Viosoft to Deliver Linux Development Toolkit for ARM

Engineers can now debug from board bring-up through full Linux application debug with one toolset. - October 21, 2008 - Macraigor Systems LLC

Toufee Launches New Academic Licensing for Educational Users

Toufee has launched a new licensing program that allows educational institutions access its online flash movie maker software. With the new licensing, academic institutions can use Toufee for interactive learning and for developing learning content using Toufee's flash movie maker technologies. - October 21, 2008 - Toufee

What do Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Coscend Have in Common? They Know What It is to be at the ‘Vanguard of a New Evolution’

Industry analysts: · Rank Coscend as a ‘pioneer’ in the communications software services segment. · State that Coscend is the leader of ‘a new evolution’ in the communications software segment. · Rank Coscend along side IBM, Motorola, Accenture, Amdocs, Oracle, SAP, Telstra and Telcordia. - October 21, 2008 - Coscend Communications Solutions

SoliCall Updates Noise Reduction Technology for VoIP, Mobile & PBX

Acoustic Echo Cancellation and Call Monitoring added to SoliCall’s Noise Reduction Technology. - October 21, 2008 - SoliCall

JES & Co. Supports Education Publishers’ Efforts with Free Access to State and National Achievement Standards

JES & Co. Supports Education Publishers’ Efforts with Free Access to State and National Achievement Standards

National and International Education Communities Applaud JES & Co.’s Open Source Education Standards Services - October 20, 2008 - JES & Co.

Communology Joins the OMTP Industry Forum to Simplify Customer Experience of Mobile Applications

As an advisor, Communology will contribute to solve the problem of mobile application platforms fragmentation. - October 20, 2008 - Communology GmbH

Sentrana Defines Critical Path to Enhanced Demand Management

Sentrana Inc., a Washington DC-based leader in solutions for excellence in scientific micromarketing, has defined a critical path to enhanced demand management supported by breakthroughs in large-scale computing technologies. These breakthroughs will improve a company’s ability to accurately... - October 20, 2008 - Sentrana, Inc.

CG2’s LIDAR Database-Generation SBIR for Synthetic Environment

Defense, Homeland Security and Industry Synthetic-Environment Users Now Able to Automate the LIDAR Data-Interpretation Process and Enhance Database Fidelity. - October 20, 2008 - Quantum3D, Inc.

Extending the EQUELLA Agents Program

EQUELLA, the award winning Digital Repository in the education market introduces the EQUELLA Agents Program, designed to enable institutions to benefit from its interoperability with virtually any educational technology. The EQUELLA Agents Program highlights the role content plays as a platform to... - October 20, 2008 - The Learning Edge International

Sage MAS 90 and MAS 200 V4.3 Improve Business Intelligence and Efficiency

The latest version of Sage MAS90 and MAS200 provides businesses with new tools that allow them to become more efficient, productive and profitable. Learn more at - October 19, 2008 - HighTower, Inc.

Mimosa Strengthens Next-Generation Archiving Platform with NearPoint Tiered Storage Option – Eliminates Trade-Offs Between Storage Costs and Access Performance

Mimosa TSO Addresses Surge in Email and File Content to Deliver On-Demand Rapid Access to Intelligent Archive to Reduce Capital and Operational Costs. - October 19, 2008 - Mimosa Systems

Convergence Training Receives First Place at MSHA’s 2008 TRAM Conference

Convergence Training receives First Place for Surface Miner Training software at MSHA’s Training Resources Applied to Mining (TRAM) Conference hosted by the National Mine Health and Safety Academy. - October 19, 2008 - Convergence Training

SharePoint Alert Reminder Boost, Smart Alert Reminder E-Mail Tool for SharePoint

SharePoint Alert Reminder Boost, which contains SharePoint Alert Boost Workflow and SharePoint Reminder Boost Workflow, makes SharePoint 2007 default Alert function more powerful with new features. - October 19, 2008 - Brandysoft

Banque de Luxembourg Enhances Data Processing via GAIN GoldenMaster

By implementing GAIN, the private bank optimizes the delivery of validated pricing data and static data from Telekurs, Bloomberg and Wertpapiermitteilungen into Avaloq. - October 19, 2008 - AIM Software

Mon.itor.Us Free Web Monitoring: Crossing the 20 Million Daily Checks

Mon.itor.Us, a leading free website monitoring service announces a critical milestone of conducting over 20 million checks per day. Currently 124,000 monitors are registered and among 12 possible check protocols 75,000 are HTTP monitors. Mon.itor.Us is serving a fast growing community of 25,000 members who are webmasters, bloggers, marketers and IT professionals engaged in more than 20 industry sectors and 40 more countries. - October 19, 2008 -

Novovision Announces Innovative, Cost-Effective Software Customization Program

Leading AP Management Platform Tailored to a Site’s Needs. - October 19, 2008 - Novovision, Inc.

