Women Can Learn to Stay Safe This Holiday

Poway Samurai Martial Arts is offering a one day Women’s Safety course on December 6, from 1 – 4pm, in association with their Personal and Family Safety programs. - November 26, 2009 - Poway Samurai Martial Arts

New Insights Between Marijuana Use and Parental Involvement

Parental involvement in the lives of their teens is strongly associated with reduced marijuana use in their children, according to a new study by Claremont Graduate University Professor of Psychology William Crano, PhD. - November 26, 2009 - Claremont Graduate University

North American Seminars Inc. Opens Its 2010 Continuing Medical Education Course Sponsorship Program

North American Seminars Inc. Opens Its 2010 Continuing Medical Education Course Sponsorship Program

North American Seminars Inc. is now accepting medical facilities that wish to host continuing medical education courses at their medical facility in 2010. This program allows a facility to showcase its operation and capabilities to the medical community as well as reduce their overall costs to educate their physical therapy and occupational therapy team members. In 2009 over 45 facilities hosted over 250 live training events. - November 25, 2009 - North American Seminars

Businessman, P. Miller, Actor Mark Wahlberg, Reachback LA, and Onemilliongifts.org Feed Thousands of the Less Fortunate in LA for Thanksgiving

Businessman, P. Miller, Actor Mark Wahlberg, Reachback LA, and Onemilliongifts.org Feed Thousands of the Less Fortunate in LA for Thanksgiving

P. Miller, Mark Wahlberg, Reachback LA And OneMillionGifts.org Deliver Thousands of Thanksgiving Dinners in Los Angeles, CA. - November 25, 2009 - reach back la

WSOP Academy Presents the First Ever Poker Mindset Academy

Develop a Powerful Winning Poker Mindset during a one day Academy hosted by renowned Mindset Coach & Best Selling Author, Sam Chauhan On December 4, 2009 at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. - November 25, 2009 - World Series of Poker Academy

Maui United Way and Windows of Opportunity Tutoring Team Up to Offer Holiday Tutoring Gift Cards to Support Education and Community Needs

The Maui United Way and Windows of Opportunity team up to offer discounted tutoring for Maui Students with holiday tutoring gift cards and 20% of all purchases will be donated to the Maui United Way. - November 25, 2009 - WooHawaii - Windows of Opportunity Tutoring

Kids ‘R’ Kids of Cary and Morrisville Selected as Platinum Award Winners

Kids ‘R’ Kids Schools of Quality Learning in Cary and Morrisville (www.kidsrkidscary.com) have announced that the Cary and Morrisville locations have been named platinum award winners by Kids ‘R’ Kids International. The platinum award is the highest recognition given to any... - November 25, 2009 - Kids R Kids

Clinical Trials in Russia. 3rd Quarter 2009.

The Federal Service on Surveillance in Healthcare and Social Development of the Russian Federation (alias RosZdravNadzor, RZN) approved 153 new clinical trials of all types including local and bioequivalence studies during the third quarter of 2009; demonstrating a 10% decrease comparing to the last year figure. - November 25, 2009 - Synergy Research Group

Catholic Pro Life Organizations will Benefit from New Web Site and Toy Line Angel Heaven™ World.com

Angel Heaven™ World .com will donate 20% of proceeds from it's online Toy & Gift Shop to Catholic Pro Life Organizations Nationwide. This will be during the 2009 Holiday Shopping Season and Beyond. - November 25, 2009 - Sharon M Hayes LLC

San Diego Golf School and Founder of Nationwide Golf Schools, Bruce Baird Speaks at Professional Golfers Career College

Bruce Baird founder and President of California Golf schools as well as the newly established Nationwide Golf Schools spoke at the Hilton Head campus of the Professional Golfers Career College November 23rd. The recent invitation was extended by Doug Walls Placement Director. Baird delivered a... - November 25, 2009 - Bruce Baird's California Golf Schools

