Annuvia Expands Services to Seattle

CPR Classes, AED Defibrillator, First Aid Training, and Emergency Preparedness Training Now Available in Seattle and Throughout Washington. - December 02, 2009 - Annuvia, Inc.

ActionCOACH Teams Up with the Agape Community Center in Atlanta for Pro Bono Business Coaching

Business coaching will help the Agape Community Center increase its donations by 10% within six months through ActionCOACH’s global Coaching for a Cause campaign. - December 02, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Business Coaching to Help Children’s Charity in Sacramento Increase Revenue by 15% Within Six Months

As part of a global pro bono coaching program, Linda Bigler will help Sacramento CASA raise revenues and implement systems to affect its operation long-term. - December 02, 2009 - ActionCOACH

CGU Professor Kim Reynolds' Team Receives $5.5 Million from the National Institute of Health for Study on Obesity Intervention for Teens

The study is expected to take five years to complete, at which time, Reynolds says he hopes the study will yield unique insights into strategies for behavior modification. - December 02, 2009 - Claremont Graduate University

The Gallery Group at The Art Institute of Jacksonville Presents the Annual Best of AI Jacksonville Juried Student Art Exhibition

The Art Institute of Jacksonville to Host Opening Reception for Annual Student Art Show on Thursday December 3, 2009. - December 02, 2009 - The Art Institute of Jacksonville

UpperMark Launches New Services for CAIA Exam Candidates

In step with recent updates to the CAIA exam curriculum, leading preparatory provider UpperMark has introduced innovative preparation tools for the upcoming CAIA exams. - December 01, 2009 - UpperMark Inc

Samurai Karate Studio Holds Anti Bully Workshop

Samurai Karate Studio hosted a free anti bully workshop on Saturday, November 22nd at 10:00am. Several children from the local community attended this event and learned non aggressive ways to deal with bullies. - December 01, 2009 - Samurai Karate Studio

New Jersey Fitness Expert to Host a Community Seminar on Holiday Nutrition Makeover

Personal trainer Carey Yang of Denville, NJ will host a Community Seminar titled, "Holiday Nutrition Makeover: How to Drop 7 Pounds in This Holiday Season While Still Enjoying Your Favorite Holiday Treats” on Wednesday, December 16 from 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at Panera Bread, 3056 Rt. 10 West in Denville. - December 01, 2009 - Carey for Fitness Personal Training

College Class USA

College Social Network & Classified Ads. - December 01, 2009 - College Class USA

Return of the Rhino | Nepal Winning War Against Poachers

Nepal’s greater one-horned rhino population is on the road to recovery, following almost a decade of steep decline caused by poaching. - November 30, 2009 - ZSL London Zoo

Debt Education Company Raises the Standard on Consumer Debt Settlement Plans

Professional training program that systematically forecasts the foreseeable future. - November 30, 2009 - Global Debt Systems

30 Min Phone Survey for Texas Healthcare Workers- $25 Target Gift card

New Study Available for Texas Healthcare Workers from SEDL/Southwest ADA Center-Participants will Receive a Target Gift card for 30-minute phone interview. - November 29, 2009 - DBTAC SW ADA Center

The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - Presidents of Distance and Virtual Universities from Around the World Meet in Barcelona

The meeting served to discuss the challenges arising from the current economic crisis for a university community that has to face up to strategic change. - November 29, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia

Sikkim Manipal University – Directorate of Distance Education Awarded - Digital Learning ICT Enabled University of the Year

SMUDE has been awarded the ICT enabled university amongst the other universities. - November 29, 2009 - Manipal Universal Learning Pvt Ltd

FotoTV Wins the German IPTV Award for Best Business Model

FotoTV the world's largest Internet TV about photography has won the German IPTV (DIPTV) Award in the best business model category. - November 29, 2009 - FotoTV

Empire Medical Training Specializes in Aesthetic Medicine Training Programs & Workshops

