Entrepreneurial Development News
Want to know how to succeed in business? Access entrepreneurial development news about leadership, launching side hustles, creating perfect pitches, developing a business mindset, managing projects and more. This section highlights influencers, seminars, events and opportunities that enhance an entrepreneurs’ ability to achieve success.
Insightful Selling: Learn The Sales FormulaTM to Differentiate Yourself and Create Customer Value
Sales professionals who wish to survive the challenges of the 21st century market place must change or they will become irrelevant and obsolete. In his new book, Insightful Selling, Adon Rigg shares his proven system to create opportunities and value for busy and sophisticated buyers. - February 29, 2012 - Insightful Selling
Seth Kahan’s Book, "Getting Change Right," is Listed on Amazon’s Top 100 on Organizational Change
Seth Kahan is the author of the Washington Post bestseller, "Getting Change Right: How Leaders Transform Organizations from the Inside Out." He provides strategy consulting to CEOs and senior leaders in both private and public sectors, and mentoring to independent consultants. - February 24, 2012 - Performance Development Group
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His New Book Design for Six Sigma (DFSS)
“I would like to use this book to clarify the evolution of Six Sigma since this seems to be a lively topic of conversation among many practitioners (even cartoonists!) these days.” Ade Asefeso - February 19, 2012 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His New Book Lean Six Sigma (Cost Reduction Strategies)
“The best Six Sigma projects begin not inside the business but outside it, focused on answering the question, how can we make the customer more competitive?” -Jack Welch - February 18, 2012 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
How to Get What You Want from Men Without Having Sex with Them
Can men seduce women into having casual sex without spending any money? Can women motivate men to spend money on them without agreeing to have sex? Find out on Thursday, March 1, 2012 at 10:00pm EST / 7:00pm PST when two book authors with strong opinions on the role that money and materialism should play in dating, relationships, and sex go head-to-head on the popular BlogTalkRadio dating and relationships talk radio podcast program, "Upfront & Straightforward with Alan Roger Currie." - February 17, 2012 - Mode One Multimedia, Inc.
Michigan State University Internet Professionals and Co-Authors Interview to be Aired on WJR Radio, Thursday, March 1 at 7:00 PM
Creators of Michigan State University’s New Media Course Richard T. Cole, PhD and Ingenex Digital Marketing CEO, Derek Mehraban to Discuss the Impact of Social Media with MSU President Lou Anna K. Simon and MSU Athletic Director, Mark Hollis - February 16, 2012 - Ingenex Digital Marketing
New Resource for Men Wanting to File for Divorce in Washington State
Men Now Have a Coach and Playbook for Surviving Divorce - February 13, 2012 - Law Offices of Molly B. Kenny
New Video Contradicts Media Reports in Famous Russian Spy Story
Omnicom Press announces the video release of Alexander Litvinenko: The Russian Spy Story Unraveled. - February 13, 2012 - Omnicom Press
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His New Book CEO Guide to Doing Business in Canada
A recent study comparing business costs in Canada, Europe and the USA placed Canada ahead of other G8 countries across a broad range of business operating costs. - February 10, 2012 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His New Book CEO Guide To Doing Business In Australia
The commercial environment in Australia is regarded as exceptionally friendly and attractive to business with room for growth. Australian willingness to give new products and ideas a try recommends the country as a good market to do business. - February 06, 2012 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
D. F. Pierce Author Releases 6 Books in 3 Mounths
Pierce, dyslexic author, took 22 years to write 3 of the 6 books released. Only weeks to create his short stories, Pierce never gave up, every word he wrote he had to look up to check the spelling several times. Not a single sentence looked the same twice to Pierce. At first, people he new would... - February 05, 2012 - Power or Wow
eToro Releases Chinese Version of OpenBook
eToro, the world’s largest investment network, announced today the availability of OpenBook in Chinese Mandarin, an online social trading platform used to trade foreign currencies, commodities and indices. eToro's OpenBook provides real time feeds of expert traders' positions and profits,... - February 05, 2012 - eToro Group Ltd.
New Online Video Teaches Personal Fitness Trainers and Coaches How to Gain Media Exposure and Handle Fitness Business Interviews
A new online interview focuses on giving good media interviews in the fitness business. It also discusses exposure, building a brand and taking advantage of media opportunities. - February 04, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Kristin Zhivago’s "Roadmap to Revenue" Nominated for 2012 Small Business Book Award
Voting has opened for the 2012 Small Business Book Awards. Nominated is Kristin Zhivago's Roadmap to Revenue: How to Sell the Way Your Customers Want to Buy, which teaches readers how to sell more by reverse-engineering their successful sales. - February 03, 2012 - Zhivago Management Partners, Inc.
