Best Online Video Advertising Campaigns to be Named by Web Marketing Association

Best Online Video Advertising Campaigns to be Named by Web Marketing Association

The Web Marketing Association judges will select the best online video advertising in 86 industries as part of their 16th annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards. Companies or agencies wishing to nominate their work for consideration may do so at before the deadline of January 31, 2018. - November 15, 2017 - Web Marketing Association

GRADD Completed the World's First 3D Model of a Boeing 777 Jet Airliner

GRADD Completed the World's First 3D Model of a Boeing 777 Jet Airliner

GRADD Co. based in Las Vegas, Nevada is a company that has expertise in the fields of 3D design, 3D modeling, and creating 3D point clouds from aerial data. GRADD's offerings include a complete suite of software solutions for aerial mapping, 3D real-time animations, PV solar panel inspections, and high resolution multi-spectral inspections. GRADD has written curriculum for 3D modeling for Intel Corporation, and continues to innovate in all things 3D. - November 15, 2017 - GRADD

Learn Day Trading To Win - New Class Date Added November 21, 2017

Learn Day Trading To Win - New Class Date Added November 21, 2017

A new eight-week All Inclusive Trading Mentorship Program begins. Mentorship is an online trading school allowing the average person to attend lessons from the privacy of their home. Once logged in, they can see the teacher's charts, listen and interact live as he explains all the trading strategies. Classes are designed for new and advanced traders. John Paul, the founder of, personally teaches each class with lifetime support. - November 15, 2017 - Day Trade To Win

GRADD Creates 3D Modeling Curriculum for Intel Corporation's Intel Future Skills

GRADD Creates 3D Modeling Curriculum for Intel Corporation's Intel Future Skills

GRADD Co. has created 3D modeling curriculum and facilitated it in North Las Vegas for Intel Corporation's INTEL FUTURE SKILLS. This is another great step in showcasing the GRADD expertise in 3D modeling, 3D design, and applications of virtual reality. - November 15, 2017 - GRADD

Storage Made Easy Announces ForeverFile™ Archive and Ransomware Protection Feature

Storage Made Easy have announced a new archive and anti-Ransomware feature, ForeverFile™ for their Enterprise File Fabric solution. - November 15, 2017 - Storage Made Easy

SMi’s Defence Logistics (CEE) – New Speakers & Updates

Join the world's leading military logisticians at Defence Logistics Central and Eastern Europe in Prague this March, to hear updates on enhancing multinational logistics collaboration for regional collective defence. This highly anticipated two-day event will focus specifically on regional... - November 15, 2017 - SAE Media Group

SMi’s Europe’s Leading Ophthalmic Conference is Only Two Weeks Away

Quick Update: SMi’s Ophthalmic Drugs will be taking place in just 2 weeks at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London, Kensington, UK. Network with top pharma companies joining in including Boehringer Ingelheim, Bayer, Envisia Therapeutics, NightstaRx, Shire, Novaliq GmbH and more. - November 15, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Attendee List Released for SMi’s #MilSocialMedia 2017

SMi Group has released a preliminary list of attendees for the 7th annual Social Media within the Defence and Military Sector conference, which takes place on 6-7 December 2017 in London. Opening in three weeks, the event has attracted a network of marketing experts and digital platform gurus... - November 15, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Helmut von Glasenapp, Secretary General, European Long-Term Investors Association is Interviewed in the Run Up to Speaking at Benelux Infrastructure Forum Next Week

SMi reports: Speaking at next week’s Benelux Infrastructure Forum, in Amsterdam, Helmut von Glasenapp provides updates on the industry in an interview released by SMi. - November 15, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Precision Door Service Named a Top Franchise for Veterans by Entrepreneur Magazine

Precision Door Service was recently ranked in Entrepreneur magazine’s Top Franchises for Veterans list. This list recognizes the 150 franchisors offering incentives to veterans who join their systems. Precision Door Service was ranked #72. “Thank you to Entrepreneur Magazine for... - November 15, 2017 - Precision Door Service

CrowdReviews Partners with Smile Expo Russia; Announces Silvio Schembri to Hold Opening Speech at Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference Malta

On December 7 for the first time, Malta will host the Blockchain & Bitcoin Conference. The event's opening ceremony will be attended by the Chairman of the Committee on Economic and Financial Affairs, Silvio Schembri. Joseph Muscat, the Prime Minister of Malta, is known for his statement made... - November 15, 2017 -

