Free Critical Training Course for Law Enforcement

A new version of The Backup Training Corporation's computer based course Patrol Response to Active Shooters has been released. The course is available free to sworn law enforcement officers in the USA. - March 02, 2007 - Backup Training, LLC

Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Trains Hartford S.W.A.T. Team

Approximately 30 members of Jim Hughes and Royce Gracie Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Schools of Self Defense were on hand to help the Hartford SWAT Team learn “less than lethal” restraint strategy. - March 02, 2007 - Jim Hughes & Gracie Brazilian Jiu JItsu Self Defense

Project Management Training Online Adds Credit Card Service for 55 Countries

Project Management Training Online – - announced today that it has added credit card service for multiple countries outside the United States. Previously, only credit cards with US billing addresses were accepted, although customers outside the US could use PayPal. Now... - March 02, 2007 - Project Management Training Online

Pennsylvania Autism Non Profit Host Nutrition Seminar

Autism Child Care Connection Inc. is sponsoring a Seminar on Nutritional and Biomedical Interventions for Children with Autism, Saturday March 31, 2007 from 1 PM until 4 PM at Reeceville Elementary School in Coatesville, Pennsylvania for parents, service professionals and the community. Dr. Paul... - March 01, 2007 - Autism Child Care Connection Inc.

Elite Fitness System's Website to Track Event in Real Time

Elite Fitness Systems’ Web Site To Track Sponsored Powerlifters Competing In Arnold Classic In Real Time - March 01, 2007 - Elite Fitness Systems

Warbasse Design Teams Up with Zone Ready to Create a New Approach to Online Fitness

Full service multimedia firm selected by celebrity athletic trainers Tim Adams and Chris Gizzi to build an online presence for their new business, Zone Ready. - March 01, 2007 - Zone Ready

Use Raptivity Learning Interactions in Moodle - and Elsewhere: Kineo Reviews This and Many More Features of Raptivity

“…If you don't have Flash skills Raptivity will allow you to add lots of different interactivities very quickly. You just publish the interactivity as a stand alone swf and insert into your programme or PowerPoint. You could also launch these as separate learning objects in a Moodle... - March 01, 2007 - Harbinger Knowledge Products Inc.

RapideL is Now Available in 3 New Languages

RapideL, the rapid e-learning authoring tool is now available in German, Portuguese and Italian languages. - March 01, 2007 - Brainvisa

New SyberWorks Media Center Article: “Learning Management System (LMS) Hierarchies”

SyberWorks, Inc., a leader in custom e-Learning Solutions and the Learning Management System (LMS) industry, today announces a new article available in the SyberWorks Online Media Center: “Learning Management Systems (LMS) Hierarchies” by Dave Boggs, CEO of SyberWorks, Inc. Dave... - February 28, 2007 - SyberWorks, Inc.

National Home Staging Trainer to Speak at IRIS Conference March 2007

Sandy Dixon, a certified real estate staging and interior redesign trainer, will be a featured speaker at the national conference of the Interior Redesign Industry Specialists (IRIS) in Nashville, Tennessee on March 23, 2007 at the Loews Vanderbilt Hotel. Dixon, owner of Evergreen, Colorado-based... - February 28, 2007 - Interior Arrangements

KESDEE Launches e-learning Course On “UCP600 – New Rules for Letters of Credit”

KESDEE recently developed a comprehensive e-learning course on UCP600. This course has relevance to all parties involved with letters of credit but is especially aimed at exporters. The course highlights the changes that will have the greatest impact on letter of credit beneficiaries. - February 28, 2007 - KESDEE Inc.

A Spring Surge for Wine Education

The Wine School of Philadelphia is reporting a surge in popularity for wine education. - February 27, 2007 - The Wine School of Philadelphia

Deja-Fit, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching for Women

Deja-Fit, Lifestyle Fitness Coaching is a weekly blog which is published to address the issues which affect women in their daily lives. Such issues which have been discussed vary from the effects of the media on body image to the benefits of exercise and stress management. - February 27, 2007 - Deja-Fit Lifestyle Fitness Coaching for Women

Octagon Research Solutions, Inc., Announces New Agreement with Biogen Idec

Chairman and CEO, Jim Walker of Octagon Research Solutions, Inc., a pioneer and leader in the electronic transformation of clinical R&D in the life sciences industry, announced today that Biogen Idec, (NASDAQ: BIIB), a premier biotechnology organization that has pioneered important medical... - February 27, 2007 - Octagon Research Solutions, Inc

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Master Hosted by Royce Gracie BJJ CT and MA

Three time UFC champ and K1 fighter Royce Gracie's brother Rolker Gracie is traveling to Connecticut and Massachusetts for the week beginning Saturday February 24. Rolker has been by Royce Gracie's side at every fight since the first UFC quietly supporting his Brother and helping to make Gracie Jiu Jitsu a household name in North America. - February 24, 2007 - Jim Hughes & Gracie Brazilian Jiu JItsu Self Defense

YES! FC Dallas and Frisco RoughRiders are Committed to the Kids

Kids can try out their soccer skills in the North Texas State Soccer Chevy Showcase obstacle course and take pictures with Frisco’s favorite prairie dog, Deuce. - February 24, 2007 - YES!

