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Within Engineering Services
Neptune Wave Power Gets Positive Results Testing Latest Buoy
Tests Reveal Consistent and Verifiable Power Generation - October 18, 2012 - Waldron Engineering & Construction Inc
Kitagawa-NorthTech, Inc. Introduces New Auto Eccentric Chuck to Their Family of Products
Excellence in Redefining Productivity™ for customers worldwide is Kitagawa-NorthTech’s primary focus. The newest chuck model, auto eccentric chuck (model number HG-847-215), was introduced at IMTS in September. This unique system drew a lot of attention due to its productivity enhancing... - October 18, 2012 - Kitagawa-NorthTech, Inc.
SEPI Engineering & Construction Named to Zweig Letter 2012 Hot Firm List
Local Firm Among Fastest-Growing Businesses in the Engineering Industry. - October 17, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
Echo Ridge Homes Announces Eco-Friendly Home Design in Alberta
Echo Ridge Homes has just announced that they offer custom-built eco-friendly home design in Alberta. The company specializes in, “Insulated Concrete Form” (ICF) basements and has adapted innovative building technology, to assist with insulation and energy efficiency, with their home... - October 14, 2012 - Echo Ridge
WK Dickson Welcomes David Ashley to the Atlanta Regional Office
WK Dickson is pleased to announce the addition of David Ashley, RLA as the firm’s new Vice President and Regional Branch Manager. David assumes responsibility for the operation of the firm’s Atlanta area office and will play a significant role in directing much of the growth of WK... - October 12, 2012 - WK Dickson & Co., Inc.
Rabine Group Attends the Toast of Schaumburg
Rabine Group attends the Schaumburg Business Association’s 2012 Toast of Schaumburg. - October 12, 2012 - Rabine Group
SEPI Engineering & Construction Named to 2012 Inc. 5000 List
Local Firm Receives National Recognition as Leader in Engineering Industry. - October 12, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
F.E. Moran Special Hazard Systems Raffles Off iPad at Power-Gen International Trade Show
F.E. Moran Special Hazard Systems will be attending the Power-Gen International Trade Show December 11-13, 2012. The Power-Gen show showcases trends, issues, and technologies in the power generation industry, including power plant fire protection. - October 10, 2012 - The Moran Group
Performance Architects and Hologic Win the Oracle Fusion Middleware Innovation Award for Business Analytics
Performance Architects, Inc. ( announced today that the organization was awarded the Oracle Fusion Middleware Innovation Award for Business Analytics with client Hologic, Inc. - October 08, 2012 - Performance Architects, Inc.
David Webb Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction as Senior Hydraulics Engineer
Local Firm Hires Engineering Professional with More Than 14 Years of Industry Experience. - October 05, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
Governor Brown Helps Small Business from Lawsuits, Signs SB1186
Governor Brown helps Small Business from Lawsuits and gives them a chance to stay in business by getting ADA Survey done and plan for any fixes to their properties or business which helps them resolve any barriers and resolve any litigation. But you must not wait to get sued, you need to get your business or property surveyed and have in place a Transition Plan. - October 03, 2012 - BASE Architecture
Van W. Sands Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction as a Federal Program Specialist
Local Engineering Firm Hires Professional with 17 Years of Experience - September 30, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
Rabine Group Hosts Blood Drive at Headquarters
The Rabine Group Headquarters hosted a blood drive in partnership with the Heartland Blood Centers. - September 28, 2012 - Rabine Group
Engineers Hike Pikes Peak to Raise Money for Water for People
Three engineers from McKim & Creed hiked to the top of Pikes Peak to raise money and awareness for Water for People (, an international nonprofit organization dedicated to providing access to improved water and sanitation systems and services in developing... - September 27, 2012 - McKim & Creed, Inc.
Rabine Paving America Exhibits at PRSM Mid-Year Conference
Rabine Group’s national paving company exhibits at the PRSM Mid-Year Conference September 18-20 in New Orleans. - September 21, 2012 - Rabine Group
FEECO to Exhibit at MINExpo
FEECO International will be exhibiting at this year’s MINExpo, in Las Vegas, Nevada. - September 20, 2012 - FEECO International, Inc
Echo Ridge Homes Announces Personal Web Pages for Customers of New House Designs in Alberta
Ridge Homes has just announced that they are offering their customers of new house designs in Alberta dedicated web pages to track the progress of their home plan, building process and any service that is provided by the all-in-one custom home building firm. - September 16, 2012 - Echo Ridge
Rabine Group Foundation Holds Its 4th Annual Charitable Family Festival
The Rabine Group Foundation’s annual event to enrich the lives of the elderly was recently held at Friendship Village in Schaumburg. - September 14, 2012 - Rabine Group
Hood Technology’s New Stabilized Imaging Payload for Small UAVs
Alticam EO/IR-P features MWIR Sensor and Laser Pointer for Advanced ISR - September 14, 2012 - HoodTech Vision
Don Jasurda, DCS Vice President, to Speak at SAE AMAF Conference
Don Jasurda to present, “Managing the Cost of Quality,” reducing the cost of producing high quality products in aerospace manufacturing. - September 13, 2012 - Dimensional Control Systems, Inc.
