The First 4,000 Words Vocabulary Building Program Selected by Minnetonka Elementary School for 1st-4th Grade Students

The First 4,000 Words is a web-based program that teaches the most frequently used English words. Minnewashta Elementary School in Minnetonka, MN, has adopted the program to help support their educational goals by building student vocabularies. - December 05, 2009 - Seward Incorporated

MLT/Instructing Technologies Promotes Tiffany Weber to Marketing Director

MLT/Instructing Technologies, a premier training and development firm in Wisconsin, has promoted Tiffany Weber to Marketing Director. - December 05, 2009 - MLT/Instructing Technologies

ACHS Launches New Courses Targeting Health and Nutrition Education

American College of Healthcare Sciences (ACHS) announces two new courses for 2010 starting January 18, Personal and Community Health (HLTH 101) and Introduction to Nutrition (NUT 101), in response to the growing demand for accredited health and nutrition training. As interest in complementary... - December 05, 2009 - American College of Healthcare Sciences

Provista and Unimarket Announced Today Their Partnership to Bring Wider Access to Group Purchasing Contracts for US Colleges and Universities

Today, Provista -- one of the nation’s largest Group Purchasing Organizations (GPO) -- and Unimarket, the global leader of collaborative eProcurement networking, announced the signing of a partnership to market and publish Provista group purchasing contracts online for colleges, universities... - December 04, 2009 - Unimarket

Army Officers and Managers - Stress, a Battle Worth Fighting for

Grenoble Ecole de Management’s Personal Development & Managerial Centre (CDPM) in partnership with the Institute for Biomedical Research (CRSSA), a branch of the French army, have begun a year-long study on Stress, its level and “treatment” at the heart of the management school. - December 04, 2009 - Grenoble Ecole de Management

New Ph.D in Business Administration at Grenoble

Grenoble Ecole de Management opened a Ph.D in Business Administration on September 21st 2009, after having delivered a DBA program for over 15 years. - December 04, 2009 - Grenoble Ecole de Management

Trinity Academy of Raleigh Hosts Service of Lessons & Carols

Dr. Robert Littlejohn, head of school at Trinity Academy of Raleigh (, a preK-12 college preparatory school community located in North Raleigh, has announced that the school will hold its third annual Service of Lessons & Carols on Thursday, Dec. 10 at 7:00 p.m. at the... - December 04, 2009 - Trinity Academy of Raleigh

Despite Recession, H1N1 and Visa Changes, Toronto English School Chelsea is Thriving: Lessons for Others

For many English schools around the world there seems to have been a perfect storm that has raged over the past year. Economic woes, a flu pandemic and, in some cases, tighter visa requirements have posed serious challenges for the language travel market. However, one Toronto school, Chelsea... - December 04, 2009 - Chelsea Language Academy

Prepare for Winter Driving During Winter Weather Preparedness Week

Take a fifteen minute hazardous driving course, free. - December 04, 2009 - SafetySkills

DIG Coaching Presents Cogmed: An Insightful Discussion Among Coaches, on Attention Talk Radio

Host Jeff Copper interviews Ali Kaufman, founder of Space of Mind, to gain her insight on cognitive behavioral tools and her experiences in working with those who have attention deficit disorder (ADD). - December 04, 2009 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Didier Spella Has Found a New Challenge: Being an ActionCOACH Business Coach

Didier Spella, impressed by ActionCOACH’s concept and principles, decided to become a Business Coach. - December 04, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Steven Kurcan Joins the ActionCOACH Community

Steven Kurcan, impressed by ActionCOACH’s concept and principles, decided to become a Business Coach. - December 04, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Canyonlands Field Institute Announces Rainbow Bridge Trek in Southern Utah for Spring 2010

Hiking Trek through Native American Lands with Packstock Support April 27 - May 2, 2010 with Canyonlands Field Institute. Trek from Navajo Mountain to Rainbow Bridge with experienced Navajo Guides and CFI Naturalists. - December 04, 2009 - Canyonlands Field Institute