CrowdReviews Partners with Madridge Publishers; Announces International Translational & Regenerative Medicine Conference

International Translational and Regenerative Medicine Conference is going to be held during April 25-27, 2018 at Rome, Italy. ITMC-2018 brings upon a new platform to share and discuss the following: “Need for translational medicine, Challenges in translational medicine, and Opportunities in... - November 15, 2017 -

CrowdReviews Partnered with Siyenza Events; Announces The New Age of Digitalisation and the Impact on the African Energy Sector

The role of digitalisation within the African energy sector is growing rapidly and will result in demand for innovation, adaptation to new market technologies as well as the development of a new skill set within companies. African countries can add a value of R4 trillion ($300billion) to the... - November 15, 2017 -

CrowdReviews Partnered with Arena International; Announces the Upcoming Pharma Packaging and Labeling East Coast 2018

Pharma Packaging and Labeling East Coast 2018 will be coming back to Philadelphia, USA on the 21st and 22nd of February. The 10th Annual Pharma Packaging and Labeling East Coast event aims to create an environment where commercial packaging and labeling teams work together to successfully manage... - November 15, 2017 -

Computer Measurement Group, Inc Announces 2018 Board of Directors

CMG, an international association for technology professionals, today announced its Board of Directors for 2018. John Baker, Rich Fronheiser, Steve Guendert and Allan Zander are new additions to the Board of Directors but have long been active in the organization. - November 15, 2017 - Computer Measurement Group, Inc.

Updated Agenda Released for Network Centric Warfare 2018

SMi Group’s Network Centric Warfare conference returns to Rome on 1-2 February in Rome, Italy. - November 15, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Updated Agenda Released for SMi’s Border Security 2018

SMi Group has released an updated agenda for its 10th annual Border Security conference, which takes place on 21-22 February 2018. - November 15, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC Ranked as 16th Fastest Growing Law Firm in the United States

The Law Firm 500 celebrates the fastest growing law firms in the United States and has recognized Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC as the 16th fastest growing law firm in the United States with 565% growth in the past year. The Law Firm 500 is the most unique legal event of the year. The law firms... - November 15, 2017 - Fitzgerald & Campbell, APLC

Authors Katherine Shears and C.S. Whitehurst Release Their Book, “A-C-T Like A Kid And T-H-I-N-K Like A Parent”

“A-C-T Like A Kid And T-H-I-N-K Like A Parent” is a tell-all book for kids on what parents really think about them. The book is filled with information parents need their kids to learn and understand about life, and an introduction to the secret knowledge of adults, that gives kids the upper hand at understanding childhood. - November 15, 2017 - DGT Book Promotions, LLC

Long Island Marketing Agency to Join Google’s Exclusive Elevator Program 2017

Active Web Group is Among 40 Digital Agencies in the Nation Selected by Google to Provide “Next Level” Client Success - November 15, 2017 - Active Web Group

Australia’s 2017 Top 100 Brokers Revealed

Mortgage Professional Australia uncovers the best brokers in the industry in its latest report. - November 15, 2017 - Key Media

Acclaimed Chicago Family Law Attorney Arthur Kallow Keynotes Legal Seminar Series

The Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving, Ltd. will host the next compelling presentation of the Arthur S. Kallow Continuing Legal Education (CLE) Seminar Series Wednesday, November 15, at 6 p.m. at 19 S. LaSalle St. in Chicago, Illinois. The lecture will be moderated by internationally renowned family... - November 15, 2017 - Law Offices of Jeffery M. Leving Ltd.

Art Fort Lauderdale Launches Inaugural Partnership with Luxe Interiors + Design as the Exclusive Luxury Media Partner for Second Edition

Art Fort Lauderdale announces a new partnership with Luxe Interiors + Design, a high-end residential design and architecture magazine known as the uncompromised source for those with a passion for creating beautiful surroundings and living well. Curated for the affluent, sophisticated homeowner,... - November 15, 2017 - Art Fort Lauderdale

The Select Group Wins "Supplier of the Year 2017" Award from Cisco Systems, Inc.

TSG Honored for Its Overall Excellence in Cisco’s Supplier Community - November 15, 2017 - The Select Group

SAY Global Inc. Combines Online Education with Social Mission to Empower Seniors and Korean Learners

SAY Global Inc., an online tutoring company with a unique social mission to empower the elderly, recently became one of the top teams to win a cash prize at a major startup competition in Seoul, with over 20 international teams competing. With the money, the company will continue to develop its Korean curriculum and produce more jobs for Korean seniors. - November 15, 2017 - SAY Global Inc.

