"The Little Girl Who Could" Just Released by Andi Bowe, Indie Author and Director of CSIRI
New Edition of "The Little Girl Who Could" now available on lulu publishing site in both ebook and printed hardcover. - August 24, 2021
Andi Bowe, CSIRI Director, Won a Free Pass to All the Films and the Red Carpet Soiree at Orcas Island Film Fest Next Week
Orcas Island Film Festival and KISM sponsored a radio contest and Andi Bowe won a red carpet entry and free pass to this acclaimed film festival on Orcas Island WA. As an independent producer for seven years at communitytv in Santa Cruz CA, Andi is very excited to attend and interact with contributors to the Film Festival. She will be holding a free Sunday educational event at the Anacortes Library Meeting Room from 6-9PM. This event will be open to the public and instruments are encouraged. - October 04, 2019
Welcome to a Free Educational Seminar on the Healing Power of Music at Anacortes Library Circle Room This Sunday from 5-9pm
Utilizing the Healing Power of Music, Andi Bowe, the Director of csiri.org, will host a free educational seminar to teach harmony and healing with original, classical, folk, and guitar, keyboard, flutes and Music and Song. - August 17, 2019
CSIRI Director Andi Bowe Publishes Her 3rd Edition of Quantum Physics as a Hardbound
Quantum Physics by andi bowe now available, published in January 2019 on lulu. - February 21, 2019
CSIRI Director, Andi Bowe, a Walden University Graduate in August 2013, is Invited to Join The National Society of Leadership and Success, Sigma Alpha Pi
NSLS.org, the National Society of Leadership and Success, is an exclusive organization and the largest collegiate honor society in the United States, with more than 600 chapters and nearly a million members nationwide. Andrea (Andi) Bowe recently received an invitation in the mail to join by February 12th, 2019. - January 08, 2019
CSIRI Director Andi Bowe Presents a Summer Concert in Anacortes Library Circle Room This Sunday, 8/19/2018
Andi Bowe, Poet, Musician, Songsmith, & Indie Author will conduct a musical medley in Anacortes this Sunday at the Library in the Circle Room from 6-10PM. CSIRI Volunteers will bring their instruments to celebrate Music as Healing. CSIRI.org, the Computer Social Impact Research Institute, is a... - August 19, 2018
CSIRI Director Andi Bowe Receives 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award
CSIRI Director Andi Bowe has just received an email announcing her inclusion in the front of the new 2018 publication by Marquis Who's Who as one of the top 20 of the top 3% of Global Professionals and also announcing her selection for their 2018 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award. - July 07, 2018
CSIRI Director Andi Bowe to be Honored by Marquis Who's Who
Marquis Who's Who recently informed CSIRI Director Andi Bowe of her inclusion in their online network, comprised of the top 3% of the professionals in the world. Dedicated to using Music for Peace and Healing, Andi Bowe is also known as a world renowned poet, indie author, songwriter, musician, piano teacher, educator, web page designer and Grandmother. - June 18, 2018
CSIRI.org Fundraising Division Launched New Campaigns on June 1, 2016
CSIRI launches online fundraising campaign to support the release of 5 albums of healing music for domestic violence victims and their families. - June 10, 2016
CSIRI.org Director Andi Bowe Announces Free Christmas Concert
CSIRI.org Director Andi Bowe today announced she will play a free Christmas concert on the 10k Kawai grand piano at the Anacortes library on December 21st at 2PM. Combining a medley of classical and traditional tunes, Andi will play the piano softly for half an hour to celebrate the blessings of the season. - November 27, 2014
CSIRI.org Director/CEO Andi Bowe Celebrates Her Top Ranking Among American Executives with a Multicultural Day at the Local Anacortes Library
On Sunday, November 2nd, 2014, CSIRI.org Director/CEO Andi Bowe celebrates her top ranking among American Executives with a Multicultural Day in the Circle Room at the local Anacortes Library. In celebration of her award, she will be sharing her music and highlighting the work of some of her featured artists. - October 19, 2014
Andi Bowe, President/CEO of CSIRI.org, Has Just Received National Recognition as a Top-Ranked U.S. Executive
CSIRI.org President/CEO Andi Bowe has just been notified this September 2014 that she is now ranked in the top 1% of United States Executives. CSIRI stands for the Computer Social Impact Research Institute, an educational and charitable private operating foundation in WA state. This award was issued by the National Council of American Executives in partnership with The American Registry, Inc. - September 30, 2014
CSIRI.ORG Sponsors Clara Bowe Memorial Concert and Silent Auction
CSIRI, the Computer Social Impact Research Institute, a local federally-approved non-profit, will sponsor Clara Bowe's Memorial Concert and Silent Auction on May 24th, 2014 in the freight room of the Anacortes Art Depot, once a working train station in the early years of the 20th century. - April 18, 2014
CSIRI.org Director, Andi Bowe, Mourns the Passing on of Her Mom, Clara Bowe Yesterday, 3/3/14 Just After Noon PST
Clara Bowe, longtime resident of Anacortes WA spent the majority of her retirement years here and served as a volunteer for many local community organizations, including helping to support csiri and many of its domestic violence and teen counseling programs in the last years of her long life. - March 06, 2014
CSIRI Director to Perform a Beatle's Tribute This Sunday
Andi Bowe, CSIRI.ORG Director, will perform a medley of classical and popular songs on the KAWAI Grand Piano at the Anacortes Library this Sunday, January 19th, 2014, from 2-2:30 PM. This is a free concert sponsored by CSIRI.ORG, the Computer Social Impact Research Institute, a local 501c3 since 2007. - January 18, 2014
