Fence Empire: From Family Legacy to Global Industry Leader

Fence Empire: From Family Legacy to Global Industry Leader

Fence Empire, a rising star in the global wood and metal fencing industry, has quickly grown into a market leader thanks to its unique family heritage and sharp market insight. Under the leadership of CEO Jason Liu, the company has built upon three generations of family expertise in wood fencing to... - January 28, 2025 - Fence Empire LLC

GST Manufacturing Promotes New Plant Manager

With the reorganization at its Clay Avenue facility, GST Manufacturing looks to the future by promoting superstar employee Juan Diego to General Manager. - October 24, 2022 - GST Manufacturing

Pan China Fastening System Introducing Revolutionary Galvanized Pipe Nipple Technology Allowing Dual-Sided Fitting

Shanghai Pan China Fastening System Co. Ltd. has manufactured a new pipe technology that will help in modern plumbing system problems. - October 29, 2021 - Pan China Fastening System Co. Ltd.

GST Manufacturing to Host Dallas - Fort Worth Job Fair for Immediate Hiring

With a recent growth of contracts with GST from national and regional vendors, GST Manufacturing is increasing its staff dramatically and hosting an open job fair Friday, February 26, 2021 from 9 AM to 2 PM at their corporate headquarters in Haltom City. Multiple positions will be available with... - February 25, 2021 - GST Manufacturing

Sculptor James Ciosek Harnesses Forces of Nature in “Bifurcation” Show at Houston Community College
VISCO Introduces New Online Product Configurator for Decorative Street and Pedestrian Scale Light Poles

VISCO Introduces New Online Product Configurator for Decorative Street and Pedestrian Scale Light Poles

VISCO, Inc., headquartered in Eugene, OR, manufacturers decorative street light poles, bollards, traffic signal structures and other related streetscape equipment. - January 05, 2018 - VISCO, Inc.

Shinestar Participated in Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention

Shinetar Group participated in 2017 Chinese entrepreneurs convention. - May 15, 2017 - Hunan Prime Steel Pipe Co., Ltd

Postponed- Hammerstock 2016 at Greyhaven Winery

Postponed due to inclement weather - On Saturday, June 18th from 11 am to 6 pm, the Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild and Grayhaven Winery will be hosting a festival featuring metalwork demonstrators, live music, wine tasting, food, and a raffle of handcrafted items. Tickets are available at http://www.hammerstock.org/ (Additional fee for wine tasting). - May 19, 2016 - Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild

Hammerstock 2016 at Grayhaven Winery

On Saturday, May 21st from 11 am to 6 pm, the Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild and Grayhaven Winery will be hosting a festival featuring metalwork demonstrators, live music, wine tasting, food, and a raffle of handcrafted items. Tickets are available at http://www.hammerstock.org/ (Additional fee for wine tasting). - April 11, 2016 - Central Virginia Blacksmith Guild

Art Gallery Succumbs to Total Chaos

Sculptor James Ciosek captures the action and beauty of universal chaos by burning colored plastic films with fireworks and molding the outcome into internally lighted works of art. Ciosek will unveil his new series “Opalescent Order” as a solo show May 7-28, 2016 at Zoya Tommy (4102 Fannin St., Houston, TX 77004). An opening reception will take place on May 7th, 6-9pm. - March 23, 2016 - James Ciosek- Sculptor

Great Dykes Mining Company Announces Bushbuckridge Stainless Steel Project Milestone Pass

US$8 Billion Bushbuckridge Stainless Steel (BBRSS) Macro Beneficiation Project passes Proof of Concept milestone, progresses to next phase. - December 04, 2015 - Great Dykes Mining Company (Pty) Ltd

Windgate Fellowship Sends Houston Sculptor Back in Time

Houston sculptor returns to the place where he started his metal work career in Brooklyn, NY as the recipient of the Windgate Fellowship at Urban Glass. Explains how he will apply the new techniques he learns to his current body of work. - July 27, 2013 - James Ciosek- Sculptor

Sculptor Generates Chaos at Solo Show

An announcement for sculptor James Ciosek's solo show at Redbud Gallery, Houston, TX. - November 21, 2011 - James Ciosek- Sculptor

Sculptor Encourages Youth Art Bicycles

Houston sculptor James Ciosek starts a new organization called "Space City Bicycles" that brings together kids, bicycles, and art. - September 22, 2010 - James Ciosek- Sculptor

Production of Cast Iron Radiators Heats Up at Castrads

Production of Cast Iron Radiators Heats Up at Castrads

Castrads has grown year on year throughout the recession, contrary to the fate of many small businesses in the area. The company thinks that this is due in no small part to its committed team of Polish labourers. - August 27, 2010 - Castrads

Castrads Launches New Website for Cast Iron Radiators

Castrads Launches New Website for Cast Iron Radiators

After almost a year of running two parallel sites, Castrads has recently combined Castrads.com with Castradsshop.co.uk, yielding a more user friendly interface and an amalgamated help section for advice on cast iron radiators. - August 11, 2010 - Castrads

Zack Noble of Noble Forge Contributes Work to the 31st Annual Contemporary Crafts Exhibition

The Mesa Contemporary Arts Center is holding its 31st annual contemporary crafts exhibition. This exhibition includes works completed in a variety of craft media, contributed from artists selected by guest juror Jane Sauer. The exhibition opens January 22nd and runs through March 14th of 2010 at Mesa Arts Center, One East Main Street, Mesa, Arizona 85211 - January 21, 2010 - Noble Forge

Noble Forge Shows Work in Exhibition Titled "Iron: Forged, Tempered, Quenched" at the Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts

The Houston Center for Contemporary Crafts, 4848 Main Street, Houston, Texas 77002 will hold an exhibition of new works in artist blacksmithing from January 16th through May 16th, 2010. This show is one of the most significant exhibitions of ironwork in decades. By presenting works by modern blacksmiths alongside historical ironworks, this exhibition highlights how modern blacksmiths fuse historical techniques with contemporary designs. - January 21, 2010 - Noble Forge

Zack Noble of Noble Forge Presents New Website with Wrought Tables and Other Custom Metal Furniture

New wrought iron coffee tables, benches and lighting accents are now on display at www.ZackNoble.com. Contemporary designs with clean lines and traditional techniques come together in this unique body of work. Zack Noble is a well-known metalworker from Brooklyn, NY with a wide array of custom architectural and sculptural metal work presented on his website. - January 15, 2010 - Noble Forge

New Hampshire Machining Company Latva Machine Inc Presents an Interesting Solution to Economic Slump: Southern Expansion

Latva Machine Inc has a unique way to beat a tough economic climate. Their solution? Expand. It’s not quite Manifest Destiny, but Latva Machine Inc recently signaled their southern expansion with the acquisition of an Alabama machining facility specializing in production of machined castings, forgings, and extrusions. - July 08, 2009 - Latva Machine Inc

IPPSA (International Production Planning and Scheduling Association)

Educational Production Scheduling Webinars... What is more important than managing your resources? - July 20, 2005 - IPPSA

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