Readability is the Key for New Look Web Site

Visitors to the website will notice a new look and improved performance, after the retail site was re-launched Thursday. - November 22, 2008 -

Amazing Bubble Man Entertains Pasadena Special Education School

Students from the local Pasadena special education nonpublic school, Hillsides Education Center, were dazzled and entertained by the Amazing Bubble Man. This event is part of a monthly series of educational and entertaining performances organized by the Las Candelas Program for the students at the... - November 22, 2008 - Hillsides

Tampa Bay Aid Organizations Benefit from RedVector Charity Efforts

RedVector and its employees are shifting into high gear to give back to the community this holiday season and beyond. - November 22, 2008 - RedVector

Pasadena Charity Brings Thanksgiving Home to Families in Need

Every year, around this time many needy families go without a Thanksgiving dinner. With the economy spiraling down, more families will be turning to charities for support during the holidays. National Charity League of Pasadena Donates Food Baskets to Hillsides. - November 22, 2008 - Hillsides

New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome Honored for Combating Mental Health Stigma

Organization behind the world's first TS DNA Sharing Repository recognized by the New Jersey Governor's Council on Mental Health Stigma Ambassador's Award. - November 22, 2008 - New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome

Elements+ Unlocks Hidden Functions in Photoshop Elements

Andrei Doubrovski, an author of video-books on Adobe Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, has released "Elements+" - add-on for Adobe Photoshop Elements unlocking up to 144 undocumented functions. The kit includes smart filters, vector masks, and many more advanced tools normally hidden... - November 21, 2008 - Andrei Doubrovski

ourUSAschools Launches Its Education Network

ourUSAschools has launched the first of a network of sites dedicated to simplifying the search for education resources for Parents, Teachers and Administrators. The network will eventually include the national site and a site for each state in the US and the District of Columbia. - November 21, 2008 - ourUSAschools

The e-Learning Lingo Podcast Show Discusses the Meaning of “Core Capabilities”

Custom e-Learning Solutions and Learning Management System industry leader, SyberWorks, Inc., announces today the release of the next installment of the e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series, about a term related to knowledge management: “core capabilities.” - November 21, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Wealth Management Summit - Diversifying Revenue Strategies for Long-Term Growth

Dr. Mohd Daud Bakar, President and CEO, International Institute of Islamic Finance, Malaysia, will be addressing the ‘Wealth Management Summit’ in Dubai on 25 – 28 January 2009 at the Mövenpick Hotel, Bur Dubai. - November 21, 2008 - IQPC Middle East

Scientists Worldwide to Speak Out on Population Problem

The Global Population Speak Out aims to break down the barrier to public discussion of the population-environment link. - November 21, 2008 - Global Population Speak Out

Executive Recruiter to ActionCOACH, Patsy Foxworth Left a Successful Career to Start Her Own Business

Foxworth feels ActionCOACH was the next logical step in her career. - November 21, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Former Banker and Fitness Instructor Has Joined ActionCOACH in Malaysia

Maresa likens business to sports and feels that business should be run like a life-long marathon. - November 21, 2008 - ActionCOACH Announces Free Workshop on GD and PI for MBA Aspirants

A Free workshop on Group Discussions and Personal interviews will be conducted on 22nd-23rd November by for MBA aspirants. - November 21, 2008 - Enabilon Learning PVT Ltd

Lisa Fullbrook is the First Female ActionCOACH in UK’s South East Team

Fullbrook has a passion for coaching and has found her calling as an ActionCOACH. - November 21, 2008 - ActionCOACH

New StraighterLine Podcast Identifies Solution to Increasing Tuition and Transfer Fees

StraighterLine (, a new online education solution that provides students a high quality, better supported, and lower cost way to obtain college credits through regionally accredited colleges and universities, has announced the release of a podcast offering new solutions in... - November 21, 2008 - StraighterLine

Feast on fashion at the `Catwalk for a Cure’ runway show at UH on Nov. 24

Once the Thanksgiving leftovers have been put away, there’s only one thing left to do: shop. Those seeking a recipe for success on Black Friday can study up on high fashion – and contribute to a down-to-earth cause – at a runway benefit next week at the University of Houston. The... - November 21, 2008 - University of Houston

Nannies Sharpen Skills in Soft Job Market

Employees and job seekers alike are looking to increase their value in hopes of keeping the job they have or getting the jobs they want. A Friend of the Family Home Services, Inc., an in-home childcare and adult care referral service, offered an opportunity for all nannies and in home care... - November 21, 2008 - A Friend of the Family Home Services, Inc.