At Empire Medical Training each student will receive detailed instruction in Mesotherapy Techniques, Facial Aesthetics, and Advanced Botox & Dermal Filler training. Courses include procedures for Cellulite removal, Spot Fat Reduction, Body Contouring, Weight Loss Procedures, Face Rejuvenation and the “Meso-Lift” The “Non Surgical Face Lift.” - November 29, 2009 - Empire Medical Training

The UOC - Open University of Catalonia - The Global Online University - a Roundtable Analyses the Links Between Multilingualism and Nationalist Sentiments

The professor from the UOC's Arts and Humanities department, Miquel Strubell, and the tutor from the same department, Ernest Querol, took part, on Tuesday 24 November in a roundtable to present their book entitled Llengua i reivindicacions nacionals a Catalunya. Evolució de les habilitats, dels usos i de la transmissió lingüística (1977-2008) (Language and Nationalist Sentiments in Catalonia. Evolution of Language Skills, Uses and Transmission (1977-2008)). - November 29, 2009 - UOC - Open University of Catalonia

John Strasberg Lectures on Training Actors and the Creative Process

John Strasberg Lectures on Training Actors and the Creative Process

As part of Accidental Repertory Theater's "Living Room Series," Artistic Director John Strasberg offers two lectures on acting and the creative process, December 3 and 10, 8pm, at John Strasberg Studios, 555 Eighth Avenue, Suite 403, New York City. - November 28, 2009 - Accidental Repertory Theater

Bradley Lambert Launches New Online Professional Management Development Training in LA

Firm Enhances Services and Targets Professionals Seeking to Strengthen Business and Management Skills - November 28, 2009 - Bradley Lambert

Thanksgiving Just Got a Little Healthier

Nourishing USA fed over 1000 people healthy meals this Thanksgiving - November 28, 2009 - Nourishing USA

Frank Reed, Bremerton, WA Based Author, Speaks on Financial Principles from His Book "In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense" at Master Mind Mondays in Poulsbo, November 30

Frank Reed, the "Minister of Finance," and Bremerton-based author of "In God We Trust: Dollar$ & Sense" wants people to cast off their debt burdens and prosper. He'll speak about his Biblically-based money management principles for success at Master Mind Mondays at the Taprock Northwest Grill in Poulsbo, Monday, November 30, 2009, 5:15-6:15 PM. - November 28, 2009 - Master Mind Mondays

Kesavah BellyDance in Prince George BC Launches a New Blog entitled “Yalla Nir’os Ya Banat”

Kesavah BellyDance in Prince George BC has launched a new blog titled "Yalla Nir’os Ya Banat" where dancers can find helpful belly dancing tips, belly dance events, as well as to keep up to date with belly dance classes, notices, and updates. - November 28, 2009 - Kesavah BellyDance

The Cambridge Apprentice - Do You Have What It Takes to be an Entrepreneur?

Cambridge University Technology Enterprise Club (CUTEC) and Cambridge University Enterpreneurs (CUE) have joined forces once more to bring you a one day event with a series of real-world business challenges to train and test your skills. Challenges was set by their team of mentors, who run their own businesses and know what it takes to succeed. Teams compete to see who has the best entrepreneurial potential. - November 28, 2009 - Cambridge University Technology and Enterprise Club

New Year's Resolution Transform Your Body & Actually Succeed with These Tips

Fitness Expert Jason Yun explains why most New Years plans to get fit and eat healthier fail and how Yun Fitness Boot Camps can stick to a plan this year. - November 28, 2009 - Yun Strength & Fitness Systems LLC

Putting Public Transportation Where It Belongs -- the New SuperVIEW Government 2.0 Approach to Collaborative Planning -- by Space-Time Research and the Dept of Transport