Barry S. Moose, PE Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction as Operations and Maintenance Director
Local Engineering Firm Hires Professional Engineer with 28 Years of Experience. - September 07, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
Neilsoft Featured as a Global Services 100 Provider, 2012
Neilsoft specialist engineering services and solutions company today announced that it has been featured as a 2012 Global Services Top 100 Provider. - September 07, 2012 - Neilsoft Limited
F.E. Moran Special Hazard Systems Exceeds Industry Safety Rating Standards
F.E. Moran Special Hazard Systems has achieved a .76 EMR safety rating from the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI). Their stringent safety program has garnered them an above average safety rating and numerous safety awards. - September 06, 2012 - The Moran Group
Dimension Control Systems’ Vice President Don Jasurda to Speak on Engineered Quality Solutions at IMTS Conference
Don Jasurda will discuss the topic of creating customized solutions to close the loop between design and manufacturing. - September 06, 2012 - Dimensional Control Systems, Inc.
Rabine Quality and Innovation Center is Complete
Rabine Group has finished building its Rabine Quality and Innovation Center, which is a room dedicated to the learning and innovating of Rabine Group industry products. - September 02, 2012 - Rabine Group
Sean Clark Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction as Environmental Division Manager
Local Engineering Firm Hires Environmental Specialist with 14 Years of Experience. - August 31, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
Senior Project Manager Joins McKim & Creed Traverse City Office
McKim & Creed, one of the top engineering, geomatics (surveying) and planning firms in the U.S., announces that Jeff Cockfield, PE has joined its Traverse City office as a senior project manager. Cockfield is a graduate of Michigan State University with a degree in civil engineering. During... - August 30, 2012 - McKim & Creed, Inc.
Rabine Group Honored with 2012 Inc. 500|5000 Listing
The Rabine Group of companies has made the 2012 Inc. 500|5000 list of the fastest–growing private companies in America. - August 29, 2012 - Rabine Group
F.E. Moran Fire Protection and F.E. Moran Special Hazard Systems Relocate Blogs Offering Industry and Company News and Resources
F.E. Moran Fire Protection and F.E. Moran Special Hazard Systems have relocated their blogs to give viewers a more robust platform for getting information on current events and resources. F.E. Moran Fire Protection’s new blog is located at, and F.E. Moran Special... - August 25, 2012 - The Moran Group
Performance Architects, Inc. Ranks No. 1241 on the 2012 Inc. 500|5000 List with Three-Year Sales Growth of 248%
Performance Architects, Inc. announced today that the company ranked number 1241 on Inc. magazine’s Inc. 500|5000 ranking of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. - August 24, 2012 - Performance Architects, Inc.
