Sunday Assembly Presents: Brain Function and Neurotechnology
How does the brain store information? Put another way, what changes in the brain when we learn something? Related to all this, what is the national BRAIN Initiative and what will we learn from it? What will Neurotechnology do for us? Go-Pro for the brain? Join Sunday Assembly San Diego on 7/26 at 11am to learn more. - July 07, 2015
Sunday Assembly Presents: the Science of Mindfulness
Can meditation change the way your brain works, reducing stress and anxiety? What is really happening inside your head when you are mindful? Join Sunday Assembly San Diego on October 26 for a fascinating exploration of these questions and more with David Hubbard, M.D. whose research using... - October 23, 2014
Sunday Assembly Presents: Change in the Arctic: What Does It Mean for Planet Earth?
Professor Pat Abbott will speak on the subject of change in the Arctic and what it means for Planet Earth on March 23, at the Balboa Park Club. The event is free and includes a live musical performance by singer/songwriter BJ Jezbera. Everyone is welcome, and childcare will be provided. - March 18, 2014