The Drucker School of Management Honored as an 'Excellent Business School' for 2009 by Eduniversal

The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management was recognized as a 2009 “Excellent Business School” by EDUNIVERSAL, an organization that helps students choose the best business schools worldwide. The Drucker School was honored to be among the 1,000 selected... - December 04, 2009 - Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management

The Drucker School of Management Celebrated by the Aspen Institute

The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management has demonstrated significant leadership in integrating social, environmental and ethical issues into its MBA program, according to the Aspen Institute’s 2009-2010 edition of Beyond Grey Pinstripes, a biennial survey and... - December 04, 2009 - Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management

SAT Preparation Group, Parkland, FL, Helps Raise Nearly $16,000 for Charity as a Title Sponsor of PNA’s Fundraising Event Festival of the Flutes in Coral Springs, FL

SAT Preparation Group, a South Florida company based in Parkland that specializes in coaching students how to succeed in the classroom, on the SAT test, and in life, helped raise nearly $16,000 as a title sponsor of PNA’s Festival of the Flutes, a charity fundraising event in Coral Springs, FL. Proceeds from Festival of the Flutes went to Southwest Florida charities Mothers Against Brain Injury, Lisa Boccard Breast Cancer Fund, and Broward Meals on Wheels. - December 04, 2009 - SAT Preparation Group

Thinʞnao Helps Asian Market Look at Education in a New Light

The iPhone and iPod touch have taken the entire world by storm - but not only the English-speaking world. China Unicom expects 10% of its 3G subscribers to have an iPhone by 2012 and in the hyper-competitive Japanese market, the iPhone recently ranked as the top seller. - December 04, 2009 - Thinknao Software Limited

'Thinking Now' About the Strength of Your Brain - New Free Chinese iPhone App for Brain Training

Thinʞnao is a new Asian company involved in developing iPhone apps especially for the burgeoning Chinese and Japanese markets. Their inaugural product is an educational iPhone app billed as an electronic game similar to Hasbro's Boggle, but with Chinese characteristics. - December 04, 2009 - Thinknao Software Limited

Epic Aviation, Epic Flight Academy, Forms Parthership with Capt Khan

Epic Aviation, Inc is proud to announce it’s relationship with Jawed K. Khan in Pakistan. - December 04, 2009 - Epic Flight Academy, Epic Aviation

EZ-CARE2 Offers ProCare Clients an Alternative to Forced Upgrade

EZ-CARE2 Offers ProCare Clients an Alternative to Forced Upgrade

TRADE-UP to EZ-CARE2 promotion provides improved center management software and greater savings. - December 03, 2009 - SofterWare

Insights with Host Hugh Downs Speaks with Donald Graham

Donald Graham was interviewed as part of a program for honoring DC CAP and will appear as Part of the Public Television Series. - December 03, 2009 - InsightsSeries

Insights with Host Hugh Downs Welcomes The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma as Content Advisor

Story collaboration with The American Association for the Surgery of Trauma as Content Advisor for Educational Awareness. - December 03, 2009 - InsightsSeries

Insights with Host Hugh Downs Welcomes the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance as Content Advisor

Story collaboration with the Energy and Environmental Building Alliance as Content Advisor on Architectural and Energy Issues for Educational Awareness. - December 03, 2009 - InsightsSeries

Insights with Host Hugh Downs Launches American Made Products Segments

American Made Products Highlighted in Public Television Program. - December 03, 2009 - InsightsSeries

Fit Customers a Good Fit for Personal Training Professionals Franchise

Achieving fitness goals requires an effective training plan coupled with the motivation and perseverance to carry it out. Owning your own personal training business requires the same things. Investing in a franchise can increase the odds of success because franchises offer a proven business model, turn-key operations and ongoing support. One of the few time-tested fitness franchises that stands out among the rest is Personal Training Professionals. - December 03, 2009 - Personal Training Professionals | PTP Franchise

Jorum Learning and Teaching Competition with ALT – Championing Open Educational Resources