The Computer Social Impact Research Institute's Volunteer Jessi Bowe Has Just Won 2nd Place in the National Wavers Competition for Liberty Tax Here in Anacortes, WA
CSIRI.org is pleased to announce another winner from their dedicated group of volunteers, Jessi Bowe. Jessi is a member of their college of synthesis, an inter-generational learning center based in Anacortes, WA. With a little help and moral support from the Director, these students enjoy creating their own unique film and video/audio productions utilizing the amazing grace of music and love to effect change for the better in society and to bring healing to a troubled world. - April 09, 2013
CSIRI Sponsors Jessi Dancing for Liberty in Anacortes, WA
CSIRI, the Computer Social Impact Research Institute, a local 501©(3) sponsors Jessi Bowe, dancing for Liberty in Anacortes, WA, 2013. - April 03, 2013
CSIRI, Inc. Sponsors Clara Bowe's 102nd Birthday Bash
Clara Olive Senff-Bowe will be 102 this month on March 26th 2013. Celebrate her life with CSIRI, The Computer Social Impact Research Institute @ the circle room 2-5pm @ the Anacortes Library. - March 09, 2013
CSIRI.org Sponsored Jessi Dancing for Liberty in Anacortes, WA on Fourth of July Parade Downtown a Block from the Office
CSIRI.org and Liberty Tax were represented by Jessi, one of their teen volunteers, in the local Fourth of July Parade in Anacortes WA. See videos of her dancing for Liberty on CSIRI.org website. - July 08, 2012
Andi Bowe, Director of CSIRI.org, Plays an Original Medley on the 10K KAWAI Grand Piano at the Local Anacortes Library This Month
Andi Bowe, Director of CSIRI.org, a Sherwood Music School piano teacher since 1969, author, poet, composer, songwriter, flutemaker, PhD student, peacemaker, mother of five, plays an original medley of classical music and old tunes on the 10K KAWAI Grand Piano at the local Library this month. - March 18, 2011
CSIRI.ORG Sponsors the Launch of the Sole2Soul Walk This March
CSIRI.ORG is sponsoring two events this March promoting Peace in 2011. The Walk-Your-Talk-a-Thon and the First Annual Sparkie Awards Ceremony will Launch the Sole2Soul Walk starting in Oceanside CA March 8th, 2011. Viveka Davis Reed has recently been appointed as an acting Co-Director and Treasurer for the California division of CSIRI. Viveka and her mother, Reverend Doris Davis, Unity Church, are volunteering on this globally significant undertaking by the women of America and the world. - February 25, 2011
CSIRI.org Has Entered the Pepsi Challenge 250K Grant for December 2010
CSIRI.org and Johnny Picasso's Art and Coffee Bar have entered the Pepsi Challenge 250K Grant for December. Vote every day online in December and ask your friends to vote too. Help restore the healing benefits of music and art to the forefront of education in the 21st Century. - November 23, 2010
CSIRI.org Has Entered the Pepsi Challenge 250K Grant for August
CSIRI.org and Johnny Picasso's Art and Coffee Bar have entered the Pepsi Challenge 250K Grant for August. Vote every day online in August to help everyone enjoy the healing benefits of music and art. - July 30, 2010
Andi Bowe, Director/CEO of the csiri.org, Has Launched an Online College of Synthesis for 2010 Promoting Health Through Music and Art
2010 has seen the online launching of the College of Synthesis, promoting win-win solutions to climate change, poverty, hunger, habitat degradation and renewal, free energy sources, and global peace and harmony. CSIRI, the SpiritualUN, and the Wood Trust are co-sponsoring an inter-generational film school whose first major goal will be the creation of a grant to fund a documentary on the life and times of Dr. Frederick Bernard Wood. - January 14, 2010
Andi Bowe, CSIRI.org Director, Has Captured the Colors of Springtime in the Pacific NW in a Series of New Photo Books of Tulips
Andi Bowe, CSIRI.org Director, has been taking still photos of Tulips and other beautiful flowering trees in the San Juan Islands. She has captured the colors of springtime in the Pacific NW in a series of new photo books uploaded from Johnny Picasso's Coffee Shop in Anacortes WA, Gateway to the San Juan Islands. - May 07, 2009
CSIRI Director Andi Bowe and Author Presents Another New Book: A New Paradigm: Design by Teams
CSIRI Director, Andi Bowe, gives lulu.com publishing rights to a few of her latest books. Available on her Storefront at lulu.com/anuradhe and soon in the Google and Amazon search engines, the ISBN Number is 978-0-557-03151-1. - January 31, 2009
CSIRI.org Obtains Federal 501 (c)(3) Status and Begins Grant Submissions to Fund the Launching of the First Model Projects for "Mom'Sos": (Science of Open Systems).
A new paradigm in education excellence called "Design by Teams Methodology" is creating a new generation of systems scientists. - August 01, 2008
Andrea Bowe, Director of CSIRI.org a Washington Non-Profit, and a Full-Time Ph.d. Student Online, Publishes 17 Original Works in Just One Month on Lulu.com
Andrea Bowe, a full-time Ph.D. Student in Education & Leadership, Self-Designed, with Walden University online, just published 17 new First Edition Books in just one month using lulu.com, a free online publishing site. Andrea is also the Content Specialist and Web Page Designer for several groups, including not only CSIRI, but also SpiritualUN and AAA Design Services Group. - February 16, 2008
Walden PhD Student Self-Publishes First Editions: Enchantress: the Perfect Boat in the Perfect Place with the Perfect Name in Anacortes WA Gateway to the San Juan Island
Online PhD student in Education and Leadership, Self-Designed, has re-founded her mentor, Dr. Fred B. Wood's non-profit, Computer Social Impact Research Institute, Inc. in WA and has published seven photo books on lulu.com in the last two weeks. Csiri.org has joined forces with the Creator of the Anacortes Mural Project, Bill Mitchell, to help rescue a piece of history. - February 02, 2008