Smart Payment Solutions Partners with SofterWare and Delivers Strategic Payment Services

Announces the Integration of Electronic ACH Payment Processing – Creates Savings and Convenience - November 20, 2008 - SofterWare

Kodi Owens Joins Lamar Associates as Training Coordinator

Lamar Associates, a Washington, D.C.-based professional services company, is pleased to announce the addition of Kodi Owens as Training Coordinator for the company’s nationwide training division. - November 20, 2008 - Lamar Associates

Working Together to Improve Learning, Performance Pathways and the Hawaii DOE

Through agreements with several complexes in the state of Hawaii, the company has been recognized as a qualified vendor for the state. Vice President of Professional Services, Dr. Bena Kallick to visit the island in December. - November 20, 2008 - Performance Pathways

US Navy Makes Commitment to Inclusion, Kids and Families Benefit

Children with disabilities and their families will benefit as San Diego based non-profit, Kids Included Together is awarded a contract to train personnel at US Navy Child Development Centers, Youth and Teen Programs and Child Development Homes worldwide on the best practices of inclusion. - November 20, 2008 - Kids Included Together

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik to Manage Alumni Relations with UniversiTools

Holy Spirit University of Kaslik in Lebanon has signed with White Mountain Technologies for UniversiTools Alumni Connection module. - November 20, 2008 - White Mountain Technologies

From CPA to ActionCOACH, Roly Longmire is Ready for a Truly Fulfilling Opportunity

A past CPA, Longmire sees tremendous potential in his new role as an ActionCOACH. - November 20, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Release of Ardour 2.7 : Open-Source DAW for Mac OS X

Thanks to the support of SAE Institute, the Apple OS X version of the popular free audio editing software will be available for download as of November 17, 2008. - November 20, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US

Pasadena Special Education School Drop, Cover, and Hold On

Students and Local Charity Participated in the Great SoCal ShakeOut Drill - November 20, 2008 - Hillsides

Jeffrey C. Smith Named as an ActionCOACH in Georgia

In the midst of the current economic business environment, Smith sees huge potential in business coaching. - November 20, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Shermco Industries Purchases the SyberWorks Learning Management System to Manage Technician Certification and Training

SyberWorks Inc., a leader in the Learning Management Systems industry, announced today that they signed an agreement with Shermco Industries, Inc. to manage technician certification training using the SyberWorks Learning Management System. - November 20, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.

From Land Rover to ActionCOACH, Gary Harding is in Top Gear

“I am looking forward to the next few years where I will learn new skills, meet new people and be a successful ActionCOACH.” - November 20, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Francois Lubbe SeesActionCOACH as a Natural Progression to His Successful Corporate Career

“My passion to help other people achieve sustainable results in their business and personal lives has driven me to become an ActionCOACH.” - November 20, 2008 - ActionCOACH

Bob King Brings Clinical Massage Series to Cortiva Campuses

Massage therapists coast to coast can learn from one of bodywork’s best when Bob King brings his Clinical Massage Series to Cortiva campuses. With 35 years of experience, King is a massage educator, innovator and leader not to be missed. - November 19, 2008 - Cortiva Institute - Schools of Massage Therapy

Huge Increase in Bookmarking of the Gateway to 21st Century Skills

The US’s largest educational resource site reaches milestone as 66.9% add it to favorites list. - November 19, 2008 - JES & Co.

Huskers Baseball Fundraising Spaghetti Dinner to Support Northland Community Food Pantries

Huskers fundraising spaghetti dinner to support local food pantries. - November 19, 2008 - Huskers Baseball Program

Binary Research International Announces Availability of Microsoft Official Distance Learning Courses

Binary Research International (BRI) announced today it's offering Microsoft Official Distance Learning Courses. Courses on server management and Vista are kicking off the program, which combine classroom interactivity with online convenience and flexibility. BRI is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Learning Solutions and a leader in offering training on Symantec Ghost and IT administration courses. - November 19, 2008 - Binary Research International

SMARTHINKING to Exhibit at 13th Annual Association of Colleges Conference

SMARTHINKING, Inc. (, the market leader in providing online tutoring and academic support to students, has announced that its representatives will participate in the 13th International Convention of the Association of Colleges (AoC) Nov. 18-20 at the International Convention... - November 19, 2008 - SMARTHINKING

TestFunda Delivered Simulated CAT Percentiler as Promised

Only provided Simulated CAT Percentiler and detailed answer key at the promised time on the day of CAT. Free detailed personalized report card will further help the CAT takers. - November 19, 2008 - Enabilon Learning PVT Ltd

The Art Institute Offers a Scholarship Competition for High School Seniors with a Passion for Fashion

Deadline to enter is Friday, November 21. - November 19, 2008 - The Art Institute of California -- Orange County

5 Solvency ii Related Websites for the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR), the  Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR), the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

5 Solvency ii Related Websites for the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR), the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR), the Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA)