A new on-line tool detailing how, where and why Victorians travel - VISTA 07 - is being launched this week by Victoria’s Department of Transport (DoT). VISTA 07 (Victorian Integrated Survey of Travel and Activity for 2007) is a Web 2.0-based data analysis and visualisation system based on Space-Time Research’s SuperVIEW software. VISTA 07 is an example of a Government 2.0-type of initiative. - November 27, 2009 - Space-Time Research Pty Ltd

Baby Fingers Begins Offering Private Lessons in Music and Sign Language Classes for Adults and Teens

Lora Heller, founding director of Baby Fingers LLC, has added private lessons to the sign language school’s offerings. Lessons are now offered in guitar, piano, banjo, or general music for children and adults, as well as American Sign Language tutoring for individuals or families. The new... - November 27, 2009 - Baby Fingers

Child1st Publications Introduces New Bilingual Sight Word Cards for Special Needs

The new sight word cards follow a similar format to Child1st's bestselling SnapWords™ cards. The front of each card includes an image embedded into the word, enabling visual and other right brain learners, as well as those labeled with dyslexia, autism, Asperger's and ADD to engage with the... - November 27, 2009 - Child1st Publications

Doorways for Women and Families Receives Highest Ratings from Charity Navigator and the Catalogue for Philanthropy of Greater Washington

Doorways for Women and Families, Arlington’s leading provider and advocate for victims of homelessness, violence and abuse, has received two major awards recently, recognizing its outstanding fiscal management and results. Charity Navigator, America’s leading independent charity... - November 27, 2009 - Doorways for Women and Families

Alexia Natkin Joins MLT/Instructing Technologies’ Support Team

Alexia Natkin joins MLT/Instructing Technologies as the Operations Analyst at the company’s headquarters in Waukesha, Wisconsin. - November 27, 2009 - MLT/Instructing Technologies Gyanmania Mathematics Olympiad 2010 is going to organise “Gyanmania Mathematics Olympiad'10” to identify the most creative secondary mathematics students in the country. The exam will be held on 17 January 2010 in New Delhi. is part of a worldwide system of national mathematics competitions, a... - November 27, 2009 -

Upside Learning, in Association with Skill-Pill M-Learning, Brings World Class Mobile Learning Solutions to India

Upside Learning, in association with Skill-Pill, offers world class mobile learning content to deliver expert advice from leading business organizations directly to mobile phones. - November 27, 2009 - Upside Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Rutherford Tutoring Service Expand Into Dayton and Cleveland Ohio

Due to growth Rutherford Tutoring Service in Cincinnati, Ohio has expanded their tutoring services and now provides tutoring in Dayton and Cleveland Ohio. - November 27, 2009 - Rutherford Tutoring Service

Empire Medical Training Teaching the Newest Mesotherapy Techniques and Procedures

Empire Medical Training gives physicians a thorough understanding through hands-on training sessions to evaluate patients and deliver results with safe and effective Mesotherapy, Cellulite Reduction & Lipo Therapy treatments. Physicians can perform treatments immediately following this course and implement these procedures into an existing practice. - November 26, 2009 - Empire Medical Training

Kesavah BellyDance in Prince George BC Starts New Classes for All Belly Dance Levels

Kesavah BellyDance in Prince George BC is starting new classes for all Belly Dance levels in January 2010. - November 26, 2009 - Kesavah BellyDance

Wolf Creek Academy Students Assist Local Ski Resort

Volunteer projects give students a sense of accomplishment and earns them community service hours towards graduation. - November 26, 2009 - Wolf Creek Academy

ActionCOACH Debuts New Blog:

ActionCOACH, the world’s number one business coaching firm, has launched a new business coaching blog. - November 26, 2009 - ActionCOACH

Second Time Around: Australia’s IP Wealth Lands in the BRW Fast 100 for 2009

IP Wealth has made the BRW Fast 100 list two years in a row, and it aims to make the list a third time next year with Business Coach Wez Hone by their side. - November 26, 2009 - ActionCOACH

New Book Announcement: CareerBall: The Sport Athletes Play When They’re Through Playing Sports