Apatar Accelerates Customer Data Integration Between Open Source SugarCRM Package and 3rd-party Applications

New Apatar connector enables companies to integrate SugarCRM suite with databases, flat files, other CRM/ERP applications, and top Web 2.0 destinations, all without coding. - October 19, 2008 - Apatar, Inc.

Mimosa Systems Partners with Hitachi Data Systems to Create Next–generation Email Archival Solution That Meets Real Needs of Worldwide Businesses

Industry Leaders Combine Benefits of Hitachi Content Archive Platform and Mimosa NearPoint to Deliver Most Advanced Archiving and eDiscovery Solutions to Customers. - October 19, 2008 - Mimosa Systems

Mimosa Systems and Data Domain Expand Alliance to Optimize Dynamic Archive Storage

Mimosa NearPoint Tiered Storage Option Policies for Email Archiving Provide Granular Control to Leverage Data Domain Deduplication Storage. - October 19, 2008 - Mimosa Systems

Office 2007 Training Courses Released by Technology Skills

Office 2007 Training Courses Released by Technology Skills

The series of seventeen (17) titles combine audio, animation, and software simulation with an easy-to-navigate user interface to make the discovery of the newest editions of Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, and Word both effective and entertaining. - October 18, 2008 - Technology Skills, Inc.

Siteconcept to Distribute the AXIGEN Mail Server in France

AXIGEN, the professional messaging solution vendor, and Siteconcept, one of the leading distributors of security products in France, announce today the signing of a partnership aimed at further expanding the distribution of the AXIGEN Mail Server product range on the French market. Founded in... - October 18, 2008 - AXIGEN

Global Slowdown Will Kill ‘Big Software’ – Says Salespush CEO Mark Donkin

SalesPush CEO Mark Donkin explains that the current economic slowdown is going the end the dominance of large corporate software companies. - October 18, 2008 - Salespush Ltd

EPAM Systems Continues European Expansion with New Nordic Operation

Continuing its global growth, EPAM is strengthening its commitment to local markets in Europe by opening its first operation in Sweden and appointing Stephen Bannister as Vice President Delivery, Nordics. - October 18, 2008 - EPAM Systems

Flatster Digital Music Service Premiers with Budget-Friendly Flat Rate Pricing

Enjoy unlimited music with flatster, the flat rate, commercial-free music service with subscriptions as low as $6.99. Users can search for their favorite songs performed by the original artists and keep it for their own use. Instead of paying for each song, subscribers pay a low, flat subscription... - October 18, 2008 - flatster of America, LP

New Linux-based Flash Video Encoding Solution Released by Helps Clients Build Video Hosting Websites

Introduce a new solution to complete flash video encoding for Linux server users and webmasters. - October 18, 2008 - SothinkMedia

M3V Data Management Announces the Release of MSDS Explorer 2.0

M3V Data Management Announces the Release of MSDS Explorer 2.0

M3V Data Management is pleased to release a significant upgrade to the online software application, MSDS Explorer. Designed for any company or institution facing the challenges of handling and maintaining paper copies of Material Safety Data Sheets, or for anyone currently using an online solution,... - October 17, 2008 - M3V Data Management, LLC

SAManage Revolutionizes IT Asset Management: On-Demand Solution Easy to Implement, Easy to Use, and Free

Software-as-a-Service solution enables organizations to better control IT assets and resources as budgets tighten up. - October 17, 2008 - SAManage

Skelta Software Evokes Wide Spread Interest at NAVSIS-08

Skelta BPM.NET showcased at NAVSIS-08, an International symposium and exhibition organized by Confederation of Indian Industry and the Indian Navy to leverage the power of IT and achieve net-centricity through collaborative integration of naval entities and their information assets with a strategic partnership with the industry. - October 17, 2008 - Skelta Software

Press Releases 40,401 - 40,450 of 46,617