Aero & Marine Tax Professionals Obtains Sales Tax Exemption for Veterinarian Educator

Northern CA Veterinarian Gets Sales Tax Exemption for Airplane Purchase - June 03, 2010 - Aero & Marine Tax Professionals

ActForex Releases iActTrader, the New Trading Solution for the iPhone

ActForex Releases iActTrader, the New Trading Solution for the iPhone

Comprehensive feature set marks the most complete mobile trading solution to date - June 02, 2010 - ActTrader Technologies, Inc

Poli Mortgage Group, Inc. Expands with a New Branch

Poli Mortgage Group, Inc. Expands with a New Branch

Poli Mortgage Group has opened its first new branch of the year in Pittsfield, MA. and is poised for future growth up and down the East Coast in 2010. - June 01, 2010 - Poli Mortgage Group, Inc.

netwealth Investments Enhances SMSF Integration

netwealth today announced the addition of a daily data feed from the netwealth Investment Wrap to BGL, a leading provider of SMSF accounting software. - June 01, 2010 - netwealth Investments

MiniCo Webinar Focuses on Loan Workouts and Modifications for Self-Storage Business Owners

On June 9, 2010, MiniCo Publishing will host a free webinar on loan modification strategies for self-storage professionals entitled CMBS Loan Workouts, Modifications and Maturity Extensions. Presenters Shawn R. Hill and Devin Huber, Principals, The BSC Group, and President/CEO Ann Hambly and... - June 01, 2010 - MiniCo Insurance Agency, LLC

Clarity Advantage Offers Business Bankers Tips on Retaining Small Business Customers

Retaining small business customers when the economy improves requires business bankers and branch managers to focus on six critical areas, says Clarity Advantage. - June 01, 2010 - Clarity Advantage Corporation

Voyage Home Loans is Planting a Tree for Every Home Loan Started in June

Voyage Home Loans strives to make a difference in communities around the world through charitable and Green efforts monthly. To further their Green endeavors this summer, Voyage is launching their Plant-A-Tree 2010 program June 1. For every home loan that is started with Voyage throughout June, a... - May 30, 2010 - Voyage Home Loans

HPG Partner Joins NCWTA Board of Directors

Brooks Malone has been appointed to the North Carolina World Trade Association’s state board of directors. Malone will serve a two-year term as a board member at large representing the Triangle chapter. - May 30, 2010 - Hughes Pittman & Gupton

ACCA SME Committee Experts Urge Coalition Government to Establish Recovery Plan for Small Businesses

Coalition government must “think small first” when establishing new proposals for economic recovery - May 30, 2010 - ACCA

RealUp and KW Commercial Sign Listing Agreement, the fastest growing commercial listing website, has announced a property listing agreement with KW Commercial, the commercial division of Keller Williams Realty, Inc., the third largest real estate franchise in the United States. All of KW Commercial’s real estate listings will be... - May 29, 2010 -

SIU Carbondale Energy-Fuels Master’s Program Begins This Summer

The first class of students in a new degree program aimed at existing and emerging energy field managers begins this summer at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. The new master’s degree program in advanced energy and fuels management would give graduates a big advantage in securing good jobs with companies engaged in those fields. The first cohort of students starts July 12. A new website, for those interested in pursuing this degree, can be found at - May 28, 2010 - Southern Illinois University Carbondale Technology Transfer Program

GHF Group US Small Cap Equity Fund Tops Index

The GHF Group US Small Cap Equity Fund gained a record 5.8% for the month of April as it benefited from its reduced exposure to the major indices. - May 28, 2010 - Global Hedge Fund Group Ltd.

Small Towns Lead the League for Marketers

India's non-urban consumption is now more than 70% . Marketers increase share of ad spends and volume in non-metros by 40%-50% - May 28, 2010 - Ernst & Young India Pvt. Ltd.

Cherry, Bekaert & Holland Partner Appointed to Junior Achievement of Eastern N.C. Board Of Directors

Cherry, Bekaert & Holland, L.L.P. (CB&H) ( has announced that Michelle Thompson, audit partner and consulting partner at the firm, has been appointed to the board of directors of Junior Achievement (JA) of Eastern North Carolina, a worldwide organization dedicated to educating... - May 28, 2010 - Cherry Bekaert LLP

Local Financial Advisers Participate in Dave Ramsey’s Total Money Makeover Live

Banyan Rock & Talent wealth strategists participate in the Dave Ramsey Total Money Makeover Live event. The event offered valuable insight into personal investing, creating a game plan to get out of debt and how to invest with confidence. - May 28, 2010 - Banyan Rock & Talent

Touch Ahead Software Releases Updated EquityTouch® 2.1

Popular CRM deal sourcing application receives update; including Keyboard Navigation in Search Results, Color Coding, and other enhancements. - May 28, 2010 - Touch Ahead Software, LLC

Mercantile Capital Corporation Reports Its Financed Projects That Totaled More Than $46 Million from January Through April