Jorum learning and teaching competition with ALT - prizes awarded at ALT-C. First prize was awarded to ‘Making Group-work work’, developed by LearnHigher, a collaboration between the Universities of Brunel, Bradford and Leeds. - December 03, 2009 - Association for Learning Technology

New Online Aikijutsu Academy Allows Students to Master the Martial Art of the Samurai from the Comfort of Their Own Home

Aikijutsu online school teaches the martial art of the Samurai through revolutionary video instruction. - December 03, 2009 - Aikijutsu Academy

Listen as James Nachbaur Discusses His Career as a Federal Agent on New Episode of "Ear on Careers" Podcast Series

In this episode of "Ear on Careers," James Nachbaur offers insights into becoming a federal agent with the Department of Homeland Security. - December 03, 2009 - Top-Tier Tutoring, LLC

Tom Hoarty Made a Long-Term Career Change by Joining ActionCOACH

Tom Hoarty, impressed by ActionCOACH’s concept and principles, decided to become a Business Coach. - December 03, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Paulo Pereira Has Found a New Challenge: Being an ActionCOACH Business Coach

Paulo Pereira was looking for a new and challenging career opportunity, and business coaching fit the bill. - December 03, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Arnelle Adcock is the Newest Business Coach in Brentwood, Tennessee

Arnelle Adcock wanted to make a difference in people’s lives, so she decided to become an ActionCOACH. - December 03, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Monroe, CT Music Store Donates 2008 Beijing Olympics Baritone Horn to Trumbull High School Marching Band

Creative Music Center Gives Gift of Olympic History, a 2008 Winter Olympics Baritone Horn Inscribed with Olympic Rings - December 03, 2009 - Creative Music Center

Garden at Eden Family Day This Saturday

Eden Autism Services Florida’s urban-farming project, the “Garden at Eden,” will host an open house and hayride, free and open to the public, on Saturday, Dec. 5. - December 03, 2009 - Eden Autism Services Florida

New Book Explores Science Linking Smoking to Disease. Numerous Health Benefits Withheld from Public.

Smoke Screens: The Truth About Tobacco is a new, objectively researched book with no ties to the tobacco industry. Exploring the chemical additives in tobacco, social class and smoking habits, detection bias, cancer, asthma, emphysema, heart disease, low birth weight, government health warnings, benefits of smoking, pharmaceutical involvement and much more, this book is a must read. - December 03, 2009 - Smoke Screens

SyberWorks Media Center Presents a New Article: “Spreading the e-Learning Word (Part 2)”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces an article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Spreading the e-Learning Word (Part 2),” by David Boggs, CEO and Founder of SyberWorks, Inc. - December 03, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Micro-Credit Project to Begin for Darfur Refugees Living in Southern Sudan

The Pilot Light Foundation and The Sudan Self Help Foundation have teamed up to bring the Micro-Credit Project to refugees and returnees of war in Southern Sudan. This type of micro loan was brought to the forefront by Nobel Peace Prize Winner Muhammad Yunus. - December 03, 2009 - Pilot Light Fund

Discovering the Italian Fashion Industry in Milan

All the necessary information about the “Preparatory Courses for Fashion Shows 2010,” fashion courses in Milan offered by the Italian School Leonardo da Vinci. - December 03, 2009 - Scuola Leonardo da Vinci

Urban Fire Presents "Christmas Showcase 2009"

A hip new way to look at some familiar Christmas tunes, catch this family-friendly holiday event on Saturday, December 19, 2009. Proceeds to benefit the Firehouse Dance Scholarship Fund. - December 03, 2009 - Urban Fire Dance Studio

Ray Bloch Productions Partners with The Targeted Group to Integrate Social Media Strategy

Recognizing the true potential to enhance relationships with customers by integrating social media into their event marketing strategy, corporate communications production company, Ray Bloch, has teamed up with social media consultant and online community provider, The Targeted Group. Ray Bloch... - December 03, 2009 - The Targeted Group

Ready to Inspire, Train and Innovate the Community: Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center