Anti-Bullying Week 2009: Changing Lives One Beat at a Time

An afternoon of Rock music, heartrending stories and messages of hope kicked Anti-Bullying Week off at Columbia International College. Nearly 600 hundred students spent lunch time attending Think Day. The motivational multimedia presentation featured live music from Winnipeg band Hundredfold,... - November 25, 2009 - Columbia International College

MLT/Instructing Technologies Hires Michael Vargo

Michael Vargo, a well-versed technical instructor with multiple certifications, joined the MLT/Instructing Technologies team in November 2009. - November 25, 2009 - MLT/Instructing Technologies

The Art Institute of Jacksonville Joins the Beaches Habitat for Humanity to Dedicate New Homes

The Interior Design Department at The Art Institute of Jacksonville, joined the Beaches Habitat for Humanity to celebrate the completion of the 200th and 201st homes in the Jacksonville Beach area. The Beaches Habitat for Humanity’s Beach Bash 2009: History in the Making was held at the Selva... - November 25, 2009 - The Art Institute of Jacksonville

Publisher to Give Away Latest Book by Best-selling Author Stephen Pierce

SkyVault Publishing agrees to make 500 copies of 'Making Real Money on the Internet' available at no charge to unemployed Americans. - November 25, 2009 - SkyVault Multimedia Publishing

Challenger Center Supports President Obama's Call to Action in STEM Education

Today at The White House, President Barack Obama launched the "Educate to Innovate" campaign to improve the participation and performance of America's students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). According to The White House, the campaign "will include... - November 25, 2009 - Challenger Center for Space Science Education

Free Radmin for People with Physical Disabilities

Famatech’s new social program assists people with restricted mobility. - November 25, 2009 - Famatech

The Sagemont School in Broward Flourishes as Its Technology and Student Body Continue to Grow

Sagemont, a Private School serving Broward County has been on the cutting edge in technology for the past 14 years. - November 25, 2009 - The Sagemont Schools

Challenger Center Live Webcast About Comets and Asteroids

Join Challenger Center for Space Science Education for a live interactive webcast, Thursday December 10th at 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time with John Ristvey, Principal Consultant for Education and Public Outreach for NASA’s Dawn, Stardust NExT, and EPOXI missions. The interactive webcast... - November 25, 2009 - Challenger Center for Space Science Education

Back to School for Grownups Guides Adults Back to the Classroom

In response to the economic downturn, adults are returning to school in record numbers. Many seek opportunities for employment while others hope to fulfill lifetime dreams. - November 25, 2009 - Back to School for Grownups

Axiom Continuing Education Launches Online Cosmetology Continuing Education Classes

Axiom Continuing Education’s virtual university offers anywhere, anytime continuing education courses for hair stylists, barbers, nail technicians and estheticians. The courses are easy to use, interactive, audio narrated and accessible through any internet connection. - November 25, 2009 - Axiom Continuing Education

Corporate Health and Wellness Programs for the Changing Demographics in the Workplace

Annuvia introduces corporate health and wellness programs to address the changing demographics in the workplace. - November 25, 2009 - Annuvia, Inc.

New Free Language Learning Website Officially Launches During ACTFL Convention

Hello-Hello Redefines Online Language Learning with Interactive Site and Proven Methodology. - November 25, 2009 - Hello-Hello.com

Wiarton Willie is at It Again; Wiarton Willie Limerick Contest 2010

Colpoy Creek Books of Wiarton is again sponsoring the Wiarton Willie Groundhog Day Limerick Contest in 2010. Last year’s contest successfully drew entries from across Canada. Here is your first invitation to join the fun in their 2010 event. - November 24, 2009 - Colpoy Creek Books

The American Dyslexia Association Offers Free Worksheets to Help Children Overcome Reading, Writing and Calculating Disabilities

The American Dyslexia Association, a non-profit organization, offers free online training and information for children with dyslexia and dyscalculia. Teachers and parents can choose from over 1,500 worksheets to help children overcome their learning differences. - November 24, 2009 - American Dyslexia Association

Iflexion Took Part in Ruby on Rails Conference 2009

Iflexion Web Development Company has just returned from Ruby on Rails Conference 2009 which was held in San Francisco on November 19-21. Iflexion keeps track of new technologies and gives special attention to researching and applying innovative trends and tools that can be beneficial for its customers. - November 23, 2009 - Iflexion