Innovate Tax Keeps Growing… Now with a New Office in the UAE

Shortly after successfully launching a fully functional office in Sofia, Bulgaria, Innovate Tax is proud to announce the opening of its new office in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). - November 15, 2017 - Innovate Tax

Rivkin Radler Expands Practices in Banking & Tax

Rivkin Radler Expands Practices in Banking & Tax

In the face of banking deregulation and tax-code overhaul, and in response to the sophisticated needs of our clients in responding to this changing landscape, Rivkin Radler has expanded its practices to include specialized groups in Banking and Tax. The firm has long represented clients in banking... - November 14, 2017 - Rivkin Radler LLP

CD Clark Diamonds & Design Studio Selected as Newest Member of Preferred Jewelers International™ Exclusive, Nationwide Network

CD Clark Diamonds & Design Studio Selected as Newest Member of Preferred Jewelers International™ Exclusive, Nationwide Network

San Antonio, Texas Jewelry Retailer Now Offers Its Customers “Experiences that last a Lifetime™” - November 14, 2017 - Preferred Jewelers International

Counselytics and MRI Join Forces to Automate Lease Abstraction and Eliminate Data Entry

Counselytics and MRI Join Forces to Automate Lease Abstraction and Eliminate Data Entry

Counselytics and MRI have sealed a partnership deal to automate lease and real estate document abstracts and eliminate data entry, seamlessly piping the data that powers the biggest CRE firms in the world. - November 14, 2017 - Counselytics

Assembla Makes Major Updates to Apache Subversion Portfolio with NextGen SVN™

Assembla Makes Major Updates to Apache Subversion Portfolio with NextGen SVN™

Leader in Enterprise Cloud Version Control Innovates SVN, Bringing Long Awaited Features to Community and Customers. These updates act as continued validation of and momentum for Enterprise Cloud Version Control, modernized, cloud-based version control with a security and compliance wrap-around. - November 14, 2017 - Assembla

Nationally Branded Alkaline Water Company (AlkaVita) Brings Headquarters to Downtown Jacksonville, FL

Nationally Branded Alkaline Water Company (AlkaVita) Brings Headquarters to Downtown Jacksonville, FL

AlkaVita is a bottled water company dedicated to providing healthy chemical free, Bio available water to all. CEO and Founder Savita Jones is a native of Jacksonville, FL and knew this city would be the perfect location to establish AlkaVita’s Headquarters. - November 14, 2017 - AlkaVita Water Company

New Leadership and Name for Community Dental Centers Serving San Mateo County, California

New Leadership and Name for Community Dental Centers Serving San Mateo County, California

Introducing Sonrisas Dental Health, and new leadership, for a highly respected family dental service and non-profit. - November 14, 2017 - Sonrisas Dental Health, Inc.

Beyond Spots & Dots Wins Eight MarCom Awards for Excellence in Creativity, Integrated Marketing, and Digital Design & Development

Beyond Spots & Dots earned recognition through the Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP) by receiving eight 2017 MarCom Awards. The full-service advertising agency earned both platinum and gold level awards for excellence in creativity, integrated marketing, and... - November 14, 2017 - Beyond Spots & Dots, Inc.

In Two Months: Baltimore/Washington DC Area Autism Conference featuring Dr. Temple Grandin

Future Horizons will be hosting the Baltimore Autism Conference Thursday, January 18, 2018 with guest speakers Dr. Temple Grandin, Anita Lesko, Dr. Jim Ball. - November 14, 2017 - Future Horizons, Inc.

SmartCone Technologies and IBM Enter Joint Initiative Agreement for IoT-based Safety Solutions

IBM Watson IoT and SmartCone Technologies Combine Forces for Advanced Smart City Technology and Safer Workplaces. - November 14, 2017 - SmartCone Technologies

Ares Manufacturing Execution System ciMes Receives 2018 Taiwan Excellence Award

Ares International Corp. has received 2018 Taiwan Excellence Award with ciMes (Computer Integrated Manufacturing Execution System). It stood out from 578 companies and 1,209 products after strict selection from expert reviewers, as reputable as well deserved. The Taiwan Excellence Awards have been... - November 14, 2017 - Ares International Corp.