If you combine the best talent of Silicon Valley with a lot of creativity, collaboration and dedication, you've got a formula for something great in Oakland. The Oakland Digital Arts Literacy Center (ODALC) has taken some giant steps forward, using this formula, towards helping Oakland become a thriving center for job creation. - December 03, 2009 - Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center

The Body Mechanic™ Releases Podcast on New Workout Journal and Goal-Setting Workbook

Jeff Wooten, The Body Mechanic™ (, has announced the release of a podcast detailing his new workout journal and goal-setting workbook titled Reset Your Thermostat!. In the podcast, Wooten discusses how the combination journal and workbook was designed specifically for... - December 03, 2009 - The Body Mechanic

Ayelet Bukai - Israeli Dance Instructor

Ayelet teaches Israeli Folk dance, come learn the basics and all the new dances and moves. Every Wednesday in Or Akiva. On Wednesday, December 16th the class will be in a different location where they will celebrate a special Hannukah party. Details to follow on the... - December 03, 2009 - Ayelet Dance

Continuing Education Webinar on Elder Care Victimization: When Trusted Individuals Become Trust Violators

Elder care victimization—the financial abuse by an elderly person’s trusted caregiver or financial representative—is estimated to be at least $2.6 billion dollars, according to a recent report entitled “Broken Trust: Elders, Family and Finances.” And often, it may only be the client’s attorney or financial advisor who can uncover and reveal financial abuse that can be occurring within a client’s trusted relationship. - December 02, 2009 - Global Information Research & Retrieval, LLC

Continuing Education Webinar: The Maze of Hidden Money for Divorcing Spouses

Divorce does not happen overnight, but one spouse clearing out a bank account can—often leaving the other spouse devastated and broke. Peggy Tracy, MBA, CFP®, CDFA®, CFE will present a webinar entitled “Finding Hidden Money: Financial Fraud and Divorce Dissipation” at noon EST on Tuesday, Dec. 8, 2009 via online training provider Registrations are being accepted at - December 02, 2009 - Global Information Research & Retrieval, LLC

Getting It "Write" on the iPhone and iPodTouch: New App, Better Letters "Personal Handwriting Trainer," Seen in GQ Magazine

Deep Pocket Series, a firm best known for its medical software, now offers an iPhone/iPodTouch application to cure bad handwriting (developed in conjunction with Handwriting Repair/Handwriting That Works handwriting instruction/improvement service.) That app, Better Letters, launched on November 10, 2009 -- eight days later, it featured in the December 2009 issue of GQ magazine (page 128: sidebar in lower right corner on cyber-age resources for handwriting improvement). - December 02, 2009 - Handwriting Repair/Handwriting That Works

Ashworth College Offers Career-Specific Education with New Vocational High School Program

Ashworth High School's new vocational program at offers students the opportunity to match personal interests to a selection of career programs in one of one of three vocational tracks – computers, health care or skilled trades. Each track allows students to acquire career-relevant learning prior to entering the job market. - December 02, 2009 - Ashworth College

Dennis Rebelo, Author, AS3, Sales Training DVD, Outliers on Deck…Interactive Keynote

Outliers on Deck…The Rice Paddy, Math Students and Sales....Keynote as seen at The Unleashing of AS3™ Sales DVD Release Party ~ Video Release - December 02, 2009 - University Business Consultants LLC

Simutech Multimedia Software Named 2009 Product of the Year Finalist

The Troubleshooting Skills Series V4 software has been named as a Finalist in the Productivity and Training Software category of the 2009 Product of the Year awards, presented by Plant Engineering magazine. - December 02, 2009 - Simutech Multimedia Inc.

No Time for Monkeying Around – 350’s the Limit, World’s Zoos Unite Over Climate Change

Zoos and aquariums will become the last places on Earth to see species such as polar bears and coral if climate change negotiations fail at Copenhagen, warns the global zoo community. - December 02, 2009 - ZSL London Zoo

Train4TradeSkills Learners Get a Good Deal at ATL Says OFSTED

Train4Trade Skills applauds its training provider ATL following a recent OFSTED report about ATL. - December 02, 2009 - Train 4 Trade Skills

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