Projects Abroad Pro - Qualified Volunteers in Action

Projects Abroad Pro - Qualified Volunteers in Action

Projects Abroad launch new initiative for skilled and qualified volunteers. - November 23, 2009 - Projects Abroad Pro

‘Green’ Geothermal is Core to Indianhead’s Revised Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology Program

Wisconsin Indianhead Technical College (WITC), in Superior, Wis., is working to develop a new geothermal heating core course for its Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration Technology associate degree program. The geothermal heating course – a unique offering among Wisconsin’s 16 technical colleges – will prepare program graduates and heating venting and air conditioning (HVAC) professionals to install, troubleshoot and repair geothermal heating systems. - November 23, 2009 - Worldwide Instructional Design System

Basketball Alumni Offer Youth Training

Diamond Bar High School alumni Victor Lee and Dayna Lee are offering basketball training and youth basketball league in Diamond Bar. - November 23, 2009 - Rising Stars Basketball Academy

The Sagemont School, a Private School in Broward County, Gets High Marks for Using Technology in Classrooms

Sagemont’s middle school and high school are harnessing the creative power of Activslates and Promethean software while the elementary students are utilizing their new mobile laptop unit to create innovative projects and presentations. - November 23, 2009 - The Sagemont Schools

New Southport Fitness Center Offers One-on-One Personal Training, Pilates, Massage Therapy and Customized Nutrition Plans

Personal Training Professionals (PTP) of New Canaan has opened a new facility in Southport, Connecticut. PTP Southport offers personal training, nutritional counseling, Pilates and massage therapy. PTP Southport is the company's second franchise location and is owned and operated by Chris Thomas,... - November 23, 2009 - Personal Training Professionals | PTP Franchise

Drucker School of Management Announces a New Concentration in Nonprofit Management

The Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management now offers a Concentration in Nonprofit Management. Developed in response to student and industry demand, the concentration emphasizes the relevance of the nonprofit sector in today’s economy and the importance of building a foundational understanding of how it operates for the public good on a local, national and international basis. - November 23, 2009 - Peter F. Drucker and Masatoshi Ito Graduate School of Management

Publications Offering Assistance for Parents and Professionals Assisting Troubled Teens

A newly updated Low Cost Treatment Programs Reference List, a new Home Values & Home Contract Booklet and the new 2009 - 2010 Advocacy Journal for Placements and Services of Adolescents and Young Adults at Risk-are all now released. - November 23, 2009 - Horizon Family Solutions, LLC

New Green Design Courses Take RedVector and UT’s Landmark Online Certificate Program to the Next Level

With “Green Design: Designing Relationships to Nature” and “Green Design: Perspectives on Innovation,” RedVector.com, Inc., and the University of Tennessee College of Architecture and Design are excited to announce that the full 10 hours of required courses students need to complete a Level 1 University of Tennessee Online Certificate in Sustainable Design and Green Buildings are online. - November 22, 2009 - RedVector

DIG Coaching Practice Presents Coaching Adolescent Children with ADHD on Attention Talk Radio with Host Jeff Copper and ADD Coach Diane Ladd

Jeff Copper of DIG Coaching Practice interview ADD adolescent coach Diane Ladd on Attention Talk Radio December 4, 2009, at 2:00 p.m. - November 22, 2009 - DIG Coaching Practice LLC

Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center: New Source of Inspiration and Practical Training

Oakland has long been recognized as the birthplace, growing-up place or residence of artists and social visionaries. Just a few are actors Tom Hanks and Clint Eastwood, architects Julia Morgan and Bernard Maybeck; authors Amy Tan and Jack London. The founders of the Oakland Digital Arts &... - November 22, 2009 - Oakland Digital Arts & Literacy Center

VFW National Home for Children Helps Active-Duty Military Families

In light of recent news about pressing family care needs of our nation’s active-military, these families should know there is help at the VFW National Home for Children. In addition to other programs, the National Home assists American servicemen and women by providing help and resources for... - November 22, 2009 - VFW National Home for Children