Book Tackles the Growing Challenge Athletes Face Today in Developing a Post-Sports Identity and Meaningful Career Development Plan - November 26, 2009 - Career Ball

Scot Hornick Joins Bill Wright's Guitar Studio as Bass Instructor

Scot Hornikc joins Bill Wright's Guitar Studio as Electric and Upright Bass Instructor - November 26, 2009 - Bill Wright School Of Music

Boston University Corporate Education Center Now Offers Project Management Training Aligned to PMBOK® Guide, Fourth Edition

Boston University Corporate Education Center, part of Corporate Education Group®, would like to announce the completion of their revised online and classroom-based project management courseware, now fully aligned with PMBOK® Guide, Fourth Edition. Project Management Institute®’s... - November 26, 2009 - Corporate Education Group

Gulf Coast School of Rock, Pensacola, Florida, Offers Holiday Gift Certificates at Special Price of $30 Per Private Half-Hour Lesson for Guitar, Voice, Bass, or Drums

Gulf Coast School of Rock is offering holiday gift certificates as the perfect unique Christmas or Hanukkah gift for anyone who loves music and wants to learn to play the fun way. The gift certificates feature a special holiday price of $30 per private half-hour lesson and can be used for adult or youth guitar lessons, bass lessons, voice lessons or drum lessons at Gulf Coast School of Rock, 1010 N. 12th Avenue, Pensacola, Florida. - November 26, 2009 - Gulf Coast School of Music

Reading Horizons at Home Deal for Black Friday 2009

Reading Horizons At Home is offering a generous discount for Black Friday, November 27th. The company is offering free shipping and 20% off its Home Use products. Reading Horizons at Home is a program that helps its users build foundational reading skills. The program is based on scientifically... - November 26, 2009 - Reading Horizons

Hyde Park Community Embraces the Holiday Season with a Musical Tradition

A majestic performance of Handel’s Messiah fills Rockefeller Memorial Chapel with music and song. - November 26, 2009 - University of Chicago Department of Music

AchieveGlobal UK Measures Up to Training Performance Assessment

Global skills development and training provider AchieveGlobal has announced the launch of a strategic partnership with Knowledge Advisors, a leading provider of learning and talent measurement solutions, to help clients measure the value of training. - November 26, 2009 - Achieveglobal (UK) Limited

Adelphi University Presents Amahl and the Night Visitors on December 12, 2009

Adelphi University is proud to present Amahl and the Night Visitors, one of the most popular American operas by Gian Carlo Menotti, on Saturday, December 12, 2009, at 2:00 p.m. in the University’s Performing Arts Center (AU PAC), Concert Hall, 1 South Avenue, Garden City, NY. This production... - November 26, 2009 - Adelphi University

GoLearn Optimizes Social Networking to Reach Out to Forex Traders

By utilizing such tremendously popular social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook, GoLearnForex is reaching forex traders with important educational tools. - November 26, 2009 -

New Online Course from RedVector Details the Basics of Building Information Modeling (BIM)

To help architects, engineers, contractors and other design professionals keep up with the rapidly evolving world of virtual modeling technology, RedVector is pleased to release “Building Information Modeling (BIM): An Introduction.” - November 26, 2009 - RedVector

America's Best Architecture & Design Schools 2010

DesignIntelligence publishes 11th annual edition of definitive rankings. - November 26, 2009 - Greenway Group

New Xyleme Release Leads Industry in Open Formats and Standards-Based Learning Content Management

Built end-to-end on a 100% native XML platform, Xyleme's solution ensures global scalability, future-proofed content and an end to vendor lock-in - November 26, 2009 - Xyleme, Inc.

Wondershare Announces Up to 50% Discount for Black Friday Promotion

Wondershare today announced big Black Friday promotion on training and presentation software. Educators, businessmen and marketing professionals now can save up to 50% discount to get their ideal training and presentation applications. From today until December 5th, anyone can purchase software... - November 26, 2009 - Wondershare Software

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