Chris L. Baker Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction as a Project Manager
Local Firm Hires Engineering Professional with More Than 27 Years of Experience. - August 24, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
MSC Software’s Adams Plays Key Role in Curiosity’s Descent & Landing on Mars
MSC Software Corporation announced that its Adams multibody dynamics software played a crucial role in enabling the extraordinary descent and landing of the Curiosity Rover onto Mars on Sunday evening (August 5th). A team of engineers at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) performed a series of critical computer simulations of the sky crane maneuver sequences and successfully and precisely placed the rover onto the Red Planet, in what many are calling an “immensetechnical achievement." - August 24, 2012 - MSC Software Corporation
PROLIM Makes Inc. 500 List of America's Fastest Growing Companies
PROLIM has been included in the Inc. 500 list of fastest growing private companies in the United States, and has been ranked at #278. PROLIM, based in Farmington Hills, MI, is an IT, PLM and Engineering solutions and services consulting firm. "PROLIM is honored to receive this prestigious... - August 23, 2012 - PROLIM Global Corporation
Sempra Utilities/SDG&E - Galvanized Towers That Blend Into the Terrain
Sempra Utilities/SDG&E contracted with Natina Products, LLC of Thermal, CA to "stain" 10 huge lattice transmission towers on the Sunrise Powerlink Transmission Project. Their product, Natina Steel, creates a rustic brown finish on galvanized surfaces without harming the protection offered by the galvanized layer. The unique mottled appearance created by Natina Steel created a camoflage like affect rendering these towers virtually invisible. Local residents couldn't be happier. - August 21, 2012 - Natina Desert Varnish Solutions
Archetype Group to Celebrate 10 Year Anniversary in September, 2012
Archetype Group, a multi-discipline construction consultancy in Asia, the Middle East and Europe, will celebrate its 10th anniversary in September, 2012. - August 16, 2012 - Archetype Group
Rabine Group Headquarters Becomes LEED Certified
The Rabine Group headquarters is one of the first LEED certified Existing Buildings in Schaumburg. - August 04, 2012 - Rabine Group
Newly Remodeled Meldrum House Brings Actors Directors and Designers from All Over the Country
The Meldrum House was remodeled by Bonneville Builders LLC just in time for the opening of the Pioneer Theater’s new season, attracting big name actors, directors, and designers throughout the country. - August 02, 2012 - Bonneville Builders LLC
Chase Cullipher, PE, Joins SEPI Engineering & Construction
Local Engineering Firm Hires Project Engineer with Six Years of Experience. - August 01, 2012 - SEPI Engineering Group
FSI Technologies Inc. Introduces CLH Series Lenses for Machine Vision Applications
FSI introduces a new line of industrial machine vision lenses. These lenses work well with most common machine vision applications, come in a variety of focal lengths, and can be purchsed separately or as part of a complete system. - July 28, 2012 - FSI Technologies Inc.
Plant Tours, PII Demos Drive Home Best Practices
Post installation inspection demos at ACPA member plants generate excellent feedback from DOT reps, contractors and other attendees. - July 22, 2012 - American Concrete Pipe Association
F.E. Moran Fire Protection Launches New Website with Industry Educational Resources
F.E. Moran Fire Protection has launched a new website, After four decades in the fire protection industry, they have chosen to create a tool for facilities to learn about fire protection solutions. - July 21, 2012 - The Moran Group
FEECO Teams Up with IC Potash
FEECO International is part of a team assembled by IC Potash Corp. to complete a Feasibility Study for their Ochoa Project in Lea County, New Mexico. - July 19, 2012 - FEECO International, Inc
Cleveland Energy Services Company Gets Involved
Employees of Cleveland energy services company, Brewer-Garrett, recently volunteered at Camp Cheerful as a way to give back to their local community. - July 14, 2012 - The Brewer-Garrett Company
Precitec v. American Laser Enterprises Patent Infringement Case Dismissed
Civil Action No. 2:12-cv-11260-AC-LJM Dismissed - July 13, 2012 - American Laser Enterprises, LLC
PCM INNOVATION Acquires the Engineering Firm BRT Solutions
PCM INNOVATION, the leader in manufacturing prototypes, molds and specialized tooling, announces today that it has acquired the Montreal based engineering firm BRT Solutions. - July 12, 2012 - PCM INNOVATION
R&R Manager Joins McKim & Creed
McKim & Creed, an engineering, geomatics and planning firm with offices throughout the South, announces that Greg Anderson, PE has joined the company’s Virginia Beach, Virginia, office as manager of renewal and replacement (R&R) services. Anderson specializes in the evaluation and... - July 12, 2012 - McKim & Creed, Inc.
Tier-Rack CEO Unveils New Lock and Load™ Safety Ramp for ATV Enthusiasts
This new product offers a much safer way to drive an ATV into a pickup bed. - July 10, 2012 - Tier-Rack Corp.
McKim & Creed Engineer Inducted as Statewide Officer
Kelly Ham, PE, a project engineer with McKim & Creed in Wilmington, North Carolina, was sworn in as secretary of the Professional Engineers of North Carolina (PENC) at the 1,700-member organization’s annual conference, which was held June 21-23 in Wrightsville Beach, North Carolina. Ham... - July 08, 2012 - McKim & Creed, Inc.
McKim & Creed Surveyors Earn Professional Licenses
McKim & Creed, an engineering, geomatics and planning firm headquartered in Raleigh, announces that Palmer Randall and Christopher Mielke have earned their Professional Land Surveyor licenses from the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors. - July 08, 2012 - McKim & Creed, Inc.
LiDAR Technicians Join McKim & Creed
McKim & Creed, an engineering, geomatics (surveying) and planning firm with offices throughout the South, announces that five Light Detection And Ranging (LIDAR) technicians have joined the company’s Raleigh, North Carolina office. The new employees include Chad Brenco, Barry Duncil,... - July 08, 2012 - McKim & Creed, Inc.