“Impunity in India” – An Evening of Reflection and Hopeful Projection

In conjunction with Trinity University’s Students Creating Awareness of the Sikh Faith (SCASF), Sikh Research Institute presented an evening of informed dialogue and reflection on the events of November 1984, in which organized anti-Sikh mobs massacred thousands across cities in northern... - November 22, 2009 - Sikh Research Institute

This Holiday Season Get Some Guilt Free Revenge with MFit

Personal training studio, Momentum Fitness will be holding it's annual “Train the Trainer” charitable event Saturday December 19th, 2009. MFit's members will get to exact some much anticipated revenge on their trainers in the name of charity. - November 22, 2009 - Momentum Fitness

Brevard Sheriff Jack Parker is Proactive on Preventing Juvenile Crime

Brevard County Sheriff Jack Parker has teamed up with ex-con Larry Lawton and the Reality Check program to help deter teen crime. The Reality Check Program DVD will be used by the Brevard Sheriff Department as a tool for positive community policing. The DVD will be distributed by the... - November 22, 2009 - Reality Check Program

Elite AMBT Presents a Botox® Training Seminar for Health Care Professionals

Elite AMBT offers a comprehensive, two-day course for Botox® cosmetic and injectable derma filler. Elite AMBT (Aesthetic Medical and Business Training) has designed a Botox® training seminar that teaches medical professionals the procedures and practices for treating patients with... - November 22, 2009 - Elite Aesthetic, Medical & Business Training

Local Childcare Coordinator, Michele Chazen Attends Cultural Care Au Pair International Summit in Berlin, Germany

Local Childcare Coordinator, Michele Chazen Attends Cultural Care Au Pair International Summit in Berlin, Germany In honor of the 20 year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall - November 22, 2009 - Cultural Care Au Pair, Michele Chazen

Remington College-Mobile Campus Introduces Process Control Engineering Technology Program

Associate of Applied Science Degree Program trains students for work in the field of Industrial Technology and Process Monitoring. - November 22, 2009 - Remington College

North Hollywood Acting Workshop Focuses on the Business Side

Stuart Rogers’ Studios announces additional acting workshop sessions through the remainder of 2009. - November 22, 2009 - Theatre Tribe Studio Theatre

Help Fulfill Holiday Wishes for Teens at Risk

Hillsides’ children and youth in crisis, who suffer from severe emotional disturbances, need your help in fulfilling special holiday wishes. - November 21, 2009 - Hillsides

Children’s Charity Needs Help with Adopt-a-Family Program

Pasadena Charity Seeks Holiday Help for Children and Families in Crisis. - November 21, 2009 - Hillsides

Scholarships Available to Area High School Seniors

Graduating high school seniors in Collier, Hendry, and Lee Counties planning college majors in special education or related disciplines are eligible to apply for a $1,000 scholarship offered by Eden Autism Services, a New Jersey-based nonprofit organization with Florida locations in Naples and Fort... - November 21, 2009 - Eden Autism Services Florida

The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Show Looks at “Cognitive Apprenticeship”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System industry, today announces the next episode of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a concept used in learning theory: “Cognitive Apprenticeship.” - November 21, 2009 - SyberWorks, Inc.

H. Scott Miller Joins MLT/Instructing Technologies as National Account Manager

H. Scott Miller joined the MLT/Instructing Technologies team in October 2009 as National Account Manager. - November 21, 2009 - MLT/Instructing Technologies

Young Children and Preschool Christian Sunday School Lesson Video Partnership

Cullen’s Abc’s, the renowned producer of free, children's videos, has joined with Ministry-to-Children.com, an inspirational team dedicated to serve people who minister to children. This imaginative alliance is working together to develop wonderfully creative Sunday School stories, songs, and projects to share with children at church or at home. - November 21, 2009 - Cullen's Abc's

10th Annual Duke Start-Up Challenge Finals Webcast Friday

Google Venture’s Bill Maris leads the Judges for Elevator Pitch Competition - November 20, 2009 - Duke Global Entrepreneurship Network

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