CS3 Technology Recognizes Outstanding Clients with Their 18 Essential Behavior Program
Alan Lister with The Hardesty Family Foundation has been honored as the recipient of the “Be Authentic” Essential Behavior recognition. - February 02, 2012 - CS3 Technology
Local Inventor Introduces the New Craft of Craft Stick Bending at the Puget Sound Popsicle Stick Bridge Building Competition
Brad Griffith owner of IMPACT Product Development & Marketing LLC has invented the new craft of Craft Stick Bending.com. This is the new art, craft & engineering of craft wood of all kinds for the purpose of making new crafts, toys, gifts and more. Griffith teaches these new skills on How-to DVDs for crafters of all ages. Griffith hopes to teach popsicle stick bridge builders, a new twist for future competitions. - February 02, 2012 - IMPACT Product Development & Marketing LLC
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His Latest Book CEO Guide to Doing Business in South Africa
South Africa is a sophisticated and promising market, offering a combination of well-developed First World economic infrastructure with a vibrant emerging market economy. - January 28, 2012 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
Jawoco Has Launched Its Own Journal by the Name of Scientific Business Review
Recently, Jawoco has launched its journal by the name "Scientific Business Review." Last year, it was heard that Jawoco would be launching a new division under its company and would be related to education. For that the company launched Academia Search in Jawoco Search engine and then... - January 20, 2012 - Jawoco
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His Latest Book CEO Guide to Doing Business in USA
The U.S market largely revolves around networking; the way to tackle this market is to build relationships, attend events, and build your brand. Passive business styles do not work well; companies looking to enter this highly competitive market should be prepared to take a proactive approach. - January 19, 2012 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
New Free E-Book Teaches How to Choose Excellent Microfinance Management Software
iTrends is happy to bring to you a free eBook titled “The Essential Guide to Selecting Excellent Microfinance Management Software.” This document explains the important considerations to be taken into account when selecting microfinance solutions. - January 10, 2012 - iTrends Software Limited
RealOrganized, Inc. Upgrades RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software and Adds New Training Options
RealtyJuggler Real Estate Software has been upgraded with over 65 customer-requested new enhancements. Additionally, three new video tutorials are available, an online Webinar is offered, and new one-on-one training is now available. - January 09, 2012 - RealOrganized, Inc.
Warren Whitlock Hosts New Social Media Profit Radio Show
Warren Whitlock, author of “Profitable Social Media: Business Results Without Playing Games” and “Twitter Revolution: How Social Media and Mobile Marketing is Changing the Way We Do Business & Market Online” announces social media radio series. - January 09, 2012 - Carbon Digits
The Official Adventure Boot Camp Exercise Drill Book Offers More Than 100 Boot Fitness Camp Workouts Ideas to Keep Clients Coming Back
Boot camps are both effective and popular from coast to coast. Now, the Adventure Boot Camp Drill book by Kelli Calabrese provides trainers and teachers more than 100 different workouts they can use to help their clients stay fit and committed. - January 04, 2012 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Local Author and College Professor Dr. Daniel Cillis to Appear on Good Day New Mexico, Jan. 6th to Talk About Centennial and What Might Have Been
Dr. Daniel R. Cillis, college professor, author and part-time New Mexico resident will appear on KOB’s Good Day New Mexico Friday, January 6th 2012, 11am (MST) - just in time to celebrate New Mexico’s Centennial. Talk show host Irene Estrada will interview Dr. Cillis about his new novel, Statehood of Affairs, a story about New Mexico’s journey to statehood set in 1911 as told through the eyes of lovers with ties to opposite sides of the border. Available online at Barnes & Noble and Amazon. - January 04, 2012 - Dr. Daniel Cillis
The Matrix Mind Success Mentoring Website Now Offers Bonus Training Video and Content from “The Compass” Personal Development Movie
The Matrix Mind is a method for success that helps people learn more, earn more and experience more by harnessing the power of the mind. To help more people achieve this state, The Matrix Mind program website now offers bonus inspirational video from the movie, “The Compass.” - December 27, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