CDD Rule Due Diligence Made Easy with One Click Compliance from NominoData

NominoData has announced a release of an updated version of One Click Compliance with new designs for enabling financial institutions who are struggling to meet the upcoming challenges of the new CDD Rule for Beneficial Ownership and KYC information. - November 14, 2017 - NominoData LLC

Free Based Business Plan Creation Software Released on the Market

Free Based Business Plan Creation Software Released on the Market

Today, Pro Business Plans, a custom business plan writing company specializing in helping entrepreneurs raise capital, announced they have released a free one page DIY business plan and executive summary software, available for use at ( After working with over 10,000... - November 13, 2017 - Pro Business Plans

Best Email Advertising Campaigns to be Named by Web Marketing Association

Best Email Advertising Campaigns to be Named by Web Marketing Association

The Web Marketing Association will name the best email advertising campaigns in 86 industries as part of their 16th annual Internet Advertising Competition (IAC) Awards. Companies or agencies wishing to nominate their work for consideration may do so at before the deadline of January 31, 2018. - November 13, 2017 - Web Marketing Association

Contenders in the 23rd Annual KOSBE Awards Are Announced

The Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship (KOSBE) is pleased to announce 28 contenders for the 23rd Annual KOSBE Awards. Winners will be declared at a special recognition event on Thursday, December 14th, from 6 to 9 PM, at The Meadowview Marriott in Kingsport,... - November 13, 2017 - Kingsport Office of Small Business Development & Entrepreneurship - KOSBE

Barbara McKay Returns to WBTV

Barbara McKay is returning to WBTV’s “Morning Break” to share another delicious recipe on Wednesday, November 15. - November 13, 2017 - Simply Barbara McKay LLC

Agenda Released for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Conference

SMi reports: SMi launches an exclusive conference on Robotics and Autonomous Systems, taking place on 25th-26th April 2018 in London, UK. - November 13, 2017 - SAE Media Group

Patronus Health CEO Named to 2018-2019 Turner Syndrome Society Board of Directors

Patronus Health founder and CEO Mandy Long appointed to TSSUS Board of Directors, joining the leading resource network for Turner Syndrome patients, families, and physicians in the country. - November 13, 2017 - Patronus Health An Exclusive Top Ten List Website of 2017 is a new website in the world wide web, which shares the content in a list of top ten and includes almost all genres or categories. This site give the most relevant and useful content. - November 13, 2017 -

Last Chance to Register for Benelux Infrastructure Forum 2017

SMi reports: It’s the last chance to register for SMi’s 16th Annual Benelux Infrastructure Forum taking place in two weeks’ time. - November 13, 2017 - SAE Media Group

New Biz Group Will Help St. Louis Execs Achieve Fullest Potential as Leaders

Not enough senior- and middle-management executives in the St. Louis area possess fully up-to-date leadership skills – and without those skills, their companies won’t be able to take fullest advantage of the opportunities the surging business environment affords. Leadership USA(TM) St. Louis is a newly formed regional organization that aims to solve this dilemma by bringing nationally recognized leadership gurus to local business executives. - November 13, 2017 - Leadership USA St. Louis

CenturionCARES Announces Release of CARES 14.0

CenturionCARES Announces Release of CARES 14.0

Newest Call Center Software Release Delivers Unprecedented Efficiency Gains & Real Cost Savings - November 12, 2017 - CenturionCARES

Avant Healthcare Professionals Awarded Bronze in Social Media for Modern Healthcare’s 2017 IMPACT Awards

Avant Healthcare Professionals, the premier staffing provider of internationally educated, experienced registered nurses, was awarded Bronze in social media for Modern Healthcare’s 2017 IMPACT Awards program. Avant Healthcare Professionals’ Facebook marketing campaign... - November 12, 2017 - Avant Healthcare Professionals

Section 504 and ADA: Student Disability Rights

Join Expert Speaker, Erin Gilsbach who helps to understand requirements of Section 504 and the ADA. - November 12, 2017 - Edupliance

KissaBelly Birth Arts, a Perinatal Wellness Collaborative, Opens a New Location in Southern NH, Bringing Care to New Mothers Who Need It Most

In the bustling, yet quiet town of Amherst, New Hampshire, situated between the cities of Nashua and Manchester, a new business is opening its doors, intent to change the face of birth in America. According to, around 30 percent of US women report having experienced a traumatic birth, a... - November 12, 2017 - KissaBelly Birth Arts

Press Releases 24,451 - 24,500 of 139,866