Nancy Lieberman to Host Basketball Demo at YES! Expo

Lieberman will be on site from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. signing autographs and speaking to the crowd about the importance of youth sports. - February 24, 2007 - YES!

INO Therapeutics Selects Octagon to Provide a Foundation for Their eCTD Capability Strategy

Company Chooses Three of Octagon’s Integrated, Cross-functional Solutions. - February 23, 2007 - Octagon Research Solutions, Inc

Team Elite Fitness Systems ( to Participate in 2007 Arnold Classic March 2-4

Elite Fitness Systems will participate in the Arnold Classic, an annual bodybuilding competition, named after Arnold Schwarzenegger and is considered the most lucrative competition in bodybuilding, with a number of large prizes. “The 2007 Arnold Classic looks to be one of the greatest in... - February 23, 2007 - Elite Fitness Systems

Business-to-Business Marketing with Speeches and Seminars

Learning how to turn company expertise into business leads through public speaking is the focus of an all-day workshop on "Marketing With Speeches and Seminars" to be held 9 am to 4 pm on Friday, March 30, 2007 Sandler Sales Institute, 2091 Business Center Dr., Suite 120 in Irvine, Calif. - February 23, 2007 - New Client Marketing

Nervous About Getting Into School? A College Search Site's College Story Case Study Example Proves that a Degree is in Reach

A college search site's college story case study example explains how a college recruitment tool can help students find their ideal school. - February 23, 2007 - Educational Directories Unlimited

Free Golf Video Lessons

Watch Nationally Recognized Golf Pros Reveal Their Swing Secrets Free And Cut 7-10 Strokes Off Your Game In Under 1 Week - February 23, 2007 -

New All-In-One Journal, Blogging & Podcasting Software for Windows from Mariner Software

Free public beta of WinJournal 1.0 is now available for download. - February 22, 2007 - Mariner Software

Work With Ease Gives Back to Entrepreneurs via Free Teleconferences During EntrepreneurshipWeek USA

Work With Ease will conduct two free teleconferences/webinars during EntrepreneurshipWeek USA. The organization will offer key insights on overcoming entrepreneurial challenges and sustaining business success in a fast-paced, competitive work world. - February 22, 2007 - Work With Ease

Cleverlearn Now Offers Free Access to e-Learning English Courses

Cleverlearn Ltd., a leading global provider of English learning solutions, now offers totally free subscriptions to its online English learning products CleverCourse and TOEIC Preparation Course. - February 22, 2007 - Cleverlearn Ltd

The Cause of World War II Multimedia Learning Program Offered by Jinsig Instructional Technology and Instructional Design Services

When world history is the topic anywhere around the globe, The Cause of World War II Multimedia Learning Program offered by Jinsig Instructional Technology and Instructional Design Services (JITIDS) becomes the key in understanding the events and politics of the cause World War II (WWII)... - February 21, 2007 - Jinsig Instructional Technology and Instructional Design Services

TRG Announces Partnership with LearningGuide

Customized learning and performance support to enhance workplace performance - February 21, 2007 - TRG Inc

Communities in Schools of North Carolina and ABC11 Eyewitness News Partner to Produce New Public Service Announcement

Thirty-second video highlights the impact of students who drop out of school before reaching graduation. - February 21, 2007 - Communities in Schools of NC

Signal Inc. Powers Up on the Latest in Search Technology with David Williams SEO Training

Signal, the North Carolina based design, marketing and technology firm noted for producing integrated marketing communication campaigns, invites SEO consultants David Williams and Fred Wood to saturate knowledge of high-level SEO throughout every department in the company. - February 21, 2007 - Unlimited Web Solutions

Rapidel Will Soon Enable Creation of Courses Based on Adaptive Learning Techniques

Mid March this year, RapideL will raise the bar of training development to provide support for the much needed, pedagogically sound, Adaptive Learning Techniques. - February 21, 2007 - Brainvisa

Now Online, Certification for Funeral Directing

The Commonwealth Institute of Funeral Service has expanded to offer Certification for Funeral Directing Online. Students participating in this program will learn the skills for complete funeral directing and funeral service arts in accordance with Texas laws and standards. Among the skills being... - February 20, 2007 - The Learning House, Inc.