“The Code” eBook Offers Expert Secrets to Lifelong Personal Success in Any Industry, Any Project, Any Goal
With input from more than 40 experts across diverse industries, “The Code” downloadable ebook offers top-notch tips to achieving goals and realizing dreams in any endeavor. The personal development book is now available online at http://www.thecodeebook.com/ - December 23, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Miravista Press Challenges Every American to Pass the U.S. Citizenship Test with the Release of Their New Book, the American Challenge
MiraVista Press releases a new book, The American Challenge, that includes what every American should know about their country. Recent studies have shown that almost half of the country is ignorant about basic civics and historical facts about America. This book addresses that lack of knowledge. - December 20, 2011 - MiraVista Press
Fitness Pros John Spencer Ellis and Kelli Calabrese Offer Free Video Training from Fitness Fortunes Live Event
Sharing the secrets that they have shared with fitness pros around the world with a broader audience, John Spencer Ellis and Kelli Calabrese now offer a free video training on creating a fitness fortune online. The video was filmed at Fitness Fortunes and provides five key tips on creating a fitness fortune. - December 17, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Infibeam Unveils Advit Sahdev's Much Awaited eBook
Infibeam announces the much awaited ebook, Social Media ROI by Advit Sahdev. His latest ebook has been launched with Infibeam. It covers a spectrum of modern and important metrics in the world of Social Media marketing. - December 17, 2011 - Infibeam.com
Living Small Press Publishes Exit City (Occupy the Whole Damned Thing) by British Arts Council Book of the Year Author Michael J. Alan
Says Living Small Press editor Delphine Cheney, "Alan's novel is a kind of Atlas Mugged. The corporate pandemic monetizes humanity, shifting rewards from creators and producers to gamblers and executive con artists. Occupy groups protest student debt, outsourcing, downsizing, backbreaking... - December 16, 2011 - Living Small Press
Celebrity Personal Trainer in 30 Days Offers Tips and Secrets to Success in Industry Niche
The Celebrity Personal Trainer in 30 Days website provides an online program that includes a blueprint for becoming a successful trainer to the stars. The site was developed by John Spencer Ellis and Kelli Calabrese, who have both trained numerous celebrities and starred in a variety of programs. - December 14, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
New "Basic Guide for Marketing Strategies" Book with Valuable Tips for Breakthrough Growth. Finding the Difference Between Glitz & Guts In Your Marketing Message.
Robert J Sherwood releases 8th in a Series of Basic Guides. Marketing Strategies Guide can save you money, give you a competitive edge and help you develop a well-tuned marketing program. Available on iPad, Nook, Kindle, Android and Galaxy today. - December 14, 2011 - Sherwood Basic Guide Books
New Book Transforms Fear, Anxiety Into Winning Confidence in Uncertain Times
“Rare Confidence: Strategies & Inspiration To Strengthen Your Belief That You Can Achieve Anything!” by David Shirey demonstrates how to obtain unbeatable self-confidence living in one of the worst economic climates in history. - December 07, 2011 - David Shirey
Unbound Medicine and Johns Hopkins Launch HIV Website for Central America - Spanish-Language Guide Created and Distributed Using the Unbound™ Platform
Unbound Medicine, a leader in knowledge management solutions for healthcare, announced the launch of La Guía del VIH de Johns Hopkins, a web service developed in partnership with the Johns Hopkins POC-IT Center. The service, a Spanish-language adaptation of the Johns Hopkins HIV Guide, is a... - December 06, 2011 - Unbound Medicine
Live as if Everything is a Miracle; You Can Find Happiness by Embracing the Intersection of the Sweet and the Nothing
E-Play Magazine is providing you with the following tools and services: 1. self help and motivational books; 2. Self help and motivational c.d.'s (on topics, personal relationships, business relationships and family relationships); 3. Ana Weber President of E-Play Magazine is giving you the opportunity to ask your pressing questions via her Hot line support and open to speak at your next event; topics: attitude, happiness, work, time and money. - December 01, 2011 - E-Play Magazine Corp
New Mexico Private Detective Adventure Thriller Novel Asks, "Who is Killing the Media?"