The Solvency ii Association ( has launched 5 Solvency ii related websites for the the board of directors, managers and professionals working in the Insurance and Reinsurance sectors. - November 18, 2008 - Compliance LLC

American Right of Way Associates Has Booth at The Haynesville Shale Expo

American Right of Way Associates Has Booth at The Haynesville Shale Expo

ARWA (American Right of Way Associates) announced today that they will have an exhibitor booth at the Haynesville Shale EXPO November 21st, 2008. American Right of Way Associates (ARWA) is the subsidiary company of Texas Right of Way Associates (TRWA, Inc) based out of Fort Worth, Texas. ARWA now... - November 18, 2008 - American Right of Way Associates

Bettertrades Collaborates with to Catapult Investor iConference

Bettertrades Collaborates with to Catapult Investor iConference

Online-Only Event Features Steve Forbes and an All-Star Panel of Investment Advisors, including BetterTrades veteran Scott Schilling. - November 18, 2008 - BetterTrades

Netrino Announces Updated Embedded Systems Training Course Schedule for 2009

“Developing Effective Coding Standards” course joins “Embedded Software Boot Camp” and others on enhanced schedule. - November 18, 2008 - Netrino

Help to Defeat the Bully

Samurai Karate Studio, located at 2000 Clemson Road, Suite # 9, Columbia, SC 29229, will be holding an anti bully workshop on Saturday, November 22nd at 10:00am and 11:00am. Please register today for this free event by calling 803-462-9425 or emailing Sensei Feldt at - November 18, 2008 - Samurai Karate Studio

Please Support Samurai Karate Studio's Food Drive

Samurai Karate Studio, located at 2000 Clemson Road, Suite # 9, Columbia, SC 29229, is holding a canned food drive to support Harvest Hope Food Bank, a local food bank that supports the city of Columbia and neighboring suburbs. For those people who drop off 10 canned food items, they will be eligible for two private lessons and a Free week of karate classes at SKS, a $100.00 value. - November 18, 2008 - Samurai Karate Studio

Pamela Lyons, "The Queen of QuickBooks®," Joins the Business Expert Webinars Speaker Team

Business Expert Webinars (BEW), the leading provider of business eLearning, announced that Pamela Lyons has joined their speaker community to deliver business eLearning training on the use of QuickBooks®. "QuickBooks® has so many bells and whistles of which many accounting... - November 18, 2008 - Business Expert Webinars

City Kidz World Magazine Sponsors Writing Contest

City Kidz World Magazine Sponsors Writing Contest

This press release promotes the "Imagine Your Future" Writing Contest sponsored by City Kidz World magazine. - November 17, 2008 - City Kidz World magazine

Teen TV, a Teen Produced Magazine Television Show to Premier at English High School, America's Oldest High School, on November 20

What do 20 teens from Dorchester, Roxbury, the South End, Brighton, and Jamaica Plain have in common? They spent this past summer working full time on a new television show, Teen TV that will have its premier screening at 6 PM this Thursday at English High School in Jamaica Plain,... - November 17, 2008 - HOME, Inc.

SAE Institute Opens Digital Film Program in the Heart of Hollywood

Worldwide media institution draws from local Hollywood directors, producers and screenwriters to offer the Digital Film Production Diploma at the Los Angeles campus. Shooting begins January 2009. - November 17, 2008 - SAE Institute of Technology, US Announces Partnership with SystemsOnLine - A Saudi Arabian Company has just signed an agreement with SystemsOnLine, a Saudi Arabian Company that will be TalktoCanada’s working partner in the Middle East and will act as its agent to procure new customers, carry forward Marketing in the Middle East and deal with customers in the local Arabic... - November 17, 2008 -

The Body Mechanic™ Releases Podcast on Corporate Chair Massage

Jeff Wooten, president of The Body Mechanic™ (, has announced the release of a podcast detailing the company’s on-site corporate chair massage service. In the podcast, Wooten discusses the difference between a chair massage and a table massage, the benefits of... - November 16, 2008 - The Body Mechanic

The e-Learning Lingo Podcast #71: “Bloom’s Taxonomy”

A premier custom e-Learning Solutions and Learning Management System company, SyberWorks, Inc., has released another episode in its e-Learning Lingo Podcast Series. This new installment addresses a model that is used in e-Learning, “Bloom’s Taxonomy.” - November 16, 2008 - SyberWorks, Inc.

Latest Gay Market Research Data Reveals Gay Travel Market Now Valued at Almost £5 Billion Pounds Annually

The latest UK market research data on gay and lesbian travel has been revealed at London's WTM World Travel Market. The Mark Travel Corporation strengthens its targeting of the gay market by joining Out Now's GayComfort travel marketing accreditation program. - November 16, 2008 - Out Now

Press Releases 31,851 - 31,900 of 35,648