Mercantile Commercial Capital, LLC, the Altamonte Springs lender that ranks as one of the most active providers in the nation of U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loans for small business owners who want to acquire or develop their own facilities, reports its financed commercial real... - May 28, 2010 - Mercantile Capital Corporation

CPA in Miami Since 1983, Gustavo A Viera Announces the Firm Has Moved Into Its New Offices

CPA in Miami Since 1983, Gustavo A Viera Announces the Firm Has Moved Into Its New Offices

The Miami accounting firm of Gustavo A Viera, CPA today announced it’s moved into it’s new offices at the Palmetto Bay Centre building located in Miami Fl located at 15715 S. Dixie Hwy. Suite 212. Originally established in 1983, Gustavo A Viera, CPA started the firm to fill a niche... - May 27, 2010 - Gustavo A. Viera, CPA

No Fear. Founder of Dynamic Advisory Solutions Tells How He Can Make It Work in Profitpreneurship.

Ren Carlton, a young entrepreneur, went from working in his basement to running his own award winning financial consulting firm. Not only did he accomplish this feat in the midst of a recession, he wrote a book and plans to expand. - May 27, 2010 - Dynamic Advisory Solutions

Outside Counsel Solutions Adds Jan S. Wimpfheimer as Co-Managing Partner

Outside Counsel Solutions announces the expansion of its corporate practice with the hire of a new corporate lawyer, Jan S. Wimpfheimer. Jan was most recently a partner at Herzog, Fox & Neeman and will serve as Co-Managing Partner of the firm, along with Dov Schwell. - May 27, 2010 - Schwell Wimpfheimer & Associates LLP

The Future of UK GAAP: ACCA Costs the Change

New report from global accountancy body shows what shift to international standards would look like on small business’ books. - May 27, 2010 - ACCA

Alternative Latin Investor Provides the Latest LatAm Real Estate Investment News

Economic Revival in Chile. - May 26, 2010 - Alternative Latin Investor

Alternative Latin Investor Releases New Report: Private Equity Investment

Private Equity Investment in Brazil: Part 2 - May 26, 2010 - Alternative Latin Investor

Alternative Latin Investor Releases Cuban Mining Feature

Latest Latin American Commodities Investment News - Cuban Mining - May 26, 2010 - Alternative Latin Investor

Chartis Pays Out Claims for Volcanic Ash Disruption

As the market leader for travel insurance in Pakistan, New Hampshire Insurance Company (NHIC), a wholly owned subsidiary of Chartis Inc., was ready to answer queries clients had related to flight delays, cancellations and other questions as a result of the Volcanic Eruption of Eyjafjallajokull in... - May 26, 2010 - New Hampshire Insurance Company, Pakistan Branch

Order Taking for Small Business: Magellan Solutions Goes Global with Service

Philippines-based call center positions its order taking services to small and medium businesses around the world. - May 26, 2010 - Magellan Solutions Outsourcing Inc.

Self-Storage Industry’s “Hat Lady” Anne Ballard Presents Webinar to Help Owners Improve Store Income

Known throughout the self-storage industry as “the hat lady,” M. Anne Ballard, president and founder of Universal Management Company, will host a free webinar on June 23, 2010, focused on helping self-storage business owners improve income throughout the year. The webinar "Finding... - May 26, 2010 - MiniCo Insurance Agency, LLC

Local Financial Adviser Offers Tips to Handle a Job Layoff

W. Landon Watts (, financial adviser for Raleigh-based wealth strategists Banyan Rock & Talent, offers five financial tips to utilize when handling a job layoff. - May 26, 2010 - Banyan Rock & Talent

Pamiris, Inc. Names Alyssa Agee as New CEO

Pamiris, Inc., an information technology and management firm, welcomes aboard Alyssa Agee as the new CEO. - May 25, 2010 - Pamiris, Inc.

Trupanion Explores the Benefits of a No-Deductible Pet Insurance Plan

Trupanion Explores the Benefits of a No-Deductible Pet Insurance Plan

Pet insurance company Trupanion reminds pet owners of the benefits of pet insurance with a zero dollar deductible. Pet health insurance company Trupanion provides customers with the option of selecting a zero dollar deductible for their pet insurance policy. Pet owners who choose this option do... - May 24, 2010 - Trupanion

Rachel M. Dollar to Receive 2010 Women in Business Award

Rachel M. Dollar wins the 10th Anniversary Women in Business Award in the Professional Services Category. - May 24, 2010 - Smith Dollar PC

Free Webinar - IAG Information Seminar

International Acquisition Group (IAG) has introduced an online Seminar format for business owners looking to develop an exit strategy for their business. This seminar is an hour in length and is free. - May 24, 2010 - International Acquisition Group

Correction Statement by CMA Regarding Previous Announcement About Larrainvial S.A. and CMA

Latin American Exchange trading services provider CMA on April 21st announced its deployment of CMA Series 4 with LarrainVial. CMA would like to make a correction, as LarrainVial does not use CMA Series 4 for order management or market data but has connected to CMA Trade Hub for neutral and open... - May 24, 2010 - CMA