Pilot Group Supports ChronoPay's Payment Solutions

The USA and Russia based Pilot Group has chosen ChronoPay's payment solutions to be integrated into their e-business solutions - Dating Pro Software, eLMs Pro Software, and Roommate Software. It is planned to add it into other solutions in the future. Pilot Group customers are now able to easily... - February 20, 2007 - Pilot Group Rus

Alabama Mixed Martial Arts School & Team Merger

Shadow Khan Warriors Mixed Martial Arts (SKW MMA) became Alabama’s premier mixed martial arts training school in January when Mixed Blood Warriors Martial Arts School (2004) merged with Team Shadow MMA (2006). The merger brings together a school specifically dedicated to training and... - February 19, 2007 - Shadow Khan Warriors Mixed Martial Arts

Innovative Web Based Media Player twuCast [too-cast] Launches at Trinity Western University

It was early summer when Deborah Kriger and Rod Janz of Advanced Business Network approached Trinity Western University with the idea of creating a media player for the campus. Funded through advertising the player would be a revenue generating opportunity for the University as well as... - February 17, 2007 - Trinity Western University

Donald Gordon Carty and the Personal Development Institute Releases The Science of Getting Rich – The Book that Inspired The Secret

People around the world have been talking about a movie so powerful that it can change the course of your life. It has been the subject of two episodes on the Oprah Winfrey Show and Larry King Live. This movie, The Secret, was inspired by a book written in 1910 by Wallace D. Wattles. The Book "The Science of Getting Rich" has just been re-released. - February 16, 2007 - Personal Development Institute

Two Home Schoolers Win International Online Christmas Essay Contest with Nintendo Wii Grand Prize

Home schooling students Shellie Low and Hilary Lee win the Learning By Grace, Inc. Christmas essay contest for students aged 10-17 and were awarded with Nintendo Wii. - February 16, 2007 - Learning By Grace, Inc.

Politic Free Organization

African American Taekwondo Association (AATA) - February 15, 2007 - Tyson Sports

2007 Tufts Awards Winners Announced

Claremont Graduate University in Southern California has announced its winners for the Kingsley and Kate Tufts Awards. Rodney Jones of Carbondale, Illinois won the $100,000 Kingsley Tufts Award and Eric McHenry of Seattle won the $10,000 Kate Tufts Discovery Award. - February 15, 2007 - Claremont Graduate University

Project Management Training Online Adds Project Management Resources to Web Site

Project Management Training Online – - announced today that it has added an extensive directory of resources for project managers to its web site. The directory is intended to provide Project Managers with access to helpful resources for their jobs. This Directory of... - February 15, 2007 - Project Management Training Online

Online Homeschooling Company Announces Chevy Aveo Give-Away Winner

Leading homeschooling service provider Learning By Grace, Inc. announces the winner, Maureen Bracellari, of its Chevy Aveo Give-Away. - February 14, 2007 - Learning By Grace, Inc.

Inking Endangered Animals

The Endangered Ink Project 2007 raises funds and awareness for endangered animals by using a unique marketing tool: skin. - February 14, 2007 - Tattoos By Lisa Tattoo School

UM-Dearborn School of Management Hosts Free, Public Seminar to Explore Diversity in the Workplace

Dennis Archer, Ron Gettelfinger and Stephen Moore speak at “Agents of Social Change?: Exploring the Business Case for Diversity” panel. - February 14, 2007 - University of Michigan- Dearborn School of Management

Xentor Selects TRG as Exclusive Training and Support Provider for North American and Latin American Markets

TRG, a leader in transformative global training announced today a partnership agreement with Xentor Solutions Ltd, a UK based sales force Performance Management software and consultancy provider. - February 14, 2007 - TRG Inc

Re-Create Your Life Now

Become a Remote Viewer and Powerful Influencer of Reality. Watch your Life and the Lives of Loved Ones Radically Change for the Better! Unleash your Higher Mind Potentials! Experience The Synergistic Power of Combining Our Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Training Systems Offered to You at... - February 14, 2007 - Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing

ECS Consulting Associates Partner for National Entrepreneurship Week Feb 24 - Mar 3

ECS Consulting Associates sponsors four free events for Entrepreneurs. Two in Chicago, IL and two virtual ones accessible throughout the United States. - February 13, 2007 - ECS Consulting Associates

French and British Experts to Analyse Riots

Urban riots in Paris and northern England in recent years are set to be examined by international experts in a bid to address today's growing concerns around immigration, integration and identity. In an innovative collaboration, leading British and French researchers and expert practitioners... - February 13, 2007 - Sheffield Hallam University

Valley Christian High School Band to be First in the World to March in Hong Kong Disneyland

Valley Christian HS Marching Band has been selected to be the first marching band in the world to perform at the new Hong Kong Disneyland as part of their tour of Asia. - February 13, 2007 - Valley Christian High School Music Department

Microsoft Windows Vista Compatible Radmin 3.0 is Released

Famatech announces the release of a new version of its popular Radmin remote control software. - February 13, 2007 - Famatech

Edcomm’s Banker’s Academy Named “Best Banking Training Provider Worldwide” by CIBC China

The Edcomm Group's Banker's Academy has been named “The Best Worldwide Provider of Training to the Banking Industry” by China International Business Consulting (CIBC), the leading market research and strategy organization in China. - February 13, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

Edcomm’s Banker’s Academy Celebrates 20 Years of Service to the Banking Community

The Edcomm Group is proud to announce its twentieth anniversary. Established on February 14, 1987, The Edcomm Group was founded by Dr. Linda Eagle and Clifford Brody. Their mission was to provide creative and innovative education and communication consulting solutions to the financial services... - February 13, 2007 - The Edcomm Group

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