An unknown criminal is out to kill a group of reporters and pin the crimes on Jack Vane. Now accused of murder, and hunted by powerful forces, Jack must solve the crime against those he most despises in Jeffrey Friedberg’s new detective adventure novel, “Red, White, and Dead – Kill The Media.” (Volume 1) (ISBN 9780615541303, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Jeffrey A. Friedberg, 2011). - December 01, 2011 - Jeffrey A Friedberg
Plan C: The Full-Time Employee and Part-Time Entrepreneur--New Book Released to Redefine the American Dream
Author Dr. Erin Albert releases a new book developing entrepreneurship in an alternative way and redefines the American Dream. - December 01, 2011 - Yuspie, LLC
The “Ultimate Life Coach Business Book” with Tips on Successful Coaching Across Industries Now Available for Free Online
The “Ultimate Life Coach Business Book,” offered by John Spencer Ellis and Topher Morrison, provides the secrets to succeeding in the coaching business. The book is now available for free download at http://ultimatelifecoachbusinessbook.com/ - November 29, 2011 - John Spencer Ellis Fitness & Personal Development
Ade Asefeso MCIPS MBA Published His Latest Book CEO Guide to Doing Business in Nigeria
Ade said in his book “Are you a CEO, consultant or entrepreneur interested in entering or expanding your activity in Nigeria? If you are then this book is for you.” - November 22, 2011 - AA Global Sourcing Ltd
A New Look at Seed-Stage Venture Investing: An Insider's Guide to Start-Ups Co-Authored by Jonathan Lasch, the Exec. Dir. of the Alfred E. Mann Institute at USC
Jonathan Lasch, Executive Director of the Alfred E. Mann Institute at the University of Southern California and William Robbins, founder of Convergent Management Inc. and managing director of Convergent Ventures in Los Angeles, join forces to gather their wisdom into an insightful book. - November 20, 2011 - Alfred Mann Institute at the University of Southern California
Daytona Beach Private Investigator Authors Book Chapter
Harvey E. Morse, President of Locaters International, Inc., authored a chapter in the book, “Advanced Private Investigation,” on locating missing heirs. Mr. Morse’s family has continuously served the legal community since 1939, helping to locate missing and unknown heirs. Mr. Morse is also a Florida police sergeant serving in Volusia County. - November 19, 2011 - Locaters International, Inc.
Take a Stand on Financial Education and Occupy the Holidays with Rich Dad
Boost financial literacy and save 10-40% off unique gifts from The Rich Dad Company at http://bit.ly/FinancialEducationHoliday - November 19, 2011 - The Rich Dad Company
Diana Garber Selected as a "Top-Idea Maven" by the Woman's Advantage
Diana Garber’s quote was not only selected from over 5,000 submissions for The 2012 Woman’s Advantage Shared Wisdom Calendar, it appears on a very special day. “To be selected when there are a limited number of days in a year is an honor, but to be on Christmas day gives new... - November 18, 2011 - Intuitive Concepts, Inc.
HR Outsourcing Firm CPEhr Produces New Corporate Video
CPEhr, Los Angeles’ leading human resources outsourcing firm, announces release of new corporate video. - November 17, 2011 - CPE HR, Inc.
Sherwood’s Basic Guide Books Releases Latest “How To” for Business Finances. Tips Gathered from CPAs & SBA Will Help Bypass Some "Hard Knocks"
Robert Sherwood's "A Basic Guide to Finances" released on iPad, Kindle, Nook, Galaxy and Android reader platforms. Business information regarding financial "How To" tips will benefit small businesses. Avoid the School of Hard Knocks by learning from a former Entrepreneur of the Year. - November 16, 2011 - Sherwood Basic Guide Books
SAPinsider Publishes New Primer on the SAP OEM Partner Program
OEM Partner Program Puts Innovative SAP Technology Platforms into New Hands - November 16, 2011 - Wellesley Information Services
Suspense Thriller This Way Madness Comes Receives Best New Fiction at the 2011 International Book Awards
Author, Robert Alan is pleased to announce that his book, This Way Madness Comes, received the Best New Fiction Award at the 2011 International Book Awards. - November 15, 2011 - Author, Robert Alan
Single. Women. Entrepreneurs: Second Digital-Only Edition with Bonus Materials Now Released
The second and updated edition of the book, Single. Women. Entrepreneurs. exploring over thirty single women entrepreneurs’ lives, is now available by author Erin Albert and Yuspie, LLC as a digital-only edition with bonus materials. - November 15, 2011 - Yuspie, LLC
Educating the Public Through Educating the Students
Science2Discover™ Announces “Gene’s World” and “Gene and You”—a simple way to introduce elementary school kids to the world of genetics and biotechnology. - November 12, 2011 - Science2Discover
Author, Carl A. Benson, Sr. Releases New Book to Get Races Talking the Truth to Each Other Again
Author and lecturer, Carl A. Benson, Sr. is pleased to announce his book, What Your Black Friends Don't Tell You. His purpose in writing this book is to get races talking the truth to each other again. - November 12, 2011 - Author, Carl A. Benson, Sr.