CardReady Appoints Geoff Gray as Director of Operations

Geoff Gray has been appointed the Director of Operations at CardReady bringing significant industry experience to the company's already robust management team. - May 24, 2010 - CardReady

Commodities Online LLC Announces JV Partnership in an Iron Ore Mine Located in Mexico

Mr. Michael Casey, CEO of Commodities Online LLC is pleased to announce a JV partnership with Minerales Mexiron, S.A., a 4-year-old working iron ore mine located in Mexico near the Port of Manzanillo. - May 24, 2010 - Commodities Online LLC

Commodities Online LLC Gets New CEO

Commodities Online LLC recently announced the appointment of attorney Michael R. Casey as its new Chief Executive Officer, President and General Counsel. - May 23, 2010 - Commodities Online LLC

Charlie Felker to Conduct Webinar on NCUA’s Supervisory Letter on Concentration Risk

Charlie Felker, Managing Director of Regulatory Affairs, at First Empire Securities, Inc., will conduct a webinar on the recently-issued Supervisor Letter on Concentration Risk by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), on Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 3:00 PM EST. Charlie will discuss how... - May 23, 2010 - First Empire Securities, Inc. and Tranzon Announce Partnership Agreement is proud to announce a partnership agreement with Tranzon LLC, a nationwide real estate auction company. This partnership will allow Tranzon property auctions to appear in the commercial property catalog. "RealUp is enormously pleased to bring Tranzon in as our first... - May 23, 2010 -

LUBRINCO Group to Present at 18th Annual East / West Security Conference in London, June 1-2, 2010

LUBRINCO Senior Practice Leader to teach at 18th Annual East / West Security Conference, the premier event solely dedicated to sharing risk management, security and investigative skills and resources between the professionals in the West and their counterparts in Russia and the CIS member states. - May 23, 2010 - The LUBRINCO Group Ltd., Inc.

Denko Group Offers New Hedge Fund to Profit from Euro Uncertainty

Denko Group now offers a new addition to its lineup of popular alternative investment hedge funds which appreciate as the uncertainty of the Euro shakes down world markets. - May 23, 2010 - Denko Group

eForexGold Celebrates 10 Year Company Anniversary

eForexGold, a leading e-currency exchange provider, celebrates its 10th year anniversary. Back in 2000, eForexGold was one of the first companies that stepped forward by facilitating e-currency exchanges. After 10 years in business, eForexGold has grown to be the largest online e-currency market maker, providing exchange services for all major metal based currencies. - May 22, 2010 - eForexGold

Pamiris, Inc. Opens Its Doors in Portland OR

An evening of food, music, and a nickel auction celebrated the arrival of Pamiris to Portland's Alphabet District. - May 22, 2010 - Pamiris, Inc.

RealUp Announces Partnership with Howard Hanna

RealUp, a nationwide commercial property website, has announced a listing partnership with Howard Hanna Commercial Real Estate Services. The partnership will allow RealUp users to search for Howard Hanna's inventory which will be added and updated frequently to RealUp's growing database of... - May 22, 2010 -

Touch Ahead Software LLC Lends a Hand to Children’s Hospital Boston

Boston-based software development firm participates in 6th annual Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament for Children’s Hospital Benefit. - May 22, 2010 - Touch Ahead Software, LLC

MDS and IMDI Enter Into Strategic Partnership

Mortgage Delivery Specialists (MDS) and Indecomm-Mortgage Dynamics (MDI), leaders in mortgage loan delivery and consulting services, partner to provide mortgage loan servicing data and ops reviews. - May 22, 2010 - Mortgage Delivery Specialists LLC

Lending Giant Opens Its Doors at South Florida Office

Atlanta based collateralized lending firm Chapes JPL announces the opening of its new Boca Raton, Florida location. - May 22, 2010 - Chapes JPL

Mortgage Defaults Largest Obstacle to Recovery: Denko Group

In spite of many factors hindering the worldwide economic recovery, Denko Group Analysts identify that Mortgage Failures in the US are still the largest obstacle to market improvement. - May 22, 2010 - Denko Group

Ferrier and Partners One of the Fastest Growing Companies in Europe

Ferrier and Partners’ 506% Five-Year Revenue Growth Attributed to Award-Winning Trading Software. - May 22, 2010 - Ferrier and Partners

Nationwide Footprint for Metro Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Services Delivered via SolveForce

SolveForce offers nationwide Footprints for Metro Ethernet, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet Services, International Presence and real-time quotes from multiple Tier 1 providers. - May 21, 2010 -, LLC

Wanted by America, Tax Defense Network's "IRS (+) Hitman" Reality TV Show is Here

Produced right here in Jacksonville, Tax Defense Network is proud to screen the the IRS Hitman’s premier episode on June 6, at 4:30pm at the 5 Points Theater. - May 21, 2010 - Tax Defense Network

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